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#   PaPaPro Lake benthic biodiversity
#   Palau marine lake transect biodiversity survey, 2014-2016
#   M. Dawson (UC- version 2 [rsion date: 2019-05-08
#   version 2 [replaces 2014-11-27 version 1/2014-11-27]
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
BCM      Big_Crocodile_Lake_Mecherchar      7.1556    134.3692   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-A     BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            Pompom alga                                                                                           rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-B     BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Pompom alga; Errant nereid A                                                                          rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-C     BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-Ci    BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Amorphic polychaete                                                                                   rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-D     BCM-03-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    polychaete did not have any defining structure when viewed back at lab under scope  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes; Orange yellow flame sponge                                                              wood                                      BCM-03-HFS-1.5m-D     BCM-03-HFS-1.5m-Di    BCM-03-HFS-1.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    beginning; encrusting on Brachidontes; Orange yellow flame sponge just a small nub starting, but had one wisp, so called it the flame sponge; barcode  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    Yellow boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-03-HFS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on shell  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            13                   Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Polynoid scale worm                                                                                   wood                                      BCM-03-HFS-4.5m-B     BCM-03-HFS-4.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            13                   Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-4.5m-C     BCM-03-HFS-4.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-HFS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            14                   Purple Dendrilla                          Beige grey encrusting Halisarca; Brachidontes; Ergalatax                                              wood                                      BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-C     BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-Ci    BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-Cii   BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            14                   Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Purple Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                        wood                                      BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-D     BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-Di    BCM-03-HFS-5.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    grey, but had texture of Haliclona; just starting?  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             18                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  BCM-03-HFS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     25               A     24                    7.32            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    at chemocline  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     25               B     24                    7.32            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     25               C     24                    7.32            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   HFS     25               D     24                    7.32            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove root                             BCM-04-HFS-0.5m-A     BCM-04-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-04-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-04-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Errant nereid A; Brachidontes                                                                         mangrove root                             BCM-04-HFS-0.5m-D     BCM-04-HFS-0.5m-Di    BCM-04-HFS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    alga in with Dendrilla  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes; Orange pimply encrusting sponge; Gammarid amphipod; Errant nereid A; Cream Tethya       mangrove root                             BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-B     BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Bi    BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Bii   BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Biii  BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Biv   BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Bv    nd                    nd                    Orange pimply encrusting sponge was just starting; ID uncertain; barcode  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-C     BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Brachidontes; Entacmaea; Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                              mangrove root                             BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-D     BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Di    BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Dii   BCM-04-HFS-1.5m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud and wood and leaf litter              BCM-04-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain; piece  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood and leaf litter              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood and leaf litter              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Errant nereid A                                                                                       mud and wood and leaf litter              BCM-04-HFS-2.5m-D     BCM-04-HFS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain; piece  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax; Brachidontes; Beige grey encrusting Halisarca; Entacmaea                                   shell with mud                            BCM-04-HFS-3.5m-D     BCM-04-HFS-3.5m-Di    BCM-04-HFS-3.5m-Dii   BCM-04-HFS-3.5m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2nd Entacmaea on Brachidontes put in same tube as Primary  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in white layer  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in white layer  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            11                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            BCM-04-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    DWC scattered on surface  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     25               A     24                    7.32            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    at chemocline  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     25               B     24                    7.32            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     25               C     24                    7.32            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   HFS     25               D     24                    7.32            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-06-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distances corrected for tie in at -0.6 m  
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-06-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Blue cream fine mesh Dendrilla            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-06-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-06-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            1.2                  Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-06-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            1.2                  White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-06-HFS-1.5m-B     BCM-06-HFS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            1.2                  Orange claymation sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-06-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            1.2                  Blue cream fine mesh Dendrilla            Errant nereid B                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-06-HFS-1.5m-D     BCM-06-HFS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            3.6                  Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           wood                                      BCM-06-HFS-2.5m-A     BCM-06-HFS-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            3.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-06-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            3.6                  Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-06-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            3.6                  Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             wood                                      BCM-06-HFS-2.5m-D     BCM-06-HFS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            5.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and roots                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered Entacmaea at this depth  
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            5.6                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-06-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            5.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and roots                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            5.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and roots                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            8.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            8.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            8.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            8.6                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell                            BCM-06-HFS-4.5m-D     BCM-06-HFS-4.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            11.6                 Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    shell                                     BCM-06-HFS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            11.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            11.6                 Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    shell                                     BCM-06-HFS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            11.6                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    shell                                     BCM-06-HFS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             14.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered Entacmaea at this depth  
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             14.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             14.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             14.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            17.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline at 26 ft  
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            17.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            17.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            17.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    Entacmaea; Brachidontes                                                                               mangrove root                             BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-A     BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-Ai    BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distances corrected for tie in at -1 m  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Errant nereid A; Banded brittle star; Filamentous green alga                                          mangrove root                             BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-C     BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-Ci    BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-Cii   BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Errant nereid A; Filamentous green alga                                                               mangrove root                             BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-D     BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-Di    BCM-09-HFS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            1.6                  Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  Brachidontes; Filamentous green alga                                                                  mangrove root                             BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-A     BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-Ai    BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            1.6                  White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Errant nereid A; Ergalatax; Brachidontes                                                              mangrove root                             BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-B     BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-Bi    BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-Bii   BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            1.6                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Errant nereid A; Short setae short polychaete                                                         mangrove root                             BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-C     BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-Ci    BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            1.6                  Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-09-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Pompom alga                                                                                           wood                                      BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-A     BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Cream Tethya                              Entacmaea; Pompom alga                                                                                wood                                      BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-B     BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-Bi    BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Blue cream fine mesh Dendrilla            Polynoid scale worm; Gammarid amphipod; Brachidontes                                                  wood                                      BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-D     BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-Di    BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-Dii   BCM-09-HFS-2.5m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            4.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    hang straight down from mangroves to 4.5 m, 11 ft  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            4.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            4.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            4.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea abundant at this depth; Orange red inferno Suberites and Tethya on tree  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-09-HFS-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-09-HFS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-HFS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    fallen tree  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea abundant at this depth  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-09-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea on shell  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered Entacmaea at this depth  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             11                   Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           mud with shell                            BCM-09-HFS-6.5m-D     BCM-09-HFS-6.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     25               A     24                    7.32            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    at chemocline  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     25               B     24                    7.32            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     25               C     24                    7.32            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   HFS     25               D     24                    7.32            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.6                  Midnight blue cumulus sponge              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.6                  Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.6                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Polynoid scale worm                                                                                   mangrove root                             BCM-10-HFS-0.5m-C     BCM-10-HFS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.6                  Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2.6                  Orange yellow flame sponge                Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-A     BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2.6                  Cream Tethya                              Errant nereid A; Gammarid amphipod                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-B     BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-Bi    BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-Bii   BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    1 amphipod in Bii and 1 amphipod in Biii  
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2.6                  Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            26                   Purple Dendrilla                          Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona; Brachidontes                                                  mangrove root                             BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-D     BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-Di    BCM-10-HFS-1.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            4.5                  Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             wood                                      BCM-10-HFS-2.5m-A     BCM-10-HFS-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            4.5                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes; Errant nereid A                                                                         wood                                      BCM-10-HFS-2.5m-B     BCM-10-HFS-2.5m-Bi    BCM-10-HFS-2.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            4.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-10-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            4.5                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-10-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-10-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-10-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            10                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          shelly mud                                BCM-10-HFS-4.5m-B     BCM-10-HFS-4.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-10-HFS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-10-HFS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            12                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          shelly mud                                BCM-10-HFS-5.5m-B     BCM-10-HFS-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-10-HFS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            12                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-10-HFS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             BCM-10-HFS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             BCM-10-HFS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    above chemocline  
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Blue cream fine mesh Dendrilla            Banded brittle star                                                                                   mangrove root                             BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-A     BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-Ai    BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 tubes of brittle stars; first with one individual, second with ~40  
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-B     BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian; Errant nereid A; Brachidontes                               mangrove root                             BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-D     BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-Di    BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-Dii   BCM-12-HFS-0.5m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Pompom alga                               Orange red inferno Suberites                                                                          rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-1.5m-A     BCM-12-HFS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Justsawacroc afro sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      Errant nereid A                                                                                       rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-3.5m-A     BCM-12-HFS-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain; barcode  
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-3.5m-B     BCM-12-HFS-3.5m-Bi    BCM-12-HFS-3.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf litter            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf litter            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf litter            BCM-12-HFS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf litter            BCM-12-HFS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on twig  
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             BCM-12-HFS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on wood  
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             BCM-12-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on wood  
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             BCM-12-HFS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on shell  
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments and mud                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments and mud                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments and mud                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments and mud                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     25               A     22                    6.71            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     25               B     22                    6.71            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     25               C     22                    6.71            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   HFS     25               D     22                    6.71            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-13-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Midnight blue cumulus sponge              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-13-HFS-0.5m-B     BCM-13-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian                                                              mangrove root                             BCM-13-HFS-0.5m-C     BCM-13-HFS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-13-HFS-0.5m-D     BCM-13-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Beige pink supersoft Haliclona seen on Brachidontes at depth, but not at surface  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes; Long setae short polychaete                                                             mangrove root                             BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-A     BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Ai    BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-B     BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian; Brachidontes; Errant nereid A                               mangrove root                             BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-C     BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Ci    BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Cii   BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Ciii  BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Civ   nd                    nd                    nd                    1 Errant nereid A each in Ciii and Civ  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            Orange yellow flame sponge; Errant nereid A; Gammarid amphipod                                        mangrove root                             BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-D     BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Di    BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Dii   BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Diii  BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Div   BCM-13-HFS-1.5m-Dv    nd                    nd                    sponges on a Brachidontes shell that was full of amphipods; 1 Errant nereid A in each Dii and Diii; 1 amphipod in Div, 20+ in Dv  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            3.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               BCM-13-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            3.5                  Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             shelly mud with leaf litter               BCM-13-HFS-2.5m-D     BCM-13-HFS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 Entacmaea  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    muddy shell fragments and leaf litter     BCM-13-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in sediment  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    muddy shell fragments and leaf litter     BCM-13-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in sediment  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy shell fragments and leaf litter     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    muddy shell fragments and leaf litter     BCM-13-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in sediment  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    muddy shell fragments and leaf litter     BCM-13-HFS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on mud  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            9                    Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           muddy shell fragments and leaf litter     BCM-13-HFS-4.5m-B     BCM-13-HFS-4.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            9                    Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           muddy shell fragments and leaf litter     BCM-13-HFS-4.5m-C     BCM-13-HFS-4.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            9                    Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           muddy shell fragments and leaf litter     BCM-13-HFS-4.5m-D     BCM-13-HFS-4.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            12                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments and mud                   BCM-13-HFS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in white layer  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shell fragments and mud                   BCM-13-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes, Brachidontes and Dinky white clam shell fragments  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments and mud                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            12                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    shell fragments and mud                   BCM-13-HFS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in white layer  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    above chemocline  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in white layer  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-01-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-01-LMS-0.5m-C     BCM-01-LMS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-01-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            1.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Or is this just part of Pompom alga  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            1.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            1.5                  Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    could just be part of Pompom without pompoms  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    could just be part of Pompom without pompoms  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-3.5m-C     BCM-01-LMS-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      BCM-01-LMS-3.5m-D     BCM-01-LMS-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     15               A     15                    4.57            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     15               B     15                    4.57            9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-01-LMS-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     15               C     15                    4.57            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and wood                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     15               D     15                    4.57            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria layer  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria layer  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria layer  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria layer  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     21               A     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria layer  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     21               B     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria layer  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     21               C     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria layer  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   LMS     21               D     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria layer  
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Banded brittle star                                                                                   wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-0.5m-D     BCM-02-LMS-0.5m-Di    BCM-02-LMS-0.5m-Dii   BCM-02-LMS-0.5m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Multiple Banded brittle stars; single in i; single in ii; many in iii   
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Cream Tethya                              Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-A     BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  Pompom alga; Brachidontes                                                                             mangrove root                             BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-B     BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-Bi    BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Pompom alga; Ergalatax                                                                                mangrove root                             BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-D     BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-Di    BCM-02-LMS-1.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     8                A     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     8                B     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     8                C     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     8                D     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-02-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-02-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               Errant nereid A                                                                                       mud and shell                             BCM-02-LMS-3.5m-D     BCM-02-LMS-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     15               A     14                    4.27            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     15               B     14                    4.27            7                    Pompom alga                               Ergalatax                                                                                             wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-4.5m-B     BCM-02-LMS-4.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     15               C     14                    4.27            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     15               D     14                    4.27            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-02-LMS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-02-LMS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-02-LMS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-02-LMS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   Pompom alga                               Errant nereid A                                                                                       mud and shell                             BCM-02-LMS-6.5m-A     BCM-02-LMS-6.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-02-LMS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     8                A     7                     2.13            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     8                B     7                     2.13            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     8                C     7                     2.13            3                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     8                D     7                     2.13            3                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             BCM-05-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria and dead Dinky white clam shells  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       BCM-05-LMS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       BCM-05-LMS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-05-LMS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              BCM-05-LMS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wood was just a tiny stick that the Entacmaea was attached to  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              BCM-05-LMS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two Microsnails in tube  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     25               A     24                    7.32            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell looked like Brachidontes shell  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     25               B     24                    7.32            15                   Yellow tuft sponge                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             BCM-05-LMS-7.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell looked like Brachidontes shell  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     25               C     24                    7.32            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell looked like Brachidontes shell  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   LMS     25               D     24                    7.32            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell looked like Brachidontes shell  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-07-LMS-0.5m-A     BCM-07-LMS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-07-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-07-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-07-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    The water felt cold at 5 to 6 feet which seemed deeper than other sites  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-07-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    The water felt cold at 5 to 6 feet which seemed deeper than other sites  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    The water felt cold at 5 to 6 feet which seemed deeper than other sites  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    The water felt cold at 5 to 6 feet which seemed deeper than other sites  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-07-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     15               A     15                    4.57            8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lost sample in mud before collected  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     15               B     15                    4.57            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     15               C     15                    4.57            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     15               D     15                    4.57            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              BCM-07-LMS-5.5m-A     BCM-07-LMS-5.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    one sample in first tube and multiple in second  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-07-LMS-5.5m-B     BCM-07-LMS-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    one sample in first tube and multiple in second  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               Fine branching green alga                                                                             wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-1.5m-B     BCM-08-LMS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               Fine branching green alga                                                                             wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-1.5m-C     BCM-08-LMS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Brachidontes; Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona                                                  wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-A     BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-Ai    BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    I thought iii was a CG Dendrilla but after discuss changed it  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    White striped siphon solitary ascidian                                                                wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-B     BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            Errant nereid A; Gammarid amphipod                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-D     BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-Di    BCM-08-LMS-2.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-3.5m-B     BCM-08-LMS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Olive yellow encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     15               A     14                    4.27            9                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            Gammarid amphipod; Errant nereid A                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-4.5m-A     BCM-08-LMS-4.5m-Ai    BCM-08-LMS-4.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     15               B     14                    4.27            9                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     15               C     14                    4.27            9                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     15               D     14                    4.27            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            11                   Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Errant nereid A                                                                                       wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-5.5m-B     BCM-08-LMS-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            11                   Orange red inferno Suberites              Errant nereid A                                                                                       wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-5.5m-C     BCM-08-LMS-5.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            11                   Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-08-LMS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove root                             BCM-11-LMS-0.5m-A     BCM-11-LMS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-11-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-11-LMS-0.5m-C     BCM-11-LMS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Mauve encrusting dendro sponge            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-11-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    was not crunchy  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-11-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            Polynoid scale worm                                                                                   mangrove root                             BCM-11-LMS-1.5m-B     BCM-11-LMS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Filamentous green alga                    Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-11-LMS-1.5m-C     BCM-11-LMS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-11-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              BCM-11-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Entacmaea                                 Cream Tethya                                                                                          wood and mud                              BCM-11-LMS-2.5m-B     BCM-11-LMS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              BCM-11-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              BCM-11-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-11-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    very very tiny  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-11-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-11-LMS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-11-LMS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-11-LMS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-11-LMS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-11-LMS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-11-LMS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             11                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and wood                    BCM-11-LMS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    encrusting on wood and may be different  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-14-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Midnight blue cumulus sponge              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-14-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal; turned ethanol black  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Transparent red dot ascidian              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-14-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Transparent red dot ascidian              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-14-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect estimated because under mangroves; sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect estimated because under mangroves; sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect estimated because under mangroves; sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect estimated because under mangroves; sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect estimated because under mangroves; sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect estimated because under mangroves; sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect estimated because under mangroves; sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect estimated because under mangroves; sampled to left of transect line instead of right because Mariana was too close and kicked her fins through my would have been right horizontal  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            4                    Orange amorphous mat sponge               nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       BCM-14-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria; this sponge may just be dying as it was on the sediment under the mangrove  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            4                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       BCM-14-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-14-LMS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    Orange yellow canaled encrusting sponge   Brachidontes; Entacmaea                                                                               mud and shell                             BCM-14-LMS-4.5m-B     BCM-14-LMS-4.5m-Bi    BCM-14-LMS-4.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-14-LMS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    Golden roe sponge                         nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-14-LMS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-14-LMS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-14-LMS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no sample  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-14-LMS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-LMS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Cream Tethya                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca; Brachidontes                                                         mangrove roots                            BCM-03-MAF-0.5m-A     BCM-03-MAF-0.5m-Ai    BCM-03-MAF-0.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove roots                            BCM-03-MAF-0.5m-B     BCM-03-MAF-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-03-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-03-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Brachidontes                              White striped siphon solitary ascidian; Banded brittle star; Banded brittle star                      mangrove roots                            BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-A     BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Ai    BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Aii   BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Aiii  BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Aiv   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian; White striped siphon solitary ascidian; Banded brittle star; Ergalatax  mangrove roots                            BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-B     BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Bi    BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Bii   BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Biii  BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Biv   BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Bv    BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Bvi   BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Bvii  nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Brachidontes                              White striped siphon solitary ascidian                                                                mangrove roots                            BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-D     BCM-03-MAF-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.4             3                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.7             5                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.7             5                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.7             5                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.7             5                    Filamentous green alga                    Errant nereid A                                                                                       mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.3             6                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-4.5m-A     BCM-03-MAF-4.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.3             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.3             6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.3             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.3             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.3             8                    Pompom alga                               White striped siphon solitary ascidian                                                                mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-5.5m-B     BCM-03-MAF-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.3             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.3             8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.6             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.6             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.6             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.6             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.4             13                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-7.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.4             13                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-03-MAF-7.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-04-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-04-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-04-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-04-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.3             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-04-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.3             2                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-04-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.3             2                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-04-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.8             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.8             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.8             4                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-04-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.8             4                    Midnight blue cumulus sponge              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.5             5                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-04-MAF-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.5             7                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-04-MAF-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.5             7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-04-MAF-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.5             7                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-04-MAF-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.5             10                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-04-MAF-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.5             10                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-04-MAF-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      Filamentous green alga                                                                                mangroves                                 BCM-06-MAF-0.5m-A     BCM-06-MAF-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 BCM-06-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      Brachidontes; Errant nereid A                                                                         mangroves                                 BCM-06-MAF-0.5m-D     BCM-06-MAF-0.5m-Di    BCM-06-MAF-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 BCM-06-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 BCM-06-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.7.            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.7             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.7             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.7             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.6             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.6             7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-06-MAF-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.6             7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-06-MAF-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.6             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.4             9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-06-MAF-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.4             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.4             9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-06-MAF-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.4             9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-06-MAF-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.3             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.3             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.3             11                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-06-MAF-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.3             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     2                A     nd                    0..5            0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 BCM-09-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             0.5                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 BCM-09-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.6             1.5                  Dinky white clam                          Cream Tethya; Errant nereid A                                                                         mangroves                                 BCM-09-MAF-1.5m-A     BCM-09-MAF-1.5m-Ai    BCM-09-MAF-1.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.6             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.6             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.6             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangroves                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.8             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    stone with mud layer                      BCM-09-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.8             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    stone with mud layer                      BCM-09-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.8             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    stone with mud layer                      BCM-09-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.8             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    stone with mud layer                      BCM-09-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.7             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    stone with mud layer                      BCM-09-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.7             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    stone with mud layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.7             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    stone with mud layer                      BCM-09-MAF-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.7             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    stone with mud layer                      BCM-09-MAF-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.5             7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-09-MAF-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.5             7                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-09-MAF-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.5             7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-09-MAF-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.5             12                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    broke during transfer  
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-10-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-10-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-10-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-10-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-10-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.3             7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           BCM-10-MAF-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.3             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.3             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.3             7                    Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             mud with shells                           BCM-10-MAF-4.5m-D     BCM-10-MAF-4.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.3             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.3             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.3             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.3             9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-10-MAF-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-12-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-12-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-12-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-12-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.3             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.3             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.3             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.3             3                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.3             3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.6             5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.6             5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.6             5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.6             5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.3             6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.3             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.3             6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.3             6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.6             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.6             9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.6             9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.6             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.6             11                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.6             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.6             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.6             11                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.4             13                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MAF-7.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Blue cream fine mesh Dendrilla            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-13-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Yellow felty holey encrusting sponge      Errant nereid A                                                                                       mangrove roots                            BCM-13-MAF-0.5m-C     BCM-13-MAF-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-13-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.7             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.7             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.7             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.7             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.6             5                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           BCM-13-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.6             5                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           BCM-13-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.5             7                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           BCM-13-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.6             10                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           BCM-13-MAF-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.6             10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           BCM-13-MAF-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.4             12                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-13-MAF-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.5             18                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-13-MAF-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.5             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.5             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.5             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.5             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Entacmaea                                 Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge                                                               rock                                      BCM-03-MND-0.5m-B     BCM-03-MND-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Ergalatax                                 Orange yellow soft bush sponge                                                                        rock                                      BCM-03-MND-0.5m-C     BCM-03-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Pompom alga                                                                                           rock                                      BCM-03-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Secondary sample lost  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     8                A     9                     2.74            8                    Brachidontes                              White yellow paint spatter sponge                                                                     wood                                      BCM-03-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Secondary sample lost  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     8                B     9                     2.74            8                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-03-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     8                C     9                     2.74            8                    Brachidontes                              Orange yellow flame sponge; Cream Tethya                                                              wood                                      BCM-03-MND-2.5m-C     BCM-03-MND-2.5m-Ci    BCM-03-MND-2.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This purported Tethya is a nubbin - needs to be barcoded!  
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     8                D     9                     2.74            8                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Errant nereid A                                                                                       wood                                      BCM-03-MND-2.5m-D     BCM-03-MND-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     15               A     15                    4.57            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     15               B     15                    4.57            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     15               C     15                    4.57            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     15               D     15                    4.57            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     18               A     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     18               B     17                    5.18            12                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     18               C     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     18               D     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-03-MND-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with fine shelly sediment            BCM-03-MND-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with fine shelly sediment            BCM-03-MND-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with fine shelly sediment            BCM-03-MND-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             14                   Justsawacroc afro sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with fine shelly sediment            BCM-03-MND-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sediment                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sediment                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sediment                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S03   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sediment                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-04-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              White striped siphon solitary ascidian; Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona; Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  mangrove root                             BCM-04-MND-0.5m-B     BCM-04-MND-0.5m-Bi    BCM-04-MND-0.5m-Bii   BCM-04-MND-0.5m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-04-MND-0.5m-C     BCM-04-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-04-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-04-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-04-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian                                                              mangrove root                             BCM-04-MND-1.5m-C     BCM-04-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Orange amorphous mat sponge               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-04-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-04-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             wood                                      BCM-04-MND-2.5m-B     BCM-04-MND-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Golden roe sponge                         nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-04-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-04-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-04-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-04-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell                       BCM-04-MND-4.5m-C     BCM-04-MND-4.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    1 in primary tube and two in tube i  
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     18               A     18                    5.49            9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-04-MND-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     18               B     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     18               C     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     18               D     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S04   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Ergalatax                                 Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona                                                                nd                                        BCM-06-MND-0.5m-A     BCM-06-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes; Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                         nd                                        BCM-06-MND-0.5m-B     BCM-06-MND-0.5m-Bi    BCM-06-MND-0.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Gammarid amphipod                                                                                     nd                                        BCM-06-MND-0.5m-C     BCM-06-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian; Ergalatax                                                   nd                                        BCM-06-MND-0.5m-D     BCM-06-MND-0.5m-Di    BCM-06-MND-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     5                A     6                     1.83            2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        BCM-06-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     5                B     6                     1.83            2                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        BCM-06-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     5                C     6                     1.83            2                    Ergalatax                                 Entacmaea; Brachidontes                                                                               nd                                        BCM-06-MND-1.5m-C     BCM-06-MND-1.5m-Ci    BCM-06-MND-1.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     5                D     6                     1.83            2                    Brachidontes                              Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona                                                                nd                                        BCM-06-MND-1.5m-D     BCM-06-MND-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Ergalatax                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             nd                                        BCM-06-MND-2.5m-A     BCM-06-MND-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        BCM-06-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     11               A     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     11               B     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     11               C     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     11               D     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        BCM-06-MND-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        BCM-06-MND-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        BCM-06-MND-4.5m-D     BCM-06-MND-4.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        BCM-06-MND-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S06   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-09-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-09-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    White striped siphon solitary ascidian                                                                mangrove root                             BCM-09-MND-0.5m-C     BCM-09-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-09-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Quite tough to tear / pull-apart  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Orange yellow soft bush sponge                                                                        wood                                      BCM-09-MND-1.5m-A     BCM-09-MND-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Maybe flame sponge?  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Orange yellow flame sponge                                                                            wood                                      BCM-09-MND-1.5m-B     BCM-09-MND-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    BARCODE  
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     8                A     9                     2.74            3                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     8                B     9                     2.74            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     8                C     9                     2.74            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     8                D     9                     2.74            3                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     11               A     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     11               B     11                    3.35            4                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     11               C     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     11               D     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud covering wood                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     15               A     14                    4.27            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     15               B     14                    4.27            5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-09-MND-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     15               C     14                    4.27            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-09-MND-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     15               D     14                    4.27            5                    Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      BCM-09-MND-4.5m-D     BCM-09-MND-4.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     18               A     17                    5.18            7                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          wood and mud                              BCM-09-MND-5.5m-A     BCM-09-MND-5.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     18               B     17                    5.18            7                    Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       wood and mud                              BCM-09-MND-5.5m-B     BCM-09-MND-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     18               C     17                    5.18            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     18               D     17                    5.18            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with few shell fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with few shell fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with few shell fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with few shell fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     25               A     24                    7.32            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     25               B     24                    7.32            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     25               C     24                    7.32            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S09   MND     25               D     24                    7.32            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Blue cream fine mesh Dendrilla            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Transparent red dot ascidian              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            1.75                 Orange yellow flame sponge                Brachidontes; White yellow paint spatter sponge                                                       mangrove root                             BCM-10-MND-1.5m-A     BCM-10-MND-1.5m-Ai    BCM-10-MND-1.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Probably the OY flame sponge?  
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            1.75                 Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            1.75                 Brachidontes                              White striped siphon solitary ascidian                                                                mangrove root                             BCM-10-MND-1.5m-C     BCM-10-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            1.75                 Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-10-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood and shell                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood and shell                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Ergalatax                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             mud wood and shell                        BCM-10-MND-2.5m-C     BCM-10-MND-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood and shell                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacterial mat  
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              BCM-10-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     15               A     14                    4.27            7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-10-MND-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     15               B     14                    4.27            7                    Pompom alga                               Ergalatax; Brachidontes                                                                               wood                                      BCM-10-MND-4.5m-B     BCM-10-MND-4.5m-Bi    BCM-10-MND-4.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     15               C     14                    4.27            7                    Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             wood                                      BCM-10-MND-4.5m-C     BCM-10-MND-4.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     15               D     14                    4.27            7                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            Pompom alga                                                                                           wood                                      BCM-10-MND-4.5m-D     BCM-10-MND-4.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    OY flame sponge?  
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud shell and wood                        BCM-10-MND-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud shell and wood                        BCM-10-MND-5.5m-B     BCM-10-MND-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Three additional microsnails  
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and wood                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and wood                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    woody and shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    woody and shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    woody and shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    woody and shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    woody and shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    woody and shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    woody and shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S10   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    woody and shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     2                A     1                     0.3             1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-12-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     2                B     1                     0.3             1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     2                C     1                     0.3             1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-12-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     2                D     1                     0.3             1                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      BCM-12-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    Pompom alga                               Red boring sponge                                                                                     rock                                      BCM-12-MND-2.5m-B     BCM-12-MND-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    Pompom alga                               Red boring sponge                                                                                     rock                                      BCM-12-MND-2.5m-C     BCM-12-MND-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-12-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     11               A     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     11               B     11                    3.35            11                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge                                                 wood                                      BCM-12-MND-3.5m-B     BCM-12-MND-3.5m-Bi    BCM-12-MND-3.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     11               C     11                    3.35            11                   Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      BCM-12-MND-3.5m-C     BCM-12-MND-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     11               D     11                    3.35            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-12-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     15               A     15                    4.57            15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-12-MND-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     15               B     15                    4.57            15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-12-MND-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     15               C     15                    4.57            15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-12-MND-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     15               D     15                    4.57            15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                BCM-12-MND-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     18               A     18                    5.49            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sediment                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     18               B     18                    5.49            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sediment                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     18               C     18                    5.49            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sediment                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     18               D     18                    5.49            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sediment                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     21               A     22                    6.71            22                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-12-MND-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     21               B     22                    6.71            22                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      BCM-12-MND-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     21               C     22                    6.71            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     21               D     22                    6.71            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            25                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MND-7.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S12   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            25                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-12-MND-7.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-13-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Cream Tethya                              Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona                                                                mangrove root                             BCM-13-MND-0.5m-B     BCM-13-MND-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Orange yellow dripping digitate sponge                                                                mangrove root                             BCM-13-MND-0.5m-C     BCM-13-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-13-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This sponge is slightly tough when pulled apart, but tears easily  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     5                A     6                     1.83            2                    Brachidontes                              White striped siphon solitary ascidian                                                                mangrove root                             BCM-13-MND-1.5m-A     BCM-13-MND-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     5                B     6                     1.83            2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-13-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     5                C     6                     1.83            2                    Orange yellow dripping digitate sponge    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-13-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     5                D     6                     1.83            2                    Orange yellow dripping digitate sponge    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-13-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     8                A     9                     2.74            3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-13-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     8                B     9                     2.74            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-13-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     8                C     9                     2.74            3                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             BCM-13-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     8                D     9                     2.74            3                    Orange yellow flame sponge                Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  mud and shell                             BCM-13-MND-2.5m-D     BCM-13-MND-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     11               A     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     11               B     11                    3.35            4                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          shell and mud                             BCM-13-MND-3.5m-B     BCM-13-MND-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     11               C     11                    3.35            4                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          shell and mud                             BCM-13-MND-3.5m-C     BCM-13-MND-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Colour variant?  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     11               D     11                    3.35            4                    Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       shell and mud                             BCM-13-MND-3.5m-D     BCM-13-MND-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with woody fragments leaf and shell   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with woody fragments leaf and shell   BCM-13-MND-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with woody fragments leaf and shell   BCM-13-MND-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with woody fragments leaf and shell   BCM-13-MND-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell and leaf              BCM-13-MND-5.5m-A     BCM-13-MND-5.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Four more microsnails in tube "i"  
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell and leaf              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell and leaf              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell and leaf              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     21               A     20.5                  6.25            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell and leaf              BCM-13-MND-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     21               B     20.5                  6.25            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell and leaf              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     21               C     20.5                  6.25            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell and leaf              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     21               D     20.5                  6.25            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell and leaf              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S13   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-01-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-01-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-01-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-01-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-01-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.6             4                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-01-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.6             4                    Ergalatax                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             mud                                       BCM-01-MRS-2.5m-B     BCM-01-MRS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.6             4                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-01-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.6             4                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-01-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.6             6                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-01-MRS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.6             6                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-01-MRS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.6             6                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-01-MRS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.6             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.6             8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    Log                                       BCM-01-MRS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.6             8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    Log                                       BCM-01-MRS-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.6             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.6             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-01-MRS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     25               A     nd                    7               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     25               B     nd                    7               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     25               C     nd                    7               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   MRS     25               D     nd                    7               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-02-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-02-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            BCM-02-MRS-0.5m-C     BCM-02-MRS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             2                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-02-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sample missing  
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             2                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-02-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             2                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-02-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.6             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-02-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.6             4                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-02-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.6             4                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-02-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.6             4                    Orange yellow canaled encrusting sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          leaves                                    BCM-02-MRS-2.5m-D     BCM-02-MRS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-02-MRS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-02-MRS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-02-MRS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-02-MRS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.6             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.6             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.6             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.6             7                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.5             9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.5             14                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-02-MRS-7.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             4                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             4                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-05-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             5                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.5             9                    Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-4.5m-A     BCM-05-MRS-4.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.5             9                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.4             10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.4             10                   Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.6             12                   Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.6             12                   Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-6.5m-B     BCM-05-MRS-6.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.6             12                   Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-6.5m-C     BCM-05-MRS-6.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.6             12                   Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-6.5m-D     BCM-05-MRS-6.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.5             14                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-05-MRS-7.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             0.7                  Orange yellow soft bush sponge            Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove roots                            BCM-07-MRS-0.5m-A     BCM-07-MRS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             0.7                  Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-07-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             0.7                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-07-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             0.7                  Blue cream fine mesh Dendrilla            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-07-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-07-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             3                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-07-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             3                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-07-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             5                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.5             9                    Ergalatax                                 Purple Dendrilla                                                                                      mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-4.5m-A     BCM-07-MRS-4.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.5             9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.5             9                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-4.5m-D     BCM-07-MRS-4.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.5             13                   Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.5             13                   Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.5             13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.5             13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.4             17                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-07-MRS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-08-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-08-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-08-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-08-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             2                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-08-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             2                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            BCM-08-MRS-1.5m-B     BCM-08-MRS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            BCM-08-MRS-1.5m-C     BCM-08-MRS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-08-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.4             3                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.4             3                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.4             3                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.4             3                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.4             5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.4             5                    Mauve Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.4             5                    Entacmaea                                 Cream Tethya                                                                                          mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-3.5m-C     BCM-08-MRS-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.4             5                    Entacmaea                                 Orange yellow flame sponge                                                                            mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-3.5m-D     BCM-08-MRS-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.4             6                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       BCM-08-MRS-4.5m-A     BCM-08-MRS-4.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.4             6                    Blue cream fine mesh Dendrilla            nd                                                                                                    log                                       BCM-08-MRS-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.4             6                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       BCM-08-MRS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.4             8                    Justsawacroc afro sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.4             8                    Purple solitary ascidian                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.4             8                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.4             8                    Justsawacroc afro sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.6             11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.6             11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.6             11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.6             11                   Entacmaea                                 Mustard encrusting sponge; Errant nereid A                                                            mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-6.5m-D     BCM-08-MRS-6.5m-Di    BCM-08-MRS-6.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.5             14                   Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-08-MRS-7.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    maybe dying  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.4             0.8                  Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-11-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.4             0.8                  Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-11-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.4             0.8                  Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-11-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.4             0.8                  Mauve encrusting dendro sponge            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-11-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             1                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-11-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-11-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-11-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             1                    Midnight blue cumulus sponge              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-11-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.4             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.4             2                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.4             2                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.4             2                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             4                    Transparent mysterious solitary ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             4                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    maybe dying  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             4                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.5             6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.5             6                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.5             6                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.5             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.5             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.5             9                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.5             9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-11-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-14-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-14-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-14-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Midnight blue cumulus sponge              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            BCM-14-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.7             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-14-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.7             2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-14-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.7             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.7             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.7             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.7             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.7             3                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-14-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.7             3                    Midnight blue cumulus sponge              nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    BCM-14-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.6             5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.6             5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.6             8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.6             8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.6             8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.6             8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.5             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.5             10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.5             10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.5             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.5             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.5             17                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       BCM-14-MRS-7.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.5             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         BCM-01-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-01-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangrove root, shell and leaf fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangrove root, shell and leaf fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangrove root, shell and leaf fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangrove root, shell and leaf fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangrove root, shell and leaf fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangrove root, shell and leaf fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangrove root, shell and leaf fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangrove root, shell and leaf fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    tree branch                               BCM-01-SWK-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    tree branch                               BCM-01-SWK-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     18               A     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     18               B     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     18               C     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     18               D     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S01   SWK     nd               nd    nd                    nd              nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Was unable to get down to the 8th depth because the chemocline  
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-02-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-02-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca; Brachidontes                                                         mangrove root                             BCM-02-SWK-0.5m-C     BCM-02-SWK-0.5m-Ci    BCM-02-SWK-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes; Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian                                                mangrove root                             BCM-02-SWK-0.5m-D     BCM-02-SWK-0.5m-Di    BCM-02-SWK-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-02-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-02-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-02-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      BCM-02-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    Justsawacroc afro sponge                  nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-02-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-02-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-02-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-02-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-02-SWK-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-02-SWK-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-02-SWK-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-02-SWK-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  BCM-02-SWK-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  BCM-02-SWK-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     18               A     18                    5.49            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-02-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     18               B     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     18               C     18                    5.49            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-02-SWK-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     18               D     18                    5.49            12                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-02-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-02-SWK-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-02-SWK-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two clams collected  
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S02   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Blue stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue discolored spots on rock  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Blue stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       BCM-05-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue discolored spots on rock  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         BCM-05-SWK-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     18               A     19                    5.79            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     18               B     19                    5.79            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     18               C     19                    5.79            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     18               D     19                    5.79            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         BCM-05-SWK-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea n leaf, thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     25               A     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     25               B     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     25               C     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150630     2015-06-30    S05   SWK     25               D     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              Polynoid scale worm                                                                                   mangrove root                             BCM-07-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On empty Brachidontes shell; olynoid scale worm was missing from cup when transfering samples  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-07-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Peach zooid gelatinous colonial ascidian  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-07-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-07-SWK-0.5m-D     BCM-07-SWK-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wirh shell, decaying wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wirh shell, decaying wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wirh shell, decaying wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wirh shell, decaying wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wirh shell, decaying wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wirh shell, decaying wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wirh shell, decaying wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wirh shell, decaying wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     11               A     9                     2.74            12                   Ergalatax                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          large fallen tree branch                  BCM-07-SWK-3.5m-A     BCM-07-SWK-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ergalatax located on Brachidontes  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     11               B     9                     2.74            12                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          large fallen tree branch                  BCM-07-SWK-3.5m-B     BCM-07-SWK-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pompom alga mixed on bed of Brachidontes  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     11               C     9                     2.74            12                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          large fallen tree branch                  BCM-07-SWK-3.5m-C     BCM-07-SWK-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pompom alga mixed on bed of Brachidontes  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     11               D     9                     2.74            12                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          large fallen tree branch                  BCM-07-SWK-3.5m-D     BCM-07-SWK-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea located on Brachidontes  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            14                   Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell                            BCM-07-SWK-4.5m-B     BCM-07-SWK-4.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small sponge sample on Brachidontes, might be dying  
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            14                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-07-SWK-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            14                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-07-SWK-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     18               A     18                    5.49            16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-07-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     18               B     18                    5.49            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     18               C     18                    5.49            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     18               D     18                    5.49            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S07   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Orange yellow soft bush sponge            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-08-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-08-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-08-SWK-0.5m-C     BCM-08-SWK-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian on Brachidontes  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-08-SWK-0.5m-D     BCM-08-SWK-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian on Brachidontes  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-08-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-08-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Orange yellow flame sponge; Brachidontes                                                              mangrove root                             BCM-08-SWK-1.5m-C     BCM-08-SWK-1.5m-Ci    BCM-08-SWK-1.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-08-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-08-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Ergalatax                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell                            BCM-08-SWK-2.5m-B     BCM-08-SWK-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ergalatax on Brachidontes  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-08-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Ergalatax                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             mud with shell                            BCM-08-SWK-2.5m-D     BCM-08-SWK-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea was found on the Ergalatax  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            4                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         BCM-08-SWK-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         BCM-08-SWK-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-08-SWK-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         BCM-08-SWK-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            7                    Entacmaea                                 Cream Tethya; Brachidontes                                                                            fallen tree branch                        BCM-08-SWK-4.5m-A     BCM-08-SWK-4.5m-Ai    BCM-08-SWK-4.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            7                    White striped siphon solitary ascidian    nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-08-SWK-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            7                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          fallen tree branch                        BCM-08-SWK-4.5m-C     BCM-08-SWK-4.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            7                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-08-SWK-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     18               A     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     18               B     18                    5.49            9                    Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell                            BCM-08-SWK-5.5m-B     BCM-08-SWK-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea on Brachidontes  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     18               C     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     18               D     18                    5.49            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of white cyanobacteria over mud  
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S08   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-11-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Midnight blue cumulus sponge              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-11-SWK-0.5m-B     BCM-11-SWK-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Midnight blue cumulus sponge was on Brachidontes  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            Brachidontes; Orange yellow canaled encrusting sponge                                                 mangrove root                             BCM-11-SWK-0.5m-C     BCM-11-SWK-0.5m-Ci    BCM-11-SWK-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes 02-Ci; Orange yellow canaled encrusting sponge ii  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-11-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-11-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Lavender short stack Haliclona            Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             BCM-11-SWK-1.5m-C     BCM-11-SWK-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Lavender short stack Haliclonaon Brachidontes  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-11-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-11-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-11-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-11-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Orange amorphous mat sponge               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-11-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-11-SWK-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-11-SWK-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-11-SWK-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-11-SWK-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-11-SWK-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-11-SWK-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-11-SWK-4.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            9                    Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             fallen tree branch                        BCM-11-SWK-4.5m-D     BCM-11-SWK-4.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea on Ergalatax  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     18               A     18                    5.49            12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-11-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     18               B     18                    5.49            12                   Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-11-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Orange red inferno Suberites on empty Brachidontes shell  
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     18               C     18                    5.49            12                   Orange yellow flame sponge                nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-11-SWK-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     18               D     18                    5.49            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        BCM-11-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150701     2015-07-01    S11   SWK     nd               nd    nd                    nd              nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Stopped at 21 ft because of the shallower chemocline  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Beige pink supersoft tendril Haliclona    Fine branching green alga                                                                             mangrove root                             BCM-14-SWK-0.5m-A     BCM-14-SWK-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   BCM-14-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hole through mangrove roots to lake bottom  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-14-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             BCM-14-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had to sample under mangrove roots, was unable to conect line to vertical transect line  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had to sample under mangrove roots, was unable to conect line to vertical transect line  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had to sample under mangrove roots, was unable to conect line to vertical transect line  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had to sample under mangrove roots, was unable to conect line to vertical transect line  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            4.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            4.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   BCM-14-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            4.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            4.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   BCM-14-SWK-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   BCM-14-SWK-3.5m-B     BCM-14-SWK-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea was attached to Pompom alga  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   BCM-14-SWK-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell, decayng wood and leaves   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            8                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-14-SWK-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            8                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-14-SWK-4.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     18               A     18                    5.49            12                   Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           mud with shell                            BCM-14-SWK-5.5m-A     BCM-14-SWK-5.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea was attached to Pompom alga  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     18               B     18                    5.49            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-14-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     18               C     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     18               D     18                    5.49            12                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-14-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two collected and placed in same tube  
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     21               A     22                    6.71            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     21               B     22                    6.71            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     21               C     22                    6.71            16                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-14-SWK-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     21               D     22                    6.71            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150702     2015-07-02    S14   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            20                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            BCM-14-SWK-7.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
CLM      Clear_Lake_Mecherchar              7.1526    134.3595   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-01-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    suspect these top two depths are affected by the proximity to lake entrance  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-01-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dying?? Unsure of ID  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-01-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    all yellow and only encrusting; unsure of ID  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    suspect these top two depths are affected by the proximity to lake entrance  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-01-HFS-1.5m-D     CLM-01-HFS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Primary ID uncertain  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with shell fragments and mud layer   CLM-01-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Pompom alga                                                                             rock with shell fragments and mud layer   CLM-01-HFS-2.7m-B     CLM-01-HFS-2.7m-Bi    CLM-01-HFS-2.7m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Pompom alga                                                                             rock with shell fragments and mud layer   CLM-01-HFS-2.7m-C     CLM-01-HFS-2.7m-Ci    CLM-01-HFS-2.7m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with shell fragments and mud layer   CLM-01-HFS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with shelly mud with leaf litter layer  CLM-01-HFS-4.0m-A     CLM-01-HFS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with shelly mud with leaf litter layer  CLM-01-HFS-4.0m-B     CLM-01-HFS-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud with leaf litter layer  CLM-01-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Pompom alga                                                                             rock with shelly mud with leaf litter layer  CLM-01-HFS-4.0m-D     CLM-01-HFS-4.0m-Di    CLM-01-HFS-4.0m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      CLM-01-HFS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            11                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          shelly mud with wood                      CLM-01-HFS-5.2m-C     CLM-01-HFS-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    bare patch surrounded by Pompom alga  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            24                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-01-HFS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            24                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-01-HFS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            24                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-01-HFS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            24                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-01-HFS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     30               A     30                    9.14            39                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     30               B     30                    9.14            39                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dinky white clam shell  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     30               C     30                    9.14            39                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   HFS     30               D     30                    9.14            39                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-02-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Mesophora                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-02-HFS-0.3m-B     CLM-02-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-02-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-02-HFS-0.3m-D     CLM-02-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-02-HFS-1.5m-A     CLM-02-HFS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-02-HFS-1.5m-B     CLM-02-HFS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-02-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-02-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-2.7m-B     CLM-02-HFS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Entacmaea                                                                                             rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-2.7m-D     CLM-02-HFS-2.7m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   Entacmaea                                 Wiry tuft green alga; Cerithium                                                                       rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-A     CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-Ai    CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes; Wiry tuft green alga; Pompom alga                                                       rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-B     CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-Bi    CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-Bii   CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea on Brachidontes on a Cerithium shell with Wiry tuft green alga under Pompom alga  
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   Cerithium                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-D     CLM-02-HFS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            14                   Cerithium                                 Pompom alga; Brachidontes                                                                             rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-5.2m-C     CLM-02-HFS-5.2m-Ci    CLM-02-HFS-5.2m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             18                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             18                   Pompom alga type II                       Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-6.4m-B     CLM-02-HFS-6.4m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             18                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-6.4m-C     CLM-02-HFS-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             18                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with shelly mud layer                CLM-02-HFS-6.4m-D     CLM-02-HFS-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            23                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-02-HFS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     30               A     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     30               B     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     30               C     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   HFS     30               D     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-03-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-03-HFS-0.3m-B     CLM-03-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-03-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-03-HFS-0.3m-D     CLM-03-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-03-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-03-HFS-1.5m-B     CLM-03-HFS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-03-HFS-1.5m-C     CLM-03-HFS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-03-HFS-1.5m-D     CLM-03-HFS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      CLM-03-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      CLM-03-HFS-2.7m-B     CLM-03-HFS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      CLM-03-HFS-2.7m-C     CLM-03-HFS-2.7m-Ci    CLM-03-HFS-2.7m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 Entacmaea; first into primary and 2nd into Cii  
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      CLM-03-HFS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      CLM-03-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      CLM-03-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      CLM-03-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-03-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             CLM-03-HFS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             CLM-03-HFS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             CLM-03-HFS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered Entacmaea at this depth  
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered Entacmaea at this depth  
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     30               A     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered Entacmaea at this depth  
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     30               B     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     30               C     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   HFS     30               D     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and wood                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  mangrove root and wood                    CLM-06-HFS-0.3m-B     CLM-06-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and wood                    CLM-06-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and wood                    CLM-06-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Pompom alga                                                                                           wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-A     CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes; Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge                                                 wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-B     CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-Bi    CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla; Purple encrusting Haliclona; Pompom alga; Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-C     CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-Ci    CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-Cii   CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-Ciii  CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-Civ   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Brachidontes                              Pompom alga                                                                                           wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-D     CLM-06-HFS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     9                A     8                     2.44            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     9                B     8                     2.44            4                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-2.7m-B     CLM-06-HFS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     9                C     8                     2.44            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      CLM-06-HFS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     9                D     8                     2.44            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-06-HFS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-06-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              Pompom alga                                                                                           mud on rock                               CLM-06-HFS-4.0m-D     CLM-06-HFS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            8                    Cerithium                                 Brachidontes; Pompom alga; Wiry tuft green alga                                                       wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-5.2m-B     CLM-06-HFS-5.2m-Bi    CLM-06-HFS-5.2m-Bii   CLM-06-HFS-5.2m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wiry tuft green alga is on the Cerithium shell.  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            8                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-06-HFS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     21               A     26                    7.92            10                   Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-A     CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     21               B     26                    7.92            10                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-B     CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     21               C     26                    7.92            10                   Brachidontes                              Beige soft tubular Haliclona; Cream grey Dendrilla                                                    wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-C     CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-Ci    CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     21               D     26                    7.92            10                   Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-D     CLM-06-HFS-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            12                   Purple stain                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of sediment          CLM-06-HFS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud cleared before close up  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            12                   Purple stain                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of sediment          CLM-06-HFS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud cleared before close up  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            12                   Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge                                                                                  rock with thin layer of sediment          CLM-06-HFS-7.6m-C     CLM-06-HFS-7.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud cleared before close up. Barcode the maroon sponge, which was a tiny encrusting patch.  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            12                   Cerithium                                 Entacmaea; Wiry tuft green alga; Brachidontes                                                         rock with thin layer of sediment          CLM-06-HFS-7.6m-D     CLM-06-HFS-7.6m-Di    CLM-06-HFS-7.6m-Dii   CLM-06-HFS-7.6m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud cleared before close up.   
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     30               A     30                    9.14            14                   Brachidontes                              Serpulid                                                                                              wood                                      CLM-06-HFS-9.1m-A     CLM-06-HFS-9.1m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     30               B     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     30               C     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   HFS     30               D     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-04-LMS-0.3m-A     CLM-04-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-04-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-04-LMS-0.3m-C     CLM-04-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-04-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-04-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Mesophora                                 Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge; Brachidontes                                                mangrove root                             CLM-04-LMS-1.5m-B     CLM-04-LMS-1.5m-Bi    CLM-04-LMS-1.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    when sponge is out of the water you can see canals running through that you cannot see under water  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-04-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-04-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-04-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-04-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      mud and shell                             CLM-04-LMS-5.2m-D     CLM-04-LMS-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             16                   Mesophora                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-04-LMS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-04-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            19                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-04-LMS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            19                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-04-LMS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            19                   Purple stain                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-04-LMS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-A     CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Errant nereid                                                                                         mangrove root                             CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-B     CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-Bi    CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-C     CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Yellow slick veiny encrusting sponge      Brachidontes; Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge                                                 mangrove root                             CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-D     CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-Di    CLM-05-LMS-0.3m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-05-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-05-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    collected larger voucher specimen  
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-05-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-05-LMS-1.5m-D     CLM-05-LMS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Long filamentous hair green alga          Cerithium                                                                                             mud and shell                             CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-A     CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Pompom alga                               Long filamentous hair green alga; Brachidontes; Errant nereid                                         mud and shell                             CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-B     CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-Bi    CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-Bii   CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-Biii  CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-Biv   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-05-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     13               A     12                    3.66            17                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     13               B     12                    3.66            17                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     13               C     12                    3.66            17                   Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-4.0m-C     CLM-05-LMS-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     13               D     12                    3.66            17                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            23                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            23                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-05-LMS-5.2m-B     CLM-05-LMS-5.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            23                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            23                   Pompom alga                               Mesophora                                                                                             rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-5.2m-D     CLM-05-LMS-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             27                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Maroon dendro sponge                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-A     CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-Ai    CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             27                   Pompom alga                               Wiry tuft green alga; Cerithium                                                                       rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-B     CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-Bi    CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wiry tuft green alga was on the snail  
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             27                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-C     CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             27                   Brachidontes                              Wiry tuft green alga; Mesophora                                                                       rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-D     CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-Di    CLM-05-LMS-6.4m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            30                   Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla; Maroon dendro sponge                                                            rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-7.6m-A     CLM-05-LMS-7.6m-Ai    CLM-05-LMS-7.6m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            30                   Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla; Maroon dendro sponge                                                            rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-7.6m-B     CLM-05-LMS-7.6m-Bi    CLM-05-LMS-7.6m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            30                   Purple stain                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            30                   Purple stain                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            34                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-9.1m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            34                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-9.1m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            34                   Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-05-LMS-9.1m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock                                      CLM-07-LMS-0.3m-A     CLM-07-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock                                      CLM-07-LMS-0.3m-C     CLM-07-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge                                                                                  mud and leaf litter and shell             CLM-07-LMS-0.3m-D     CLM-07-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-07-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock with mud layer                       CLM-07-LMS-1.5m-B     CLM-07-LMS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-07-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-07-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     9                A     8                     2.44            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     9                B     8                     2.44            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     9                C     8                     2.44            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     9                D     8                     2.44            4                    Brachidontes                              Cream Tethya                                                                                          rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-2.7m-D     CLM-07-LMS-2.7m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge; Cream grey Dendrilla                                                            rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-4.0m-B     CLM-07-LMS-4.0m-Bi    CLM-07-LMS-4.0m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Pompom alga                               Cream Tethya; Brachidontes                                                                            rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-4.0m-D     CLM-07-LMS-4.0m-Di    CLM-07-LMS-4.0m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     17               A     16                    4.88            7                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     17               B     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     17               C     16                    4.88            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     17               D     16                    4.88            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-07-LMS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock and shell                            CLM-07-LMS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             9                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock and shell                            CLM-07-LMS-6.4m-B     CLM-07-LMS-6.4m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unsure for sponge  
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock and shell                            CLM-07-LMS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock and shell                            CLM-07-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-07-LMS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-07-LMS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            11                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud and shell                             CLM-07-LMS-7.6m-C     CLM-07-LMS-7.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-07-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     30               A     29                    8.84            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     30               B     29                    8.84            14                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud and shell                             CLM-07-LMS-9.1m-B     CLM-07-LMS-9.1m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     30               C     29                    8.84            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   LMS     30               D     29                    8.84            14                   Orange spaghetti squash sponge            Errant nereid; Microsnail                                                                             mud and shell                             CLM-07-LMS-9.1m-D     CLM-07-LMS-9.1m-Di    CLM-07-LMS-9.1m-Dii   CLM-07-LMS-9.1m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very soft and falls apart easily  
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-09-LMS-0.3m-A     CLM-09-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-09-LMS-0.3m-B     CLM-09-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-09-LMS-0.3m-C     CLM-09-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter and shell            CLM-09-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter and shell            CLM-09-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter and shell            CLM-09-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Brachidontes                              Cerithium                                                                                             mud with leaf litter and shell            CLM-09-LMS-1.5m-D     CLM-09-LMS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             wood                                      CLM-09-LMS-2.7m-A     CLM-09-LMS-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               Errant nereid                                                                                         mud with shell                            CLM-09-LMS-2.7m-B     CLM-09-LMS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            CLM-09-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            CLM-09-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     13               A     12                    3.66            9                    Cerithium                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           wood                                      CLM-09-LMS-4.0m-A     CLM-09-LMS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     13               B     12                    3.66            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-09-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     13               C     12                    3.66            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            CLM-09-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     13               D     12                    3.66            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            CLM-09-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     17               A     16                    4.88            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     17               B     16                    4.88            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-09-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     17               C     16                    4.88            12                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud and shell                             CLM-09-LMS-5.2m-C     CLM-09-LMS-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     17               D     16                    4.88            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-09-LMS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     21               A     20                    6.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     21               B     20                    6.1             16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-09-LMS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     21               C     20                    6.1             16                   Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      mud and shell                             CLM-09-LMS-6.4m-C     CLM-09-LMS-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     21               D     20                    6.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            20                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-09-LMS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            20                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-09-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Errant nereid                                                                                         mangrove root                             CLM-11-LMS-0.3m-B     CLM-11-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Blue yellow fireball sponge               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-11-LMS-0.3m-C     CLM-11-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-11-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-11-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Errant nereid                                                                                         mangrove root                             CLM-11-LMS-1.5m-B     CLM-11-LMS-1.5m-Bi    CLM-11-LMS-1.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid split with one in one tube and two in another tube  
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-11-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Yellow slick veiny encrusting sponge      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-11-LMS-1.5m-D     CLM-11-LMS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      mud and shell and leaf litter             CLM-11-LMS-2.7m-A     CLM-11-LMS-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             CLM-11-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      mud and shell and leaf litter             CLM-11-LMS-2.7m-D     CLM-11-LMS-2.7m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud and shell                             CLM-11-LMS-4.0m-A     CLM-11-LMS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-11-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Pompom alga                               Errant nereid; Microsnail                                                                             mud and shell                             CLM-11-LMS-4.0m-C     CLM-11-LMS-4.0m-Ci    CLM-11-LMS-4.0m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid escaped; multiple Microsnails split between tubes  
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-11-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             CLM-11-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             CLM-11-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            9                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud and shell and leaf litter             CLM-11-LMS-5.2m-C     CLM-11-LMS-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-11-LMS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-11-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.666666667          Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-13-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.666666667          Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-13-LMS-0.3m-B     CLM-13-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.666666667          Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-13-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.666666667          Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-13-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-13-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       wood                                      CLM-13-LMS-1.5m-B     CLM-13-LMS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-13-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Brachidontes                              Smooth tapered tube worm                                                                              wood                                      CLM-13-LMS-1.5m-D     CLM-13-LMS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-2.7m-B     CLM-13-LMS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail; Dinky white clam                                                                          shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-4.0m-A     CLM-13-LMS-4.0m-Ai    CLM-13-LMS-4.0m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-5.2m-A     CLM-13-LMS-5.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-5.2m-B     CLM-13-LMS-5.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               Mesophora                                                                                             shell and mud                             CLM-13-LMS-5.2m-D     CLM-13-LMS-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             17                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-LMS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on jungle seed  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             17                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-LMS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             17                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-LMS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             17                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            22                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-13-LMS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            22                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium; Wiry tuft green alga                                                                       mud and shell                             CLM-13-LMS-7.6m-B     CLM-13-LMS-7.6m-Bi    CLM-13-LMS-7.6m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea was on the Cerithium and the alga was growing on the snail  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            22                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-13-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-14-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-14-LMS-0.3m-D     CLM-14-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Microsnail                                                                              wood                                      CLM-14-LMS-1.5m-A     CLM-14-LMS-1.5m-Ai    CLM-14-LMS-1.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-14-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-14-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-14-LMS-1.5m-D     CLM-14-LMS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-A     CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    Entacmaea                                 Wiry tuft green alga                                                                                  mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-B     CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea was on dead Cerithium shell and alga was growing on shell  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Dinky white clam                          Microsnail                                                                                            mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-C     CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-Ci    CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-Cii   CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Three DWCs collected i and ii; Microsnail iii  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     13               A     12                    3.66            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     13               B     12                    3.66            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     13               C     12                    3.66            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     13               D     12                    3.66            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            10                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       CLM-14-LMS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     21               A     20                    6.1             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-14-LMS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     21               B     20                    6.1             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-14-LMS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     21               C     20                    6.1             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-14-LMS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     21               D     20                    6.1             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-14-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            17                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-14-LMS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            17                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-14-LMS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            17                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-14-LMS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge                                                               mangrove root                             CLM-10-LMS-0.3m-A     CLM-10-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-10-LMS-0.3m-B     CLM-10-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-10-LMS-0.3m-C     CLM-10-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-10-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            1.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter and shell   CLM-10-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            1.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter and shell   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Lost Pompom sample  
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            1.5                  Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock with mud and leaf litter and shell   CLM-10-LMS-1.5m-C     CLM-10-LMS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            1.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter and shell   CLM-10-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter and shell   CLM-10-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            3                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter and shell   CLM-10-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter and shell   CLM-10-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter and shell   CLM-10-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-10-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-10-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-10-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            5                    Brachidontes                              Tiny fuzzy sponge                                                                                     rock with mud and shell                   CLM-10-LMS-4.0m-D     CLM-10-LMS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Looks like this sample is just and orange yellow sponge in byssal threads  
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            7                    Orange boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-10-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-10-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            7                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell                   CLM-10-LMS-5.2m-C     CLM-10-LMS-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   CLM-10-LMS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     21               A     22                    6.71            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-10-LMS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     21               B     22                    6.71            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-10-LMS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     21               C     22                    6.71            9                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-10-LMS-6.4m-C     CLM-10-LMS-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     21               D     22                    6.71            9                    Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             rock with mud and shell                   CLM-10-LMS-6.4m-D     CLM-10-LMS-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-10-LMS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-10-LMS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-10-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-08-LMS-0.3m-A     CLM-08-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    small sponge ID unsure  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-08-LMS-0.3m-B     CLM-08-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    small sponge ID unsure  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-08-LMS-0.3m-C     CLM-08-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    small sponge ID unsure  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-08-LMS-0.3m-D     CLM-08-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-08-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-08-LMS-1.5m-B     CLM-08-LMS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2.5                  Brachidontes                              Pompom alga                                                                                           wood                                      CLM-08-LMS-1.5m-C     CLM-08-LMS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-08-LMS-1.5m-D     CLM-08-LMS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     9                A     10                    3.05            5                    Pompom alga                               Long filamentous hair green alga                                                                      mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-2.7m-A     CLM-08-LMS-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     9                B     10                    3.05            5                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     9                C     10                    3.05            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     9                D     10                    3.05            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-4.0m-D     CLM-08-LMS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     17               A     16                    4.88            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     17               B     16                    4.88            11                   Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-B     CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Bi    CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     17               C     16                    4.88            11                   Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-C     CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Ci    CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    multiple microsnails spilt between tubes  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     17               D     16                    4.88            11                   Pompom alga                               Microsnail; Cerithium; Green turf alga                                                                mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-D     CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Di    CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Dii   CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Diii  CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Div   CLM-08-LMS-5.2m-Dv    nd                    nd                    multiple microsnails and Cerithium spilt between tubes; i Microsnail, ii Microsnail, iii Cerithium, iv Wiry tuft green alga, v Cerithium  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-6.4m-D     CLM-08-LMS-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            19                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            19                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            19                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-08-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-12-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-12-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Yellow slick veiny encrusting sponge      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-12-LMS-0.3m-C     CLM-12-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-12-LMS-0.3m-D     CLM-12-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter             CLM-12-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-12-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter             CLM-12-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Errant nereid                                                                                         rock with mud                             CLM-12-LMS-2.7m-A     CLM-12-LMS-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             CLM-12-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             CLM-12-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             CLM-12-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     13               A     12                    3.66            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             CLM-12-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     13               B     12                    3.66            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             CLM-12-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     13               C     12                    3.66            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             CLM-12-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     13               D     12                    3.66            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             CLM-12-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     17               A     16                    4.88            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-12-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     17               B     16                    4.88            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-12-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     17               C     16                    4.88            7                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-12-LMS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     17               D     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     21               A     20                    6.1             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-12-LMS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     21               B     20                    6.1             9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-12-LMS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     21               C     20                    6.1             9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-12-LMS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     21               D     20                    6.1             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-12-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            12                   Cerithium                                 Wiry tuft green alga                                                                                  mud and shell                             CLM-12-LMS-7.6m-B     CLM-12-LMS-7.6m-Bi    CLM-12-LMS-7.6m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two Cerithiums, first tube and third tube  
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-12-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pink and white cyanobacteria  
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pink and white cyanobacteria  
150710     2015-07-10    S12   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pink and white cyanobacteria  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-01-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-01-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-01-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-01-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.3             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-01-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.3             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-01-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.3             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with organic layer                   CLM-01-MAF-1.5m-C     CLM-01-MAF-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.3             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-01-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.6             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.6             6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-01-MAF-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.6             6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-01-MAF-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.6             6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-01-MAF-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     13               A     nd                    3.9             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-01-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     13               B     nd                    3.9             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-01-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     13               C     nd                    3.9             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-01-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     13               D     nd                    3.9             10                   Pompom alga                               Wiry tuft green alga; Brachidontes                                                                    mud                                       CLM-01-MAF-4.0m-D     CLM-01-MAF-4.0m-Di    CLM-01-MAF-4.0m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.3             16                   Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-01-MAF-5.2m-A     CLM-01-MAF-5.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.3             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.3             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.3             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.4             22                   Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-01-MAF-6.4m-A     CLM-01-MAF-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.4             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.4             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.4             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.6             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.6             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.6             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.6             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     30               A     nd                    9.1             43                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-01-MAF-9.1m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     30               B     nd                    9.1             43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     30               C     nd                    9.1             43                   Cerithium                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-01-MAF-9.1m-C     CLM-01-MAF-9.1m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MAF     30               D     nd                    9.1             43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             1.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             1.5                  Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-0.3m-D     CLM-02-MAF-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.9             8                    Golden tufty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.9             8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.9             8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.9             8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.1             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.1             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.1             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.1             12                   Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-4.0m-D     CLM-02-MAF-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     17               A     nd                    5               16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     17               B     nd                    5               16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     17               C     nd                    5               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     17               D     nd                    5               16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-02-MAF-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.3             20                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-02-MAF-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.3             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.3             20                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-02-MAF-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.3             20                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-02-MAF-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.6             25                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-02-MAF-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.6             25                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-02-MAF-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.6             25                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-02-MAF-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     30               A     nd                    9.1             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     30               B     nd                    9.1             30                   Cerithium                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-02-MAF-9.1m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     30               C     nd                    9.1             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MAF     30               D     nd                    9.1             30                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-02-MAF-9.1m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-0.3m-B     CLM-03-MAF-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.4             0.6                  Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.4             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.4             0.6                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.4             0.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.6             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.6             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.6             13                   Pompom alga                               Entacmaea                                                                                             rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-2.7m-C     CLM-03-MAF-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.6             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     13               A     nd                    4               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     13               B     nd                    4               16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   CLM-03-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     13               C     nd                    4               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     13               D     nd                    4               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.2             20                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.2             20                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.2             20                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-5.2m-C     CLM-03-MAF-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.2             20                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-5.2m-D     CLM-03-MAF-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.4             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.4             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.4             24                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.4             24                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.6             30                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.6             30                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.6             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.6             30                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-03-MAF-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     30               A     nd                    9.1             43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     30               B     nd                    9.1             43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     30               C     nd                    9.1             43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MAF     30               D     nd                    9.1             43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     1                A     nd                    0               0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     1                B     nd                    0               0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     1                C     nd                    0               0.3                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     1                D     nd                    0               0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.4             1                    Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge                                                                                  rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-1.5m-A     CLM-06-MAF-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.4             1                    Brachidontes                              Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge                                                              rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-1.5m-B     CLM-06-MAF-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.4             1                    Brachidontes                              Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge                                                               rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-1.5m-C     CLM-06-MAF-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.4             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.9             3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-2.7m-A     CLM-06-MAF-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.9             3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-2.7m-B     CLM-06-MAF-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.9             3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-2.7m-C     CLM-06-MAF-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.9             3                    Brachidontes                              Yellow slick veiny encrusting sponge                                                                  rock                                      CLM-06-MAF-2.7m-D     CLM-06-MAF-2.7m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.2             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.2             5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.2             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.2             7                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.2             7                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-5.2m-C     CLM-06-MAF-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.2             7                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-5.2m-D     CLM-06-MAF-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.6             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.6             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.6             9                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-6.4m-C     CLM-06-MAF-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.6             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.4             11                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-A     CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.4             11                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes; Mesophora                                                                               mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-B     CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-Bi    CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.4             11                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-C     CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.4             11                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes; Green turf alga                                                                         mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-D     CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-Di    CLM-06-MAF-7.6m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     30               A     nd                    9.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     30               B     nd                    9.1             15                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-06-MAF-9.1m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     30               C     nd                    9.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MAF     30               D     nd                    9.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-01-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-01-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-01-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-01-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and rock                              CLM-01-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and rock                              CLM-01-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and rock                              CLM-01-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mud and rock                              CLM-01-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Blue yellow fireball sponge               Mesophora                                                                                             wood                                      CLM-01-MND-2.7m-A     CLM-01-MND-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-01-MND-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-01-MND-2.7m-C     CLM-01-MND-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-01-MND-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     13               A     12                    3.66            9                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-01-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes sample missing  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     13               B     12                    3.66            9                    Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Brachidontes; Yellow nubbin sponge                                                                    wood                                      CLM-01-MND-4.0m-B     CLM-01-MND-4.0m-Bi    CLM-01-MND-4.0m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     13               C     12                    3.66            9                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-01-MND-4.0m-C     CLM-01-MND-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     13               D     12                    3.66            9                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes; Green nubbin sponge                                                                     wood                                      CLM-01-MND-4.0m-D     CLM-01-MND-4.0m-Di    CLM-01-MND-4.0m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and wood                       CLM-01-MND-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and wood                       CLM-01-MND-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            13                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and wood                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sample missing  
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and wood                       CLM-01-MND-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             17                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood                   CLM-01-MND-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             17                   Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      mud with shell and wood                   CLM-01-MND-6.4m-D     CLM-01-MND-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            23                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium; Wiry tuft green alga; Brachidontes                                                         mud with shell                            CLM-01-MND-7.6m-D     CLM-01-MND-7.6m-Di    CLM-01-MND-7.6m-Dii   CLM-01-MND-7.6m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     30               A     30                    9.14            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     30               B     30                    9.14            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     30               C     30                    9.14            36                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium; Wiry tuft green alga                                                                       very flocculent mud                       CLM-01-MND-9.1m-C     CLM-01-MND-9.1m-Ci    CLM-01-MND-9.1m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S01   MND     30               D     30                    9.14            36                   Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           very flocculent mud                       CLM-01-MND-9.1m-D     CLM-01-MND-9.1m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     1                A     2.5                   0.76            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-02-MND-0.3m-A     CLM-02-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     1                B     2.5                   0.76            1                    Brachidontes                              Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove root                             CLM-02-MND-0.3m-B     CLM-02-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     1                C     2.5                   0.76            1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-02-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     1                D     2.5                   0.76            1                    Brachidontes                              Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge                                                              mangrove root                             CLM-02-MND-0.3m-D     CLM-02-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     5                A     5.5                   1.68            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    laf wood shell and mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     5                B     5.5                   1.68            2                    Cerithium                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             laf wood shell and mud                    CLM-02-MND-1.5m-B     CLM-02-MND-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     5                C     5.5                   1.68            2                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  laf wood shell and mud                    CLM-02-MND-1.5m-C     CLM-02-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     5                D     5.5                   1.68            2                    Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             laf wood shell and mud                    CLM-02-MND-1.5m-D     CLM-02-MND-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     9                A     10                    3.05            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud wood and some shell                   CLM-02-MND-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     9                B     10                    3.05            6                    Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      mud wood and some shell                   CLM-02-MND-2.7m-B     CLM-02-MND-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     9                C     10                    3.05            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud wood and some shell                   CLM-02-MND-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     9                D     10                    3.05            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud wood and some shell                   CLM-02-MND-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    Mud with wood and shell                   CLM-02-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            Mud with wood and shell                   CLM-02-MND-4.0m-B     CLM-02-MND-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    Mud with wood and shell                   CLM-02-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    Mud with wood and shell                   CLM-02-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock under thin layer of fine mud         CLM-02-MND-5.2m-A     CLM-02-MND-5.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         CLM-02-MND-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         CLM-02-MND-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         CLM-02-MND-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             18                   Purple stain                              nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No sample  
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock under thin layer of fine mud         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     30               A     30                    9.14            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     30               B     30                    9.14            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     30               C     30                    9.14            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S02   MND     30               D     30                    9.14            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge; Pompom alga                                                  mangrove root                             CLM-03-MND-0.3m-A     CLM-03-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-03-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting form of PYPGDS  
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Beige felty sponge                        Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-03-MND-0.3m-C     CLM-03-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  mangrove root                             CLM-03-MND-0.3m-D     CLM-03-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             CLM-03-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            7                    Yellow dirty pillow sponge                Errant nereid                                                                                         rock                                      CLM-03-MND-2.7m-C     CLM-03-MND-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-03-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            11                   Brachidontes                              Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge; Pompom alga                                                  wood                                      CLM-03-MND-4.0m-D     CLM-03-MND-4.0m-Di    CLM-03-MND-4.0m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            16                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-03-MND-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-03-MND-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            16                   Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-03-MND-5.2m-C     CLM-03-MND-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-03-MND-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             19                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-03-MND-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             19                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-03-MND-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             19                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-03-MND-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     25               A     24                    7.32            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     25               B     24                    7.32            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     25               C     24                    7.32            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     25               D     24                    7.32            23                   Cerithium                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-03-MND-7.6m-D     CLM-03-MND-7.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     30               A     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     30               B     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     30               C     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S03   MND     30               D     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-06-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-06-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Barcode.  Tiniest dots on tip of mangrove root.  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge; Cream grey Dendrilla                                        mangrove root                             CLM-06-MND-0.3m-C     CLM-06-MND-0.3m-Ci    CLM-06-MND-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  mangrove root                             CLM-06-MND-0.3m-D     CLM-06-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     5                A     4                     1.22            2                    White lacey Clathrina                     Brachidontes; Orange boring sponge                                                                    rock                                      CLM-06-MND-1.5m-A     CLM-06-MND-1.5m-Ai    CLM-06-MND-1.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Vertical rock wall  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     5                B     4                     1.22            2                    Brachidontes                              Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge                                                              rock                                      CLM-06-MND-1.5m-B     CLM-06-MND-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Vertical rock wall  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     5                C     4                     1.22            2                    Yellow slick veiny encrusting sponge      Orange boring sponge                                                                                  rock                                      CLM-06-MND-1.5m-C     CLM-06-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Vertical rock wall.  Sponge goes dark green surface and orangey inside when sampled and out of water.  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     5                D     4                     1.22            2                    White lacey Clathrina                     Orange boring sponge; Pompom alga                                                                     rock                                      CLM-06-MND-1.5m-D     CLM-06-MND-1.5m-Di    CLM-06-MND-1.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Vertical rock wall. Barcode this piece of WLC - small and encrusting and was black by time back to lab so perhaps not WLC or instead something else actually on surface.  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf mud                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf (and mud) just at foot of vertical rock wall.    
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            3.5                  Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    leaf mud                                  CLM-06-MND-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf (and mud) just at foot of vertical rock wall  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf mud                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf (and mud) just at foot of vertical rock wall  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            3.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    leaf mud                                  CLM-06-MND-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf (and mud) just at foot of vertical rock wall  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            5                    Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-06-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      CLM-06-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud on wood                        CLM-06-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            5                    Pompom alga                               Errant nereid                                                                                         wood                                      CLM-06-MND-4.0m-D     CLM-06-MND-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            7                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          shelly mud on wood                        CLM-06-MND-5.2m-A     CLM-06-MND-5.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            7                    Pompom alga                               Mustard encrusting sponge; Brachidontes                                                               shelly mud on wood                        CLM-06-MND-5.2m-B     CLM-06-MND-5.2m-Bi    CLM-06-MND-5.2m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud on wood                        CLM-06-MND-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud on wood                        CLM-06-MND-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             10.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             10.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             10.5                 Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      CLM-06-MND-6.4m-C     CLM-06-MND-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             10.5                 Beige soft tubular Haliclona              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca; Polynoid scale worm                                                  wood                                      CLM-06-MND-6.4m-D     CLM-06-MND-6.4m-Di    CLM-06-MND-6.4m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Weird that the scaleworm is this deep?  
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            12                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             mud with shell                            CLM-06-MND-7.6m-D     CLM-06-MND-7.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     30               A     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     30               B     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     30               C     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S06   MND     30               D     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Maroon dendro sponge                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-04-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-04-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-04-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-04-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-04-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-04-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Yellow slick veiny encrusting sponge      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-04-MRS-1.5m-C     CLM-04-MRS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-04-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             5                    Yellow dirty pillow sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             5                    Purple encrusting Haliclona               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     13               A     nd                    4               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     13               B     nd                    4               8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     13               C     nd                    4               8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     13               D     nd                    4               8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.2             14                   Golden tufty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.2             14                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.2             14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.2             14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.3             16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.3             16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.3             16                   Maroon dendro sponge                      nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.3             16                   Purple encrusting Haliclona               Errant nereid                                                                                         mud on rock                               CLM-04-MRS-6.4m-D     CLM-04-MRS-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.5             18                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-04-MRS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.5             18                   Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-04-MRS-7.6m-B     CLM-04-MRS-7.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.5             18                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-04-MRS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.5             18                   Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-04-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     30               A     nd                    9               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and Brachidontes shells               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     30               B     nd                    9               22                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             mud and Brachidontes shells               CLM-04-MRS-9.1m-B     CLM-04-MRS-9.1m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     30               C     nd                    9               22                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and Brachidontes shells               CLM-04-MRS-9.1m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   MRS     30               D     nd                    9               22                   Purple encrusting Haliclona               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud and Brachidontes shells               CLM-04-MRS-9.1m-D     CLM-04-MRS-9.1m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-05-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Purple encrusting Haliclona               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-05-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-05-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-05-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-05-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-05-MRS-1.5m-C     CLM-05-MRS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-05-MRS-1.5m-D     CLM-05-MRS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     13               A     nd                    3.9             19                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     13               B     nd                    3.9             19                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     13               C     nd                    3.9             19                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     13               D     nd                    3.9             19                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.1             23                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.1             23                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.1             23                   Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-5.2m-C     CLM-05-MRS-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.1             23                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             28                   Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-6.4m-A     CLM-05-MRS-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             28                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             28                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             28                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-05-MRS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             32                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-05-MRS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             32                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-05-MRS-7.6m-B     CLM-05-MRS-7.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             32                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-05-MRS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             32                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-05-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     30               A     nd                    9.1             34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     30               B     nd                    9.1             34                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-05-MRS-9.1m-B     CLM-05-MRS-9.1m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     30               C     nd                    9.1             34                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-05-MRS-9.1m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   MRS     30               D     nd                    9.1             34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-07-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-07-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-07-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-07-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-07-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-07-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-07-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             4                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-07-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             4                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             4                    Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-2.7m-C     CLM-07-MRS-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.1             6                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-4.0m-A     CLM-07-MRS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.1             6                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-4.0m-B     CLM-07-MRS-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.1             6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.1             6                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.2             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.2             7                    Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-5.2m-B     CLM-07-MRS-5.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.2             7                    Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-5.2m-C     CLM-07-MRS-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.2             7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-07-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.3             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.3             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.3             9                    Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-6.4m-C     CLM-07-MRS-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.3             9                    Pompom alga                               Cream Tethya; Brachidontes                                                                            mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-6.4m-D     CLM-07-MRS-6.4m-Di    CLM-07-MRS-6.4m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.7             12                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-7.6m-A     CLM-07-MRS-7.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.7             12                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-7.6m-B     CLM-07-MRS-7.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.7             12                   Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-7.6m-C     CLM-07-MRS-7.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.7             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     30               A     nd                    9               15                   Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-9.1m-A     CLM-07-MRS-9.1m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     30               B     nd                    9               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     30               C     nd                    9               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   MRS     30               D     nd                    9               15                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-07-MRS-9.1m-D     CLM-07-MRS-9.1m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-08-MRS-0.3m-Ai    CLM-08-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-08-MRS-0.3m-B     CLM-08-MRS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-08-MRS-0.3m-C     CLM-08-MRS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-08-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-08-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             3                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-08-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-08-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-08-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             5                    Fine branching green alga                 Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-2.7m-C     CLM-08-MRS-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     13               A     nd                    4               9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     13               B     nd                    4               9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     13               C     nd                    4               9                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     13               D     nd                    4               9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.3             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.3             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.3             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.3             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             16                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-6.4m-B     CLM-08-MRS-6.4m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-08-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             19                   Cerithium                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-08-MRS-7.6m-A     CLM-08-MRS-7.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             19                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-08-MRS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             19                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-08-MRS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             19                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-08-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     30               A     nd                    9.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     30               B     nd                    9.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     30               C     nd                    9.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   MRS     30               D     nd                    9.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-09-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-09-MRS-0.3m-B     CLM-09-MRS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-09-MRS-0.3m-C     CLM-09-MRS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-09-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-09-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-09-MRS-1.5m-B     CLM-09-MRS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-09-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-09-MRS-1.5m-D     CLM-09-MRS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.7             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.7             5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.7             5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sample missing  
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.7             5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.1             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.1             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.1             7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.1             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.3             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.3             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.3             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-09-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.3             10                   Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-5.2m-D     CLM-09-MRS-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-6.4m-A     CLM-09-MRS-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-6.4m-B     CLM-09-MRS-6.4m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             17                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             17                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     30               A     nd                    9.1             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     30               B     nd                    9.1             22                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-9.1m-B     CLM-09-MRS-9.1m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     30               C     nd                    9.1             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   MRS     30               D     nd                    9.1             22                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-09-MRS-9.1m-D     CLM-09-MRS-9.1m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-10-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-10-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-10-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-10-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-10-MRS-1.5m-A     CLM-10-MRS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             2                    Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            CLM-10-MRS-1.5m-B     CLM-10-MRS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-10-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            CLM-10-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.7             3                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.7             3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.7             3                    Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-2.7m-C     CLM-10-MRS-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.7             3                    Mauve encrusting dendro sponge            Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-2.7m-D     CLM-10-MRS-2.7m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.1             5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-4.0m-A     CLM-10-MRS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.1             5                    Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-4.0m-B     CLM-10-MRS-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.1             5                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-4.0m-C     CLM-10-MRS-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.1             5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-4.0m-D     CLM-10-MRS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.3             6                    Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-5.2m-A     CLM-10-MRS-5.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.3             6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.3             6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.3             6                    Pompom alga                               White lacey Clathrina                                                                                 rock covered in mud                       CLM-10-MRS-5.2m-D     CLM-10-MRS-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             8                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-10-MRS-6.4m-A     CLM-10-MRS-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-10-MRS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             8                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-10-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             10                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-10-MRS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             10                   Brachidontes                              Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge                                                               mud                                       CLM-10-MRS-7.6m-C     CLM-10-MRS-7.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             10                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-10-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     30               A     nd                    9               13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     30               B     nd                    9               13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     30               C     nd                    9               13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   MRS     30               D     nd                    9               13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-11-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-11-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-11-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-11-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-11-MRS-1.5m-A     CLM-11-MRS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-11-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-11-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-11-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.6             4                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.6             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.6             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.6             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     13               A     nd                    4               7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     13               B     nd                    4               7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     13               C     nd                    4               7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     13               D     nd                    4               7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.1             10                   Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge                                                                                  rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-5.2m-A     CLM-11-MRS-5.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.1             10                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-5.2m-B     CLM-11-MRS-5.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.1             10                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes; Entacmaea                                                                               rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-5.2m-C     CLM-11-MRS-5.2m-Ci    CLM-11-MRS-5.2m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.1             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-11-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.3             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-11-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.3             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-11-MRS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.3             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-11-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.3             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-11-MRS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             17                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-11-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     30               A     nd                    9.1             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     30               B     nd                    9.1             23                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-11-MRS-9.1m-B     CLM-11-MRS-9.1m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     30               C     nd                    9.1             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   MRS     30               D     nd                    9.1             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-12-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-12-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-12-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-12-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-12-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-12-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-12-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-12-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.7             7                    Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-12-MRS-2.7m-A     CLM-12-MRS-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.7             7                    Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           log                                       CLM-12-MRS-2.7m-B     CLM-12-MRS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.7             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.7             7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.1             10                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-12-MRS-4.0m-A     CLM-12-MRS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.1             10                   Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-12-MRS-4.0m-B     CLM-12-MRS-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.1             10                   Purple encrusting Haliclona               nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.1             10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.2             11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.2             11                   Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.2             11                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.2             11                   Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-12-MRS-5.2m-D     CLM-12-MRS-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.3             12                   Yellow dirty pillow sponge                nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.3             12                   Yellow dirty pillow sponge                nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.3             12                   Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-12-MRS-6.4m-C     CLM-12-MRS-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.3             12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             14                   Yellow dirty pillow sponge                nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             14                   Yellow dirty pillow sponge                nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             14                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             14                   Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-12-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     30               A     nd                    9.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     30               B     nd                    9.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     30               C     nd                    9.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   MRS     30               D     nd                    9.1             16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-12-MRS-9.1m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-13-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-13-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Yellow slick veiny encrusting sponge      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-13-MRS-0.3m-C     CLM-13-MRS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-13-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-13-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-13-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-13-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-13-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-13-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock covered in mud                       CLM-13-MRS-2.7m-B     CLM-13-MRS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.2             9                    Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             rock covered in mud                       CLM-13-MRS-4.0m-A     CLM-13-MRS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.2             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.2             9                    Brachidontes                              Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge                                                               rock covered in mud                       CLM-13-MRS-4.0m-C     CLM-13-MRS-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.2             9                    Golden tufty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-13-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.2             12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-13-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.2             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.2             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-13-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.2             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       CLM-13-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    log had worm tubes that were empty  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             15                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-6.4m-D     CLM-13-MRS-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.7             19                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.7             19                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.7             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.7             19                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     30               A     nd                    9               23                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes; Cerithium                                                                               mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-9.1m-A     CLM-13-MRS-9.1m-Ai    CLM-13-MRS-9.1m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     30               B     nd                    9               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     30               C     nd                    9               23                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-9.1m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   MRS     30               D     nd                    9               23                   Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             mud                                       CLM-13-MRS-9.1m-D     CLM-13-MRS-9.1m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-14-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.4             1                    White miniature stalked vase sponge       nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-14-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-14-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-14-MRS-0.3m-D     CLM-14-MRS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangroove roots                           CLM-14-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             4                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-14-MRS-1.5m-B     CLM-14-MRS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             4                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-14-MRS-1.5m-C     CLM-14-MRS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangroove roots                           CLM-14-MRS-1.5m-D     CLM-14-MRS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             5                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-14-MRS-2.7m-A     CLM-14-MRS-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             5                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-14-MRS-2.7m-B     CLM-14-MRS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             5                    Pompom alga                               Cerithium                                                                                             log                                       CLM-14-MRS-2.7m-C     CLM-14-MRS-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             5                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-14-MRS-2.7m-D     CLM-14-MRS-2.7m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.1             9                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-14-MRS-4.0m-A     CLM-14-MRS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.1             9                    Entacmaea                                 Cerithium; Pompom alga                                                                                log                                       CLM-14-MRS-4.0m-B     CLM-14-MRS-4.0m-Bi    CLM-14-MRS-4.0m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.1             9                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-14-MRS-4.0m-C     CLM-14-MRS-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.1             9                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-14-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.3             12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-14-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.3             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-14-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.3             12                   Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-14-MRS-5.2m-D     CLM-14-MRS-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             15                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-14-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             15                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-14-MRS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             15                   Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       CLM-14-MRS-6.4m-C     CLM-14-MRS-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       CLM-14-MRS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.7             18                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-14-MRS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.7             18                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-14-MRS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.7             18                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-14-MRS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.7             18                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       CLM-14-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     30               A     nd                    9               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     30               B     nd                    9               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     30               C     nd                    9               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   MRS     30               D     nd                    9               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Maroon dendro sponge; Brachidontes                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-A     CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-Ai    CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Cream grey Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-B     CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-Bi    CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-C     CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-04-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Three Dinky white clams collected in same tube  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two Dinky white clams collected in same tube  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          fallen tree branch                        CLM-04-SWK-1.5m-D     CLM-04-SWK-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               Wiry tuft green alga; Cerithium                                                                       rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-2.7m-A     CLM-04-SWK-2.7m-Ai    CLM-04-SWK-2.7m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wiry tuft green algaon back of the Cerithium shell  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-2.7m-C     CLM-04-SWK-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    Pompom alga                               Cream grey Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-4.0m-C     CLM-04-SWK-4.0m-Ci    CLM-04-SWK-4.0m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-4.0m-D     CLM-04-SWK-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               Maroon dendro sponge; Brachidontes                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-5.2m-A     CLM-04-SWK-5.2m-Ai    CLM-04-SWK-5.2m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-5.2m-B     CLM-04-SWK-5.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             17                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             17                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             17                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-6.4m-C     CLM-04-SWK-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             17                   Purple stain                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-04-SWK-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            20                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-04-SWK-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf algaon piece of dead wood  
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            20                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-04-SWK-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S04   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Dirty yellow thin encrusting sponge                                                                   mangove root                              CLM-05-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated, Small amount of Dirty yellow thin encrusting sponge on Brachidontes came off when Brachidontes was removed  
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Dirty yellow thin encrusting sponge                                                                   mangove root                              CLM-05-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated, Small amount of Dirty yellow thin encrusting sponge on Brachidontes came off when Brachidontes was removed  
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Dirty yellow thin encrusting sponge                                                                   mangove root                              CLM-05-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated, Small amount of Dirty yellow thin encrusting sponge on Brachidontes came off when Brachidontes was removed  
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Dirty yellow thin encrusting sponge       Brachidontes                                                                                          mangove root                              CLM-05-SWK-0.3m-D     CLM-05-SWK-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     5                A     4                     1.22            2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangove root                              CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-A     CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     5                B     4                     1.22            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Errant nereid; Brachidontes                                                                           mangove root                              CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-B     CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-Bi    CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Errant neried inside the Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge  
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     5                C     4                     1.22            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangove root                              CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     5                D     4                     1.22            2                    Cerithium                                 Wiry tuft green alga; Brachidontes                                                                    mangove root                              CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-D     CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-Di    CLM-05-SWK-1.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            18                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            18                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Three Dinky white clams collected in same tube  
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            18                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            18                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            24                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            24                   Brachidontes                              Mesophora                                                                                             rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-5.2m-D     CLM-05-SWK-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             27                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             27                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             27                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             27                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-6.4m-D     CLM-05-SWK-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            29                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            29                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            29                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-7.6m-C     CLM-05-SWK-7.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            29                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-05-SWK-7.6m-D     CLM-05-SWK-7.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S05   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-07-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-07-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-07-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-07-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Purple encrusting Haliclona               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-1.5m-C     CLM-07-SWK-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain, barcode  
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               Errant nereid; Brachidontes                                                                           rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-2.7m-A     CLM-07-SWK-2.7m-Ai    CLM-07-SWK-2.7m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    White lacey Clathrina                     nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               Beige soft tubular Haliclona; Brachidontes                                                            rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-2.7m-D     CLM-07-SWK-2.7m-Di    CLM-07-SWK-2.7m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     13               A     12                    3.66            6                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-4.0m-A     CLM-07-SWK-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     13               B     12                    3.66            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     13               C     12                    3.66            6                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-4.0m-C     CLM-07-SWK-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     13               D     12                    3.66            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            8                    Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain, barcode  
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            8                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-5.2m-C     CLM-07-SWK-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            8                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Collected in same tube  
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             10                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-6.4m-C     CLM-07-SWK-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-07-SWK-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            12                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-07-SWK-7.6m-B     CLM-07-SWK-7.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S07   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-08-SWK-0.3m-A     CLM-08-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-08-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-08-SWK-0.3m-C     CLM-08-SWK-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-08-SWK-0.3m-D     CLM-08-SWK-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated, small amount of Cream grey Dendrilla on Brachidontes shell  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     5                A     6                     1.83            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     5                B     6                     1.83            3                    Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-1.5m-B     CLM-08-SWK-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     5                C     6                     1.83            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     5                D     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               Wiry tuft green alga                                                                                  mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-2.7m-A     CLM-08-SWK-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wiry tuft green alga was on the back of an empty Cerithium shell  
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Entacmaea                                 Cerithium                                                                                             mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-2.7m-B     CLM-08-SWK-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-4.0m-A     CLM-08-SWK-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-4.0m-B     CLM-08-SWK-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               Dinky white clam                                                                                      mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-4.0m-C     CLM-08-SWK-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             16                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            19                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            19                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-08-SWK-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150709     2015-07-09    S08   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-09-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-09-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Cream grey Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-09-SWK-0.3m-C     CLM-09-SWK-0.3m-Ci    CLM-09-SWK-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Maroon dendro sponge; Brachidontes                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-09-SWK-0.3m-D     CLM-09-SWK-0.3m-Di    CLM-09-SWK-0.3m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-1.5m-D     CLM-09-SWK-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             16                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-6.4m-A     CLM-09-SWK-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla was found on the Brachidontes  
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             16                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             16                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            21                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            21                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            21                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            21                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-09-SWK-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     30               A     31                    9.45            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     30               B     31                    9.45            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     30               C     31                    9.45            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S09   SWK     30               D     31                    9.45            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-10-SWK-0.3m-A     CLM-10-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-10-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-10-SWK-0.3m-C     CLM-10-SWK-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-10-SWK-0.3m-D     CLM-10-SWK-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Gold thin felty mussel encrusting sponge  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-10-SWK-1.5m-A     CLM-10-SWK-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-10-SWK-1.5m-B     CLM-10-SWK-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-10-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      CLM-10-SWK-1.5m-D     CLM-10-SWK-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rcok with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-10-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rcok with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-10-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rcok with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-10-SWK-2.7m-C     CLM-10-SWK-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small amount of Cream grey Dendrilla on Brachidontes  
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rcok with mud and shell fragment layer    CLM-10-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     13               A     12                    3.66            5                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-10-SWK-4.0m-A     CLM-10-SWK-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     13               B     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     13               C     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     13               D     12                    3.66            5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-10-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        CLM-10-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        CLM-10-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            7                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          fallen tree branch                        CLM-10-SWK-5.2m-C     CLM-10-SWK-5.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        CLM-10-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             11                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-10-SWK-6.4m-A     CLM-10-SWK-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             11                   Orange spaghetti squash sponge            nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-10-SWK-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Large sample collected  
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-10-SWK-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            13                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-10-SWK-7.6m-C     CLM-10-SWK-7.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            13                   Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-10-SWK-7.6m-D     CLM-10-SWK-7.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S10   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-11-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-11-SWK-0.3m-C     CLM-11-SWK-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-11-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Errant nereid; Brachidontes                                                                           rcok                                      CLM-11-SWK-1.5m-A     CLM-11-SWK-1.5m-Ai    CLM-11-SWK-1.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Errant nereid was found inside Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge  
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rcok                                      CLM-11-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rcok                                      CLM-11-SWK-1.5m-C     CLM-11-SWK-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rcok                                      CLM-11-SWK-1.5m-D     CLM-11-SWK-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-2.7m-D     CLM-11-SWK-2.7m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Glass shrimp                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            10                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            17                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            17                   Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-7.6m-B     CLM-11-SWK-7.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small Entacmaea on Brachidontes shell  
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            17                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-11-SWK-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150708     2015-07-08    S11   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangove root                              CLM-12-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth and transect measurement estimated  
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangove root                              CLM-12-SWK-0.3m-B     CLM-12-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth and transect measurement estimated  
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangove root                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth and transect measurement estimated  
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangove root                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth and transect measurement estimated  
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      CLM-12-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla was found on an empty Brachidontes shell  
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      CLM-12-SWK-1.5m-B     CLM-12-SWK-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      CLM-12-SWK-1.5m-C     CLM-12-SWK-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      CLM-12-SWK-1.5m-D     CLM-12-SWK-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-2.7m-A     CLM-12-SWK-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               Polynoid scale worm                                                                                   mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-4.0m-C     CLM-12-SWK-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            9                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   Pompom alga                               Cream grey Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-6.4m-D     CLM-12-SWK-6.4m-Di    CLM-12-SWK-6.4m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            15                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-12-SWK-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S12   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-13-SWK-0.3m-A     CLM-13-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated, Cream grey Dendrilla on Brachidontes  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-13-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated, small amount on piece of mangrove root, ID unknown  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-13-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-13-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-13-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-13-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       CLM-13-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud layer                       CLM-13-SWK-1.5m-D     CLM-13-SWK-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     9                A     8                     2.44            7                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       fallen tree                               CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-A     CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     9                B     8                     2.44            7                    Cerithium                                 Wiry tuft green alga; Entacmaea; Brachidontes                                                         fallen tree                               CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-B     CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-Bi    CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-Bii   CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium=A;Wiry tuft green alga=Ai; Entacmaea=Aii; Brachidontes=Aiii  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     9                C     8                     2.44            7                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  fallen tree                               CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-C     CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     9                D     8                     2.44            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    fallen tree                               CLM-13-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            15                   Pompom alga                               Green stain                                                                                           rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-5.2m-A     CLM-13-SWK-5.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green stain located on piece of wood  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            15                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             20                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             20                   Pompom alga                               Cream grey Dendrilla; Mesophora; Brachidontes                                                         fallen tree branch                        CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-B     CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-Bi    CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-Bii   CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             20                   Pompom alga                               Mesophora; Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                       fallen tree branch                        CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-C     CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-Ci    CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             20                   Pompom alga                               Entacmaea                                                                                             fallen tree branch                        CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-D     CLM-13-SWK-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            23                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            23                   Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-7.6m-B     CLM-13-SWK-7.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            23                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            23                   Pompom alga                               Entacmaea; Cerithium                                                                                  rock with mud and shell layer             CLM-13-SWK-7.6m-D     CLM-13-SWK-7.6m-Di    CLM-13-SWK-7.6m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea on Cerithium, both under Pompom alga  
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     30               A     31                    9.45            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     30               B     31                    9.45            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     30               C     31                    9.45            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150707     2015-07-07    S13   SWK     30               D     31                    9.45            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             CLM-14-SWK-0.3m-A     CLM-14-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth and transect measurement estimated  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-14-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth and transect measurement estimated  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-14-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth and transect measurement estimated  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             CLM-14-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth and transect measurement estimated  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Entacmaea                                 Wiry tuft green alga; Brachidontes; Cerithium                                                         mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-1.5m-B     CLM-14-SWK-1.5m-Bi    CLM-14-SWK-1.5m-Bii   CLM-14-SWK-1.5m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Pompom alga                               Errant nereid                                                                                         mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-2.7m-B     CLM-14-SWK-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two Dinky white clams collected in same tube  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               Errant nereid                                                                                         mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-5.2m-A     CLM-14-SWK-5.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two Dinky white clams collected in same tube  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  CLM-14-SWK-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Three Dinky white clams collected in same tube  
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150710     2015-07-10    S14   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
FLK      Flatworm_Lake_Koror                7.3218    134.5060   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    always on mud; never reached rock, where most organisms are; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments and leaf litter  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments and leaf litter  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments and leaf litter  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments and leaf litter  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp with leaf litter and shell fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    MND found Clam spat in his transect - I think I only found shell fragments, but may have missed them on this first site; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp with leaf litter and shell fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    upon reviewing photos, no clam spat visible at surface (alive); Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp with leaf litter and shell fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp with leaf litter and shell fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-02-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Rusty felty encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-02-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Tan starburst ascidian                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-02-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Called Tan crevice ascidian in database; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-02-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red alga observed in sample too; not segregated lake-side; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            3.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-02-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            3.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-02-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            3.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      FLK-02-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            3.3                  Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         FLK-02-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            16.3                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments                   FLK-02-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            16.3                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments                   FLK-02-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            16.3                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments                   FLK-02-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            16.3                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     9                A     8                     2.44            30.3                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     9                B     8                     2.44            30.3                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     9                C     8                     2.44            30.3                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   HFS     9                D     8                     2.44            30.3                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Rusty felty encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    White wispy tendril encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    may have Green turf alga in tube also; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube; no worm; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Yellow orange crispy encrusting boring sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria covering; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria covering; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria covering; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall starts at ~3.5 m on transect; Cyanobacteria covering; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            14                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-03-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; transect distance for 09 ft adjusted for pull off wall; see fieldnotes; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            14                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-03-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            14                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-03-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube; no worm; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Errant nereid A                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             FLK-04-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in wood; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove root was decomposing, to the point you could pull out the piece of wood under the ring. ; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube; no worm; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.1                  Errant nereid B                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             FLK-04-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in wood; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            8.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            8.6                  Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments                   FLK-04-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat absent from photo; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            8.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            8.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            22.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-04-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            22.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-04-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            22.6                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            22.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-04-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Bright green dinky colonial ascidian      Balloon animal green alga; Green turf alga                                                            rock                                      FLK-05-HFS-0.5m-A     FLK-05-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tie in at -0.5 m; transect distances adjusted by that amount; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Pink Cliona                               White spotted encrusting sponge                                                                       rock                                      FLK-05-HFS-0.5m-B     FLK-05-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White sponge has Green Turf alga in tube also; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Bright green dinky colonial ascidian      Balloon animal green alga                                                                             rock                                      FLK-05-HFS-0.5m-D     FLK-05-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Possibly equivalent to NLN Bright green colonial ascidian; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            3.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with mud and leaf litter layer     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with mud and leaf litter layer     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with mud and leaf litter layer     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            5.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            5.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            5.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            5.5                  Beige soft digitate mat sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            17.5                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    FLK-05-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED under sediment; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            17.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            17.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            17.5                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    FLK-05-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED under sediment; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.37                 Orange soft felty encrusting sponge       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-06-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distances for 01, 03 and 06 target depths adjusted to split depths based on the originally deployed transect which hung vertically 2.6 m down to 7 ft. See FieldNotes for more explanation; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.37                 Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-06-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube; no worm; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.37                 Brown encrusting sponge                   Serpulid                                                                                              nd                                        FLK-06-HFS-0.5m-C     FLK-06-HFS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.37                 Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-06-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube; no worm; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.12                 Orange velvet encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.12                 Orange soft felty encrusting sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.12                 Orange velvet encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.12                 Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            2.23                 Orange velvet encrusting sponge           Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      FLK-06-HFS-2.5m-A     FLK-06-HFS-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            2.23                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            2.23                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            2.23                 Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with leaf litter  FLK-06-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat not in photo; under sediment; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with leaf litter  FLK-06-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified from photo; under sediment; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with leaf litter  FLK-06-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified from photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with leaf litter  FLK-06-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat not in photo; under sediment; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    see field notes for explanation of transect distance; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           Balloon animal green alga                                                                             nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-0.5m-B     FLK-07-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Yellow brown dimpled coral                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.6                  Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.6                  Rusty felty encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            3.1                  Green turf alga                           Black encrusting sponge                                                                               nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-2.5m-A     FLK-07-HFS-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    some Green turf alga in with the Black encrusting sponge; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            3.1                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            3.1                  Yellow orange crispy encrusting boring sponge  Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-2.5m-C     FLK-07-HFS-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            3.1                  Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    base of wall 4 m transect, 8 ft; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            11.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            11.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            11.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            11.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        FLK-07-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood pulp and mud                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood pulp and mud                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood pulp and mud                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood pulp and mud                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    wood                                      FLK-08-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under wood chunk; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            16                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         FLK-08-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified from photo; under sediment; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            24                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-08-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat; not in photo; under sediment; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            24                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-08-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified from photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            24                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-08-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat; not in photo; under sediment; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     1                A     1.5                   0.46            1                    Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distances adjusted due to tie-in distance from 0m; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     1                B     1.5                   0.46            1                    Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     1                C     1.5                   0.46            1                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertian; other Pink Cliona around, yet when chiseled out, looked like there was a tube, but top was not the normal defined shape - perhaps just a hole in rock and an encrusting sponge?; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     1                D     1.5                   0.46            1                    Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-09-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube; no worm; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Orange velvet encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-09-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            4                    Orange velvet encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            10                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments and leaf litter  FLK-09-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments and leaf litter  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            10                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments and leaf litter  FLK-09-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive from photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            10                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments and leaf litter  FLK-09-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           Serpulid                                                                                              rock                                      FLK-10-HFS-0.5m-A     FLK-10-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    see field notes for explanation of transect distance; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-10-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-10-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pink bracket coralline alga               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-10-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.1                  Green turf alga                           Black paint sponge                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-10-HFS-1.5m-A     FLK-10-HFS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.1                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-10-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.1                  Green turf alga                           Black paint sponge                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-10-HFS-1.5m-C     FLK-10-HFS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.1                  Green turf alga                           Black paint sponge                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-10-HFS-1.5m-D     FLK-10-HFS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            5.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    clam spat collected, but none alive; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            5.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            5.6                  Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-10-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat; absent from photo; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            5.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    clam spat collected, but none alive; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            16.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-10-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat; not near center; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            16.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-10-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat; not near center; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            16.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-10-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat; not near center; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            16.6                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-10-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter layer       FLK-11-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes, no worms present; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter layer       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tie in at -1 m; corrected transect disance by that amount; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter layer       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter layer       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    Orange soft felty encrusting sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-11-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-11-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-11-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            12                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-11-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            12                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-11-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            12                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-11-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     9                A     27                    8.23            28                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-11-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     9                B     27                    8.23            28                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-11-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     9                C     27                    8.23            28                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-11-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   HFS     9                D     27                    8.23            28                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-11-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distances adjusted due to tie-in distance from 0m; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            3.5                  Green turf alga                           Black encrusting sponge                                                                               rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-1.5m-A     FLK-12-HFS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            3.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            3.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            3.5                  Green turf alga                           Black encrusting sponge                                                                               rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-1.5m-D     FLK-12-HFS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            7.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            7.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            7.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            7.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-12-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            23.5                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    FLK-12-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            23.5                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    FLK-12-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            23.5                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    FLK-12-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            23.5                 Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell fragments with wood pulp    FLK-12-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; under sediment; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Yellow lacey Clathrina                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-13-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tie in at -1 m; corrected transect disance by that amount; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-13-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with red alga in sample; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-13-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with red alga in sample; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-13-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-13-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-13-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    Errant nereid B                           nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-13-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            8                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud and wood pulp layer  FLK-13-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            8                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud and wood pulp layer  FLK-13-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            8                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud and wood pulp layer  FLK-13-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            8                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud and wood pulp layer  FLK-13-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-13-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat; not in center of photo; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-13-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-13-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-13-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat; not in photo; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1.5                  White solitary ascidian                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-14-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tie in at -1 m; corrected transect disance by that amount; Ascidian in crevice/hole; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1.5                  White solitary ascidian                   White translucent yellow spindle colonial ascidian                                                    leaf over rock                            FLK-14-HFS-0.5m-B     FLK-14-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Solitary ascidian on leaf; Colonial ascidian on rock under leaf; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1.5                  Orange soft felty encrusting sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-14-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1.5                  White solitary ascidian                   Pink bracket coralline alga                                                                           rock                                      FLK-14-HFS-0.5m-D     FLK-14-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian in crevice/hole; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            3.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-14-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube; no worm; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            3.5                  White felty encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-14-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    SWK got in NLU??; No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            3.5                  White solitary ascidian                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-14-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            3.5                  Yellow lacey Clathrina                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-14-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     6                A     6                     1.83            11                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud and leaf litter layer  FLK-14-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     6                B     6                     1.83            11                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud and leaf litter layer  FLK-14-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     6                C     6                     1.83            11                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud and leaf litter layer  FLK-14-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     6                D     6                     1.83            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell fragments with mud and leaf litter layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            27                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-14-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            27                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-14-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    NOT VERIFIED; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            27                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      FLK-14-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    verified alive with photo; Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.7             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-01-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.7             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-01-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.7             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.7             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     6                A     nd                    2               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     6                B     nd                    2               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     6                C     nd                    2               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     6                D     nd                    2               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-02-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no tissue; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-02-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-02-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.1             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.1             3                    Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-02-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.1             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.1             3                    Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-02-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     6                A     nd                    2               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     6                B     nd                    2               10                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     6                C     nd                    2               10                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     6                D     nd                    2               10                   Clam jspat                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               29                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               29                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MAF-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               29                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MAF-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.8             1                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-03-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.8             1                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-03-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.8             1                    Brown yellow dimpled coral                nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-03-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.8             1                    Pink bracket coralline alga               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-03-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.7             2                    Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-03-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.7             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.7             2                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-03-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.7             2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-03-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     6                A     nd                    2.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     6                B     nd                    2.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     6                C     nd                    2.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     6                D     nd                    2.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     3                A     nd                    1               3                    Clam juvenile                             nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no tissue; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     3                B     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     3                C     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     3                D     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     6                A     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     6                B     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     6                C     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     6                D     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tubes; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tubes; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tubes; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tubes; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tubes; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-05-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-05-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-05-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-05-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-05-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-05-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             2                    White wispy tendril encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-05-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-05-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     6                A     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     6                B     nd                    2               14                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-05-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     6                C     nd                    2               14                   Clam juvenile                             nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-05-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MAF     6                D     nd                    2               14                   Clam juvenile                             nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-05-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.7             1                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-06-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.7             1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-06-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.7             1                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-06-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.7             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-06-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.2             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.2             2                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-06-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.2             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.2             2                    Black encrusting sponge                   Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-06-MAF-1.5m-D     FLK-06-MAF-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     6                A     nd                    2.2             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with rock and organic layer           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     6                B     nd                    2.2             4                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    mud with rock and organic layer           FLK-06-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     6                C     nd                    2.2             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with rock and organic layer           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     6                D     nd                    2.2             4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    mud with rock and organic layer           FLK-06-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               18                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               18                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Black encrusting sponge                   Fine branching red alga                                                                               rock with organic layer                   FLK-07-MAF-0.5m-A     FLK-07-MAF-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-07-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-07-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-07-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     3                A     nd                    1               2.5                  Black encrusting sponge                   Balloon animal green alga                                                                             rock with organic layer                   FLK-07-MAF-1.5m-A     FLK-07-MAF-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     3                B     nd                    1               2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-07-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     3                C     nd                    1               2.5                  Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-07-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     3                D     nd                    1               2.5                  Black encrusting sponge                   Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-07-MAF-1.5m-D     FLK-07-MAF-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     6                A     nd                    2.1             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     6                B     nd                    2.1             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     6                C     nd                    2.1             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     6                D     nd                    2.1             4                    Clam juvenile                             nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-07-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               18                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-07-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               18                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-07-MAF-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               18                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-07-MAF-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Black brown encrusting sponge             Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-08-MAF-0.5m-A     FLK-08-MAF-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube, no animal; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-08-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-08-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-08-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1                    Green turf alga                           Serpulid                                                                                              rock with organic layer                   FLK-08-MAF-1.5m-A     FLK-08-MAF-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             1                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-08-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     6                A     nd                    2               8                    Clam juvenile                             nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-08-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     6                B     nd                    2               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tubes; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     6                C     nd                    2               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     6                D     nd                    2               8                    Clam juvenile                             nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-08-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-08-MAF-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-08-MAF-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.7             1                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.7             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.7             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.7             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.2             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube, no animal; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.2             2                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.2             2                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.2             2                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     6                A     nd                    1.8             3                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     6                B     nd                    1.8             3                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     6                C     nd                    1.8             3                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-2.5m-C     FLK-09-MAF-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    probably boring; no clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     6                D     nd                    1.8             3                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-09-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-10-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-10-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-10-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.4             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     3                A     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     3                B     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     3                C     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     3                D     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     6                A     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     6                B     nd                    2               15                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-10-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     6                C     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MAF     6                D     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube, no animal; Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Orange skin sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-11-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    A bsence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo; Serpulid tube, no animal  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat unvertain from photo; Serpulid tube,+J186 no animal  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     6                A     nd                    2               19                   Clam juvenile                             nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-11-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     6                B     nd                    2               19                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-11-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     6                C     nd                    2               19                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-11-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MAF     6                D     nd                    2               19                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-11-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.7             1                    Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-12-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.7             1                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-12-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.7             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.7             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.2             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.2             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.2             2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-12-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.2             2                    Black encrusting sponge                   Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-12-MAF-1.5m-D     FLK-12-MAF-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     6                A     nd                    2.2             4                    Yellow encrusting tendril sponge          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-12-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     6                B     nd                    2.2             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     6                C     nd                    2.2             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     6                D     nd                    2.2             4                    Orange velvet encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-12-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     9                A     nd                    3.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     9                B     nd                    3.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     9                C     nd                    3.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MAF     9                D     nd                    3.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Black encrusting sponge                   Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-13-MAF-0.5m-A     FLK-13-MAF-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Black encrusting sponge                   Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-13-MAF-0.5m-D     FLK-13-MAF-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.2             3                    Black brown encrusting sponge             Green turf alga                                                                                       mud                                       FLK-13-MAF-1.5m-A     FLK-13-MAF-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     6                A     nd                    2               9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     6                B     nd                    2               9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     6                C     nd                    2               9                    Clam juvenile                             nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-13-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     6                D     nd                    2               9                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-13-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               23                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-13-MAF-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               23                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Green turf alga                           Black brown encrusting sponge                                                                         rock with organic layer                   FLK-14-MAF-0.5m-A     FLK-14-MAF-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Green turf alga                           Black brown encrusting sponge                                                                         rock with organic layer                   FLK-14-MAF-0.5m-C     FLK-14-MAF-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   FLK-14-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             2                    Black brown encrusting sponge             Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-14-MAF-1.5m-A     FLK-14-MAF-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             2                    Black brown encrusting sponge             Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-14-MAF-1.5m-B     FLK-14-MAF-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             2                    Black brown encrusting sponge             Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with organic layer                   FLK-14-MAF-1.5m-C     FLK-14-MAF-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     6                A     nd                    2.1             6                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-14-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     6                B     nd                    2.1             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     6                C     nd                    2.1             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-14-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     6                D     nd                    2.1             6                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-14-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     9                A     nd                    3               24                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-14-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     9                B     nd                    3               24                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     9                C     nd                    3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MAF     9                D     nd                    3               24                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-14-MAF-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo)  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-01-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-01-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-01-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-01-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            13                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    wood and shell                            FLK-01-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            13                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    wood and shell                            FLK-01-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            13                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    wood and shell                            FLK-01-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            13                   Clam spat                                 Acoel flatworm                                                                                        wood and shell                            FLK-01-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            21                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    wood and shell                            FLK-01-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            21                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    wood and shell                            FLK-01-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock                                      FLK-02-MND-0.5m-A     FLK-02-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock                                      FLK-02-MND-0.5m-B     FLK-02-MND-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Pink Cliona                                                                                           rock                                      FLK-02-MND-0.5m-C     FLK-02-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-02-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-02-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    White wispy tendril encrusting sponge     Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with mud layer                       FLK-02-MND-1.5m-B     FLK-02-MND-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-02-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-02-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            17                   Clam spat                                 Acoel flatworm                                                                                        mud with leaf                             FLK-02-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).No sample of acoel  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            17                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             FLK-02-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             FLK-02-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Small cylindrical openings are obvious in the sediment in many places; not sure what causes them. Clam spat? Worms? Clam spat in sample but not obvious in photograph therefore presume dead and do not analyze.  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     9                A     8                     2.44            27                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     9                B     8                     2.44            27                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     9                C     8                     2.44            27                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S02   MND     9                D     8                     2.44            27                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-02-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.75                 Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.75                 Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.75                 Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.75                 Egg mass                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1.67                 Orange smooth encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1.67                 Green turf alga                           Black encrusting sponge                                                                               rock                                      FLK-03-MND-1.5m-B     FLK-03-MND-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1.67                 Black paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1.67                 Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-03-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            10                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud wood and leaf                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Primary sample lost  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood and leaf                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud wood and leaf                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            10                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud wood and leaf                         FLK-03-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mass                        FLK-04-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mass                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mass                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mass                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            15                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood fragments                    FLK-04-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            15                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood fragments                    FLK-04-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            15                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood fragments                    FLK-04-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            15                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood fragments                    FLK-04-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Black encrusting sponge                                                                               rock                                      FLK-05-MND-0.5m-C     FLK-05-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink orange skin sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).POSS is smooth and it peels easily with a knife. = peachy pink paint sponge LJB  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            2.5                  Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            2.5                  Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-05-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with wood fragments and leaves      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with wood fragments and leaves      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with wood fragments and leaves      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with wood fragments and leaves      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with wood fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with wood fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with wood fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with wood fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      FLK-06-MND-1.5m-C     FLK-06-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-06-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaves                FLK-06-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Clam spat  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaves                FLK-06-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Clam spat  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaves                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S06   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            13                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaves                FLK-06-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Black paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink bracket coralline alga               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pink bracket coralline alga               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           Unidentified                                                                                          rock                                      FLK-07-MND-1.5m-B     FLK-07-MND-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Rock wall  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            3                    Orange soft felty encrusting sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-07-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            3                    White wispy tendril encrusting sponge     Green turf alga; Balloon animal green alga                                                            rock                                      FLK-07-MND-2.5m-D     FLK-07-MND-2.5m-Di    FLK-07-MND-2.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-08-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      FLK-08-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      FLK-08-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-08-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              FLK-08-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            14                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              FLK-08-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            14                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              FLK-08-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            9                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-08-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            9                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-08-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            9                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-08-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S08   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            9                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-08-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Serpulid                                  Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      FLK-09-MND-0.5m-A     FLK-09-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige oscule sponge                       Sabellid                                                                                              rock                                      FLK-09-MND-0.5m-B     FLK-09-MND-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Is this a very small Golf ball sponge?  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Serpulid                                  Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      FLK-09-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Green turf alga is in same tube as worm  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Spirorbid                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           Serpulid                                                                                              rock                                      FLK-09-MND-1.5m-C     FLK-09-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              FLK-09-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            3                    Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              FLK-09-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      FLK-09-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            11                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              FLK-09-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            11                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              FLK-09-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            11                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              FLK-09-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            11                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              FLK-09-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Black encrusting sponge                   Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with mud                             FLK-10-MND-0.5m-B     FLK-10-MND-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             FLK-10-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-10-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-10-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3.5                  Yellow wispy tendril encrusting sponge    Banded brittle star; Green turf alga                                                                  rock with mud layer                       FLK-10-MND-1.5m-D     FLK-10-MND-1.5m-Di    FLK-10-MND-1.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            12                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf                    FLK-10-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150625     2015-06-25    S10   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock boulder with sediment layer          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock boulder with sediment layer          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock boulder with sediment layer          FLK-11-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock boulder with sediment layer          FLK-11-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    Serpulid                                  Green turf alga                                                                                       mud leaf and rock                         FLK-11-MND-1.5m-A     FLK-11-MND-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud leaf and rock                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud leaf and rock                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud leaf and rock                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            22                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-11-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).This spat is ALIVE!  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            22                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-11-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S11   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            22                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       FLK-11-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).This spat is ALIVE!  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with mud and leaf                    FLK-12-MND-0.5m-A     FLK-12-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Bright green dinky colonial ascidian      Balloon animal green alga; Banded brittle star; Green turf alga                                       rock with mud and leaf                    FLK-12-MND-0.5m-B     FLK-12-MND-0.5m-Bi    FLK-12-MND-0.5m-Bii   FLK-12-MND-0.5m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Is this the same as the small green colonial ascidian in NLN?  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    FLK-12-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud among rock                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud among rock                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud among rock                            FLK-12-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    mud among rock                            FLK-12-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf mud and wood                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    leaf mud and wood                         FLK-12-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            20                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    leaf mud and wood                         FLK-12-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150624     2015-06-24    S12   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf mud and wood                         FLK-12-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  White colonial ascidian                   nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             FLK-13-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             FLK-13-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             FLK-13-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             FLK-13-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-13-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    White wispy tendril encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-13-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-13-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some leaf                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some leaf                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with some leaf                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            10                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with some leaf                        FLK-13-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            22                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              FLK-13-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            22                   Clam spat                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              FLK-13-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Red paint sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             FLK-14-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             FLK-14-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             FLK-14-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-14-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Mud cleared before landscape photos  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       FLK-14-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Mud cleared before landscape photos  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    Black encrusting sponge                   Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with mud layer                       FLK-14-MND-1.5m-C     FLK-14-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Mud cleared before landscape photos  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    Pink orange skin sponge                   Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with mud layer                       FLK-14-MND-1.5m-D     FLK-14-MND-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).Mud cleared before landscape photos. = peachy pink paint sponge LJB  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     6                A     6                     1.83            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud layer over shell fragments layer      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     6                B     6                     1.83            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud layer over shell fragments layer      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     6                C     6                     1.83            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud layer over shell fragments layer      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     6                D     6                     1.83            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud layer over shell fragments layer      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     9                A     8                     2.44            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     9                B     8                     2.44            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Clam spat at surface sample point (see photo).  
150626     2015-06-26    S14   MND     9                C     8                     2.44            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Absence/Presence of clam spat uncertain from photo.  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
GLK      Goby_Lake_Koror                    7.3149    134.5018   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.25                 Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-02-HFS-0.5m-A     GLK-02-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.25                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-02-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.25                 Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-02-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove root overhang  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    could barely see at this depth  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     11               A     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline at 10 ft; went down, laid transect just above chemocline, and then all vis disappeared. Tried waiting, but ended up doing horizontal by touch. No photos  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     11               B     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     11               C     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   HFS     11               D     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-A     GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes recruit in the Pompom alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    saw pulsing polyp come off Pompom alga - shaped like dandilion seed and pink with pink dots at top of each segment  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-C     GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Ci    GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes recruit in the Pompom alga; n=2; one in Ci and other in Cii  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes; Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                         mangrove root                             GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-D     GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Di    GLK-04-HFS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halisarca ID uncertain; slick and right color, but just starting and none other around, so indescript on shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     11               A     10                    3.05            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    was clear with chemocline below when started, but got mixed up  
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     11               B     10                    3.05            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     11               C     10                    3.05            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   HFS     11               D     10                    3.05            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        GLK-06-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock yellow in photo; not sponge - tried chiseling and powdery and that color beneath like the rock is that color  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        GLK-06-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead green turf alga; rock completely crumbles apart when you run your finger over it  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead green turf alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead green turf alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead green turf alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-A     GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    n=2; one in primary, one in Ai  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-B     GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    n=2; one in primary, one in Ai  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-D     GLK-06-HFS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     11               A     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline starts at 10 ft  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     11               B     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     11               C     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   HFS     11               D     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    leaf litter                               GLK-07-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and dead alga              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and dead alga              GLK-07-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and dead alga              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and dead alga              GLK-07-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell with shell fragments layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline starts at 09 ft; white layer above until 06 ft  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell with shell fragments layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell with shell fragments layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell with shell fragments layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Conical hydromedusa                                                                                   mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-D     GLK-13-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Not rocketship hydromedusa  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2.5                  Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-13-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth, cyanobacteria/mung covering substrate  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead microsnail  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter layer       GLK-13-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on leaf  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            11                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       GLK-13-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            11                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       GLK-13-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            11                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       GLK-13-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     15               A     15                    4.57            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    green cyanobacteria covering substrate at this depth  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     15               B     15                    4.57            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     15               C     15                    4.57            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   HFS     15               D     15                    4.57            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              GLK-01-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     11               A     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     11               B     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     11               C     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   LMS     11               D     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-03-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-03-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-03-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-03-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     11               A     10                    3.05            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     11               B     10                    3.05            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     11               C     10                    3.05            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   LMS     11               D     10                    3.05            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-05-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     Microsnail sp 2                                                                                       leaf litter and shell                     GLK-05-LMS-1.5m-A     GLK-05-LMS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and shell                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and shell                     GLK-05-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and shell                     GLK-05-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    GLK-05-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-08-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brachidontes                              Errant nereid                                                                                         rock with mud                             GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-B     GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brachidontes                              Errant nereid                                                                                         rock with mud                             GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-D     GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-Di    GLK-09-LMS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    piles of Brachidontes shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    piles of Brachidontes shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    piles of Brachidontes shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    piles of Brachidontes shell  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-B     GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-C     GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-D     GLK-09-LMS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with leaf                            GLK-10-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead DWC shells  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead DWC shells  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead DWC shells  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead DWC shells  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-10-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf and mud          GLK-11-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf and mud          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf and mud          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lost specimen  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf and mud          GLK-11-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    White feather retracting hydroid          Red smooth worm                                                                                       shell and mud on rock                     GLK-11-LMS-1.5m-A     GLK-11-LMS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Brown orange encrusting felty sponge      nd                                                                                                    shell and mud on rock                     GLK-11-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud on rock                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud on rock                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and leaf and mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shell and leaf and mud                    GLK-11-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shell and leaf and mud                    GLK-11-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    shell and leaf and mud                    GLK-11-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       rock                                      GLK-12-LMS-0.5m-C     GLK-12-LMS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Scyphopolyp Mastigias                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             GLK-12-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf litter             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-12-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-12-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              GLK-12-LMS-2.5m-D     GLK-12-LMS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth back inside cave; cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth back inside cave; cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth back inside cave; cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this depth back inside cave; cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     11               A     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     11               B     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     11               C     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     11               D     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     15               A     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     15               B     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     15               C     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   LMS     15               D     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1.2                  Pompom alga                               Flat worm                                                                                             mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-A     GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1.2                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1.2                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1.2                  Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             3                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             3                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             3                    Filamentous green alga                    Segmented worm                                                                                        mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-C     GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             3                    Filamentous green alga                    Green turf alga                                                                                       mud with wood                             GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-D     GLK-02-MAF-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.5             10                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with shell layer                      GLK-02-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.5             10                   White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell layer                      GLK-02-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.5             10                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with shell layer                      GLK-02-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.3             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.3             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.3             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.3             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    White feather retracting hydroid          Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with organic layer                    GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-B     GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Transparent red dot ascidian              nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mud with organic layer                    GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-D     GLK-04-MAF-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1.3                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   GLK-06-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1.3                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   GLK-06-MAF-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1.3                  Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   GLK-06-MAF-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.2             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.4             6                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-06-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Pompom alga                               Conical hydromedusa                                                                                   mangrove root                             GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-B     GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Pompom alga; Conical hydromedusa                                                                      mangrove root                             GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-C     GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-Ci    GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    not rocketship hydromedusa  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-07-MAF-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.4             4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-07-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.2             21                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-07-MAF-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.2             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.2             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.2             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.5             0.8                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-13-MAF-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.5             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.5             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.5             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    Gastropod eggs                            nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-13-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    Gold thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-13-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    Gastropod eggs                            nd                                                                                                    mud with organic layer                    GLK-13-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.5             4                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-13-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on leave in the mud  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.5             4                    Brachidontes                              Yellow thin smooth encrusting sponge                                                                  mud                                       GLK-13-MAF-2.5m-B     GLK-13-MAF-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     11               A     nd                    3.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     11               B     nd                    3.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     11               C     nd                    3.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     11               D     nd                    3.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     15               A     nd                    4.5             10                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-13-MAF-4.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     15               B     nd                    4.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     15               C     nd                    4.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MAF     15               D     nd                    4.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-02-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-02-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brachidontes                              Peach long nereid                                                                                     mangrove roots                            GLK-02-MND-0.5m-C     GLK-02-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Transparent red dot ascidian              Peach long nereid; Brachidontes                                                                       mangrove roots                            GLK-02-MND-0.5m-D     GLK-02-MND-0.5m-Di    GLK-02-MND-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S02   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with some mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     2                A     nd                    0.5             3.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     2                B     nd                    0.5             3.7                  White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-04-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     2                C     nd                    0.5             3.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     2                D     nd                    0.5             3.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     5                A     nd                    1.5             7.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     5                B     nd                    1.5             7.7                  White feather retracting hydroid          Red smooth worm                                                                                       mud and leaf litter                       GLK-04-MND-1.5m-B     GLK-04-MND-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     5                C     nd                    1.5             7.7                  Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-04-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     5                D     nd                    1.5             7.7                  White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-04-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     8                A     nd                    2.5             12.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     8                B     nd                    2.5             12.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     8                C     nd                    2.5             12.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S04   MND     8                D     nd                    2.5             12.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this site amongst fallen tree branches  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter and wood      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-06-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               GLK-06-MND-2.5m-D     GLK-06-MND-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    n=2; on in primary, one in Di  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     11               A     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline starts at 10 ft; this depth under a fallen tree  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     11               B     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lots of Brachidontes shells; few microsnails (lots on the Green turf alga on log above)  
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     11               C     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S06   MND     11               D     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    Wiry filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on downed log  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Wiry filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    hanging off downed log; moved to sediment behind  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    white layer goes to 06 ft to chemocline  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      GLK-07-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pompom alga in photo; not attached so not collected  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline starts at 09 ft; dead microsnail and dead alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead alga  
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S07   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove roots                            GLK-13-MND-0.5m-A     GLK-13-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-13-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-13-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     8                A     7                     2.13            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     8                B     7                     2.13            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     8                C     7                     2.13            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     8                D     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-13-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    Red wiry alga                             Red smooth worm; Microsnail                                                                           rock                                      GLK-13-MND-3.5m-B     GLK-13-MND-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Snail in photo, but not collected  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Pompom alga                               Red smooth worm; Green turf alga                                                                      rock                                      GLK-13-MND-3.5m-C     GLK-13-MND-3.5m-Ci    GLK-13-MND-3.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    Red smooth worm                           Microsnail                                                                                            rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Primary & secondary sample lost  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     15               A     15                    4.57            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     15               B     15                    4.57            15                   Red smooth worm                           nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       GLK-13-MND-4.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     15               C     15                    4.57            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S13   MND     15               D     15                    4.57            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Orange ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             3                    Transparent red dot ascidian              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-01-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             6                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-01-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             6                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-01-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-03-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-03-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-03-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             5                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-03-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             5                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-03-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-03-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-03-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.6             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Brachidontes                              Gastropod eggs; Tan slippery porous sponge                                                            mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-A     GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-Ai    GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-B     GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-D     GLK-05-MRS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             3                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-05-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.4             4                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-05-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-08-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Lophophorate                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-08-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Pink yellow pollen grains dendro sponge   nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-08-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-08-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            GLK-08-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.4             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.4             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.4             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.4             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    dead Brachidonte shells                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-10-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            GLK-10-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Barcode  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   MRS     15               D     nd                    4.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    Tan slippery porous sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-11-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    Tan slippery porous sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-11-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      GLK-11-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.6             7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.6             7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.6             7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.6             7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-11-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Speedy mesosnail                          nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-12-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-12-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       GLK-12-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             6                    White feather retracting hydroid          Red smooth worm                                                                                       leaves and mud                            GLK-12-MRS-1.5m-A     GLK-12-MRS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-12-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-12-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             9                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       GLK-12-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     11               A     nd                    3.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     11               B     nd                    3.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     11               C     nd                    3.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     11               D     nd                    3.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     15               A     nd                    4.6             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     15               B     nd                    4.6             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   MRS     15               C     nd                    4.6             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves covered in cyanobacteria           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Wiry filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Wiry filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-C     GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-D     GLK-01-SWK-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     11               A     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     11               B     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     11               C     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S01   SWK     11               D     10                    3.05            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-03-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             GLK-03-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-03-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-03-SWK-1.5m-B     GLK-03-SWK-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two microsnails colledted, on placed in tube B and the other in Bi  
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-03-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S03   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Scyphopolyp Mastigias; Brachidontes                                                                   mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-D     GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-Di    GLK-05-SWK-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Red smooth worm                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-C     GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two microsnails colledted, on placed in tube C and the other in Ci  
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-05-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S05   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange felty vein sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-08-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-08-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S08   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow thin smooth encrusting sponge      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-09-SWK-0.5m-B     GLK-09-SWK-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, ID unknown barcode  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-09-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; brachidontes had mung on shell, not collected  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-09-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; brachidontes had mung on shell, not collected  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-D     GLK-09-SWK-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two microsnails colledted, on placed in tube D and the other in Di  
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S09   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-10-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-10-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    White feather retracting hydroid          nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-10-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White feather retracting hydroid found on fallen leaf  
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S10   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-11-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-11-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-11-SWK-2.5m-A     GLK-11-SWK-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    one microsnail in tube 2.5 A; other 3 in tube 2.5 Ai  
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-11-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S11   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    mud shell and leaf fragments              GLK-12-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and leaf fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and leaf fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and leaf fragments              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-12-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mustard encrusting sponge on log  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    GLK-12-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mustard encrusting sponge on rock  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-12-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-12-SWK-2.5m-B     GLK-12-SWK-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two microsnails colledted, on placed in tube B and the other in Bi  
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         GLK-12-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150719     2015-07-19    S12   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, transect done under rock over hang, lots of dead Brachidontes on the ground  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, transect done under rock over hang, lots of dead Brachidontes on the ground  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, transect done under rock over hang, lots of dead Brachidontes on the ground  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragment layer    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated, transect done under rock over hang, lots of dead Brachidontes on the ground  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     11               A     11                    3.35            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     11               B     11                    3.35            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     11               C     11                    3.35            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     11               D     11                    3.35            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     15               A     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline not present  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     15               B     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline not present  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     15               C     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline not present  
150720     2015-07-20    S14   SWK     15               D     15                    4.57            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    chemocline not present  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
HLM      Hotwater_Lake_Mecherchar           7.1512    134.3493   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood pulp and leaf litter                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood pulp and leaf litter                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood pulp and leaf litter                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood pulp and leaf litter                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            16                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragments layer   HLM-11-HFS-04m-A      HLM-11-HFS-04m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    1 in A, 2 in Ai  
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragments layer   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragments layer   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shell fragments layer   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            26                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  HLM-11-HFS-07m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     33               A     33                    10.06           35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     33               B     33                    10.06           35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     33               C     33                    10.06           35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     33               D     33                    10.06           35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     43               A     43                    13.11           44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     43               B     43                    13.11           44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     43               C     43                    13.11           44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     43               D     43                    13.11           44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     52               A     52                    15.85           63.5                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       HLM-11-HFS-16m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     52               B     52                    15.85           63.5                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       HLM-11-HFS-16m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     52               C     52                    15.85           63.5                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       HLM-11-HFS-16m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     52               D     52                    15.85           63.5                 Branching red alga                        Grey slick ball sponge; Brittle star                                                                  sand with shell and coral fragments       HLM-11-HFS-16m-D      HLM-11-HFS-16m-Di     HLM-11-HFS-16m-Dii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     62               A     62                    18.9            77.5                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       HLM-11-HFS-19m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     62               B     62                    18.9            77.5                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       HLM-11-HFS-19m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     62               C     62                    18.9            77.5                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       HLM-11-HFS-19m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     62               D     62                    18.9            77.5                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       HLM-11-HFS-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     72               A     73                    22.25           88.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     72               B     73                    22.25           88.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     72               C     73                    22.25           88.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   HFS     72               D     73                    22.25           88.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and coral fragments       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.25                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-12-HFS-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.25                 Purple encrusting Haliclona               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-12-HFS-01m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.25                 Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-12-HFS-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.25                 Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-12-HFS-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Turf alga                                                                               rock                                      HLM-12-HFS-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall; Brachidontes lost after Dendrilla sampled  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      HLM-12-HFS-04m-B      HLM-12-HFS-04m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock                                      HLM-12-HFS-04m-C      HLM-12-HFS-04m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Merlot slick paint sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-12-HFS-04m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    white dot" listed on slate, but decided terrestrial; on fallen tree  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     33               A     33                    10.06           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     33               B     33                    10.06           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     33               C     33                    10.06           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     33               D     33                    10.06           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     43               A     43                    13.11           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    right at interface with hot layer  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     43               B     43                    13.11           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     43               C     43                    13.11           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     43               D     43                    13.11           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     52               A     52                    15.85           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching RA in a mat nearby, spanning from 73-52 ft depths  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     52               B     52                    15.85           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     52               C     52                    15.85           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     52               D     52                    15.85           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     62               A     62                    18.9            44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     62               B     62                    18.9            44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     62               C     62                    18.9            44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     62               D     62                    18.9            44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     72               A     73                    22.25           52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     72               B     73                    22.25           52                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            HLM-12-HFS-22m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     72               C     73                    22.25           52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   HFS     72               D     73                    22.25           52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     3                A     5                     1.524           2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     3                B     5                     1.524           2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     3                C     5                     1.524           2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     3                D     5                     1.524           2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     13               A     12                    3.6576          5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (4A) on Brachidontes (4Ai)  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     13               B     12                    3.6576          5                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge (4B) on Brachidontes (4Bi)  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     13               C     12                    3.6576          5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (4C) on Brachidontes (4Ci)  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     13               D     12                    3.6576          5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (4D) on Brachidontes (4Di)  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     23               A     22                    6.7056          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     23               B     22                    6.7056          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     23               C     22                    6.7056          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     23               D     22                    6.7056          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     33               A     32                    9.7536          14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" when transcribing (10A), Microsnail (10Ai)  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     33               B     32                    9.7536          14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" when transcribing  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     33               C     32                    9.7536          14                   Tiny transparent whorl snail              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" when transcribing (10C), Tiny transparent whorl snail (10Ci) approx. 1mm  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     33               D     32                    9.7536          14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" when transcribing  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     43               A     43                    13.1064         19                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     43               B     43                    13.1064         19                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     43               C     43                    13.1064         19                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     43               D     43                    13.1064         19                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     52               A     53                    16.1544         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     52               B     53                    16.1544         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     52               C     53                    16.1544         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     52               D     53                    16.1544         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     62               A     62                    18.8976         29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     62               B     62                    18.8976         29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     62               C     62                    18.8976         29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     62               D     62                    18.8976         29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     72               A     74                    22.5552         36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     72               B     74                    22.5552         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     72               C     74                    22.5552         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   LMS     72               D     74                    22.5552         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     3                A     3                     0.9144          2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on stick  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     3                B     3                     0.9144          2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf litter / stick  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     3                C     3                     0.9144          2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf litter / stick  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     3                D     3                     0.9144          2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under leaf  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     13               A     13                    3.9624          8                    Turquoise stain                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turquoise stain (4A) on Brachidontes (4Ai); mud  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     13               B     13                    3.9624          8                    Fine branching red alga                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; Fine branching red alga (4B), Brachidontes (4Bi)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     13               C     13                    3.9624          8                    Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     13               D     13                    3.9624          8                    Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     23               A     23                    7.0104          13                   Sculpted spire snail                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed name when transcribing notes  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     23               B     23                    7.0104          13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     23               C     23                    7.0104          13                   Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     23               D     23                    7.0104          13                   Red rock stain                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     33               A     33                    10.0584         17                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     33               B     33                    10.0584         17                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     33               C     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     33               D     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     43               A     44                    13.4112         22                   White sticky sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This sponge was stuck to my finger under water after I pulled it from the rock.  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     43               B     44                    13.4112         22                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     43               C     44                    13.4112         22                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Avrainvillea sp1 (43C), Pink encrusting coralline alga (no tissue)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     43               D     44                    13.4112         22                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Avrainvillea sp1 (43D), Pink encrusting coralline alga (no tissue)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     52               A     53                    16.1544         26                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     52               B     53                    16.1544         26                   Branching red alga                        Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed pink knobby coralline to Pink encrusting coralline alga; Branching red alga (16B), Pink knobby coral (16Bi)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     52               C     53                    16.1544         26                   Branching red alga                        Cycloseris                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey warty sponge (16Cii) and Dirty white sponge (16Ci) on back of coral, but would have been outside the circle. Cycloseris (16C).  No Branching red alga tissue collected.  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     52               D     53                    16.1544         26                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     62               A     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / dead coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     62               B     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / dead coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     62               C     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / dead coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     62               D     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / dead coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     72               A     74                    22.5552         40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     72               B     74                    22.5552         40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     72               C     74                    22.5552         40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   LMS     72               D     74                    22.5552         40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1Di) and Purple Dendrilla (1D) on mangrove root  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     13               A     13                    3.9624          5                    Beige many osculed Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     13               B     13                    3.9624          5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     13               C     13                    3.9624          5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     13               D     13                    3.9624          5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     23               A     22                    6.7056          9                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge on mussel shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     23               B     22                    6.7056          9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     23               C     22                    6.7056          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     23               D     22                    6.7056          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     33               A     33                    10.0584         15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" when transcribing  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     33               B     33                    10.0584         15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" when transcribing  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     33               C     33                    10.0584         15                   Sculpted spire snail                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     33               D     33                    10.0584         15                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud on log  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     43               A     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     43               B     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     43               C     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     43               D     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     52               A     52                    15.8496         25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     52               B     52                    15.8496         25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     52               C     52                    15.8496         25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     52               D     52                    15.8496         25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock under mud  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     62               A     63                    19.2024         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / dead coral under alga  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     62               B     63                    19.2024         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / dead coral under alga  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     62               C     63                    19.2024         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / dead coral under alga  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     62               D     63                    19.2024         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / dead coral under alga  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     72               A     73                    22.2504         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m.  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     72               B     73                    22.2504         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m.  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     72               C     73                    22.2504         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m.  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   LMS     72               D     73                    22.2504         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m.  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     3                A     3                     0.9144          4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1A) on Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     3                B     3                     0.9144          4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     3                C     3                     0.9144          4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1C) on Brachidontes (1Ci)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     3                D     3                     0.9144          4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     13               A     12                    3.6576          8                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (4A) on Brachidontes (4Ai); rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     13               B     12                    3.6576          8                    Branching red alga                        Cream grey Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (4B) on Brachidontes (4Bii) with Cream grey Dendrilla (4Bi); rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     13               C     12                    3.6576          8                    Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     13               D     12                    3.6576          8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     23               A     23                    7.0104          14                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     23               B     23                    7.0104          14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     23               C     23                    7.0104          14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     23               D     23                    7.0104          14                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     33               A     32                    9.7536          20                   Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on long sculpted spire snail; mud / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     33               B     32                    9.7536          20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     33               C     32                    9.7536          20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     33               D     32                    9.7536          20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     43               A     43                    13.1064         28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     43               B     43                    13.1064         28                   Cycloseris                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     43               C     43                    13.1064         28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     43               D     43                    13.1064         28                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            Red encrusting sponge                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pink encrusting coralline alga, Red encrusting sponge same tube on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     52               A     54                    16.4592         48                   Branching red alga                        White didemnid ascidian                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (16A), White didemnid ascidian (16Ai)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     52               B     54                    16.4592         48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     52               C     54                    16.4592         48                   Branching red alga                        Coronate polyp                                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga, Coronate polyp? (unsure) same tube  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   LMS     52               D     54                    16.4592         48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     3                A     4                     1.2192          2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     3                B     4                     1.2192          2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1B) on Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     3                C     4                     1.2192          2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     3                D     4                     1.2192          2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     13               A     13                    3.9624          6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     13               B     13                    3.9624          6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     13               C     13                    3.9624          6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock; Cream grey Dendrilla on Brachidontes  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     13               D     13                    3.9624          6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     23               A     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     23               B     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     23               C     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     23               D     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     33               A     32                    9.7536          16                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock; chiseled out with knife  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     33               B     32                    9.7536          16                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock; chiseled out with knife  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     33               C     32                    9.7536          16                   Red rock stain                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock; chiseled out with knife  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     33               D     32                    9.7536          16                   Red rock stain                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock; chiseled out with knife  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     43               A     42                    12.8016         21                   Pompom alga                               Spotted synaptid sea through cucumber                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pompom alga (13A), Spotted synaptid sea through cucumber (13Ai)  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     43               B     42                    12.8016         21                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     43               C     42                    12.8016         21                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     43               D     42                    12.8016         21                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     52               A     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     52               B     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     52               C     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     52               D     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     62               A     63                    19.2024         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m. Mud / shell.  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     62               B     63                    19.2024         38                   Branching red alga                        Coronate polyp                                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m. Mud / shell. Same tube.  Coronate polyp ID uncertain.  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     62               C     63                    19.2024         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m. Mud / shell.  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     62               D     63                    19.2024         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m. Mud / shell.  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     72               A     73                    22.2504         46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     72               B     73                    22.2504         46                   Fast brittle star                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     72               C     73                    22.2504         46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S07   LMS     72               D     73                    22.2504         46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     3                A     4                     1.2192          2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     3                B     4                     1.2192          2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1B) on Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     3                C     4                     1.2192          2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1C) on Brachidontes (1Ci)  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     3                D     4                     1.2192          2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     13               A     13                    3.9624          7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     13               B     13                    3.9624          7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     13               C     13                    3.9624          7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     13               D     13                    3.9624          7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     23               A     21                    6.4008          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     23               B     21                    6.4008          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     23               C     21                    6.4008          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     23               D     21                    6.4008          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock / shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     33               A     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     33               B     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     33               C     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     33               D     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     43               A     43                    13.1064         22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     43               B     43                    13.1064         22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     43               C     43                    13.1064         22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     43               D     43                    13.1064         22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     52               A     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     52               B     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     52               C     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     52               D     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     62               A     63                    19.2024         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     62               B     63                    19.2024         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     62               C     63                    19.2024         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     62               D     63                    19.2024         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     72               A     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m. Mud / shell.  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     72               B     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m. Mud / shell.  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     72               C     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m. Mud / shell.  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   LMS     72               D     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect meter marker unreadable, I thought initially was 36, but 36 would have a grey label.  This is likely 38m. Mud / shell.  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     3                A     nd                    0               2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock; Cream grey Dendrilla (1A), Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     3                B     nd                    0               2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock; Cream grey Dendrilla (1B), Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     3                C     nd                    0               2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     3                D     nd                    0               2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     13               A     nd                    0               6                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     13               B     nd                    0               6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     13               C     nd                    0               6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     13               D     nd                    0               6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / rock  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     23               A     nd                    0               11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf litter  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     23               B     nd                    0               11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf litter  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     23               C     nd                    0               11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf litter  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     23               D     nd                    0               11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf litter  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     33               A     nd                    0               16                   Caecidae                                  Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" (1Ai) when transcribing, Caecidaes? (10A - some in 10% formalin, some in 95% EtOH), Microsnails (10Aii)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     33               B     nd                    0               16                   Caecidae                                  Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" (10Bi) when transcribing, Caecidaes? (10B), Microsnails (10Bii)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     33               C     nd                    0               16                   Caecidae                                  Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" with Caecidaes? (10C - 70% EtOH) when transcribing, Microsnails (10Ci)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     33               D     nd                    0               16                   Caecidae                                  Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed "cotton candy red alga" to "cyanobacteria" with Caecidaes? (10D - 10% formalin) when transcribing, Microsnails (10Di)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     43               A     nd                    0               23                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     43               B     nd                    0               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     43               C     nd                    0               23                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     43               D     nd                    0               23                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     52               A     53                    16.1544         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     52               B     53                    16.1544         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     52               C     53                    16.1544         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath; odd growth on branching alga, looks like a tumor (reminds me of an oak gall)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     52               D     53                    16.1544         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     62               A     63                    19.2024         38                   Spikey red alga                           Branching red alga                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (19A), Branching red alga (19Ai); dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     62               B     63                    19.2024         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     62               C     63                    19.2024         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     62               D     63                    19.2024         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     72               A     72                    21.9456         44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     72               B     72                    21.9456         44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     72               C     72                    21.9456         44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   LMS     72               D     72                    21.9456         44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     3                A     nd                    0               2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock; Cream grey Dendrilla (1A) on Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     3                B     nd                    0               2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     3                C     nd                    0               2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock; Cream grey Dendrilla (1C) on Brachidontes (1Ci)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     3                D     nd                    0               2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock; Cream grey Dendrilla (1D) on Brachidontes (1Di)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     13               A     nd                    0               6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     13               B     nd                    0               6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     13               C     nd                    0               6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock; Cream grey Dendrilla (4C) on Brachidontes (4Ci)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     13               D     nd                    0               6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Suberites                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock; Cream grey Dendrilla (4D) and Suberites? (4Dii) on Brachidontes (4Di)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     23               A     nd                    0               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     23               B     nd                    0               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     23               C     nd                    0               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     23               D     nd                    0               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     33               A     nd                    0               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     33               B     nd                    0               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     33               C     nd                    0               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     33               D     nd                    0               15                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     43               A     nd                    0               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     43               B     nd                    0               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     43               C     nd                    0               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     43               D     nd                    0               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     52               A     nd                    0               34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     52               B     nd                    0               34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     52               C     nd                    0               34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     52               D     nd                    0               34                   Branching red alga                        Coronate polyp                                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead coral underneath; Branching red alga and Cornate? in same tube  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     62               A     nd                    0               44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     62               B     nd                    0               44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     62               C     nd                    0               44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     62               D     nd                    0               44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     72               A     nd                    0               52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     72               B     nd                    0               52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     72               C     nd                    0               52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140709     2014-07-09    S10   LMS     72               D     nd                    0               52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      HLM-13-LMS-01m-A      HLM-13-LMS-01m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-LMS-01m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-LMS-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-LMS-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     13               A     14                    4.27            6                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    HLM-13-LMS-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     13               B     14                    4.27            6                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    HLM-13-LMS-04m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     13               C     14                    4.27            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    HLM-13-LMS-04m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     13               D     14                    4.27            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    HLM-13-LMS-04m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            13                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    HLM-13-LMS-07m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            13                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    HLM-13-LMS-07m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf                    HLM-13-LMS-07m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     33               A     33                    10.06           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     33               B     33                    10.06           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     33               C     33                    10.06           23                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             HLM-13-LMS-10m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     33               D     33                    10.06           23                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             HLM-13-LMS-10m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           36                   Purple coralline alga                     nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-LMS-13m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           36                   Cycloseris                                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-LMS-13m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           36                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-LMS-13m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     52               A     52                    15.85           54                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand and coral rubble                     HLM-13-LMS-16m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     52               B     52                    15.85           54                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand and coral rubble                     HLM-13-LMS-16m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     52               C     52                    15.85           54                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand and coral rubble                     HLM-13-LMS-16m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     52               D     52                    15.85           54                   Branching red alga                        Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian                                                                      sand and coral rubble                     HLM-13-LMS-16m-D      HLM-13-LMS-16m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     62               A     62                    18.9            67                   Branching red alga                        Spikey red alga; Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian                                                     sand and coral rubble                     HLM-13-LMS-19m-A      HLM-13-LMS-19m-Ai     HLM-13-LMS-19m-Aii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     62               B     62                    18.9            67                   Branching red alga                        Spikey red alga                                                                                       sand and coral rubble                     HLM-13-LMS-19m-B      HLM-13-LMS-19m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     62               C     62                    18.9            67                   Branching red alga                        Spikey red alga; Gastropod                                                                            sand and coral rubble                     HLM-13-LMS-19m-C      HLM-13-LMS-19m-Ci     HLM-13-LMS-19m-Cii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line; Tiny steep spire gastropod  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     62               D     62                    18.9            67                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand and coral rubble                     HLM-13-LMS-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     72               A     72                    21.95           75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     72               B     72                    21.95           75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     72               C     72                    21.95           75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   LMS     72               D     72                    21.95           75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             HLM-14-LMS-01m-A      HLM-14-LMS-01m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    wood                                      HLM-14-LMS-01m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud on rock                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud on rock                      HLM-14-LMS-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-LMS-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      HLM-14-LMS-04m-B      HLM-14-LMS-04m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      HLM-14-LMS-04m-C      HLM-14-LMS-04m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dirty with sediment; felty kind of felty; could see tiny spicules at surface  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-LMS-04m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     33               A     32                    9.75            14                   Golden orange encrusting clear canalled sponge  nd                                                                                                    wood                                      HLM-14-LMS-10m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    growing on log  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     33               B     32                    9.75            14                   Caecidae                                  nd                                                                                                    wood                                      HLM-14-LMS-10m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    covered in thick layer of cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     33               C     32                    9.75            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    covered in thick layer of cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     33               D     32                    9.75            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    covered in thick layer of cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     43               A     42                    12.8            20                   Epiphytic red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-LMS-13m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Could be what we are calling Epiphytic red alga but this was growing directly on rock; barcode this  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     43               B     42                    12.8            20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-LMS-13m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     43               C     42                    12.8            20                   Lavender soft Haliclona                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-LMS-13m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     43               D     42                    12.8            20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-LMS-13m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     52               A     51                    15.54           24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    dead coral                                HLM-14-LMS-16m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     52               B     51                    15.54           24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    dead coral                                HLM-14-LMS-16m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     52               C     51                    15.54           24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    dead coral                                HLM-14-LMS-16m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     52               D     51                    15.54           24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    dead coral                                HLM-14-LMS-16m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     62               A     61                    18.59           29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            HLM-14-LMS-19m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     62               B     61                    18.59           29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            HLM-14-LMS-19m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     62               C     61                    18.59           29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            HLM-14-LMS-19m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     62               D     61                    18.59           29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            HLM-14-LMS-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     72               A     72                    21.95           36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-14-LMS-22m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     72               B     72                    21.95           36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-14-LMS-22m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   LMS     72               C     72                    21.95           36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-14-LMS-22m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.1             3.7                  Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock                                      HLM-11-MAF-01m-A      HLM-11-MAF-01m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.1             3.7                  Brachidontes                              Smooth skin Haliclona                                                                                 rock                                      HLM-11-MAF-01m-B      HLM-11-MAF-01m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.1             3.7                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-11-MAF-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.1             3.7                  Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock                                      HLM-11-MAF-01m-D      HLM-11-MAF-01m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     13               A     nd                    4               9.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   HLM-11-MAF-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     13               B     nd                    4               9.7                  Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  rock with organic layer                   HLM-11-MAF-04m-B      HLM-11-MAF-04m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     13               C     nd                    4               9.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   HLM-11-MAF-04m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     13               D     nd                    4               9.7                  Brachidontes                              Purple Dendrilla                                                                                      rock with organic layer                   HLM-11-MAF-04m-D      HLM-11-MAF-04m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     23               A     nd                    7               20.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     23               B     nd                    7               20.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     23               C     nd                    7               20.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     23               D     nd                    7               20.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     33               A     nd                    9.9             29.7                 Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tissue lost during transfering  
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     33               B     nd                    9.9             29.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     33               C     nd                    9.9             29.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     33               D     nd                    9.9             29.7                 Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tissue lost during transfering  
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     43               A     nd                    13.2            38.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     43               B     nd                    13.2            38.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     43               C     nd                    13.2            38.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     43               D     nd                    13.2            38.7                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     52               A     nd                    16              60.7                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-11-MAF-19m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     52               B     nd                    16              60.7                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-11-MAF-19m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     52               C     nd                    16              60.7                 Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-11-MAF-19m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     52               D     nd                    16              60.7                 Branching red alga                        Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian; Lavender soft Haliclona                                             sand                                      HLM-11-MAF-19m-D      HLM-11-MAF-19m-Di     HLM-11-MAF-19m-Dii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     62               A     nd                    19              not on line          Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-11-MAF-22m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     62               B     nd                    19              not on line          Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-11-MAF-22m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     62               C     nd                    19              not on line          Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-11-MAF-22m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     62               D     nd                    19              not on line          Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      HLM-11-MAF-22m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     72               A     nd                    22              not on line          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     72               B     nd                    22              not on line          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     72               C     nd                    22              not on line          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MAF     72               D     nd                    22              not on line          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     3                A     nd                    1.2             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   HLM-12-MAF-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     3                B     nd                    1.2             2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   HLM-12-MAF-01m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     3                C     nd                    1.2             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   HLM-12-MAF-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     3                D     nd                    1.2             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   HLM-12-MAF-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.1             14                   Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  organic laxer                             HLM-12-MAF-04m-A      HLM-12-MAF-04m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.1             14                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    organic laxer                             HLM-12-MAF-04m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.1             14                   Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  organic laxer                             HLM-12-MAF-04m-C      HLM-12-MAF-04m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.1             14                   Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  organic laxer                             HLM-12-MAF-04m-D      HLM-12-MAF-04m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     23               A     nd                    7               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     23               B     nd                    7               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     23               C     nd                    7               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     23               D     nd                    7               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     33               A     nd                    10.2            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     33               B     nd                    10.2            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     33               C     nd                    10.2            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     33               D     nd                    10.2            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     43               A     nd                    13.4            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     43               B     nd                    13.4            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     43               C     nd                    13.4            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     43               D     nd                    13.4            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     52               A     nd                    16              52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     52               B     nd                    16              52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     52               C     nd                    16              52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     52               D     nd                    16              52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     62               A     nd                    18.8            61                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     62               B     nd                    18.8            61                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     62               C     nd                    18.8            61                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     62               D     nd                    18.8            61                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     72               A     nd                    22              not on line          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     72               B     nd                    22              not on line          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     72               C     nd                    22              not on line          Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       HLM-12-MAF-22m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MAF     72               D     nd                    22              not on line          Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       HLM-12-MAF-22m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering; one tube  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Fine branching red alga                   Cerithium; Brachidontes                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching red alga                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Fine branching red alga                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           Fine branching red alga                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            13                   Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            13                   Ctena                                     Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            13                   Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            13                   Fine branching red alga                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     33               A     32                    9.75            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     33               B     32                    9.75            18                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     33               C     32                    9.75            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     33               D     32                    9.75            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with sediment covering  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           23                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           23                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock with little sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           23                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           23                   Coralline red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     52               A     52                    15.85           28                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     52               B     52                    15.85           28                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     52               C     52                    15.85           28                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     52               D     52                    15.85           28                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     62               A     62                    18.9            34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead plate coral with some sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     62               B     62                    18.9            34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead plate coral with some sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     62               C     62                    18.9            34                   Branching red alga                        Spotted synaptid sea through cucumber                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead plate coral with some sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     62               D     62                    18.9            34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead plate coral with some sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     72               A     72                    21.95           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     72               B     72                    21.95           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     72               C     72                    21.95           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   mnd     72               D     72                    21.95           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mangrove root  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mangrove root  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaves  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     13               A     14                    4.27            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaves  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     13               B     14                    4.27            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     13               C     14                    4.27            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     13               D     14                    4.27            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on organic sediment   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on organic sediment   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on organic sediment   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on organic sediment   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     33               A     31                    9.45            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on organic sediment   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     33               B     31                    9.45            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     33               C     31                    9.45            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat and organic sediment   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     33               D     31                    9.45            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaves  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     43               A     42                    12.8            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     43               B     42                    12.8            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     43               C     42                    12.8            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     43               D     42                    12.8            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     52               A     51                    15.54           56                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     52               B     51                    15.54           56                   Branching red alga                        Yellow encrusting sponge                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     52               C     51                    15.54           56                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     52               D     51                    15.54           56                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     62               A     62                    18.9            80                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     62               B     62                    18.9            80                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     62               C     62                    18.9            80                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     62               D     62                    18.9            80                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     72               A     70                    21.34           100                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     72               B     70                    21.34           100                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     72               C     70                    21.34           100                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly sediment  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   mnd     72               D     70                    21.34           100                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock below mangrove roots  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock below mangrove roots  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brown grey smooth sponge; Brachidontes                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock below mangrove roots  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock below mangrove roots  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     13               A     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     13               B     12                    3.66            5                    Brachidontes                              Purple Dendrilla                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     13               C     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     13               D     12                    3.66            5                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     23               A     24                    7.32            10                   Orange encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock; In hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     23               B     24                    7.32            10                   Brachidontes                              Red crust                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock; In hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     23               C     24                    7.32            10                   Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock; In hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     23               D     24                    7.32            10                   Red crust                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock; In hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     33               A     33                    10.06           14                   nd                                        Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock; horizontal to left of transect due to fallen tree on right. Cyanobacteria.  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     33               B     33                    10.06           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock; horizontal to left of transect due to fallen tree on right. Cyanobacteria.  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     33               C     33                    10.06           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock; horizontal to left of transect due to fallen tree on right. Cyanobacteria.  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     33               D     33                    10.06           14                   Bivalve spat                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock; horizontal to left of transect due to fallen tree on right. Cyanobacteria.  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     43               A     42                    12.8            18                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On boulders / pieces of old rock; just below hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     43               B     42                    12.8            18                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On boulders / pieces of old rock; just below hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     43               C     42                    12.8            18                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On boulders / pieces of old rock; just below hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     43               D     42                    12.8            18                   Epiphytic red alga                        Branching red alga                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On boulders / pieces of old rock; just below hotwater layer;  Is epiphyte just a life-history stage?  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     52               A     53                    16.15           23                   Avrainvillea sp1                          Red paint sponge                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock face; this may be "Green tree alga" from OLO  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     52               B     53                    16.15           23                   Red paint sponge                          Grey smooth sponge; Pink coralline alga; Coralline red alga; Barbatia                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock face; Pink and red coralline samples in single vial  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     52               C     53                    16.15           23                   Watercress shaped red alga                Crumbly bread sponge; Red paint sponge; Barbatia; Orange encrusting sponge                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock face  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     52               D     53                    16.15           23                   Fawn lumpy sponge                         White nubbin sponge                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock face  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     62               A     61                    18.59           28                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead plate coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     62               B     61                    18.59           28                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead plate coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     62               C     61                    18.59           28                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead plate coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     62               D     61                    18.59           28                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead plate coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     72               A     73                    22.25           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     72               B     73                    22.25           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     72               C     73                    22.25           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   mnd     72               D     73                    22.25           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching red alga                   Sculpted spire snail                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching red alga                   Brachidontes; Sculpted spire snail                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     23               A     22                    6.71            15                   Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just in cool brackish water layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     23               B     22                    6.71            15                   Brachidontes                              Red crust                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just in cool brackish water layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     23               C     22                    6.71            15                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 Brachidontes; Mustard encrusting sponge                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just in cool brackish water layer; sample iii looks to be same as sample I, but with different substrate  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     23               D     22                    6.71            15                   Red crust                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just in cool brackish water layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     33               A     32                    9.75            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very thin sediment on bare rock. Cyanobacteria.  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     33               B     32                    9.75            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very thin sediment on bare rock. Cyanobacteria.  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     33               C     32                    9.75            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very thin sediment on bare rock. Cyanobacteria.  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     33               D     32                    9.75            19                   nd                                        Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very thin sediment on bare rock. Cyanobacteria.  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           24                   Branching red alga                        Black thin sponge; Orange thick sponge                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    In cool 'ocean' layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    In cool 'ocean' layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           24                   Branching red alga                        Off white sponge; Coralline red alga; Serpulid                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    In cool 'ocean' layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           24                   Beige semitransparent sticky sponge       Tan sponge                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    In cool 'ocean' layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     52               A     51                    15.54           27                   Coralline red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Vertical rock wall  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     52               B     51                    15.54           27                   Crepe red alga                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Vertical rock wall  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     52               C     51                    15.54           27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Vertical rock wall  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     52               D     51                    15.54           27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Vertical rock wall  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     62               A     62                    18.9            34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     62               B     62                    18.9            34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     62               C     62                    18.9            34                   Branching red alga                        Brittle star                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     62               D     62                    18.9            34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     72               A     72                    21.95           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     72               B     72                    21.95           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     72               C     72                    21.95           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   mnd     72               D     72                    21.95           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Purple Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mangrove root  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Beige Spirastrella                        Purple Dendrilla                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mangrove root; Purple Dendrilla specimen lost.  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          Beige many osculed Haliclona                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mangrove root  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brown grey smooth sponge                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mangrove root  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     13               A     14                    4.27            6                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     13               B     14                    4.27            6                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     13               C     14                    4.27            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     13               D     14                    4.27            6                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     33               A     32                    9.75            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Log with cyanobacteria  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     33               B     32                    9.75            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Log with cyanobacteria  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     33               C     32                    9.75            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Log with cyanobacteria  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     33               D     32                    9.75            15                   nd                                        White slippery encrusting sponge; Brachidontes                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Log with cyanobacteria  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just at interface of lower cool and hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just at interface of lower cool and hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just at interface of lower cool and hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just at interface of lower cool and hotwater layer  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     52               A     53                    16.15           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     52               B     53                    16.15           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     52               C     53                    16.15           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     52               D     53                    16.15           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     62               A     63                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red branching alga is ~0.5 m thick on top of sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     62               B     63                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red branching alga is ~0.5 m thick on top of sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     62               C     63                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red branching alga is ~0.5 m thick on top of sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     62               D     63                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        Coronate polyp                                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red branching alga is ~0.5 m thick on top of sandy sediment  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     72               A     73                    22.25           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand sediment with some small fragments of coral rubble.  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     72               B     73                    22.25           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand sediment with some small fragments of coral rubble.  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     72               C     73                    22.25           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand sediment with some small fragments of coral rubble.  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   mnd     72               D     73                    22.25           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand sediment with some small fragments of coral rubble.  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock below mangrove roots  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     13               A     14                    4.27            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood and other junk at foot of rock wall; this one in sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     13               B     14                    4.27            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood and other junk at foot of rock wall; this one on wood  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     13               C     14                    4.27            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood and other junk at foot of rock wall; this one on wood  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     13               D     14                    4.27            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood and other junk at foot of rock wall  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rocky slope  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rocky slope  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rocky slope  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rocky slope  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     33               A     33                    10.06           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment ³ 4" on rocky slope (cyanobacteria on sediment)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     33               B     33                    10.06           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment ³ 4" on rocky slope (cyanobacteria on sediment)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     33               C     33                    10.06           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment ³ 4" on rocky slope (cyanobacteria on sediment)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     33               D     33                    10.06           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment ³ 4" on rocky slope (cyanobacteria on sediment)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock. Cyanobacteria.  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           25                   Cycloseris                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     52               A     53                    16.15           46                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral rubble  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     52               B     53                    16.15           46                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral rubble  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     52               C     53                    16.15           46                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral rubble  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   mnd     52               D     53                    16.15           46                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral rubble  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    Red boring sponge                         Turf alga                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    Red boring sponge                         Turf alga; Brachidontes                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turf alga is on rock in which sponge is boring (i.e. both in Tube i)  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Purple Dendrilla                          Branching red alga                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    N.B. Some purple dendrilla on the piece of branching red alga in tube ii  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  Purple Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel may be dead and substrate for purple dendrilla sample  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            11                   Sculpted spire snail                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf and sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf and sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf and sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf and sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     33               A     31                    9.45            15                   Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     33               B     31                    9.45            15                   Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     33               C     31                    9.45            15                   Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     33               D     31                    9.45            15                   Red paint sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    N.B. Red paint could equally be red crust of thin cyanobacteria  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           20                   Branching red alga                        Fine branching green alga                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           20                   Beige semitransparent sticky sponge       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Some red paint sponge stuck on side of sticky sponge?  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     52               A     52                    15.85           26                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     52               B     52                    15.85           26                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     52               C     52                    15.85           26                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     52               D     52                    15.85           26                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     62               A     63                    19.2            36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     62               B     63                    19.2            36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     62               C     63                    19.2            36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     62               D     63                    19.2            36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     72               A     72                    21.95           44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     72               B     72                    21.95           44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     72               C     72                    21.95           44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   mnd     72               D     72                    21.95           44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Turf stain alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Turf stain alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     23               A     22                    6.71            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     23               B     22                    6.71            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     23               C     22                    6.71            11                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     23               D     22                    6.71            11                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     33               A     32                    9.75            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thick fine organic sediment on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     33               B     32                    9.75            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thick fine organic sediment on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     33               C     32                    9.75            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thick fine organic sediment on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     33               D     32                    9.75            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thick fine organic sediment on rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           21                   Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on bare rock or rock with red crust?  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           21                   Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on bare rock or rock with red crust?  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on bare rock or rock with red crust?  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on bare rock  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     52               A     51                    15.54           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment rubble and dead coral  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     52               B     51                    15.54           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment rubble and dead coral  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     52               C     51                    15.54           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment rubble and dead coral  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     52               D     51                    15.54           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment rubble and dead coral  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     62               A     63                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral and sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     62               B     63                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral and sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     62               C     63                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral and sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     62               D     63                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral and sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     72               A     70                    21.34           36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy feeling organic looking sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     72               B     70                    21.34           36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy feeling organic looking sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     72               C     70                    21.34           36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy feeling organic looking sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   mnd     72               D     70                    21.34           36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sandy feeling organic looking sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Is this really what the sample is??  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Biting isopod                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     13               A     14                    4.27            6                    Turf stain alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     13               B     14                    4.27            6                    Turf stain alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     13               C     14                    4.27            6                    Turf stain alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     13               D     14                    4.27            6                    Turf stain alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     23               A     24                    7.32            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     23               B     24                    7.32            12                   Sculpted spire snail                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     23               C     24                    7.32            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     23               D     24                    7.32            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     33               A     33                    10.06           16                   nd                                        Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock. Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     33               B     33                    10.06           16                   nd                                        Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock. Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     33               C     33                    10.06           16                   Caecidae                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock. Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     33               D     33                    10.06           16                   nd                                        Caecidae                                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock. Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     43               A     44                    13.41           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     43               B     44                    13.41           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     43               C     44                    13.41           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     43               D     44                    13.41           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     52               A     52                    15.85           32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Coral rubble  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     52               B     52                    15.85           32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Coral rubble  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     52               C     52                    15.85           32                   Branching red alga                        Beige sponge                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Coral rubble  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     52               D     52                    15.85           32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Coral rubble  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     62               A     64                    19.51           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     62               B     64                    19.51           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     62               C     64                    19.51           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     62               D     64                    19.51           40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     72               A     72                    21.95           46                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     72               B     72                    21.95           46                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     72               C     72                    21.95           46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   mnd     72               D     72                    21.95           46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin organic sediment on bare rock  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin organic sediment on bare rock  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin organic sediment on bare rock  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin organic sediment on bare rock  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            12                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            12                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     33               A     32                    9.75            16                   Red crust                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     33               B     32                    9.75            16                   Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     33               C     32                    9.75            16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     33               D     32                    9.75            16                   Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Soft muddy sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Soft muddy sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Soft muddy sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Soft muddy sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     52               A     53                    16.15           34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     52               B     53                    16.15           34                   Branching red alga                        Brittle star                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     52               C     53                    16.15           34                   Branching red alga                        Gastropod                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     52               D     53                    16.15           34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     62               A     63                    19.2            44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     62               B     63                    19.2            44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     62               C     63                    19.2            44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     62               D     63                    19.2            44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     72               A     72                    21.95           52                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     72               B     72                    21.95           52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     72               C     72                    21.95           52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   mnd     72               D     72                    21.95           52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     13               A     14                    4.27            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    relatively thin layer of very fine mud over rock  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     13               B     14                    4.27            11                   Sculpted spire snail                      nd                                                                                                    relatively thin layer of very fine mud over rock  HLM-11-MND-04m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     13               C     14                    4.27            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    relatively thin layer of very fine mud over rock  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     13               D     14                    4.27            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    relatively thin layer of very fine mud over rock  HLM-11-MND-04m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     23               A     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     23               B     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     23               C     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     23               D     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     33               A     32                    9.75            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mud                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     33               B     32                    9.75            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mud                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     33               C     32                    9.75            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mud                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     33               D     32                    9.75            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mud                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     43               A     43                    13.11           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     43               B     43                    13.11           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     43               C     43                    13.11           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     43               D     43                    13.11           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     52               A     52                    15.85           56                   Branching red alga                        White tiny colonial ascidian                                                                          fine sand silt                            HLM-11-MND-16m-A      HLM-11-MND-16m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tiny pink ascidian" of LJB-LEM?  
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     52               B     52                    15.85           56                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            HLM-11-MND-16m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     52               C     52                    15.85           56                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            HLM-11-MND-16m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     52               D     52                    15.85           56                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            HLM-11-MND-16m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     62               A     62                    18.9            73                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            HLM-11-MND-19m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     62               B     62                    18.9            73                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            HLM-11-MND-19m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     62               C     62                    18.9            73                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            HLM-11-MND-19m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     62               D     62                    18.9            73                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            HLM-11-MND-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     72               A     72                    21.95           86                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     72               B     72                    21.95           86                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     72               C     72                    21.95           86                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S11   MND     72               D     72                    21.95           86                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-12-MND-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-12-MND-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-12-MND-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              Beige many osculed Haliclona                                                                          rock                                      HLM-12-MND-04m-A      HLM-12-MND-04m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall.  I think these tiny regular mounds of Haliclona are just small instances of the many-osculed Haliclona.  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Orange boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-12-MND-04m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     23               A     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     23               B     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     23               C     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     23               D     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     33               A     32                    9.75            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud very soft sediment          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     33               B     32                    9.75            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud very soft sediment          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     33               C     32                    9.75            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud very soft sediment          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     33               D     32                    9.75            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud very soft sediment          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     43               A     43                    13.11           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud soft sediment               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Schlieren just at bottom of hotwater layer  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     43               B     43                    13.11           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud soft sediment               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     43               C     43                    13.11           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud soft sediment               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     43               D     43                    13.11           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine mud soft sediment               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     52               A     52                    15.85           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mud modestly soft sediment           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     52               B     52                    15.85           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mud modestly soft sediment           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     52               C     52                    15.85           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mud modestly soft sediment           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     52               D     52                    15.85           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mud modestly soft sediment           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     62               A     62                    18.9            50                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse mud reasonably firm sediment       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     62               B     62                    18.9            50                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse mud reasonably firm sediment       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     62               C     62                    18.9            50                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse mud reasonably firm sediment       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     62               D     62                    18.9            50                   Fine filamentous green alga               nd                                                                                                    coarse mud reasonably firm sediment       HLM-12-MND-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     72               A     72                    21.95           60                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse mud quite firm sediment            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     72               B     72                    21.95           60                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse mud quite firm sediment            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S12   MND     72               C     72                    21.95           60                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse mud quite firm sediment            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.2             2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-13-MRS-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.2             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.2             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-13-MRS-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.2             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-13-MRS-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     13               A     nd                    4               7                    Lavender soft Haliclona                   nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-13-MRS-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     13               B     nd                    4               7                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            HLM-13-MRS-04m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     13               C     nd                    4               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     13               D     nd                    4               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     23               A     nd                    7               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     23               B     nd                    7               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     23               C     nd                    7               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     23               D     nd                    7               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     33               A     nd                    10.1            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     33               B     nd                    10.1            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     33               C     nd                    10.1            27                   Sculpted spire snail                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       HLM-13-MRS-10m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     33               D     nd                    10.1            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     43               A     nd                    13.1            36                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       HLM-13-MRS-13m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     43               B     nd                    13.1            36                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       HLM-13-MRS-13m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     43               C     nd                    13.1            36                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       HLM-13-MRS-13m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     43               D     nd                    13.1            36                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       HLM-13-MRS-13m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     52               A     nd                    16.1            48                   Branching red alga                        Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian                                                                      rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-16m-A      HLM-13-MRS-16m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     52               B     nd                    16.1            48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-16m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     52               C     nd                    16.1            48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-16m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     52               D     nd                    16.1            48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-16m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     62               A     nd                    19              56                   Spikey red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-19m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     62               B     nd                    19              56                   Spikey red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-19m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     62               C     nd                    19              56                   Spikey red alga                           Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian                                                                      rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-19m-C      HLM-13-MRS-19m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     62               D     nd                    19              56                   Spikey red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     72               A     nd                    22              0.5+line             Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-22m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     72               B     nd                    22              0.5+line             Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-22m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     72               C     nd                    22              0.5+line             Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-22m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   MRS     72               D     nd                    22              0.5+line             Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-22m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       HLM-13-MRS-01m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       HLM-13-MRS-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     13               A     nd                    4               6                    Brachidontes                              Purple Dendrilla                                                                                      rock                                      HLM-13-MRS-04m-A      HLM-13-MRS-04m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     13               B     nd                    4               6                    Beige many osculed Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-MRS-04m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     13               C     nd                    4               6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-MRS-04m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     13               D     nd                    4               6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-MRS-04m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     23               A     nd                    7               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     23               B     nd                    7               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     23               C     nd                    7               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     23               D     nd                    7               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     33               A     nd                    10              16                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud and cyanobacteria     HLM-13-MRS-10m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     33               B     nd                    10              16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud and cyanobacteria     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     33               C     nd                    10              16                   Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud and cyanobacteria     HLM-13-MRS-10m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     33               D     nd                    10              16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud and cyanobacteria     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     43               A     nd                    13              20                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-MRS-13m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     43               B     nd                    13              20                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-MRS-13m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     43               C     nd                    13              20                   Encrusting coralline red alga             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-MRS-13m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     43               D     nd                    13              20                   Encrusting coralline red alga             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-MRS-13m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     52               A     nd                    16              25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-16m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     52               B     nd                    16              25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-16m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     52               C     nd                    16              25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-16m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     52               D     nd                    16              25                   Branching red alga                        Red sea urchin                                                                                        rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-16m-D      HLM-13-MRS-16m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     62               A     nd                    19.2            32                   Epiphytic red alga                        Branching red alga                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-19m-A      HLM-13-MRS-19m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     62               B     nd                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-19m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     62               C     nd                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-19m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     62               D     nd                    19.2            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     72               A     nd                    22              38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-22m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     72               B     nd                    22              38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-22m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     72               C     nd                    22              38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-22m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   MRS     72               D     nd                    22              38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      HLM-13-MRS-22m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had a piece of possible Lichen from a tree. Collected but discarded sample after determining it was not of interest. Noticed a small amount of Cream grey Dendrilla in the photo. Sample was not collected.  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1B); Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1C); Brachidontes (1Ci)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Turquoise stain                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          7                    Fine branching red alga                   Amphipod; Brachidontes                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching red alga (4A); Amphipods (4Ai); Brachidontes (4Aii)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          7                    Fine branching red alga                   Amphipod; Brachidontes                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching red alga (4B); Amphipods (4Bi); Brachidontes (4Bii)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          7                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (4C); Brachidontes (4Ci)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          7                    Fine branching red alga                   Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching red alga (4D); Microsnail (4Di); No tissue collected for brachidontes  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Bedrock  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          12                   Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          12                   Fine branching red alga                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching red alga (7C); Brachidontes (7Ci)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Bedrock  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         17                   Turquoise stain                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turquoise stain on Brachidontes shell; unsure  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         17                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         17                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         17                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure; I was unable to collect a sample from the circle, I located a piece of Bedrock next to the circle that had the same Sponge and collected the Bedrock and sampled the sponge from the Bedrock.   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         22                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         22                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         22                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         22                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        Encrusting coralline red alga                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (16A) Red crust(16Ai)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        Encrusting coralline red alga                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (16C) Red crust(16Ci)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        Purple encrusting coralline alga                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (16D) Purple and pink encrusting coralline alga collected in same tube (16Di)  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral under Branching red alga  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral under Branching red alga  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral under Branching red alga  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead coral under Branching red alga  
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     72               A     73                    22.2504         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     72               B     73                    22.2504         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     72               C     73                    22.2504         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140627     2014-06-27    S01   SWK     72               D     73                    22.2504         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     3                A     2                     0.6096          0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock; Cream grey Dendrilla noticed in the corner of the circle on the picture. Sample was not collected  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     3                B     2                     0.6096          0                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Large empty shell on the edge of circle  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     3                C     2                     0.6096          0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sticks/Leaves  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     3                D     2                     0.6096          0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sticks/Leaves  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          22                   Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     33               A     32                    9.7536          29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     33               B     32                    9.7536          29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     33               C     32                    9.7536          29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     33               D     32                    9.7536          29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock just under Branching red alga  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock just under Branching red alga  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock just under Branching red alga  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock just under Branching red alga  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         58                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         58                   Branching red alga                        Fine branching green alga                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (16A); Fine branching green alga (16Ai  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         58                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         58                   Avrainvillea sp1                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         nd                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect line  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         nd                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect line  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         nd                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect line  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         nd                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect line  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     72               A     70                    21.336          nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand; Off transect line  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     72               B     70                    21.336          nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand; Off transect line  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     72               C     70                    21.336          nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand; Off transect line  
140627     2014-06-27    S02   SWK     72               D     70                    21.336          nd                   Heart urchin                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand; Off transect line; Heart urchin was located just under a small layer of sand  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          0                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          0                    Brachidontes                              Beige many osculed Haliclona                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1C); Beige many osculed Haliclona (1Ci); Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          0                    Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain on Brachidontes shell; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          7                    Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain on Bedrock; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          7                    Purple rock stain                         Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain on Bedrock; Unsure on Purple rock stain;  Purple rock stain (7B); Brachidontes (7Bi)  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          7                    Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain on Bedrock; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          7                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          10                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          10                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          10                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         14                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain found on bedrock; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         14                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain found on bedrock; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         14                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain found on bedrock; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         14                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain found on bedrock; Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         19                   Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         19                   Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         19                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga over dead coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga over dead coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga over dead coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga over dead coral  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         30                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga over sand and shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         30                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga over sand and shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         30                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga over sand and shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         30                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga over sand and shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     72               A     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     72               B     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     72               C     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S03   SWK     72               D     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          0                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla found on Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla (1A); Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          0                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Purple rock stain                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla found on Brachidontes, Purple rock stain found on Bedrock; Cream grey Dendrilla (1B); Brachidontes (1Bi); Purple rock stain (1Bii)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          0                    Brachidontes                              Purple rock stain                                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain found on bedrock; Unsure; Brachidontes (1C); Purple rock stain (1Ci)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          0                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on Brachidontes; Brachidontes (1D); Cream grey Dendrilla (1Di)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          8                    Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain on bedrock: Unsure  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          8                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching red alga                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (4B); Fine branching red alga (4Bi)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          8                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge (4D); Nereid tube worm(4Di)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          15                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          15                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          15                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          15                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           Fine branching red alga                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge (7D); Fine branching red alga (7Di)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         19                   White ruffle sponge                       Purple rock stain; Red crust                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White ruffle sponge and Purple rock stain in same tube; Red crust not collected  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         19                   Red crust                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red crust (10B); Brachidontes (10Bi)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         19                   Brachidontes                              Yellow encrusting finger sponge; Purple rock stain                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (10C); Yellow encrusting finger sponge (10Ci); Purple rock stain (10Cii)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         19                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         24                   Branching red alga                        Purple rock stain                                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain located on bedrock under Branching red alga; Branching red alga (13A); Purple rock stain (13Ai)  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         24                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         29                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     72               A     72                    21.9456         40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     72               B     72                    21.9456         40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     72               C     72                    21.9456         40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S04   SWK     72               D     72                    21.9456         40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          0                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on empty Brachidontes shell; Cream grey Dendrilla (1A); Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          0                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla (1B); Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          0                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          5                    Fine branching red alga                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching red alga (4A); Brachidontes (4Ai)  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          5                    Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          5                    Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          10                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          10                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          10                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           Brachidontes; Thin sheet beanstalk alga                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge (7C); Brachidontes (7Ci); Thin sheet beanstalk alga (7Cii)  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         15                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         15                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         15                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         20                   Branching red alga                        Red crust                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (13A); Red crust (13Ai)  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         20                   Branching red alga                        Red crust                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (13C); Red crust (13Ci)  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        Avrainvillea sp1                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (19B); Avrainvillea sp1 (19Bi)  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     72               A     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     72               B     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     72               C     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140707     2014-07-07    S05   SWK     72               D     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     3                A     2                     0.6096          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1A); Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     3                B     2                     0.6096          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     3                C     2                     0.6096          1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     3                D     2                     0.6096          1                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1D); Cream grey Dendrilla (1Di)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          12                   Brachidontes                              Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (4A); Ctena (4Ai)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaf  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          19                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          19                   Sculpted spire snail                      Yellow encrusting finger sponge                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sculpted spire snail (7D); Yellow encrusting finger sponge (7Di)  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         43                   Cycloseris                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         43                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         48                   Branching red alga                        Cycloseris                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         48                   Branching red alga                        Purple coralline alga                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S06   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    Cerithium                                 Cream grey Dendrilla; Brachidontes                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium (1A); Cream grey Dendrilla (1Ai); Brachidontes (1Aii)  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1B); Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Purple rock stain                         Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple rock stain (1D); Brachidontes (1Di); Unsure  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          5                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          5                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          12                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          12                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two Ctena located in sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          12                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ctena located in sediment  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         16                   Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         16                   Red crust                                 White ruffle sponge                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red crust and white smooth sponge collected in the same tube  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         16                   Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         16                   Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         20                   Cycloseris                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         20                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         20                   Branching red alga                        Red crust                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Branching red alga (13D); Red crust (13Di)  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand under Branching red alga  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand under Branching red alga  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand under Branching red alga  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         27                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand under Branching red alga  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand under Branching red alga  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand under Branching red alga  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand under Branching red alga  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         36                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand under Branching red alga  
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     72               A     73                    22.2504         48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     72               B     73                    22.2504         48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     72               C     73                    22.2504         48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140708     2014-07-08    S07   SWK     72               D     73                    22.2504         48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1A); Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1C); Brachidontes (1Ci)  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Thin sheet beanstalk alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          5                    Brachidontes                              Purple rock stain                                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (4A); Purple rock stain (4Ai); Unsure  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          5                    Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          11                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small layer of mud with bedrock under  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small layer of mud with bedrock under  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small layer of mud with bedrock under  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         16                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small layer of mud with bedrock under  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small layer of mud with bedrock under  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small layer of mud with bedrock under  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small layer of mud with bedrock under  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud with dead coral mixed in  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud with dead coral mixed in  
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     72               A     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     72               B     72                    21.9456         38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     72               C     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140708     2014-07-08    S08   SWK     72               D     72                    21.9456         38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaves/Bedrock  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaves/Bedrock  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla on Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla (1D); Brachidontes (1Di)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Bedrock/Leaves  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Bedrock  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Bedrock/Leaves  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          12                   Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          12                   nd                                        Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microsnail found inside Cyanobacteria; Cyanobacteria (7D); Microsnail (7Di)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        Microsnail; Caecidae                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microsnails and Caecidaes found in Cyanobacteria; Cyanobacteria (10C); Microsnail (10Ci); Caecidae (10Cii)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         17                   nd                                        Caecidae                                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Caecidae located inside the Cyanobacteria; Cyanobacteria (10D); Caecidae (10Di)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Braches; It appeared debris from trees fall and collect in this spot  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Braches; It appeared debris from trees fall and collect in this spot  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Braches; It appeared debris from trees fall and collect in this spot  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Braches; It appeared debris from trees fall and collect in this spot  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         40                   Branching red alga                        Encrusting coralline red alga                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting coralline red alga found on dead coral below the Branching red alga; Branching red alga (19A); Red crust (19Ai)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         40                   Branching red alga                        Encrusting coralline red alga                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting coralline red alga found on dead coral below the Branching red alga; Branching red alga (19B); Red crust (19Bi)  
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         40                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     72               A     72                    21.9456         48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     72               B     72                    21.9456         48                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     72               C     72                    21.9456         48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140709     2014-07-09    S09   SWK     72               D     72                    21.9456         48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand   
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on the Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla (1A); Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on the Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla (1C); Brachidontes (1Ci)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on the Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla (1D); Brachidontes (1Di)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     13               A     13                    3.9624          8                    Yellow encrusting finger sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     13               B     13                    3.9624          8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     13               C     13                    3.9624          8                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Yellow encrusting finger sponge                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on the Brachidontes shell; Cream grey Dendrilla (4C); Brachidontes (4Ci); Yellow encrusting finger sponge (4Cii)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     13               D     13                    3.9624          8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          15                   Fine branching red alga                   Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ctena located in sediment; Fine branching red alga (7A); Ctena (7Ai)  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          15                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ctena located in sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          15                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ctena located in sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     33               A     33                    10.0584         19                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two Ctena located in sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     33               B     33                    10.0584         19                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two Ctena located in sediment  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     33               C     33                    10.0584         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     33               D     33                    10.0584         19                   Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         23                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     52               A     52                    15.8496         34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     52               B     52                    15.8496         34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     52               C     52                    15.8496         34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     52               D     52                    15.8496         34                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     62               A     62                    18.8976         44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     62               B     62                    18.8976         44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     62               C     62                    18.8976         44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     62               D     62                    18.8976         44                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     72               A     72                    21.9456         54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     72               B     72                    21.9456         54                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     72               C     72                    21.9456         54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand/Shell  
140709     2014-07-09    S10   SWK     72               D     72                    21.9456         54                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2.5                  Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-SWK-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      HLM-13-SWK-01m-B      HLM-13-SWK-01m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-13-SWK-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      HLM-13-SWK-01m-D      HLM-13-SWK-01m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       HLM-13-SWK-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Purple rock stain                         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       HLM-13-SWK-04m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud layer                       HLM-13-SWK-04m-C      HLM-13-SWK-04m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud layer                       HLM-13-SWK-04m-D      HLM-13-SWK-04m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  HLM-13-SWK-07m-A      HLM-13-SWK-07m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    one microsnail in tube Ai, other two in tube Aii  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  HLM-13-SWK-07m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     33               A     33                    10.06           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     33               B     33                    10.06           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     33               C     33                    10.06           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    small ball of Cyanobacteria  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     33               D     33                    10.06           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     43               A     43                    13.11           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     43               B     43                    13.11           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     43               C     43                    13.11           36                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  HLM-13-SWK-13m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     43               D     43                    13.11           36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     52               A     52                    15.85           54                   Branching red alga                        Spikey red alga                                                                                       sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-16m-A      HLM-13-SWK-16m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     52               B     52                    15.85           54                   Branching red alga                        Spikey red alga                                                                                       sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-16m-B      HLM-13-SWK-16m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     52               C     52                    15.85           54                   Branching red alga                        Spikey red alga                                                                                       sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-16m-C      HLM-13-SWK-16m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     52               D     52                    15.85           54                   Branching red alga                        Spikey red alga                                                                                       sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-16m-D      HLM-13-SWK-16m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     62               A     62                    18.9            70                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-19m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     62               B     62                    18.9            70                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-19m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     62               C     62                    18.9            70                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-19m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     62               D     62                    18.9            70                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     72               A     72                    21.95           75                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-22m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     72               B     72                    21.95           75                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-22m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     72               C     72                    21.95           75                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-22m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     72               D     72                    21.95           75                   Branching red alga                        Lavender soft Haliclona                                                                               sand with shell fragments                 HLM-13-SWK-22m-D      HLM-13-SWK-22m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimate distance past end of transect line  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             HLM-14-SWK-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on mangrove root  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             HLM-14-SWK-01m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on mangrove root  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             HLM-14-SWK-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on mangrove root  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             HLM-14-SWK-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on mangrove root  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          fallen tree                               HLM-14-SWK-04m-C      HLM-14-SWK-04m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree                               HLM-14-SWK-04m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unknown  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on fallen tree  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        HLM-14-SWK-07m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on fallen tree  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        HLM-14-SWK-07m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on fallen tree  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on fallen tree  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     33               A     33                    10.06           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    large mat of Cyanobacteria on tree brach  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     33               B     33                    10.06           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    large mat of Cyanobacteria on tree brach  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     33               C     33                    10.06           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    large mat of Cyanobacteria on tree brach  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     33               D     33                    10.06           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    large mat of Cyanobacteria on tree brach  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     43               A     43                    13.11           21                   Branching red alga                        Encrusting coralline red alga                                                                         rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-13m-A      HLM-14-SWK-13m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock below Branhing red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     43               B     43                    13.11           21                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-13m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock below Branhing red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     43               C     43                    13.11           21                   Branching red alga                        Epiphytic red alga                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-13m-C      HLM-14-SWK-13m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock below Branhing red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     43               D     43                    13.11           21                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-13m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock below Branhing red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     52               A     51                    15.54           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-16m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock below Branhing red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     52               B     51                    15.54           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-16m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock below Branhing red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     52               C     51                    15.54           25                   Branching red alga                        Encrusting coralline red alga                                                                         rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-16m-C      HLM-14-SWK-16m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock below Branhing red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     52               D     51                    15.54           25                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      HLM-14-SWK-16m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock below Branhing red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     62               A     62                    18.9            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-14-SWK-19m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand and shell below Branching red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     62               B     62                    18.9            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-14-SWK-19m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand and shell below Branching red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     62               C     62                    18.9            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-14-SWK-19m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand and shell below Branching red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     62               D     62                    18.9            32                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-14-SWK-19m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand and shell below Branching red alga  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     72               A     72                    21.95           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     72               B     72                    21.95           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     72               C     72                    21.95           38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-14-SWK-22m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    braching red alga not connected to anything  
150716     2015-07-16    S14   SWK     72               D     72                    21.95           38                   Branching red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 HLM-14-SWK-22m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    braching red alga not connected to anything  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
LCM      Little_Crocodile_Lake_Mecherchar   7.1506    134.3557   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-04-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-04-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  wood                                      LCM-04-HFS-0.3m-C     LCM-04-HFS-0.3m-Ci    LCM-04-HFS-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=7; 1 in primary, 6 in Cii  
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-04-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-04-HFS-0.6m-A     LCM-04-HFS-0.6m-Ai    LCM-04-HFS-0.6m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in primary, 2 in Aii  
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes empty  
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-04-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-04-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-04-HFS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 Swirl gastropod                           Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  wood                                      LCM-04-HFS-1.2m-B     LCM-04-HFS-1.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-04-HFS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   HFS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-04-HFS-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-05-HFS-0.3m-A     LCM-05-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=2, 1 in primary, 1 in Ai  
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-05-HFS-0.3m-B     LCM-05-HFS-0.3m-Bi    LCM-05-HFS-0.3m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in primary, 2 in Bii  
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes empty  
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.9                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-1.2m-B     LCM-05-HFS-1.2m-Bi    LCM-05-HFS-1.2m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=4, 1 in primary, 3 in Bii  
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-05-HFS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes empty  
150723     2015-07-23    S05   HFS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.9                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 wood                                      LCM-05-HFS-1.2m-D     LCM-05-HFS-1.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.4                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.3m-A     LCM-09-HFS-0.3m-Ai    LCM-09-HFS-0.3m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3. 1 in primary, 2 in Aii  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.4                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.3m-B     LCM-09-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.4                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.3m-C     LCM-09-HFS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.7                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-A     LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-Ai    LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=2; 1 in A, 1 in Aii  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.7                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-B     LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-Bi    LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in primary, 2 in Bii  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.7                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-C     LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-Ci    LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=2, 1 in primary, 1 in Cii  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.7                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-D     LCM-09-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=2, 1 in primary, 1 in Di  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-A     LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-Ai    LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in primary, 2 in Aii  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-B     LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-C     LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=2, 1 in primary, 1 in Cii  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-D     LCM-09-HFS-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-09-HFS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   HFS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.3m-A     LCM-10-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3; 1 in primary, 2 in Ai; Slimy green turf alga too little & disentigrated before transfer  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.3m-B     LCM-10-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in primary, 2 in Bi  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.3m-C     LCM-10-HFS-0.3m-Ci    LCM-10-HFS-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=2, 1 in Ci, 1 in Cii  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.6m-A     LCM-10-HFS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   HFS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-HFS-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.4                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.3m-A     LCM-12-HFS-0.3m-Ai    LCM-12-HFS-0.3m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in primary, 2 in Aii  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.4                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes empty  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.4                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.3m-D     LCM-12-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.7                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.6m-A     LCM-12-HFS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=2, 1 in primary, 1 in Ai  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.7                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.6m-B     LCM-12-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=2, 1 in primary, 1 in Bi  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.7                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.6m-C     LCM-12-HFS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in primary, 2 in Ci  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.7                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes empty  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-HFS-0.9m-B     LCM-12-HFS-0.9m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in primary, 2 in Bi  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   HFS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              wood                                      LCM-14-HFS-0.3m-A     LCM-14-HFS-0.3m-Ai    LCM-14-HFS-0.3m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid n=3, 1 in Ai, 2 in Aii  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              wood                                      LCM-14-HFS-0.3m-B     LCM-14-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-14-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      LCM-14-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.1                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp with leaf litter        LCM-14-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.1                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp with leaf litter        LCM-14-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.1                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp with leaf litter        LCM-14-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp with leaf litter        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-14-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-14-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-14-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-14-HFS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-14-HFS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes empty  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-14-HFS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   HFS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud and wood pulp                         LCM-14-HFS-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.3m-D     LCM-02-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-02-LMS-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.3m-A     LCM-03-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.3m-C     LCM-03-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-06-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-06-LMS-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.3m-B     LCM-07-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-07-LMS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lost sample in transit  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.6m-A     LCM-08-LMS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.6m-C     LCM-08-LMS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 Slimy green turf alga                     Biting isopod                                                                                         mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.6m-D     LCM-08-LMS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lost isopod when trying to transfer to paint pot  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-08-LMS-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.3m-D     LCM-11-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.6m-A     LCM-11-LMS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    fine mangrove root  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    fine mangrove root  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    fine mangrove root  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.35                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.65                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.65                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.95                 Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.4                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.4                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.3m-B     LCM-04-MAF-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.4                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.4                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.3m-D     LCM-04-MAF-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Slimy green turf alga                     Serpulid                                                                                              Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.6m-B     LCM-04-MAF-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.6m-D     LCM-04-MAF-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1                    Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     3                B     nd                    9               1                    Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1                    Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1                    Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-04-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MAF     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.4                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-05-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.4                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-05-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-05-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     3                B     nd                    9               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-05-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-05-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MAF     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-09-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-09-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-09-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-09-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-09-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-09-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     Serpulid                                                                                              Mangrove roots                            LCM-09-MAF-0.6m-C     LCM-09-MAF-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-09-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove roots, no reachable or seeable organisms  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove roots, no reachable or seeable organisms  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove roots, no reachable or seeable organisms  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove roots, no reachable or seeable organisms  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove roots, no reachable or seeable organisms  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove roots, no reachable or seeable organisms  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove roots, no reachable or seeable organisms  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MAF     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under mangrove roots, no reachable or seeable organisms  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     Serpulid                                                                                              Mangrove roots                            LCM-10-MAF-0.3m-A     LCM-10-MAF-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-10-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-10-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-10-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MAF     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.3m-C     LCM-12-MAF-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1                    Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1                    Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MAF     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.4                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    Mangrove roots                            LCM-12-MAF-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            LCM-14-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            LCM-14-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            LCM-14-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.35                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            LCM-14-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.65                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.65                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.65                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            LCM-14-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.65                 Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            LCM-14-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tube  
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.95                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MAF     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.25                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Mangrove toots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.3m-D     LCM-04-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     4                A     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    open water                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     4                B     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    open water                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     4                C     4                     1.22            1.2                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S04   MND     4                D     4                     1.22            1.2                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-04-MND-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.3m-A     LCM-05-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.3m-B     LCM-05-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga; Biting isopod; Swirl gastropod                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.3m-C     LCM-05-MND-0.3m-Ci    LCM-05-MND-0.3m-Cii   LCM-05-MND-0.3m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Biting isopod specimen swam out of hand when sampled, so is substituted with one caught subsequently at site 12.  
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.6m-A     LCM-05-MND-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.6m-B     LCM-05-MND-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.9m-A     LCM-05-MND-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     4                A     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-1.2m-A     LCM-05-MND-1.2m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     4                B     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-1.2m-B     LCM-05-MND-1.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     4                C     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-05-MND-1.2m-C     LCM-05-MND-1.2m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S05   MND     4                D     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-09-MND-0.3m-A     LCM-09-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-09-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-09-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     4                A     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     4                B     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Saw a sudden flash of action - must be the eel.  
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     4                C     4                     1.22            1.2                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-09-MND-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S09   MND     4                D     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-10-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Slimy green turf alga on tube of the serpulid  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-10-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Slimy green turf alga on tube of the serpulid  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      LCM-10-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             nd                    LCM-10-MND-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Primary specimen lost  
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  Slimy green turf alga                                                                                 mangrove root                             LCM-10-MND-0.6m-C     LCM-10-MND-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-10-MND-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-10-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-10-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      LCM-10-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     4                A     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-10-MND-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     4                B     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-10-MND-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     4                C     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-10-MND-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S10   MND     4                D     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-10-MND-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.3m-A     LCM-12-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.3m-B     LCM-12-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Heavy shade underneath mangrove roots  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Heavy shade underneath mangrove roots  
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.6m-A     LCM-12-MND-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.6m-C     LCM-12-MND-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.6m-D     LCM-12-MND-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     4                A     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     4                B     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     4                C     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    open water                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S12   MND     4                D     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-12-MND-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.6m-D     LCM-14-MND-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     4                A     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-14-MND-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     4                B     4                     1.22            1.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    wood                                      LCM-14-MND-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     4                C     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S14   MND     4                D     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-02-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-02-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Orange slippery sponge                    nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-02-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-02-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-02-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-02-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-02-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-02-MRS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-03-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-03-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-03-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Swirl gastropod                           Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove roots                            LCM-03-MRS-0.6m-C     LCM-03-MRS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-03-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      Red worm                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-03-MRS-0.9m-A     LCM-03-MRS-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S03   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-06-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-06-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove roots                            LCM-06-MRS-0.3m-C     LCM-06-MRS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove roots                            LCM-06-MRS-0.3m-D     LCM-06-MRS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mangrove roots                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mangrove roots                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    leaves and mangrove roots                 LCM-06-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mangrove roots                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S06   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid; Biting isopod                                                                               mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.3m-B     LCM-07-MRS-0.3m-Bi    LCM-07-MRS-0.3m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.3m-C     LCM-07-MRS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.3m-D     LCM-07-MRS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.6m-A     LCM-07-MRS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.6m-C     LCM-07-MRS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.6m-D     LCM-07-MRS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.9m-B     LCM-07-MRS-0.9m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.9m-C     LCM-07-MRS-0.9m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-0.9m-D     LCM-07-MRS-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-07-MRS-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S07   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-08-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-08-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-08-MRS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S08   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    log                                       LCM-11-MRS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S11   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-A     LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-B     LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove roots                            LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-C     LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid; Biting isopod                                                                               mangrove roots                            LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-D     LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-Di    LCM-13-MRS-0.3m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            LCM-13-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sample missing  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S13   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.4                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.4                  Orange slippery sponge                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.4                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.4                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.7                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.7                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.7                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.6m-C     LCM-02-SWK-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line; Serpulid found inside wiry green turf alga  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.7                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S02   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-02-SWK-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      Biting isopod                                                                                         mangrove root                             LCM-03-SWK-0.9m-C     LCM-03-SWK-0.9m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S03   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.9m-A     LCM-06-SWK-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line; Serpulid found inside wiry green turf alga  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S06   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-06-SWK-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S07   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-07-SWK-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S08   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        LCM-08-SWK-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-11-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Slimy green turf alga                     Wiry green turf alga                                                                                  mangrove root                             LCM-11-SWK-0.9m-D     LCM-11-SWK-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line; slimy green turf alga and wiry green turf alga collected together  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.2                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           LCM-11-SWK-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S11   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.3m-B     LCM-13-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line; Serpulid found inside wiry green turf alga  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Wiry green turf alga                      Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.3m-D     LCM-13-SWK-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     Serpulid                                                                                              mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-1.2m-B     LCM-13-SWK-1.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line; serpulid found on slimy green turf alga  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.3                  Slimy green turf alga                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             LCM-13-SWK-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated using PVC transect and floating line  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
NLK      Uet_era_Ngermeuangel_Koror         7.3237    134.5089   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     3                A     4                     1.22            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     3                B     4                     1.22            1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in bedrock  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     3                C     4                     1.22            1                    Cream yellow bearded sponge               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     3                D     4                     1.22            1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in bedrock  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    Green tuft alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf   
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    whie filamentous bacteria  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photo, only mud visible. Cerithium just under surface of mud  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus / shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / detritus  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     3                A     4                     1.22            1                    White fine tubular sponge                 Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure. On Golden ascidian; could not separate the two back at the house so same tube  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     3                B     4                     1.22            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     3                C     4                     1.22            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     3                D     4                     1.22            1                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    Yellow felty sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    yellow felty sponge (3Bi) on Brachidontes (3B)  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / hard substrate directly under few mm of mud  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf   
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / hard substrate directly under few mm of mud  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. I found that mussel shell in photo was empty once I started to transfer to tube.  Hard substrate directly under few mm of mud  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud. hard substrate directly under few mm of mud  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud. hard substrate directly under few mm of mud  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            10?                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. Forgot to write down which line marker was at 23 ft.  I assume it was probably 10.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            10?                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Forgot to write down which line marker was at 23 ft.  I assume it was probably 10.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            10?                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Forgot to write down which line marker was at 23 ft.  I assume it was probably 10.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            10?                  Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Forgot to write down which line marker was at 23 ft.  I assume it was probably 10.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / microbial mat? Changed from field notes "algae?" to "microbial mat?" when transcribing.  Tissue collected.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / microbial mat? Changed from field notes "algae?" to "microbial mat?" when transcribing.  Tissue collected.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / microbial mat? Changed from field notes "algae?" to "microbial mat?" when transcribing.  Tissue collected.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           20?                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. At 43 foot depth I wrote 50 for the line marker, but I probably meant to write 20.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           20?                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. At 43 foot depth I wrote 50 for the line marker, but I probably meant to write 20.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           20?                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. At 43 foot depth I wrote 50 for the line marker, but I probably meant to write 20.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           20?                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. At 43 foot depth I wrote 50 for the line marker, but I probably meant to write 20.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. Many small round clam shells  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. Many small round clam shells  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / snail shell. Many small round clam shells  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell. Many small round clam shells  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    Grey Geodia                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Took a second photo with sponge cut.  Red cyanobacteria.  Corrected "whispy red ?" to red cyanobacteria when transcribing notes.  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure.  Also red cyanobacteria.  Took a second photo with sponge cut; mussel shell empty so took sponge.  Corrected "whispy red ?" to red cyanobacteria when transcribing notes.  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     10               A     10                    3.05            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    alga??? On mussel, probably cyanobacteria?  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     10               B     10                    3.05            6                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     10               C     10                    3.05            6                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     10               D     10                    3.05            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    alga??? On mussel, probably cyanobacteria?; leaf  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    Red wiry alga                             Green tuft alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (5A), Green tuft alga (5Ai)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (5B), Brachidontes (5Bi)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    alga??? On mussels, probably cyanobacteria?  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (5D), Brachidontes (5Di)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Also red cyanobacteria. Corrected "whispy red ?" to red cyanobacteria when transcribing notes.  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            11                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Corrected "whispy red ?" to cyanobacteria when transcribing notes.  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    took extra photo of whole individual  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             Green tuft alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    also collected some green tufty alga mixed in; Red wiry alga (9C), Green tuft alga (9Ci)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure. empty mussel shell in center so collected encrusting black sponge in the circle.  Sponge encrusted on shell, but also had a textured piece with holes not encrusted in shell.  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            ?                    Cream yellow bearded sponge               Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream yellow bearded sponge (1A) on hammer oyster (1Ai); in separate tubes  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            ?                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1B) with yellow felty sponge (1Bii) and cream grey Dendrilla (main target, 1Bi)  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            ?                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            ?                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in bedrock  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     10               A     10                    3.05            ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell under leaf  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     10               B     10                    3.05            ?                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under leaf  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     10               C     10                    3.05            ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell under leaf  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     10               D     10                    3.05            ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            ?                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria on mussel  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            ?                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            ?                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in bedrock  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            ?                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            ?                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            ?                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            ?                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stick  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           ?                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           ?                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Cream yellow bearded sponge               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on mangrove root  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud and fine roots? Under leaf  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf litter / mussel underneath  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / ascidian underneath  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     10               A     11                    3.35            4                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     10               B     11                    3.35            4                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     10               C     11                    3.35            4                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / ascidian underneath  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     10               D     11                    3.35            4                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure. on bedrock; top right quadrant in photo  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    Orange boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in bedrock under mud; see second photo of B  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / bedrock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / bedrock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            12                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            12                   Golden ascidian                           Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Golden ascidian (9D), Red wiry alga (9Di)  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           14                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           14                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           14                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           14                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / ascidian underneath  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / bedrock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           17                   Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure. chiseled out of bedrock under mud  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stick / mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           20                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           20                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    single large siphon  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Hammer oyster                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; hammer oyster underneath Ñ dropped after taking tissue so took tissue from another nearby per MND recommendation  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    Yellow felty sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on mussel; horizontal line underwater blowout?  Hole in slope with sediment and shell, few things growing. Unsure about sponge on Brachidontes (3A) likely Purple Dendrilla. Yellow felty sponge (3Ai)  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / bedrock; horizontal line under water blowout?  Hole in slope with sediment and shell, few things growning.  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud; horizontal line under water blowout?  Hole in slope with sediment and shell, few things growning.  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / bedrock; horizontal line under water blowout?  Hole in slope with sediment and shell, few things growning.  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    Red wiry alga                             Green tuft alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (5A), Green tuft alga (5Ai)  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    Yellow boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure; mud  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell (no mussel)  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stick  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             Green tuft alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (7D), Green tuft alga (7Di)  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           21                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Hammer oyster                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    Dirty yellow skin sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on dead hammer oyster shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / bedrock  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / bedrock  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / filamentous bacteria; changed "red/brown alga?" to "wiry brown alga" when transcribing notes, a couple strands seemed more red than the others  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / filamentous bacteria; changed "red/brown alga?" to "wiry brown alga" when transcribing notes, a couple strands seemed more red than the others  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell (no mussel inside)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     36               A     35                    10.67           17                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on fallen log  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     36               B     35                    10.67           17                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on fallen log  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     36               C     35                    10.67           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wood log  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     36               D     35                    10.67           17                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on fallen log  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    sponge on Golden ascidian; in same tube, could not separate  Brown grey smooth sponge                                                                              Golden ascidian                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    grey   
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Have not had the polychaete in a circle yet  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Yellow felty sponge                       Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    yellow felty sponge (1D) on hammer oyster (1Di)  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     10               A     10                    3.05            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stick / mud  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     10               B     10                    3.05            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     10               C     10                    3.05            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     10               D     10                    3.05            5                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / sea cucumber and Golden ascidian underneath; unsure about ID for Green tuft alga  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     23               A     22                    6.71            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     23               B     22                    6.71            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     23               C     22                    6.71            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     23               D     22                    6.71            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    white bacteria?  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; should have probably collected the wiry brown alga in the far corner of the picture  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud / shell / bacteria  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / bacteria  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / bacteria  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / bacteria  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / bacteria  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / bacteria  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / bacteria  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / bacteria  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on dead hammer oyster shell with red cyanobacteria  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Orange yellow sponge                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; encrusting yellow sponge on bedrock (lost sample on swim back to lake entry site)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     10               A     10                    3.05            3                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     10               B     10                    3.05            3                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / shell with brittle star underneath (no tissue)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     10               C     10                    3.05            3                    Hammer oyster                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     10               D     10                    3.05            3                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in bedrock  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Golden ascidian (5C) on Brachidontes (5Ci)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (5D) on Brachidontes (5Di); unsure if other species in photo is Orange boring sponge?  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            9                    Sponge                                    Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure. yellowish soft sponge in wiry brown alga; in same tube, could not separate  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            11                   Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure; on bedrock; change to encrusting red sponge when transcribing  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            11                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            11                   Red wiry alga                             Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (9C), Green turf alga (9Ci)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure ID of Light orange sponge as other in photo, very tiny orange elongated spots in photo.  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / stick  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell (no mussel)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; site under log  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; site under log  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; site under log  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; site under log  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     49               A     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     49               B     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     49               C     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140611     2014-06-11    S09   LMS     49               D     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     10               A     11                    3.35            5                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     10               B     11                    3.35            5                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     10               C     11                    3.35            5                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    only small piece   
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     10               D     11                    3.35            5                    Golden ascidian                           Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell; Golden ascidian (3D), Red wiry alga (3Di)  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    Green tuft alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    changed notes to green "tuft" alga instead of "turf"  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure. mud / bedrock  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure. mud / bedrock  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     30               A     29                    8.84            12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     30               B     29                    8.84            12                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on bedrock  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     30               C     29                    8.84            12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     30               D     29                    8.84            12                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    top one in photo  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           15                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no mussel in shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stick / filamentous bacteria  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           15                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           18                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on dead Hammer oyster  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Pink nubbin sponge                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    need to confirm is this is what Mike called this name  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     10               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     10               B     11                    3.35            5                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     10               C     11                    3.35            5                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     10               D     11                    3.35            5                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            8                    Red wiry alga                             Super crunchy green alga                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (5A), Super crunchy green alga (5Ai)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            8                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf; ID unsure.  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            8                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            8                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            12                   Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microsnail shell only, not live  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     30               A     29                    8.84            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     30               B     29                    8.84            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     30               C     29                    8.84            16                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     30               D     29                    8.84            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           19                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           19                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           19                   Yellow felty sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (11D), Yellow felty sponge (11Di)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           23                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           23                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           23                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     49               A     48                    14.63           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     49               B     48                    14.63           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     49               C     48                    14.63           26                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; Cerithium looked dead initially until I broke the shell and found the animal inside  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   LMS     49               D     48                    14.63           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          Yellow paint sponge                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple Dendrilla (1A), Yellow paint sponge (1Ai)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on dead hammer oyster shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     10               A     11                    3.35            4                    Golden ascidian                           Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    same tube  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     10               B     11                    3.35            4                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     10               C     11                    3.35            4                    Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes; Hammer oyster                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Golden ascidian (3Ci) and Brachidontes (3C) on Hammer oyster (3Cii)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     10               D     11                    3.35            4                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed from Long crunchy alga to Filamentous green alga when transcribing notes.  Seems to be the same as that found at S10 3 feet.  This one crackled when I put it in ethanol.  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock / mud  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock / mud  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock / mud  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock / mud  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     30               A     29                    8.84            12                   Grey Geodia                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     30               B     29                    8.84            12                   Black white stripe sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     30               C     29                    8.84            12                   Black white stripe sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     30               D     29                    8.84            12                   Purple Dendrilla                          Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple Dendrilla (9D) on Hammer oyster (9Di)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     36               A     36                    10.97           14                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     36               B     36                    10.97           14                   Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     36               C     36                    10.97           14                   Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     36               D     36                    10.97           14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           17                   Yellow stringy sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           17                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           17                   Red wiry alga                             Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (13C), Cerithium (13Ci)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           17                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     49               A     48                    14.63           20                   Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock; Golden ascidian (15Ai), Brachidontes (15A)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     49               B     48                    14.63           20                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock   
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     49               C     48                    14.63           20                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock   
140703     2014-07-03    S12   LMS     49               D     48                    14.63           20                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock   
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     3                A     2.5                   0.76            1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-1m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; is just under 3 ft  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     3                B     2.5                   0.76            1                    Creamy pink lacy sponge                   Hammer oyster                                                                                         rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-1m-B       NLK-13-LMS-1m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; is just under 3 ft  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     3                C     2.5                   0.76            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-1m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; is just under 3 ft  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     3                D     2.5                   0.76            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; is just under 3 ft; Hammer oyster shell only, no animal inside  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     10               A     11                    3.35            4                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-3m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     10               B     11                    3.35            4                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-3m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     10               C     11                    3.35            4                    Red boring sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-3m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     10               D     11                    3.35            4                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-3m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    Orange encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             NLK-13-LMS-5m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    Red boring sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLK-13-LMS-5m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLK-13-LMS-5m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            9                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLK-13-LMS-7m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            9                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             NLK-13-LMS-7m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLK-13-LMS-9m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on small stick  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             Cerithium                                                                                             rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-9m-B       NLK-13-LMS-9m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-LMS-9m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     36               A     37                    11.28           16                   Yellow encrusting sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      NLK-13-LMS-11m-A      NLK-13-LMS-11m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     36               B     37                    11.28           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     36               C     37                    11.28           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     36               D     37                    11.28           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     43               A     43                    13.11           19                   Brown grey smooth sponge                  nd                                                                                                    wood and mud and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Did not collect specimen; did not see until reviewing photos  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     43               B     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud and shell                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     43               C     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     43               D     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and bacteria and leaf litter          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and bacteria and leaf litter          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and bacteria and leaf litter          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   LMS     49               D     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and bacteria and leaf litter          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             NLK-14-LMS-1m-A       NLK-14-LMS-1m-Ai      NLK-14-LMS-1m-Aii     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Aiii    NLK-14-LMS-1m-Aiv     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Av      NLK-14-LMS-1m-Avi     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Avii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Cream yellow pimply mucus sponge          nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             NLK-14-LMS-1m-B       NLK-14-LMS-1m-Bi      NLK-14-LMS-1m-Bii     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Biii    NLK-14-LMS-1m-Biv     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Bv      NLK-14-LMS-1m-Bvi     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Bvii    very slimy; kind of felt like Dendrilla but did not look quite right; produced lots of slime  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  Errant nereid                                                                                         mangrove root                             NLK-14-LMS-1m-C       NLK-14-LMS-1m-Ci      NLK-14-LMS-1m-Cii     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Ciii    NLK-14-LMS-1m-Civ     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Cv      NLK-14-LMS-1m-Cvi     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Cvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    White dot sponge                          Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             NLK-14-LMS-1m-D       NLK-14-LMS-1m-Di      NLK-14-LMS-1m-Dii     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Diii    NLK-14-LMS-1m-Div     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Dv      NLK-14-LMS-1m-Dvi     NLK-14-LMS-1m-Dvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     10               A     11                    3.35            4                    Red boring sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLK-14-LMS-3m-A       NLK-14-LMS-3m-Ai      NLK-14-LMS-3m-Aii     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Aiii    NLK-14-LMS-3m-Aiv     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Av      NLK-14-LMS-3m-Avi     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Avii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     10               B     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLK-14-LMS-3m-B       NLK-14-LMS-3m-Bi      NLK-14-LMS-3m-Bii     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Biii    NLK-14-LMS-3m-Biv     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Bv      NLK-14-LMS-3m-Bvi     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Bvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     10               C     11                    3.35            4                    Dirty yellow skin sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLK-14-LMS-3m-C       NLK-14-LMS-3m-Ci      NLK-14-LMS-3m-Cii     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Ciii    NLK-14-LMS-3m-Civ     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Cv      NLK-14-LMS-3m-Cvi     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Cvii    on dead Hammer oyster  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     10               D     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             NLK-14-LMS-3m-D       NLK-14-LMS-3m-Di      NLK-14-LMS-3m-Dii     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Diii    NLK-14-LMS-3m-Div     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Dv      NLK-14-LMS-3m-Dvi     NLK-14-LMS-3m-Dvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     16               A     17                    5.18            7                    Red wiry alga                             Green tuft alga                                                                                       rock                                      NLK-14-LMS-5m-A       NLK-14-LMS-5m-Ai      NLK-14-LMS-5m-Aii     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Aiii    NLK-14-LMS-5m-Aiv     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Av      NLK-14-LMS-5m-Avi     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Avii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     16               B     17                    5.18            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             NLK-14-LMS-5m-B       NLK-14-LMS-5m-Bi      NLK-14-LMS-5m-Bii     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Biii    NLK-14-LMS-5m-Biv     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Bv      NLK-14-LMS-5m-Bvi     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Bvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     16               C     17                    5.18            7                    Bristle worm                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             NLK-14-LMS-5m-C       NLK-14-LMS-5m-Ci      NLK-14-LMS-5m-Cii     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Ciii    NLK-14-LMS-5m-Civ     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Cv      NLK-14-LMS-5m-Cvi     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Cvii    in dead mussel shell  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     16               D     17                    5.18            7                    Red wiry alga                             Microsnail                                                                                            rock with mud layer                       NLK-14-LMS-5m-D       NLK-14-LMS-5m-Di      NLK-14-LMS-5m-Dii     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Diii    NLK-14-LMS-5m-Div     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Dv      NLK-14-LMS-5m-Dvi     NLK-14-LMS-5m-Dvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     23               A     24                    7.32            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and leaf and shell    NLK-14-LMS-7m-A       NLK-14-LMS-7m-Ai      NLK-14-LMS-7m-Aii     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Aiii    NLK-14-LMS-7m-Aiv     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Av      NLK-14-LMS-7m-Avi     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Avii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     23               B     24                    7.32            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             NLK-14-LMS-7m-B       NLK-14-LMS-7m-Bi      NLK-14-LMS-7m-Bii     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Biii    NLK-14-LMS-7m-Biv     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Bv      NLK-14-LMS-7m-Bvi     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Bvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     23               C     24                    7.32            10                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-14-LMS-7m-C       NLK-14-LMS-7m-Ci      NLK-14-LMS-7m-Cii     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Ciii    NLK-14-LMS-7m-Civ     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Cv      NLK-14-LMS-7m-Cvi     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Cvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     23               D     24                    7.32            10                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-14-LMS-7m-D       NLK-14-LMS-7m-Di      NLK-14-LMS-7m-Dii     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Diii    NLK-14-LMS-7m-Div     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Dv      NLK-14-LMS-7m-Dvi     NLK-14-LMS-7m-Dvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   Yellow encrusting sponge                  Brachidontes; Red wiry alga                                                                           wood                                      NLK-14-LMS-9m-A       NLK-14-LMS-9m-Ai      NLK-14-LMS-9m-Aii     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Aiii    NLK-14-LMS-9m-Aiv     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Av      NLK-14-LMS-9m-Avi     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Avii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud and shell                    NLK-14-LMS-9m-B       NLK-14-LMS-9m-Bi      NLK-14-LMS-9m-Bii     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Biii    NLK-14-LMS-9m-Biv     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Bv      NLK-14-LMS-9m-Bvi     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Bvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             NLK-14-LMS-9m-C       NLK-14-LMS-9m-Ci      NLK-14-LMS-9m-Cii     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Ciii    NLK-14-LMS-9m-Civ     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Cv      NLK-14-LMS-9m-Cvi     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Cvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             NLK-14-LMS-9m-D       NLK-14-LMS-9m-Di      NLK-14-LMS-9m-Dii     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Diii    NLK-14-LMS-9m-Div     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Dv      NLK-14-LMS-9m-Dvi     NLK-14-LMS-9m-Dvii    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     36               A     37                    11.28           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and detritus                NLK-14-LMS-11m-A      NLK-14-LMS-11m-Ai     NLK-14-LMS-11m-Aii    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Aiii   NLK-14-LMS-11m-Aiv    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Av     NLK-14-LMS-11m-Avi    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Avii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     36               B     37                    11.28           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and detritus                NLK-14-LMS-11m-B      NLK-14-LMS-11m-Bi     NLK-14-LMS-11m-Bii    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Biii   NLK-14-LMS-11m-Biv    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Bv     NLK-14-LMS-11m-Bvi    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Bvii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     36               C     37                    11.28           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and detritus                NLK-14-LMS-11m-C      NLK-14-LMS-11m-Ci     NLK-14-LMS-11m-Cii    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Ciii   NLK-14-LMS-11m-Civ    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Cv     NLK-14-LMS-11m-Cvi    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Cvii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     36               D     37                    11.28           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and detritus                NLK-14-LMS-11m-D      NLK-14-LMS-11m-Di     NLK-14-LMS-11m-Dii    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Diii   NLK-14-LMS-11m-Div    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Dv     NLK-14-LMS-11m-Dvi    NLK-14-LMS-11m-Dvii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     43               A     44                    13.41           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLK-14-LMS-13m-A      NLK-14-LMS-13m-Ai     NLK-14-LMS-13m-Aii    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Aiii   NLK-14-LMS-13m-Aiv    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Av     NLK-14-LMS-13m-Avi    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Avii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     43               B     44                    13.41           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLK-14-LMS-13m-B      NLK-14-LMS-13m-Bi     NLK-14-LMS-13m-Bii    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Biii   NLK-14-LMS-13m-Biv    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Bv     NLK-14-LMS-13m-Bvi    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Bvii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     43               C     44                    13.41           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLK-14-LMS-13m-C      NLK-14-LMS-13m-Ci     NLK-14-LMS-13m-Cii    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Ciii   NLK-14-LMS-13m-Civ    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Cv     NLK-14-LMS-13m-Cvi    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Cvii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     43               D     44                    13.41           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLK-14-LMS-13m-D      NLK-14-LMS-13m-Di     NLK-14-LMS-13m-Dii    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Diii   NLK-14-LMS-13m-Div    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Dv     NLK-14-LMS-13m-Dvi    NLK-14-LMS-13m-Dvii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     49               A     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLK-14-LMS-15m-A      NLK-14-LMS-15m-Ai     NLK-14-LMS-15m-Aii    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Aiii   NLK-14-LMS-15m-Aiv    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Av     NLK-14-LMS-15m-Avi    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Avii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     49               B     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLK-14-LMS-15m-B      NLK-14-LMS-15m-Bi     NLK-14-LMS-15m-Bii    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Biii   NLK-14-LMS-15m-Biv    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Bv     NLK-14-LMS-15m-Bvi    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Bvii   nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   LMS     49               C     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLK-14-LMS-15m-C      NLK-14-LMS-15m-Ci     NLK-14-LMS-15m-Cii    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Ciii   NLK-14-LMS-15m-Civ    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Cv     NLK-14-LMS-15m-Cvi    NLK-14-LMS-15m-Cvii   nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Stichopus (moved before photo)  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     10               A     10                    3.05            3                    nd                                        Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turf or mung or sponge on mussel shell - sample taken for reference  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     10               B     10                    3.05            3                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     10               C     10                    3.05            3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     10               D     10                    3.05            3                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sample may have been lost  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     16               A     17                    5.18            nd                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     16               B     17                    5.18            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (sample)  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     16               C     17                    5.18            nd                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     16               D     17                    5.18            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     23               A     24                    7.32            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (sample)  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     23               B     24                    7.32            nd                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     23               C     24                    7.32            nd                   Ergalatax                                 Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Samples in same tube  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     23               D     24                    7.32            nd                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    M / mung (no sample)  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     36               A     37                    11.28           nd                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     36               B     37                    11.28           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead leaf (sampled)  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     36               C     37                    11.28           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (sample)  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     36               D     37                    11.28           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (sample)  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     43               A     44                    13.41           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     43               B     44                    13.41           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     43               C     44                    13.41           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     43               D     44                    13.41           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     49               A     49                    14.94           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ??     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     49               B     49                    14.94           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     49               C     49                    14.94           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   mnd     49               D     49                    14.94           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sponge encrusting on hammer oyster  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    not encrusting in this form?  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     10               A     12                    3.66            5                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    my 2lb weight slipped out of weight pocket while deploying the transect.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     10               B     12                    3.66            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     10               C     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (Shell & crab claw in sediment)  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     10               D     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell = dead mollusc of one kind or another  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf (no sample)  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    Brachidontes                              Tan fuzzy encrusting sponge                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel / Sponge in same tube  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead leaf (do not sequence)  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Seed pod (no sample)  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     23               A     24                    7.32            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    M = mud  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     23               B     24                    7.32            11                   Hammer oyster                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    23 ft depth sampled to left of transect because right side was disturbed when weight fell out of pocket.  This sample of hammer oyster lost.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     23               C     24                    7.32            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     23               D     24                    7.32            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Old leaf / shell / sponge on top?  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     30               A     31                    9.45            nd                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     30               B     31                    9.45            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf / Sponge?  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     30               C     31                    9.45            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     30               D     31                    9.45            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           17                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Mike wonders whether this sample is hammer oyster muscle (due to size and texture); if genetic analyses show it is HO, then the sample is completely misplaced.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           17                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead leaf  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     43               A     44                    13.41           21                   Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     43               B     44                    13.41           21                   Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    13B corrected from "stuff" to "ascidian" when transcribing notes.  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     43               C     44                    13.41           21                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     43               D     44                    13.41           21                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     49               A     50                    15.24           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     49               B     50                    15.24           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock (Saw Mastigias polyps (plenty) on side / overhang of this rock.  Not in transect.)  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     49               C     50                    15.24           nd                   Brachidontes                              Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   mnd     49               D     50                    15.24           nd                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            1                    Brachidontes                              Yellow encrusting chimney sponge; Purple Dendrilla                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel w/ yellow sponge & red sponge on different valves; specimens in same tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            1                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    grey sponge on ascidian; specimens in same tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     10               A     11                    3.35            nd                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     10               B     11                    3.35            nd                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mussel w/   alga on top (both in same tube)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     10               C     11                    3.35            nd                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mussel w/ few wisps of  alga on top (both in same tube)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     10               D     11                    3.35            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            nd                   Red wiry alga                             Pompom alga                                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wiry algae (n.b. some of pom pom also in tube)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            nd                   Red wiry alga                             Pompom alga                                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two kinds of algae (wiry & pompom?) Both in tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            nd                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    (mussel in photo is dead)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            nd                   Red wiry alga                             Pompom alga                                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Two kinds of algae (wiry & pompom?) Both in tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            nd                   Grey Geodia                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No photo of slate at start of series; photo of spool hanging against wall. Grey sponge w/ skin  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            nd                   Hammer oyster                             White semitransparent ghost sponge                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hammer oyster (with sponge on outside); specimens both in same tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            nd                   Barbatia                                  Yellow encrusting chimney sponge                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Specimens both in same tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            nd                   Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow encrusting sponge (same individual as 7C?)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     30               A     29                    8.84            nd                   Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Photo of slate and photo of spool hanging mid-water at start of series. Brachidontes (and two types of algae in tube too: turf & X [looks like red wiry on photograph)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     30               B     29                    8.84            nd                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     30               C     29                    8.84            nd                   Brachidontes                              Sponge                                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Specimens both in same tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     30               D     29                    8.84            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf (nothing underneath)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     49               A     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     49               B     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     49               C     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   mnd     49               D     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla on mussel on hammer oyster w/ascidian; Cream grey Dendrilla in tube 1-B; mussel in new tube to be labelled.  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    Brittle star                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ophiuroid under dead leaf and dead shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on dead mussel  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    Yellow boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterium(?) on rock; yellow boring sponge in surface rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Hammer oyster; Yellow encrusting sponge                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    two sponges & cyanobacteria on hammer oyster. Cream grey Dendrilla in 3-D; Hammer oyster (D-ii) and Yellow encrusting sponge (D-iii).  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel with cyano/alga on outside of shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     23               A     24                    7.32            10                   Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple sponge (on shell)  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     23               B     24                    7.32            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     23               C     24                    7.32            10                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     23               D     24                    7.32            10                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On wood  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     30               A     31                    9.45            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     30               B     31                    9.45            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     30               C     31                    9.45            13                   Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on wood  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     30               D     31                    9.45            13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel on log with turf algae.  Mussel in tube 9-D; algae put in additional tube to be labelled  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / leaf  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf / mud  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     49               A     50                    15.24           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     49               B     50                    15.24           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     49               C     50                    15.24           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   mnd     49               D     50                    15.24           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sponge growing on edge of hammer oyster  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    Red white tubeworm                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    White fine tubular sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    White string sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian on mussel.  Mussel in extra tube  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf and mud & shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     16               A     17                    5.18            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     16               B     17                    5.18            7                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian w/ cyanobacterium (on mussel)  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     16               C     17                    5.18            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     16               D     17                    5.18            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     23               A     24                    7.32            10                   Yellow finger encrusting sponge           Brachidontes; Red wiry alga                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow sponge on mussel on algae.  Sponge in tube 7a; mussel and algae put in two tubes to be labelled.  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     23               B     24                    7.32            10                   Golden ascidian                           Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian in tube 7b; algae put in tube to be labelled.  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     23               C     24                    7.32            10                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian (on mussel?)  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     23               D     24                    7.32            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     30               A     30                    9.14            12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel on rock and mud  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     30               B     30                    9.14            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     30               C     30                    9.14            12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel w/ alga or with yellow encrusting sponge  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     30               D     30                    9.14            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterium on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell with thin covering on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell with thin covering on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell with thin covering on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell with thin covering on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     43               A     42                    12.8            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell with thin covering on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     43               B     42                    12.8            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell with thin covering on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     43               C     42                    12.8            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell with thin covering on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     43               D     42                    12.8            18                   Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell with thin covering on rock  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     49               A     48                    14.63           20                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on wood  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     49               B     48                    14.63           20                   Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    probably dead but still sampled  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     49               C     48                    14.63           20                   Yellow coarse tufty sponge                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   mnd     49               D     48                    14.63           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            3                    Red white tubeworm                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            3                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered by thin film of sediment.  On rock.  No boring sponge in rock.  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     10               A     10                    3.05            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     10               B     10                    3.05            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very few strands of alga on mussel.  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     10               C     10                    3.05            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nothing epizootic.  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     10               D     10                    3.05            5                    Brachidontes                              Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small ascidian on side put in same tube.  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     16               A     17                    5.18            nd                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of mud on rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     16               B     17                    5.18            nd                   Brachidontes                              Yellow encrusting sponge                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    YEC in separate "5B" tube  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     16               C     17                    5.18            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of mud on rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     16               D     17                    5.18            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of mud on rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    All shells in image are dead  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium in alga but not in circle  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     30               A     31                    9.45            15                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     30               B     31                    9.45            15                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     30               C     31                    9.45            15                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     30               D     31                    9.45            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           18                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    All else in photo is dead  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           22                   Mastigias polyps                          Red wiry alga; Sponge                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Specimens in same tube  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     49               A     50                    15.24           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     49               B     50                    15.24           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     49               C     50                    15.24           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   mnd     49               D     50                    15.24           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell about 1" deep on rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    Hammer oyster                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     10               A     12                    3.66            5                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     10               B     12                    3.66            5                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     10               C     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud on rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     10               D     12                    3.66            5                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     16               A     18                    5.49            8                    Green alga                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On surface of rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     16               B     18                    5.49            8                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     16               C     18                    5.49            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud about 1" deep on rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     16               D     18                    5.49            8                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud about 1" deep on rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            11                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     30               A     30                    9.14            15                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     30               B     30                    9.14            15                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     30               C     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell ~2-3" deep on fallen tree trunk  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     30               D     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell ~2-3" deep on fallen tree trunk  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     36               A     37                    11.28           19                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     36               B     37                    11.28           19                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     36               C     37                    11.28           19                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     36               D     37                    11.28           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     43               A     44                    13.41           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (Polyps on leaves in this general area)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     43               B     44                    13.41           23                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     43               C     44                    13.41           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     43               D     44                    13.41           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     49               A     49                    14.94           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (Polyps on leaves in this general area)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     49               B     49                    14.94           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (Polyps on leaves in this general area)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     49               C     49                    14.94           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (Polyps on leaves in this general area)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   mnd     49               D     49                    14.94           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (Polyps on leaves in this general area)  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Grey Geodia                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    3 " diameter?  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Hammer oyster                             Grey Geodia                                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sponge is thin layer sandwiched between (and sticking together) two different hammer oysters; separated into second tube  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     10               A     11                    3.35            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This horizontal done to left because I disturbed area to right on way down.  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     10               B     11                    3.35            5                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     10               C     11                    3.35            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     10               D     11                    3.35            5                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White felty sponge?  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     16               A     18                    5.49            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell under dead leaf  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     16               B     18                    5.49            8                    Brachidontes                              Brittle star                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Among mud & shell under dead leaf; ophiuroid specimen lost.  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     16               C     18                    5.49            8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     16               D     18                    5.49            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     23               A     24                    7.32            11                   Brachidontes                              Red wiry alga; Green turf alga                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Algae in second tube '7Ai' and third tube '7Aii'  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     23               B     24                    7.32            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     23               C     24                    7.32            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     23               D     24                    7.32            11                   Brachidontes                              Golf ball sponge                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under leaf; YGS in second tube '7D'  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     30               A     29                    8.84            14                   Golden ascidian                           Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    In tube with wiry red alga  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     30               B     29                    8.84            14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On leaf  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     30               C     29                    8.84            14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     30               D     29                    8.84            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf   
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & some shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & some shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           17                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & some shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     43               A     44                    13.41           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     43               B     44                    13.41           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     43               C     44                    13.41           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     43               D     44                    13.41           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     49               A     49                    14.94           24                   Yellow stringy sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     49               B     49                    14.94           24                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on log  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     49               C     49                    14.94           24                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on log  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   mnd     49               D     49                    14.94           24                   Brachidontes                              Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on log  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     3                A     4                     1.22            2                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     3                B     4                     1.22            2                    Tan fuzzy encrusting sponge               Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     3                C     4                     1.22            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     3                D     4                     1.22            2                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     10               A     11                    3.35            5                    Pink Cliona                               Golden ascidian; Brachidontes                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     10               B     11                    3.35            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     10               C     11                    3.35            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Few strands of red wiry alga on shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     10               D     11                    3.35            5                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Few strands of red wiry alga on tunic  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian and mussel in same tube  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium sampled for DNA but subsequently lost.  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   Golden ascidian                           Orange encrusting sponge                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tunicate and sponge in same tube  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & some shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     36               A     37                    11.28           16                   Yellow encrusting chimney sponge          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     36               B     37                    11.28           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Specimen lost  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     36               C     37                    11.28           16                   Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     36               D     37                    11.28           16                   Brachidontes                              Yellow felty encrusting sponge                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel and sponge in same tube.  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     43               A     43                    13.11           19                   Brachidontes                              Yellow felty encrusting sponge                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel and sponge in same tube.  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     43               B     43                    13.11           19                   Mastigias polyps                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     43               C     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     43               D     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf   
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     49               A     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     49               B     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     49               C     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140611     2014-06-11    S09   mnd     49               D     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     3                A     6                     1.83            2                    Purple Dendrilla                          Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     3                B     6                     1.83            2                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  Brachidontes; Golden ascidian                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sponge encrusting on mussel  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     3                C     6                     1.83            2                    Mauve Tethya                              Purple Dendrilla; Hammer oyster                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     3                D     6                     1.83            2                    Cream yellow bearded sponge               Tan fuzzy encrusting sponge                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     10               A     11                    3.35            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Hammer oyster; Brown grey smooth sponge                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Also cyanobacterium on one valve of mussel?  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     10               B     11                    3.35            4                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     10               C     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     10               D     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     16               A     17                    5.18            7                    Super crunchy green alga                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     16               B     17                    5.18            7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on stick  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     16               C     17                    5.18            7                    Red wiry alga                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Lost ascidian  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     16               D     17                    5.18            7                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This 'pink' is beige; as some parts of other Purple felty sponges  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     23               A     24                    7.32            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     23               B     24                    7.32            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     23               C     24                    7.32            10                   Golden ascidian                           Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     23               D     24                    7.32            10                   Cerithium                                 Golden ascidian; Red wiry alga                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     30               A     30                    9.14            12                   Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     30               B     30                    9.14            12                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      Golden ascidian; Hammer oyster                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     30               C     30                    9.14            12                   Golden ascidian                           Beige encrusting sponge                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tunicate and sponge in same tube  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     30               D     30                    9.14            12                   Golden ascidian                           Yellow encrusting sponge                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tunicate and sponge in same tube  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     36               A     37                    11.28           14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     36               B     37                    11.28           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Stick  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     36               C     37                    11.28           14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     36               D     37                    11.28           14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     43               A     42                    12.8            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     43               B     42                    12.8            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     43               C     42                    12.8            17                   Cerithium                                 Golden ascidian; Brachidontes                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     43               D     42                    12.8            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell (dead mussels)  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     49               A     49                    14.94           20                   Yellow stringy sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     49               B     49                    14.94           20                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     49               C     49                    14.94           20                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   mnd     49               D     49                    14.94           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell; mostly shell  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     3                A     4                     1.2             2                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     3                B     4                     1.2             2                    Hammer oyster                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     3                C     4                     1.2             2                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hammer oyster sample lost.  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     3                D     4                     1.2             2                    Sticky mushy sponge                       Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hammer oyster on rock; NLK044?  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     10               A     10                    3               4                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     10               B     10                    3               4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     10               C     10                    3               4                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood   
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     10               D     10                    3               4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     16               A     16                    4.9             7                    Red wiry alga                             Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     16               B     16                    4.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     16               C     16                    4.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     16               D     16                    4.9             7                    Red wiry alga                             Yellow encrusting sponge; Brachidontes                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     23               A     23                    7               11                   Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes; Smooth encrusting grey sponge                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     23               B     23                    7               11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     23               C     23                    7               11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     23               D     23                    7               11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     30               A     30                    9.1             15                   Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     30               B     30                    9.1             15                   Red wiry alga                             Ergalatax; Brachidontes                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock; Brachidontes sample is spat in algae (need to separate)  
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     30               C     30                    9.1             15                   Red wiry alga                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     30               D     30                    9.1             15                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     36               A     36                    11              18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     36               B     36                    11              18                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     36               C     36                    11              18                   Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     36               D     36                    11              18                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     43               A     43                    13.1            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     43               B     43                    13.1            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     43               C     43                    13.1            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     43               D     43                    13.1            21                   Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     49               A     49                    14.9            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     49               B     49                    14.9            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     49               C     49                    14.9            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S11   mnd     49               D     49                    14.9            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     3                A     3                     0.9             2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Purple Dendrilla; Hammer oyster; Cucumber; Peach cover sponge                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     3                B     3                     0.9             2                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White fine tubular sponge sample lost?  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     3                C     3                     0.9             2                    Cream yellow bearded sponge               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hammer oyster sample lost.  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     3                D     3                     0.9             2                    Yellow paint sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     10               A     9                     2.7             4                    Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     10               B     9                     2.7             4                    Golden ascidian                           Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     10               C     9                     2.7             4                    Golden ascidian                           Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     10               D     9                     2.7             4                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     16               A     15                    4.6             6                    Brachidontes                              Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     16               B     15                    4.6             6                    Orange Cliona                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     16               C     15                    4.6             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     16               D     15                    4.6             6                    Red boring sponge                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin sediment on rock  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     23               A     23                    7               9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     23               B     23                    7               9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     23               C     23                    7               9                    Red wiry alga                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     23               D     23                    7               9                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     30               A     30                    9.1             11                   Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky overhang  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     30               B     30                    9.1             11                   Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky overhang  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     30               C     30                    9.1             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky overhang; No sample  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     30               D     30                    9.1             11                   Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky overhang  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     36               A     35                    10.7            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     36               B     35                    10.7            13                   Brachidontes                              Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     36               C     35                    10.7            13                   Red wiry alga                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     36               D     35                    10.7            13                   Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     43               A     43                    13.1            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell in large slip area  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     43               B     43                    13.1            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell in large slip area  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     43               C     43                    13.1            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell in large slip area  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     43               D     43                    13.1            16                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment / Shell in large slip area; Two Cerithium at this position (noted only once, so not overcounted.  Is this right protocol?).  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     49               A     49                    14.9            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     49               B     49                    14.9            19                   Red boring sponge                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     49               C     49                    14.9            19                   Yellow encrusting stringy sponge          Brachidontes; Golden ascidian                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
140702     2014-07-02    S12   mnd     49               D     49                    14.9            19                   Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky outcrop  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Brachidontes                              Orange encrusting sponge                                                                              rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-1m-A       NLK-13-MND-1m-Ai      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  Hammer oyster                                                                                         rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-1m-B       NLK-13-MND-1m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Golden ascidian                           Brown grey smooth sponge                                                                              rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-1m-C       NLK-13-MND-1m-Ci      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Brachidontes                              Golden ascidian                                                                                       rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-1m-D       NLK-13-MND-1m-Di      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     10               A     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-3m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     10               B     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              Red crust                                                                                             rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-3m-B       NLK-13-MND-3m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Is this an alga, or nothing?  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     10               C     9                     2.74            4                    Hammer oyster                             Orange slimey sponge                                                                                  rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-3m-C       NLK-13-MND-3m-Ci      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     10               D     9                     2.74            4                    Black encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-3m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     16               A     15                    4.57            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-5m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under overhang  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     16               B     15                    4.57            6                    Hammer oyster                             Brown grey smooth sponge                                                                              rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-5m-B       NLK-13-MND-5m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under overhang  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     16               C     15                    4.57            6                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-5m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under overhang  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     16               D     15                    4.57            6                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 NLK-13-MND-5m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under overhang  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     23               A     24                    7.32            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     23               B     24                    7.32            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     23               C     24                    7.32            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     23               D     24                    7.32            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              NLK-13-MND-7m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     30               A     31                    9.45            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and wood                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     30               B     31                    9.45            12                   Yellow coarse tufty sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and wood                    NLK-13-MND-9m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     30               C     31                    9.45            12                   Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and wood                    NLK-13-MND-9m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cucumber was under dead shell which was photographed  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     30               D     31                    9.45            12                   Yellow stringy sponge                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and wood                    NLK-13-MND-9m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     36               A     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     36               B     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     36               C     36                    10.97           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     36               D     36                    10.97           15                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under leaf, no sample  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     43               A     43                    13.11           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with fine mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     43               B     43                    13.11           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with fine mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     43               C     43                    13.11           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with fine mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     43               D     43                    13.11           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shell with fine mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     49               A     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     49               B     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     49               C     49                    14.94           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaf                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   MND     49               D     49                    14.94           22                   Bivalve spat                              nd                                                                                                    flocculent mud with leaf                  NLK-13-MND-15m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    wood                                      NLK-14-MND-1m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    wood                                      NLK-14-MND-1m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    White fine tubular sponge                 Mustard encrusting sponge; Brachidontes                                                               wood                                      NLK-14-MND-1m-C       NLK-14-MND-1m-Ci      NLK-14-MND-1m-Cii     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Golden ascidian; Brachidontes                                                                         wood                                      NLK-14-MND-1m-D       NLK-14-MND-1m-Di      NLK-14-MND-1m-Dii     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    Green turf alga                           Mustard encrusting sponge; Brachidontes                                                               shell rock and mud slope                  NLK-14-MND-3m-A       NLK-14-MND-3m-Ai      NLK-14-MND-3m-Aii     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    most of transect looks like a 'scree' slope recently disturbed  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    Pink Cliona                               Red wiry alga                                                                                         shell rock and mud slope                  NLK-14-MND-3m-B       NLK-14-MND-3m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    Red boring sponge                         nd                                                                                                    shell rock and mud slope                  NLK-14-MND-3m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell rock and mud slope                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock sediment and shell slope             NLK-14-MND-5m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock sediment and shell slope             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          rock sediment and shell slope             NLK-14-MND-5m-C       NLK-14-MND-5m-Ci      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock sediment and shell slope             NLK-14-MND-5m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and rock slope                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and rock slope                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and rock slope                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud shell and rock slope                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     30               A     30                    9.14            14                   Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      NLK-14-MND-9m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     30               B     30                    9.14            14                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      NLK-14-MND-9m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     30               C     30                    9.14            14                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      NLK-14-MND-9m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     30               D     30                    9.14            14                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      NLK-14-MND-9m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     36               A     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock mud and shell slope                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     36               B     36                    10.97           16                   Golden ascidian                           Red wiry alga; Brachidontes                                                                           rock mud and shell slope                  NLK-14-MND-11m-B      NLK-14-MND-11m-Bi     NLK-14-MND-11m-Bii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     36               C     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock mud and shell slope                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     36               D     36                    10.97           16                   Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    rock mud and shell slope                  NLK-14-MND-11m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On old LEM transect line  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     43               A     43                    13.11           19                   Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 NLK-14-MND-13m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     43               B     43                    13.11           19                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 NLK-14-MND-13m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     43               C     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     43               D     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock wall                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     49               A     48                    14.63           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     49               B     48                    14.63           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   MND     49               C     48                    14.63           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     3                A     4                     1.22            1                    Yellow finger encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Stick / shell; not sampled  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     3                B     4                     1.22            1                    White fine tubular sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     3                C     4                     1.22            1                    Ergalatax                                 Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Golden ascidian on Ergalatax; Ergalatax (1C); Golden Ascidian (1Ci)  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     3                D     4                     1.22            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Had Brachidontes but I was unable to find it when transect moved  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     16               A     17                    5.18            6                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     16               B     17                    5.18            6                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     16               C     17                    5.18            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     16               D     17                    5.18            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/ Had Brachidontes shell but was empty; Red wiry alga not sampled  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     36               A     36                    10.97           14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Red wiry alga not sampled  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     36               B     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     36               C     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     36               D     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     43               A     43                    13.11           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaf  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     43               B     43                    13.11           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/ Forgot to take photos  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     43               C     43                    13.11           20                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Forgot to take photos  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     43               D     43                    13.11           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     49               A     50                    15.24           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     49               B     50                    15.24           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     49               C     50                    15.24           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140604     2014-06-04    S01   SWK     49               D     50                    15.24           23                   Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/ Shell; not sampled  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    1A-Changed  "purple" to "Purple Dendrilla" when transcribing notes  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Beige encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    1B-Changed "Yellow" to "cream yellow sponge" when recording notes  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf; Yellow paint sponge (no tissue collected)  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     10               A     11                    3.35            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     10               B     11                    3.35            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     10               C     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     10               D     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     23               A     22                    6.71            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     23               B     22                    6.71            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     23               C     22                    6.71            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     23               D     22                    6.71            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     36               A     35                    10.67           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     36               B     35                    10.67           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     36               C     35                    10.67           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     36               D     35                    10.67           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     43               A     44                    13.41           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     43               B     44                    13.41           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     43               C     44                    13.41           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     43               D     44                    13.41           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     49               A     50                    15.24           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     49               B     50                    15.24           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     49               C     50                    15.24           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140605     2014-06-05    S02   SWK     49               D     50                    15.24           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     3                A     4                     1.22            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     3                B     4                     1.22            1                    Yellow felty sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow felty sponge on Brachidontes; Yellow felty sponge (1B); Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     3                C     4                     1.22            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     3                D     4                     1.22            1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow paint sponge on shell; 1D-Cap on sample box came open and sample fell out (no tissue sample)  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     10               A     10                    3.05            3                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     10               B     10                    3.05            3                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On bedrock  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     10               C     10                    3.05            3                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     10               D     10                    3.05            3                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga on Brachidontes; Same tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    Red boring sponge                         nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    5D-Red boring sponge, collected as much as I could.  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga on Brachidontes; In same tube  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     36               A     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     36               B     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     36               C     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     36               D     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     43               A     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Dead leaves  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     43               B     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Dead leaves  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     43               C     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Dead leaves  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     43               D     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Dead leaves  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     49               A     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     49               B     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     49               C     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140606     2014-06-06    S03   SWK     49               D     49                    14.94           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    Purple Dendrilla                          Cream grey Dendrilla; Green turf alga                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    All in separate tubes Purple Dendrilla (1A); Cream grey Dendrilla (1Ai); Green turf alga (1Aii)  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown grey smooth sponge on Brachidontes; Brachidontes (1B); Brown grey smooth sponge (1Bi)  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     10               A     10                    3.048           3                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    In bedrock; Red cyanobacteria in same tube  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     10               B     10                    3.048           3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Brachidontes; Red cyanobacteria  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     10               C     10                    3.048           3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Brachidontes; Red cyanobacteria  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     10               D     10                    3.048           3                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     16               A     16                    4.8768          5                    Yellow paint sponge                       Orange Cliona                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    In same tube  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     16               B     16                    4.8768          5                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red cyanobacteria  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     16               C     16                    4.8768          5                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red cyanobacteria  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     16               D     16                    4.8768          5                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          8                    Golden ascidian                           Ergalatax                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Notes say "Brachidontes", but should be "Golden ascidian" Golden Ascidian (7B); Ergalatax (7Bi)  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     30               A     30                    9.144           11                   Dirty yellow skin sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell; Brachidontes shell with Dirty yellow skin sponge  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     30               B     30                    9.144           11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaf  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     30               C     30                    9.144           11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell-Had Brachidontes shell I though had sponge but was incorrect  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     30               D     30                    9.144           11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     36               A     36                    10.9728         14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     36               B     36                    10.9728         14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     36               C     36                    10.9728         14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     36               D     36                    10.9728         14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     49               A     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     49               B     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     49               C     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S04   SWK     49               D     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Yellow paint sponge on Brachidontes shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead leaf  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     10               A     10                    3.048           3                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     10               B     10                    3.048           3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell-Thought Brachidontes shell had sponge but did not  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     10               C     10                    3.048           3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     10               D     10                    3.048           3                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     16               A     16                    4.8768          5                    Ergalatax                                 Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga on Ergalatax; in same tube  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     16               B     16                    4.8768          5                    Dirty yellow skin sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Brachidontes shell; forgot to take picture; picture taken after Brachidontes shell with encrusting sponge collected  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     16               C     16                    4.8768          5                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     16               D     16                    4.8768          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes shell only  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          7                    Red wiry alga                             Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had Cerithium in transect, lost when transfering to tube.   
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     30               A     30                    9.144           11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     30               B     30                    9.144           11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     30               C     30                    9.144           11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell; Red wiry alga not sampled  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     30               D     30                    9.144           11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/leaf/stick  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     36               A     36                    10.9728         13                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     36               B     36                    10.9728         13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     36               C     36                    10.9728         13                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     36               D     36                    10.9728         13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         16                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         16                   Cucumber                                  Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; samples in separate tubes; Cucumber (13B); Red wiry alga (13Bi)  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         16                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock; Red wiry alga not sampled  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         16                   Brachidontes                              Purple Dendrilla; Red wiry alga                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes and Purple Dendrilla in same tube (13D); Red wiry alga (13Di)  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     49               A     49                    14.9352         19                   Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Brachidontes shell; changed from "purple" to "Purple Dendrilla"  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     49               B     49                    14.9352         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On bedrock; Red cyanobacteria  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     49               C     49                    14.9352         19                   Brachidontes                              Purple Dendrilla                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very small amount of Red encrusting sponge on tip of shell in same tube  
140609     2014-06-09    S05   SWK     49               D     49                    14.9352         19                   Yellow felty sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow felty sponge on Brachidontes; Yellow felty sponge (15D); Brachidontes (15Di)  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     3                A     2                     0.6096          2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     3                B     2                     0.6096          2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     3                C     2                     0.6096          2                    Dirty yellow skin sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Hammer oyster shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     3                D     2                     0.6096          2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Rock  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     10               A     10                    3.048           5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     10               B     10                    3.048           5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     10               C     10                    3.048           5                    Dirty yellow skin sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on seed pod  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     10               D     10                    3.048           5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf   
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     16               A     16                    4.8768          8                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     16               B     16                    4.8768          8                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     16               C     16                    4.8768          8                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     16               D     16                    4.8768          8                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          12                   Cerithium                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf; Cerithium on Brachidontes; Cerithium (7A); Brachidontes (7A1)  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     30               A     30                    9.144           16                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     30               B     30                    9.144           16                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell ; Forgot to write on slate and collect; Red wiry alga not collected  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     30               C     30                    9.144           16                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; changed "sponge" to "green turf alga" when transcribing and looking at specimen  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     30               D     30                    9.144           16                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / shell; forgot to write on slate; Red wiry alga not collected  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     36               A     36                    10.9728         19                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     36               B     36                    10.9728         19                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     36               C     36                    10.9728         19                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     36               D     36                    10.9728         19                   Red wiry alga                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (11D); Golden ascidian (11Di)  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         23                   Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         23                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     49               A     49                    14.9352         26                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     49               B     49                    14.9352         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     49               C     49                    14.9352         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Piece of wood  
140610     2014-06-10    S06   SWK     49               D     49                    14.9352         26                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    Green turf alga                           White fine tubular sponge                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red cyanobacteria; Green turf alga and White fine tubular sponge in same tube  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    White fine tubular sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Hammer oyster shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     10               A     10                    3.048           5                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On large boulder  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     10               B     10                    3.048           5                    Red wiry alga                             Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On large boulder; samples in separate tubes; Red wiry alga (3B); Cerithium (3Bi)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     10               C     10                    3.048           5                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On large boulder  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     10               D     10                    3.048           5                    Red encrusting sponge                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On large boulder; Sample fell out of collection cup (no tissue)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     16               A     16                    4.8768          8                    Red wiry alga                             Cerithium; Green turf alga                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga on Cerithium; Red wiry alga and cerithim with alga in separate tubes; Red wiry alga (5A); Cerithium and Green turf alga (5Ai)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     16               B     16                    4.8768          8                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     16               C     16                    4.8768          8                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     16               D     16                    4.8768          8                    Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Samples in separate tubes; Red wiry alga (5D); Brachidontes (5Di)  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Bacteria mat  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Bacteria mat  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Bacteria mat  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          11                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Bacteria mat; added after looking at photo; Red wiry alga not sampled  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     30               A     27                    8.2296          14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     30               B     27                    8.2296          14                   Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     30               C     27                    8.2296          14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     30               D     27                    8.2296          14                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     36               A     36                    10.9728         18                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     36               B     36                    10.9728         18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     36               C     36                    10.9728         18                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     36               D     36                    10.9728         18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     49               A     49                    14.9352         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     49               B     49                    14.9352         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     49               C     49                    14.9352         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S07   SWK     49               D     49                    14.9352         26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Hammer oyster shell; Cream grey Dendrilla (1C); Brachidontes (1Ci)  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Yellow paint sponge                       Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Peeled off easily; found Cerithium with sponge after looking at tube; samples now in separate tubes; Yellow paint sponge (1D);Cerithium (1Di)  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     10               A     9                     2.7432          3                    Yellow felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Hammer oyster shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     10               B     9                     2.7432          3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     10               C     9                     2.7432          3                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     10               D     9                     2.7432          3                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Stick; did not see Cerithium until photo reviewed, no tissue taken  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     16               A     16                    4.8768          6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     16               B     16                    4.8768          6                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     16               C     16                    4.8768          6                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     16               D     16                    4.8768          6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          9                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under leaf  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          9                    Purple felty sponge                       Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple felty sponge (7B); Cerithium (7Bi)  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No sponge on Brachidontes  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          9                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     30               A     31                    9.4488          13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     30               B     31                    9.4488          13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     30               C     31                    9.4488          13                   Cucumber                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     30               D     31                    9.4488          13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     36               A     37                    11.2776         16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     36               B     37                    11.2776         16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     36               C     37                    11.2776         16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     36               D     37                    11.2776         16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead leaves  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead leaves  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     49               A     49                    14.9352         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     49               B     49                    14.9352         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     49               C     49                    14.9352         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140610     2014-06-10    S08   SWK     49               D     49                    14.9352         23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Dead leaves  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          1                    Purple Dendrilla                          Yellow paint sponge; Hammer oyster                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple Dendrilla and Yellow paint sponge on Hammer oyster; Purple Dendrilla (1C); Yellow paint sponge (1Ci); Hammer oyster (1Cii)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          1                    Sponge                                    Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White yellow sponge on Brachidontes; unsure; Sponge (1D); Brachidontes (1Di)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     10               A     10                    3.048           4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     10               B     10                    3.048           4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud-Brachidontes shell (not live)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     10               C     10                    3.048           4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     10               D     10                    3.048           4                    Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes; Purple Dendrilla                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Golden ascidian (3D); Brachidontes (3Di); Purple Dendrilla (3Dii)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     16               A     15                    4.572           6                    Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga on Brachidontes; Red wiry alga (5A); Brachidontes (5Ai)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     16               B     15                    4.572           6                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     16               C     15                    4.572           6                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     16               D     15                    4.572           6                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Seed pod; Red wiry alga not collected  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     23               A     22                    6.7056          9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     23               B     22                    6.7056          9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     23               C     22                    6.7056          9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Bedrock; Red wiry alga (no tissue collected)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     23               D     22                    6.7056          9                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     30               A     30                    9.144           12                   Red wiry alga                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga (9A); Golden ascidian (9Ai)  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     30               B     30                    9.144           12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     30               C     30                    9.144           12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     30               D     30                    9.144           12                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     36               A     36                    10.9728         14                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     36               B     36                    10.9728         14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     36               C     36                    10.9728         14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf   
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     36               D     36                    10.9728         14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     43               A     44                    13.4112         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     43               B     44                    13.4112         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     43               C     44                    13.4112         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     43               D     44                    13.4112         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     49               A     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     49               B     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     49               C     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S09   SWK     49               D     50                    15.24           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     3                A     4                     1.2192          1                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     3                B     4                     1.2192          1                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     3                C     4                     1.2192          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla on Hammer oyster; in separate tubes; Crean grey Dendrilla (1C); Hammer oyster (1Ci)  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     3                D     4                     1.2192          1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     10               A     10                    3.048           3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     10               B     10                    3.048           3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     10               C     10                    3.048           3                    Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     10               D     10                    3.048           3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes on Brachidontes; Brachidontes (3D); Brachidontes (3Di)  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     16               A     16                    4.8768          5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     16               B     16                    4.8768          5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     16               C     16                    4.8768          5                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     16               D     16                    4.8768          5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     23               A     27                    8.2296          7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     23               B     27                    8.2296          7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud / Shell; no tissue collected  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     23               C     27                    8.2296          7                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     23               D     27                    8.2296          7                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     30               A     30                    9.144           10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf   
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     30               B     30                    9.144           10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     30               C     30                    9.144           10                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Stick with Green turf alga  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     30               D     30                    9.144           10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     36               A     37                    11.2776         13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     36               B     37                    11.2776         13                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Log with Green turf alga  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     36               C     37                    11.2776         13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     36               D     37                    11.2776         13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     43               A     44                    13.4112         16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     43               B     44                    13.4112         16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     43               C     44                    13.4112         16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     43               D     44                    13.4112         16                   Purple felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell (no animal in Brachidontes shell)  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     49               A     50                    15.24           19                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     49               B     50                    15.24           19                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     49               C     50                    15.24           19                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140611     2014-06-11    S10   SWK     49               D     50                    15.24           19                   Yellow coarse tufty sponge                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          0                    Mauve Tethya                              Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mauve Tethya (Unsure) (1A); Red wiry alga (1Ai)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          0                    Yellow paint sponge                       Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow paint sponge (1C); Cream grey Dendrilla (1Ci)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Branches  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     10               A     10                    3.048           4                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes; Yellow felty sponge                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple Dendrilla (3A); Brachidontes (3Ai); Yellow felty sponge (3Aii)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     10               B     10                    3.048           4                    Yellow paint sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow paint sponge (3B); Brachidontes (3Bi)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     10               C     10                    3.048           4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     10               D     10                    3.048           4                    Golden ascidian                           Yellow paint sponge                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Golden ascidian (3D); Yellow paint sponge (3Di)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     16               A     16                    4.8768          7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf, mud under leaf  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     16               B     16                    4.8768          7                    Red wiry alga                             Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga not collected; Cerithium (7A)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     16               C     16                    4.8768          7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     16               D     16                    4.8768          7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          12                   Red wiry alga                             Yellow paint sponge                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga not collected; Yellow paint sponge (9A)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          12                   Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga not collected; Brachidontes (9B)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          12                   Ergalatax                                 Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Ergalatax (9C); Red wiry alga not collected  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          12                   Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga not collected; Brachidontes (9D)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     30               A     30                    9.144           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     30               B     30                    9.144           15                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Red wiry alga not collected  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     30               C     30                    9.144           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     30               D     30                    9.144           15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     36               A     36                    10.9728         18                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Red wiry alga not collected  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     36               B     36                    10.9728         18                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Red wiry alga not collected  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     36               C     36                    10.9728         18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     36               D     36                    10.9728         18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     49               A     49                    14.9352         25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     49               B     49                    14.9352         25                   Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on Brachidontes shell; Tissue in tube looks like Haliclona (picture too blurry to tell)  
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     49               C     49                    14.9352         25                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S11   SWK     49               D     49                    14.9352         25                   Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     3                A     3                     0.9144          0                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     3                B     3                     0.9144          0                    Purple Dendrilla                          Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple Dendrila (1B); Green turf alga (1Bi) Unsure  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     3                C     3                     0.9144          0                    Yellow paint sponge                       White fine tubular sponge                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow paint sponge (1C); White fine tubular sponge (1Ci)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     3                D     3                     0.9144          0                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     10               A     10                    3.048           3                    Yellow paint sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow paint sponge (3A); Brachidontes (3Ai)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     10               B     10                    3.048           3                    Golden ascidian                           Yellow paint sponge; Orange Cliona                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow paint sponge and Orange Cliona collected in same tube; Golden ascidian (3B); Yellow paint sponge and Orange Cliona (3Bi)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     10               C     10                    3.048           3                    Golden ascidian                           Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Golden ascidian (3C); Green turf alga (3Ci)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     10               D     10                    3.048           3                    Brachidontes                              Golden ascidian; Green turf alga; Orange Cliona                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3D); Golden ascidian (3Di); Green turf alga and Orange Cliona collected in the same tube (3Dii)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     16               A     16                    4.8768          5                    Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Red wiry alga not collected  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     16               B     16                    4.8768          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     16               C     16                    4.8768          5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     16               D     16                    4.8768          5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     23               A     23                    7.0104          7                    Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga not collected; Brachidontes (7A)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     23               B     23                    7.0104          7                    Yellow paint sponge                       Hammer oyster                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow paint sponge (7B); Unknown white sponge (7Bi); Hammer oyster (7Bii)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     23               C     23                    7.0104          7                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Golden ascidian; Red wiry alga; Yellow paint sponge                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (7C); Golden ascidian (7Ci); Red wiry alga (7Cii); Yellow paint sponge (7Ciii)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     23               D     23                    7.0104          7                    Sponge                                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     30               A     30                    9.144           9                    Hammer oyster                             Golden ascidian                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hammer oyster (9A); Golden ascidian (9Ai)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     30               B     30                    9.144           9                    Purple Dendrilla                          Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga not collected  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     30               C     30                    9.144           9                    Suberites                                 Brachidontes; Yellow felty sponge                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Suberites (9C); Brachidontes (9Ci); Yellow felty sponge (9Cii)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     30               D     30                    9.144           9                    Golden ascidian                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     36               A     36                    10.9728         12                   Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red wiry alga not collected; Brachidontes (11A)   
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     36               B     36                    10.9728         12                   Yellow finger encrusting sponge           Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow finger encrusting sponge encrusting on the Red wiry alga; Collected in the same tube  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     36               C     36                    10.9728         12                   Purple Dendrilla                          Yellow coarse tufty sponge                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple Dendrilla (11C); Yellow coarse tufty sponge (11Ci)  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     36               D     36                    10.9728         12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     43               A     43                    13.1064         15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Bacteria mat  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     43               B     43                    13.1064         15                   Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Bacteria mat; Yellow paint sponge encrusting on a piece of Hammer oyster shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     43               C     43                    13.1064         15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Bacteria mat  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     43               D     43                    13.1064         15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Bacteria mat  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     49               A     49                    14.9352         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     49               B     49                    14.9352         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     49               C     49                    14.9352         19                   Yellow finger encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140703     2014-07-03    S12   SWK     49               D     49                    14.9352         19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Purple Dendrilla; Golden ascidian                                                                     mangrove roots                            NLK-13-HFS-1m-A       NLK-13-HFS-1m-Ai      NLK-13-HFS-1m-Aii     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ascidians tiny; unsure of ID  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Brown grey smooth sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            NLK-13-HFS-1m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on Hammer oyster shell (Halisarca)  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    White fine tubular sponge                 Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove roots                            NLK-13-HFS-1m-C       NLK-13-HFS-1m-Ci      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on Hammer oyster shell  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Golden ascidian                           Golden ascidian; Brown grey smooth sponge                                                             mangrove roots                            NLK-13-HFS-1m-D       NLK-13-HFS-1m-Di      NLK-13-HFS-1m-Dii     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halisarca on first ascidian (Brown grey smooth sponge = Halisarca)  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     10               A     9                     2.74            3                    Red crust                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-HFS-3m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     10               B     9                     2.74            3                    Hammer oyster                             Red wiry alga; Yellow felty sponge                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-HFS-3m-B       NLK-13-HFS-3m-Bi      NLK-13-HFS-3m-Bii     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     10               C     9                     2.74            3                    Hammer oyster                             Red wiry alga; Cerithium; Yellow paint sponge                                                         rock                                      NLK-13-HFS-3m-C       NLK-13-HFS-3m-Ci      NLK-13-HFS-3m-Cii     NLK-13-HFS-3m-Ciii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     10               D     9                     2.74            3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-HFS-3m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    temperature drops at ~10 ft  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     16               A     15                    4.57            5                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-13-HFS-5m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock cave  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     16               B     15                    4.57            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     16               C     15                    4.57            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     16               D     15                    4.57            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly leafy mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    base of wall and start of slope down  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly leafy mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly leafy mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly leafy mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     30               A     30                    9.14            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     30               B     30                    9.14            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     30               C     30                    9.14            11                   Brachidontes                              Brown grey smooth sponge                                                                              shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat; on wood; Specimen lost  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     30               D     30                    9.14            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat; temperature increase ~40 ft  
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     43               A     44                    13.41           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter with shells           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     43               B     44                    13.41           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter with shells           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     43               C     44                    13.41           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter with shells           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     43               D     44                    13.41           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter with shells           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     49               A     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     49               B     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     49               C     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S13   HFS     49               D     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lost   
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Purple Dendrilla                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            NLK-14-HFS-1m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            NLK-14-HFS-1m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Cream yellow pimply mucus sponge          nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            NLK-14-HFS-1m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    temperature drops at ~6 ft  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     10               A     10                    3.05            4                    Cucumber                                  Brachidontes; Dirty yellow skin sponge                                                                wood                                      NLK-14-HFS-3m-A       NLK-14-HFS-3m-Ai      NLK-14-HFS-3m-Aii     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     10               B     10                    3.05            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes; Dirty yellow skin sponge                                                                wood                                      NLK-14-HFS-3m-B       NLK-14-HFS-3m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sponge lost  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     10               C     10                    3.05            4                    Hammer oyster                             Dirty yellow skin sponge; Brachidontes; Cerithium; Brown grey smooth sponge                           wood                                      NLK-14-HFS-3m-C       NLK-14-HFS-3m-Ci      NLK-14-HFS-3m-Cii     NLK-14-HFS-3m-Ciii    NLK-14-HFS-3m-Civ     nd                    nd                    nd                    thought there was Yellow paint sponge on Brachidontes, but seemed to be coloration upon returning to lab  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     10               D     10                    3.05            4                    nd                                        Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      NLK-14-HFS-3m-D       NLK-14-HFS-3m-Di      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria (in primary tube)  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud and leaf litter      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud and leaf litter      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud and leaf litter      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            6                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud and leaf litter      NLK-14-HFS-5m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shells                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shells                  NLK-14-HFS-7m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud and shells                  NLK-14-HFS-7m-C       NLK-14-HFS-7m-Ci      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shells                  NLK-14-HFS-7m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     30               A     30                    9.14            13                   Pink Haliclona                            Red wiry alga                                                                                         rock                                      NLK-14-HFS-9m-A       NLK-14-HFS-9m-Ai      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dying Pink Haliclona  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     30               B     30                    9.14            13                   Red wiry alga                             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-14-HFS-9m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     30               C     30                    9.14            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     30               D     30                    9.14            13                   Pink Haliclona                            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLK-14-HFS-9m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria mat; temperature increase ~40 ft  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     43               A     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     43               B     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     43               C     43                    13.11           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     43               D     43                    13.11           19                   Golden ascidian                           Brachidontes; Red wiry alga; Yellow encrusting sponge; Golden ascidian                                shelly mud                                NLK-14-HFS-13m-D      NLK-14-HFS-13m-Di     NLK-14-HFS-13m-Dii    NLK-14-HFS-13m-Diii   NLK-14-HFS-13m-Div    nd                    nd                    nd                    sponge encrusting on Red wiry alga  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     49               A     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Subrites and Pink Haliclona on rocks at this depth  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     49               B     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Chemocline/purple sulfur bacteria visible at ~56ft  
141112     2014-11-12    S14   HFS     49               C     49                    14.94           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
NLN      Ngerultabel_Lake_Ngeruktabl        7.2770    134.4315   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimated depth  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimated depth; horizontal over boulder  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimated depth; horizontal over boulder  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimated depth; horizontal over boulder  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    Fan Halimeda                              Septifer; Liverwort red alga; Mustard encrusting sponge                                               rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-2.5m-C     NLN-01-HFS-2.5m-Ci    NLN-01-HFS-2.5m-Cii   NLN-01-HFS-2.5m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fan Halimeda only spotty tissue left/dying  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Fan Halimeda                              White chimney sponge                                                                                  rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-2.5m-D     NLN-01-HFS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    species unknown for Di  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-01-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-01-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-01-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fan Halimeda half dead; Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-01-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            14                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple and white  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            14                   Orange red thin felty encrusting sponge   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            14                   Dirty orange firm sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-HFS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    appears like something from Nov 2014   
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            19                   Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with thin shelly sand layer          NLN-01-HFS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lots of biodiversity here; horizontal missed  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with thin shelly sand layer          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lots of biodiversity here; horizontal missed  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            19                   Lavender encrusting sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock with thin shelly sand layer          NLN-01-HFS-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lots of biodiversity here; horizontal missed  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with thin shelly sand layer          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lots of biodiversity here; horizontal missed  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     28               A     29                    8.84            23                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with shell                      NLN-01-HFS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mat of Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     28               B     29                    8.84            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with shell                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     28               C     29                    8.84            23                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with shell                      NLN-01-HFS-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     28               D     29                    8.84            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with shell                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     33               A     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with shell                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     33               B     33                    10.06           29                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with shell                      NLN-01-HFS-10.0m-B    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    same species? Barcode.  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     33               C     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with shell                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     33               D     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with shell                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     38               A     37                    11.28           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimated distance; 31 end of spool  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     38               B     37                    11.28           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimated distance; 31 end of spool  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     38               C     37                    11.28           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimated distance; 31 end of spool  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   HFS     38               D     37                    11.28           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    estimated distance; 31 end of spool; Cyanobacteria on a fallen rock, not collected  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-HFS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Midnight black soft spikey sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-HFS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Gold veined rusty felty sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-HFS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            Nereid tube worm                                                                                      rock                                      NLN-03-HFS-1.0m-D     NLN-03-HFS-1.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall; unclear if any worms in the tubes  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     8                A     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    base of wall  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     8                B     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    base of wall  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     8                C     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    base of wall  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     8                D     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    base of wall  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLN-03-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    **fixed transect (before this depth recorded) to be flush with wall; moved back ca. 0.5 m  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLN-03-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     18               A     17                    5.18            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     18               B     17                    5.18            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     18               C     17                    5.18            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   HFS     18               D     17                    5.18            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-HFS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-HFS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    **at ca. 3 m, the transect line was snagged into a > shape, probably ca. 1 m over from perpendicular; originial ID as Turquoise tendril sponge but later discussion changed it to Turquoise carpet sponge  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Liverwort red alga                        Septifer                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-05-HFS-2.5m-B     NLN-05-HFS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall; photo has green tint, but checked later; purple zoanthid  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            14                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-05-HFS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            19                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-05-HFS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            19                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-05-HFS-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            19                   Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-05-HFS-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Initial ID as turquoise tendril sponge, but later determined flat forms are Turquoise carpet sponge  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     28               A     28                    8.53            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds; could see holes on the tops of some & tracks up  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     28               B     28                    8.53            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds; could see holes on the tops of some & tracks up  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     28               C     28                    8.53            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds; could see holes on the tops of some & tracks up  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   HFS     28               D     28                    8.53            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect did not extend past 28 ft; did not appear to get deeper  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            5                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy leaf layer                NLN-07-HFS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    3 ft estimated from surface  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            5                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy leaf layer                NLN-07-HFS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    3 ft estimated from surface  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            5                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy leaf layer                NLN-07-HFS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    3 ft estimated from surface  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy leaf layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    3 ft estimated from surface  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    Bright green colonial ascidian            Pelvis Halimeda                                                                                       rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-2.5m-C     NLN-07-HFS-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda seemed to have lost most tissue; dead? Slight green hue, so took tissue  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    Bright green colonial ascidian            Pelvis Halimeda                                                                                       rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-2.5m-D     NLN-07-HFS-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda seemed to have lost most tissue; dead? Slight green hue, so took tissue  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            13                   Bright green colonial ascidian            Pelvis Halimeda                                                                                       rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pelvis Halimeda not collected  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            18                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            18                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            18                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             NLN-07-HFS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand with halimeda shell layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand with halimeda shell layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand with halimeda shell layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand with halimeda shell layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     28               A     27                    8.23            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     28               B     27                    8.23            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     28               C     27                    8.23            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   HFS     28               D     27                    8.23            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Black billow encrusting sponge            Septifer                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-1.0m-B     NLN-09-HFS-1.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Sabellid                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall; not collected; disintegrated so no tissue to put in tube  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Olive ringed oscule verongid sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Liverwort red alga                        Olive ringed oscule verongid sponge                                                                   rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-2.5m-C     NLN-09-HFS-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            5                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    11 m = base of rock wall at 25 ft  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            5                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            5                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            5                    Orange paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     18               A     19                    5.79            8                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red    
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     18               B     19                    5.79            8                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     18               C     19                    5.79            8                    Bright green colonial ascidian            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     18               D     19                    5.79            8                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     23               A     22                    6.71            9                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     23               B     22                    6.71            9                    Septifer                                  Liverwort red alga; Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-7.0m-B     NLN-09-HFS-7.0m-Bi    NLN-09-HFS-7.0m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     23               C     22                    6.71            9                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     23               D     22                    6.71            9                    Tan gooey sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-HFS-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     28               A     28                    8.53            13                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud                          NLN-09-HFS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pink encrusting coralline alga in lower depths on rubble renamed as Pink stain. While can scrape off, does not flake off like PECA at shallower depths  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     28               B     28                    8.53            13                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud                          NLN-09-HFS-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     28               C     28                    8.53            13                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud                          NLN-09-HFS-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     28               D     28                    8.53            13                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud                          NLN-09-HFS-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     33               A     32                    9.75            16                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud                          NLN-09-HFS-10.0m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     33               B     32                    9.75            16                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud                          NLN-09-HFS-10.0m-B    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     33               C     32                    9.75            16                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud                          NLN-09-HFS-10.0m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     33               D     32                    9.75            16                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 Liverwort red alga                                                                                    shelly sandy mud                          NLN-09-HFS-10.0m-D    NLN-09-HFS-10.0m-Di   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     38               A     38                    11.58           22                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud with leaves              NLN-09-HFS-11.5m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     38               B     38                    11.58           22                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 Liverwort red alga                                                                                    shelly sandy mud with leaves              NLN-09-HFS-11.5m-B    NLN-09-HFS-11.5m-Bi   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     38               C     38                    11.58           22                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud with leaves              NLN-09-HFS-11.5m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   HFS     38               D     38                    11.58           22                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sandy mud with leaves              NLN-09-HFS-11.5m-D    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Purple colonial ascidian                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink slippery canaled sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    not bright red, but more reddish than the rusty canaled sponge. Comparison photo taken  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            Green paint sponge; Mustard encrusting sponge                                                         rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-1.0m-C     NLN-11-HFS-1.0m-Ci    NLN-11-HFS-1.0m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Sabellid                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Liverwort red alga                        Septifer                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-B     NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            Septifer; Burgundy felty stain; Liverwort red alga; Grey Spongia sponge                               rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-C     NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-Ci    NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-Cii   NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-Ciii  NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-Civ   nd                    nd                    nd                    wall; unsure of primary species designation - photgraphed milky color initially, then dark grey-purple when transfering. Texture the same, so called it the Maroon slick encrusting sponge; unsure of Burgundy felty stain - seemed like something on shell, but very thin  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Gold veined rusty felty sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     13               A     14                    4.27            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     13               B     14                    4.27            6                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     13               C     14                    4.27            6                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     13               D     14                    4.27            6                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wall   
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ca. 0.6 m from wall base  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            8                    Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                NLN-11-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ca. 0.6 m from wall base  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ca. 0.6 m from wall base  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ca. 0.6 m from wall base  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            13                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    shelly woody mud                          NLN-11-HFS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly woody mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly woody mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            13                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly woody mud                          NLN-11-HFS-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    see not on S09 for Pink encrusting coralline alga v. Pink stain  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     28               A     28                    8.53            17                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      NLN-11-HFS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     28               B     28                    8.53            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     28               C     28                    8.53            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     28               D     28                    8.53            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with wood                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     33               A     33                    10.06           22                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with sand                      NLN-11-HFS-10.0m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     33               B     33                    10.06           22                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with sand                      NLN-11-HFS-10.0m-B    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     33               C     33                    10.06           22                   Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with sand                      NLN-11-HFS-10.0m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     33               D     33                    10.06           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     38               A     39                    11.89           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy shell                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    holes from burrowing shrimp and gobies  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     38               B     39                    11.89           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy shell                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    holes from burrowing shrimp and gobies  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     38               C     39                    11.89           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy shell                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    holes from burrowing shrimp and gobies  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   HFS     38               D     39                    11.89           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy shell                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    holes from burrowing shrimp and gobies  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     3                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fan Halimeda                              Brown red coralline alga                                                                              rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-1.0m-A     NLN-13-HFS-1.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     3                B     2                     0.61            2                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     3                C     2                     0.61            2                    Tan sucker studded sponge                 Liverwort red alga; Brown red coralline alga; Septifer                                                rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-1.0m-C     NLN-13-HFS-1.0m-Ci    NLN-13-HFS-1.0m-Cii   NLN-13-HFS-1.0m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     3                D     2                     0.61            2                    Green paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     8                A     9                     2.74            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  Filamentous green alga; Balloon animal green alga                                                     rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-2.5m-A     NLN-13-HFS-2.5m-Ai    NLN-13-HFS-2.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     8                B     9                     2.74            6                    Balloon animal green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     8                C     9                     2.74            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     8                D     9                     2.74            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     18               A     18                    5.49            12                   White chimney sponge                      Zoanthus mantoni; Army green thin encrusting sponge                                                   rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-5.5m-A     NLN-13-HFS-5.5m-Ai    NLN-13-HFS-5.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     18               B     18                    5.49            12                   Pink swirl encrusting sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-HFS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    looks orange in photo  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     18               C     18                    5.49            12                   Large Cerithium gastropod                 nd                                                                                                    shell                                     NLN-13-HFS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     18               D     18                    5.49            12                   Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     NLN-13-HFS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     23               A     23                    7.01            16                   Brown red coralline alga                  Liverwort red alga                                                                                    shell                                     NLN-13-HFS-7.0m-A     NLN-13-HFS-7.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     23               B     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     23               C     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     23               D     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     28               A     28                    8.53            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     28               B     28                    8.53            22                   Brown red coralline alga                  Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             shell                                     NLN-13-HFS-8.5m-B     NLN-13-HFS-8.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     28               C     28                    8.53            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     28               D     28                    8.53            22                   Brown red coralline alga                  Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             shell                                     NLN-13-HFS-8.5m-D     NLN-13-HFS-8.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     33               A     34                    10.36           31                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    mud with halimeda sand                    NLN-13-HFS-10.0m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     33               B     34                    10.36           31                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    mud with halimeda sand                    NLN-13-HFS-10.0m-B    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected; Halimeda dead? Small amount of tissue on one leaf visible  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     33               C     34                    10.36           31                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    mud with halimeda sand                    NLN-13-HFS-10.0m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda; tissue not collected  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     33               D     34                    10.36           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with halimeda sand                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     38               A     39                    11.89           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     38               B     39                    11.89           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     38               C     39                    11.89           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   HFS     38               D     39                    11.89           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sand in mounds  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     3                A     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     3                B     2                     0.61            0                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     3                C     2                     0.61            0                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     3                D     2                     0.61            0                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and silt with shell                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Septifer                                  Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-2.5m-B     NLN-02-LMS-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     13               A     14                    4.27            9                    Septifer                                  Red plate alga; Spirorbid                                                                             rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-4.0m-A     NLN-02-LMS-4.0m-Ai    NLN-02-LMS-4.0m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     13               B     14                    4.27            9                    Septifer                                  Brown red coralline alga                                                                              rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-4.0m-B     NLN-02-LMS-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    had to chisel off shell to collect, came off in thin flaky sheets  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     13               C     14                    4.27            9                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     13               D     14                    4.27            9                    Septifer                                  Liverwort red alga                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-LMS-4.0m-D     NLN-02-LMS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     18               A     19                    5.79            12                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    silt with halimeda sand and shell         NLN-02-LMS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     18               B     19                    5.79            12                   Septifer                                  Mustard encrusting sponge; Brown red coralline alga                                                   silt with halimeda sand and shell         NLN-02-LMS-5.5m-B     NLN-02-LMS-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Could barely see the yellow encrusting sponge.  It is in the same tube with the Brown red coralline alga.  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     18               C     19                    5.79            12                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    silt with halimeda sand and shell         NLN-02-LMS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     18               D     19                    5.79            12                   Purple solitary ascidian                  nd                                                                                                    silt with halimeda sand and shell         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    lost the sample; this is IDed based on location and being visually similar to Marianas NLN-08-MRS-7.0m-D  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     23               A     24                    7.32            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     23               B     24                    7.32            15                   Fan Halimeda                              Lavender encrusting sponge                                                                            sand with shell                           NLN-02-LMS-7.0m-B     NLN-02-LMS-7.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     23               C     24                    7.32            15                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-02-LMS-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     23               D     24                    7.32            15                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-02-LMS-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    looked like it was dying  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     28               A     28                    8.53            20                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-02-LMS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     28               B     28                    8.53            20                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-02-LMS-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     28               C     28                    8.53            20                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-02-LMS-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     28               D     28                    8.53            20                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-02-LMS-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     33               A     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     33               B     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     33               C     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   LMS     33               D     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Blue and purple billowy slick encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Creamy yellow dendro sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Midnight black soft spikey sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall; sponge was a creamy yellow inside  
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Blue grey star canaled sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unsure  
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Serrated Caulerpa                         Gold veined rusty felty sponge                                                                        rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-4.0m-A     NLN-04-LMS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unsure for Pink frosted canaled sponge and this was tight on rock, hard to get off  
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    shell                                     NLN-04-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-LMS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    looks like it was dying  
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            17                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 Black rubber pad sponge                                                                               sand with shell                           NLN-04-LMS-7.0m-B     NLN-04-LMS-7.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    the Mustard encrusting sponge was fusing a bunch of shells together; the Black bean sponge was tough and was hard to tear, rubbery  
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     28               A     27                    8.23            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     28               B     27                    8.23            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     28               C     27                    8.23            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
160614     2016-06-14    S04   LMS     28               D     27                    8.23            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    when sampled, the sponge turned to goo  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         Blue tan Callyspongia sponge                                                                          rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-1.0m-C     NLN-06-LMS-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     8                A     9                     2.74            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     8                B     9                     2.74            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     8                C     9                     2.74            6                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     8                D     9                     2.74            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     13               A     12                    3.66            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     13               B     12                    3.66            8                    Balloon animal green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     13               C     12                    3.66            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     13               D     12                    3.66            8                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    looks like it is nearly dead, also has cyanobacteria  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand                   NLN-06-LMS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with halimeda sand                   NLN-06-LMS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     23               A     24                    7.32            15                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    siltdy sand                               NLN-06-LMS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     23               B     24                    7.32            15                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    siltdy sand                               NLN-06-LMS-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     23               C     24                    7.32            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     23               D     24                    7.32            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    siltdy sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     28               A     28                    8.53            19                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of siltdy sand            NLN-06-LMS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     28               B     28                    8.53            19                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of siltdy sand            NLN-06-LMS-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     28               C     28                    8.53            19                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of siltdy sand            NLN-06-LMS-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     28               D     28                    8.53            19                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of siltdy sand            NLN-06-LMS-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     33               A     33                    10.06           28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     33               B     33                    10.06           28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     33               C     33                    10.06           28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     33               D     33                    10.06           28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     38               A     35                    10.67           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ~10m past end of line  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     38               B     35                    10.67           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ~10m past end of line  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     38               C     35                    10.67           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ~10m past end of line  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   LMS     38               D     35                    10.67           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ~10m past end of line  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     3                A     2                     0.61            2                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt and leaves and shell       NLN-08-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     3                B     2                     0.61            2                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt and leaves and shell       NLN-08-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     3                C     2                     0.61            2                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt and leaves and shell       NLN-08-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     3                D     2                     0.61            2                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock with silt and leaves and shell       NLN-08-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     8                A     7                     2.13            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer and leaf             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     8                B     7                     2.13            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer and leaf             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     8                C     7                     2.13            5                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     8                D     7                     2.13            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer and leaf             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Balloon animal green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   Red and white siphon ascidian             nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            14                   Orange yellow Cliona                      nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-08-LMS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode to see if same as HFS and MND Mustard encrusting sponge  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            14                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    shelly silt                               NLN-08-LMS-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode to see if same as HFS and MND Mustard encrusting sponge; on Septifer shell  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly silt                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly silt                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     28               A     28                    8.53            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     28               B     28                    8.53            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     28               C     28                    8.53            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     28               D     28                    8.53            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     33               A     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     33               B     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     33               C     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   LMS     33               D     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Grey purple encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange cheese puff sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Tan gooey sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     8                A     7                     2.13            4                    Red plate alga                            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     8                B     7                     2.13            4                    Green paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     8                C     7                     2.13            4                    Grey purple encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     8                D     7                     2.13            4                    Olive crumble encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    Red plate alga                            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Lavender encrusting sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unsure  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   Fan Halimeda                              Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-5.5m-A     NLN-10-LMS-5.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   Fan Halimeda                              Grey purple encrusting sponge                                                                         rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-5.5m-B     NLN-10-LMS-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   Fan Halimeda                              Blue tan Callyspongia sponge                                                                          rock                                      NLN-10-LMS-5.5m-D     NLN-10-LMS-5.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unsure for sponge  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            15                   Yellow boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-10-LMS-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    The sponge was in the rock when I chiseled it  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     28               A     29                    8.84            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and halimeda sand         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     28               B     29                    8.84            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and halimeda sand         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     28               C     29                    8.84            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and halimeda sand         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     28               D     29                    8.84            22                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and halimeda sand         NLN-10-LMS-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     33               A     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and halimeda sand         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     33               B     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and halimeda sand         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     33               C     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and halimeda sand         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     33               D     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and halimeda sand         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     38               A     40                    12.19           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     38               B     40                    12.19           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     38               C     40                    12.19           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   LMS     38               D     40                    12.19           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Purple slippery mucus sponge              Serpulid                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-12-LMS-1.0m-A     NLN-12-LMS-1.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    When squeezed this sponge drips mucus.  It felt slippery under water but was clearly mucusy when transferring to tubes.  This one also had worm tubes?  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Purple slippery mucus sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    When squeezed this sponge drips mucus.  It felt slippery under water but was clearly mucusy when transferring to tubes.  This one did not have worm tubes.  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Orange paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-12-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-12-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      NLN-12-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and leaf litter           NLN-12-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and leaf litter           NLN-12-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and leaf litter           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and leaf litter           NLN-12-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            19                   Bright green colonial ascidian            Fan Halimeda                                                                                          halimeda sand                             NLN-12-LMS-5.5m-A     NLN-12-LMS-5.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            19                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-12-LMS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            19                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-12-LMS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            19                   Bright green colonial ascidian            Fan Halimeda                                                                                          halimeda sand                             NLN-12-LMS-5.5m-D     NLN-12-LMS-5.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            27                   Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-LMS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     28               A     28                    8.53            31                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-LMS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this sponge was holding shells and pieces of rock together much like the Mustard encrusting sponge  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     28               B     28                    8.53            31                   Purple sticky finger sponge               nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-LMS-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sticky when squeezed  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     28               C     28                    8.53            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     28               D     28                    8.53            31                   Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-LMS-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     33               A     33                    10.06           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     33               B     33                    10.06           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     33               C     33                    10.06           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     33               D     33                    10.06           38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     38               A     39                    11.89           54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    large sand mounds with hole in top  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     38               B     39                    11.89           54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    large sand mounds with hole in top  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     38               C     39                    11.89           54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    large sand mounds with hole in top  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   LMS     38               D     39                    11.89           54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    large sand mounds with hole in top  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           Barbatia                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-14-LMS-1.0m-A     NLN-14-LMS-1.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    White chimney sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Blue and purple billowy slick encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Fan Halimeda                              Liverwort red alga                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    apparently did not put tissue in tube for the Liverwort red alga  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     18               A     18                    5.49            8                    Fan Halimeda                              Orange fragile encrusting sponge                                                                      rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-5.5m-A     NLN-14-LMS-5.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     18               B     18                    5.49            8                    Fan Halimeda                              Liverwort red alga                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-5.5m-B     NLN-14-LMS-5.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     18               C     18                    5.49            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with cyanobacteria  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     18               D     18                    5.49            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     23               A     23                    7.01            10                   Fan Halimeda                              Gold veined rusty felty sponge                                                                        rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-7.0m-A     NLN-14-LMS-7.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     23               B     23                    7.01            10                   Fan Halimeda                              Gold veined rusty felty sponge                                                                        rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-7.0m-B     NLN-14-LMS-7.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     23               C     23                    7.01            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     23               D     23                    7.01            10                   Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and shell                  NLN-14-LMS-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    vertical wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     28               A     28                    8.53            13                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               NLN-14-LMS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sponge was holding shell/rock together  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     28               B     28                    8.53            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     28               C     28                    8.53            13                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               NLN-14-LMS-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     28               D     28                    8.53            13                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               NLN-14-LMS-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     33               A     33                    10.06           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     33               B     33                    10.06           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     33               C     33                    10.06           19                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-14-LMS-10.0m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     33               D     33                    10.06           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     38               A     38                    11.58           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this is just a piece of rock with cyanobacteria  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     38               B     38                    11.58           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   LMS     38               C     38                    11.58           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.8             2                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-MAF-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.8             2                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-MAF-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.8             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-MAF-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.8             2                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-MAF-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.6             5                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.6             5                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.6             5                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.6             5                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.4             9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.4             9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.4             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.4             9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.7             13                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.7             13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.7             13                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.7             13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin sandy silt layer           NLN-01-MAF-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     23               A     nd                    7.5             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     23               B     nd                    7.5             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     23               C     nd                    7.5             17                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                NLN-01-MAF-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     23               D     nd                    7.5             17                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                NLN-01-MAF-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     28               A     nd                    8.6             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     28               B     nd                    8.6             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     28               C     nd                    8.6             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     28               D     nd                    8.6             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     33               A     nd                    9.7             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     33               B     nd                    9.7             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     33               C     nd                    9.7             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MAF     33               D     nd                    9.7             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     3                A     2                     0.61            0                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-MAF-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     3                B     2                     0.61            0                    Army green thin encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-MAF-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     3                C     2                     0.61            0                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-MAF-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     3                D     2                     0.61            0                    Black brillo pad encrusting sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-MAF-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Brown orange encrusting coralline alga    nd                                                                                                    sand over rock                            NLN-03-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hard, had to chisel from rock  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Tan gooey sponge                          nd                                                                                                    sand over rock                            NLN-03-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in cyanobacteria and sediment   
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    sand over rock                            NLN-03-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand over rock                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     13               A     14                    4.27            8                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-03-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on shell  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     13               B     14                    4.27            8                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-03-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on shell  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     13               C     14                    4.27            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     13               D     14                    4.27            8                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-03-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on shell  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     18               A     18                    5.49            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mounds in sand  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     18               B     18                    5.49            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mounds in sand  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     18               C     18                    5.49            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mounds in sand  
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MAF     18               D     18                    5.49            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mounds in sand  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Bright red white canaled encrusting sponge  Fat round Chama oyster                                                                                rock                                      NLN-05-MAF-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This one has white canals  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Black chimney boring sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-MAF-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Creamy yellow dendro sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-MAF-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Red tendril sponge                        Turquoise tendril sponge; Pink encrusting coralline alga                                              rock                                      NLN-05-MAF-1.0m-D     NLN-05-MAF-1.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no tissue for Pink encrusting coralline alga  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     8                A     7                     2.13            3                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         White glue sponge                                                                                     rock with fine sediments                  NLN-05-MAF-2.5m-A     NLN-05-MAF-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Is 'white glue' a white boring sponge?  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     8                B     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     8                C     7                     2.13            3                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediments                  NLN-05-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     8                D     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     13               A     12                    3.66            6                    Orange yellow Cliona                      nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sediments    NLN-05-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     13               B     12                    3.66            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sediments    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     13               C     12                    3.66            6                    Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sediments    NLN-05-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     13               D     12                    3.66            6                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sediments    NLN-05-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 Turquoise tendril sponge; Pink encrusting coralline alga                                              shell rubble with sediment                NLN-05-MAF-5.5m-A     NLN-05-MAF-5.5m-Ai    NLN-05-MAF-5.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   White colonial ascidian                   nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with sediment                NLN-05-MAF-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with sediment                NLN-05-MAF-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Perhaps this is coralline alga?  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with sediment                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     23               A     22                    6.71            14                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    shell rubble                              NLN-05-MAF-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     23               B     22                    6.71            14                   Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    shell rubble                              NLN-05-MAF-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     23               C     22                    6.71            14                   Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    shell rubble                              NLN-05-MAF-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     23               D     22                    6.71            14                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    shell rubble                              NLN-05-MAF-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     28               A     28                    8.53            28                   Orange spongey sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rubble with fine silty sediment           NLN-05-MAF-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     28               B     28                    8.53            28                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          Liverwort red alga                                                                                    rubble with fine silty sediment           NLN-05-MAF-8.5m-B     NLN-05-MAF-8.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Liverwort red alga: identified in Lab rom photos + presended specimen 10/06/15 mnd, lms, maf  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     28               C     28                    8.53            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with fine silty sediment           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     28               D     28                    8.53            28                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rubble with fine silty sediment           NLN-05-MAF-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     33               A     32                    9.75            35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sediment with shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     33               B     32                    9.75            35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sediment with shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     33               C     32                    9.75            35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sediment with shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MAF     33               D     32                    9.75            35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sediment with shell                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     3                A     nd                    2               3                    Black billow encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of organic sediment  NLN-07-MAF-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     3                B     nd                    2               3                    Black billow encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of organic sediment  NLN-07-MAF-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     3                C     nd                    2               3                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of organic sediment  NLN-07-MAF-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     3                D     nd                    2               3                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of organic sediment  NLN-07-MAF-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.2             7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-07-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.2             7                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-07-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.2             7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-07-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.2             7                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-07-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.3             11                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-07-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.3             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.3             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-07-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.3             11                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-07-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.8             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.8             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.8             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.8             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     23               A     nd                    7.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     23               B     nd                    7.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     23               C     nd                    7.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     23               D     nd                    7.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     28               A     nd                    8.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     28               B     nd                    8.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     28               C     nd                    8.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MAF     28               D     nd                    8.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLN-09-MAF-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLN-09-MAF-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.5             4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.5             4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.5             4                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.1             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.1             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.1             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.1             6                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.2             7                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.2             7                    Orange skin sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.2             7                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.2             7                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09_MAF-5,5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     23               A     nd                    6.9             9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     23               B     nd                    6.9             9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     23               C     nd                    6.9             9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     23               D     nd                    6.9             9                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-09-MAF-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     28               A     nd                    8.6             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     28               B     nd                    8.6             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     28               C     nd                    8.6             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             NLN-09-MAF-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     28               D     nd                    8.6             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             NLN-09-MAF-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     33               A     nd                    10.3            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     33               B     nd                    10.3            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     33               C     nd                    10.3            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     33               D     nd                    10.3            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     38               A     nd                    12.2            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     38               B     nd                    12.2            19                   Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             NLN-09-MAF-11.5m-B    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     38               C     nd                    12.2            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MAF     38               D     nd                    12.2            19                   Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             NLN-09-MAF-11.5m-D    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.4             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     8                A     nd                    2.4             3                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     8                B     nd                    2.4             3                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     8                C     nd                    2.4             3                    Gold veined rusty felty sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     8                D     nd                    2.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.4             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.4             6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.4             6                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.4             6                    Pelvis Halimeda                           Blue and purple billowy slick encrusting sponge                                                       rock with organic layer                   NLN-11-MAF-4.0m-D     NLN-11-MAF-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     18               A     nd                    5.9             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     18               B     nd                    5.9             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     18               C     nd                    5.9             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     18               D     nd                    5.9             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     23               A     nd                    7.1             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     23               B     nd                    7.1             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     23               C     nd                    7.1             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     23               D     nd                    7.1             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     28               A     nd                    8.8             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     28               B     nd                    8.8             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     28               C     nd                    8.8             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     28               D     nd                    8.8             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     33               A     nd                    10.4            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     33               B     nd                    10.4            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     33               C     nd                    10.4            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     33               D     nd                    10.4            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     38               A     nd                    11.9            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     38               B     nd                    11.9            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     38               C     nd                    11.9            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MAF     38               D     nd                    11.9            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     3                A     2                     0.61            4                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     3                B     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     3                C     2                     0.61            4                    Serrated Caulerpa                         Brown red coralline alga; White chimney sponge                                                        rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-1.0m-C     NLN-13-MAF-1.0m-Ci    NLN-13-MAF-1.0m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     3                D     2                     0.61            4                    Serrated Caulerpa                         Fan Halimeda                                                                                          rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-1.0m-D     NLN-13-MAF-1.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     8                A     8                     2.44            9                    Purple encrusting coralline alga          Brown red coralline alga; Liverwort red alga; Septifer                                                rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-A     NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-Ai    NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-Aii   NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-Aiii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Septifer  was the primary organism, but tubes swapped.   
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     8                B     8                     2.44            9                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     8                C     8                     2.44            9                    Septifer                                  Black rubber pad sponge; Brown red coralline alga                                                     rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-C     NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-Ci    NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     8                D     8                     2.44            9                    Filamentous green alga                    Zoanthus mantoni                                                                                      rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-D     NLN-13-MAF-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     13               A     12                    3.66            12                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    rock with very thin layer of sediment     NLN-13-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     13               B     12                    3.66            12                   Fan Halimeda                              Liverwort red alga                                                                                    rock with very thin layer of sediment     NLN-13-MAF-4.0m-B     NLN-13-MAF-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     13               C     12                    3.66            12                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    rock with very thin layer of sediment     NLN-13-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     13               D     12                    3.66            12                   Purple sticky finger sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with very thin layer of sediment     NLN-13-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     18               A     18                    5.49            15                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ascidians appeared to be separate colonies  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     18               B     18                    5.49            15                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ascidians appeared to be separate colonies  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     18               C     18                    5.49            15                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ascidians appeared to be separate colonies  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     18               D     18                    5.49            15                   Fan Halimeda                              Maroon slick encrusting sponge                                                                        rock                                      NLN-13-MAF-5.5m-D     NLN-13-MAF-5.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Fan Halimeda; not collected; ascidians appeared to be separate colonies   
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     23               A     23                    7.01            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand/mud with shell and rubble            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     23               B     23                    7.01            20                   Fan Halimeda                              Brown red coralline alga; Pink encrusting coralline alga                                              sand/mud with shell and rubble            NLN-13-MAF-7.0m-B     NLN-13-MAF-7.0m-Bi    NLN-13-MAF-7.0m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     23               C     23                    7.01            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand/mud with shell and rubble            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     23               D     23                    7.01            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand/mud with shell and rubble            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     28               A     28                    8.53            25                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    shell                                     NLN-13-MAF-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     28               B     28                    8.53            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     28               C     28                    8.53            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     28               D     28                    8.53            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell                                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     33               A     33                    10.06           32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand mud with shell and rubble fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     33               B     33                    10.06           32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand mud with shell and rubble fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     33               C     33                    10.06           32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand mud with shell and rubble fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     33               D     33                    10.06           32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand mud with shell and rubble fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     38               A     38                    11.58           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance estimated; past spool  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     38               B     38                    11.58           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance estimated; past spool  
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MAF     38               C     38                    11.58           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sandy mud                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance estimated; past spool  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     3                A     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Just under vertical face that is full of sponges  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     3                B     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     3                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     3                D     2                     0.61            2                    Tan Cliona                                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-MND-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under leaves  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 Balloon animal green alga                                                                             rock                                      NLN-01-MND-2.5m-B     NLN-01-MND-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         Septifer                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-01-MND-2.5m-C     NLN-01-MND-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-01-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of Caulerpa/silt sediment  NLN-01-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of Caulerpa/silt sediment  NLN-01-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of Caulerpa/silt sediment  NLN-01-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of Caulerpa/silt sediment  NLN-01-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     18               A     18                    5.49            15                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of Caulerpa/silt sediment  NLN-01-MND-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     18               B     18                    5.49            15                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of Caulerpa/silt sediment  NLN-01-MND-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     18               C     18                    5.49            15                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of Caulerpa/silt sediment  NLN-01-MND-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     18               D     18                    5.49            15                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of Caulerpa/silt sediment  NLN-01-MND-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     23               A     23                    7.01            19                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of sediment          NLN-01-MND-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead?  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     23               B     23                    7.01            19                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of sediment          NLN-01-MND-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead? Cyanobacteria  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     23               C     23                    7.01            19                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of sediment          NLN-01-MND-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Barcode - same as Holly, Lauren?  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     23               D     23                    7.01            19                   Pelvis Halimeda                           Serrated Caulerpa                                                                                     rock with thin layer of sediment          NLN-01-MND-7.0m-D     NLN-01-MND-7.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead? Cyanobacteria  
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     28               A     28                    8.53            22                   Pelvis Halimeda                           Golf ball sponge                                                                                      silty sand with coarse shell rock sand.   NLN-01-MND-8.5m-A     NLN-01-MND-8.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     28               B     28                    8.53            22                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    silty sand with coarse shell rock sand.   NLN-01-MND-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     28               C     28                    8.53            22                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    silty sand with coarse shell rock sand.   NLN-01-MND-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S01   MND     28               D     28                    8.53            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silty sand with coarse shell rock sand.   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     3                A     1                     0.3             1                    Gold veined rusty felty sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-MND-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     3                B     1                     0.3             1                    Gold veined rusty felty sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-MND-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     3                C     1                     0.3             1                    Purple sheet colonial ascidian            Septifer                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-03-MND-1.0m-C     NLN-03-MND-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     3                D     1                     0.3             1                    Septifer                                  Red and white siphon ascidian                                                                         rock                                      NLN-03-MND-1.0m-D     NLN-03-MND-1.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Velvet sponge                             Serpulid                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-03-MND-2.5m-A     NLN-03-MND-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Grey purple encrusting sponge             Brown red coralline alga                                                                              rock                                      NLN-03-MND-2.5m-B     NLN-03-MND-2.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Septifer                                  Liverwort red alga                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-03-MND-2.5m-D     NLN-03-MND-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     13               A     14                    4.27            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with mixed sandy/silty sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     13               B     14                    4.27            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with mixed sandy/silty sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     13               C     14                    4.27            10                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with mixed sandy/silty sediment  NLN-03-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     13               D     14                    4.27            10                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with mixed sandy/silty sediment  NLN-03-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     18               A     18                    5.49            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy sediment                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     18               B     18                    5.49            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy sediment                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     18               C     18                    5.49            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy sediment                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S03   MND     18               D     18                    5.49            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy sediment                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     3                A     1                     0.3             1                    Rust Dysidea                              Turquoise tendril sponge; Orange soft paint sponge                                                    rock                                      NLN-05-MND-1.0m-A     NLN-05-MND-1.0m-Ai    NLN-05-MND-1.0m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     3                B     1                     0.3             1                    Orange soft paint sponge                  Grey purple encrusting sponge                                                                         rock                                      NLN-05-MND-1.0m-B     NLN-05-MND-1.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Colour of the black boring sponge is a little uncertain, includes hints of brown, black on exposed outside, while underneath it is beige/yellow  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     3                C     1                     0.3             1                    Orange soft paint sponge                  Grey purple encrusting sponge                                                                         rock                                      NLN-05-MND-1.0m-C     NLN-05-MND-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     3                D     1                     0.3             1                    Army green thin encrusting sponge         Orange Cliona                                                                                         rock                                      NLN-05-MND-1.0m-D     NLN-05-MND-1.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small ledge just below wall packed with sponges  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small ledge just below wall packed with sponges  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small ledge just below wall packed with sponges  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small ledge just below wall packed with sponges  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of fine mixed sand-organic sediment  NLN-05-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead fan Halimeda  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of fine mixed sand-organic sediment  NLN-05-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     18               A     19                    5.79            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock, rubble, with fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     18               B     19                    5.79            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock, rubble, with fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     18               C     19                    5.79            12                   Orange yellow Cliona                      nd                                                                                                    rock, rubble, with fine mixed sand-organic sediment  NLN-05-MND-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thick mat of sponge when growing under ~1cm or so of sediment.  May be same as Mustard encrusting sponge  
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     18               D     19                    5.79            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock, rubble, with fine mixed sand-organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     23               A     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand on rock                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     23               B     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand on rock                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     23               C     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand on rock                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     23               D     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand on rock                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     28               A     29                    8.84            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     28               B     29                    8.84            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     28               C     29                    8.84            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S05   MND     28               D     29                    8.84            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with fine muddy sediment             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with fine muddy sediment             NLN-07-MND-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with fine muddy sediment             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with fine muddy sediment             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     8                A     7                     2.13            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sandy muddy sediment with some Halimeda thalli (dead)  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     8                B     7                     2.13            7                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    fine sandy muddy sediment with some Halimeda thalli (dead)  NLN-07-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     8                C     7                     2.13            7                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    fine sandy muddy sediment with some Halimeda thalli (dead)  NLN-07-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     8                D     7                     2.13            7                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    fine sandy muddy sediment with some Halimeda thalli (dead)  NLN-07-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     13               A     12                    3.66            11                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             NLN-07-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     13               B     12                    3.66            11                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             NLN-07-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     13               C     12                    3.66            11                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             NLN-07-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     13               D     12                    3.66            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     18               A     18                    5.49            16                   Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy sediment                  NLN-07-MND-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     18               B     18                    5.49            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy sediment                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     18               C     18                    5.49            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy sediment                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     18               D     18                    5.49            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy sediment                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     23               A     23                    7.01            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments over rock (1-2" deep)  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dug into sediment; zero.  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     23               B     23                    7.01            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments over rock (1-2" deep)  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dug into sediment; zero.  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     23               C     23                    7.01            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments over rock (1-2" deep)  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dug into sediment; zero.  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     23               D     23                    7.01            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments over rock (1-2" deep)  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dug into sediment; zero.  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     28               A     28                    8.53            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dug into sediment; zero.  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     28               B     28                    8.53            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dug into sediment; zero.  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     28               C     28                    8.53            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dug into sediment; zero.  
150610     2015-06-10    S07   MND     28               D     28                    8.53            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dug into sediment; zero.  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Green paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    Purple orange trim sticky canal sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall.  Sponge is like the "Army green thin encrusting sponge" except it is also sticky  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     13               A     11                    3.35            4                    Fan Halimeda                              Tan gooey sponge; Brown sticky encrusting sponge                                                      rock                                      NLN-09-MND-4.0m-A     NLN-09-MND-4.0m-Ai    NLN-09-MND-4.0m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall. Need to barcode both of the secondary samples  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     13               B     11                    3.35            4                    Fan Halimeda                              Septifer; Serpulid                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-4.0m-B     NLN-09-MND-4.0m-Bi    NLN-09-MND-4.0m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     13               C     11                    3.35            4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     13               D     11                    3.35            4                    Brown sticky encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     18               A     17                    5.18            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     18               B     17                    5.18            6                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     18               C     17                    5.18            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     18               D     17                    5.18            6                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     23               A     22                    6.71            8                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     23               B     22                    6.71            8                    Liverwort red alga                        Gold veined rusty felty sponge                                                                        rock                                      NLN-09-MND-7.0m-B     NLN-09-MND-7.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     23               C     22                    6.71            8                    Fan Halimeda                              Zoanthus mantoni                                                                                      rock                                      NLN-09-MND-7.0m-C     NLN-09-MND-7.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall; Zoanthus is purple  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     23               D     22                    6.71            8                    Fan Halimeda                              Gold veined rusty felty sponge                                                                        rock                                      NLN-09-MND-7.0m-D     NLN-09-MND-7.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     28               A     27                    8.23            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     28               B     27                    8.23            10                   Fan Halimeda                              Septifer; Tan gooey sponge; Maroon slick encrusting sponge                                            rock                                      NLN-09-MND-8.5m-B     NLN-09-MND-8.5m-Bi    NLN-09-MND-8.5m-Bii   NLN-09-MND-8.5m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     28               C     27                    8.23            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     28               D     27                    8.23            10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-09-MND-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     33               A     33                    10.06           14                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sediment                  NLN-09-MND-10.0m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     33               B     33                    10.06           14                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sediment                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Primary sample lost  
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     33               C     33                    10.06           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sediment                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     33               D     33                    10.06           14                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sediment                  NLN-09-MND-10.0m-D    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     38               A     38                    11.58           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     38               B     38                    11.58           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sediment                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     38               C     38                    11.58           19                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sediment                  NLN-09-MND-11.5m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S09   MND     38               D     38                    11.58           19                   Black rubber pad sponge                   nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sediment                  NLN-09-MND-11.5m-D    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     3                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Black rubber pad sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-MND-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     3                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Tan gooey sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-MND-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     3                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Orange nubby encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-MND-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     3                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Green paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-MND-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            2.5                  Black rubber pad sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            2.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-11-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            2.5                  Tan gooey sponge                          Brown red coralline alga                                                                              rock                                      NLN-11-MND-2.5m-C     NLN-11-MND-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            2.5                  Orange nubby encrusting sponge            Septifer                                                                                              rock                                      NLN-11-MND-2.5m-D     NLN-11-MND-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock wall  
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            4.5                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sand/organic sediment  NLN-11-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            4.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sand/organic sediment  NLN-11-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            4.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sand/organic sediment  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            4.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sand/organic sediment  NLN-11-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     18               A     17                    5.18            6.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sand/organic sediment  NLN-11-MND-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     18               B     17                    5.18            6.5                  Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sand/organic sediment  NLN-11-MND-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     18               C     17                    5.18            6.5                  Liverwort red alga                        Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             rock with thin layer of fine sand/organic sediment  NLN-11-MND-5.5m-C     NLN-11-MND-5.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     18               D     17                    5.18            6.5                  Balloon animal green alga                 Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock with thin layer of fine sand/organic sediment  NLN-11-MND-5.5m-D     NLN-11-MND-5.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     23               A     22                    6.71            10.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment and wood and leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     23               B     22                    6.71            10.5                 Brown red coralline alga                  Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             nd                                        NLN-11-MND-7.0m-B     NLN-11-MND-7.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     23               C     22                    6.71            10.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLN-11-MND-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     23               D     22                    6.71            10.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLN-11-MND-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     28               A     28                    8.53            15.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     28               B     28                    8.53            15.5                 Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment   NLN-11-MND-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     28               C     28                    8.53            15.5                 Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment   NLN-11-MND-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     28               D     28                    8.53            15.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment   NLN-11-MND-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     33               A     33                    10.06           20.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment   NLN-11-MND-10.0m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     33               B     33                    10.06           20.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment   NLN-11-MND-10.0m-B    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     33               C     33                    10.06           20.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment   NLN-11-MND-10.0m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     33               D     33                    10.06           20.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with coarse sand/organic sediment   NLN-11-MND-10.0m-D    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     38               A     38                    11.58           27.5                 Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sand/organic sediment     NLN-11-MND-11.5m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     38               B     38                    11.58           27.5                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sand/organic sediment     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     38               C     38                    11.58           27.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sand/organic sediment     NLN-11-MND-11.5m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S11   MND     38               D     38                    11.58           27.5                 Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shell with fine sand/organic sediment     NLN-11-MND-11.5m-D    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     3                A     2                     0.61            3                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with some shell, sand                NLN-13-MND-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     3                B     2                     0.61            3                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with some shell, sand                NLN-13-MND-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     3                C     2                     0.61            3                    Fan Halimeda                              Black thin soft encrusting sponge                                                                     rock with some shell, sand                NLN-13-MND-1.0m-C     NLN-13-MND-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     3                D     2                     0.61            3                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with some shell, sand                NLN-13-MND-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     8                A     8                     2.44            7                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of halimeda sand, sand, silt  NLN-13-MND-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     8                B     8                     2.44            7                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of halimeda sand, sand, silt  NLN-13-MND-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     8                C     8                     2.44            7                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of halimeda sand, sand, silt  NLN-13-MND-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     8                D     8                     2.44            7                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 Balloon animal green alga                                                                             rock with thin layer of halimeda sand, sand, silt  NLN-13-MND-2.5m-D     NLN-13-MND-2.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   Fan Halimeda                              Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             rock with thin layer of fine sediment     NLN-13-MND-4.0m-A     NLN-13-MND-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Fan Halimeda                              Serrated Caulerpa; Teenie tiny brittle star                                                           rock with thin layer of fine sediment     NLN-13-MND-4.0m-B     NLN-13-MND-4.0m-Bi    NLN-13-MND-4.0m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sediment     NLN-13-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with thin layer of fine sediment     NLN-13-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     18               A     17                    5.18            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell rubble and sediment inbetween outcrops  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     18               B     17                    5.18            13                   Grey purple encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with shell rubble and sediment inbetween outcrops  NLN-13-MND-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     18               C     17                    5.18            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell rubble and sediment inbetween outcrops  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     18               D     17                    5.18            13                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with shell rubble and sediment inbetween outcrops  NLN-13-MND-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     23               A     23                    7.01            18                   Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with coarse sediment         NLN-13-MND-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     23               B     23                    7.01            18                   Brown red coralline alga                  Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        shell rubble with coarse sediment         NLN-13-MND-7.0m-B     NLN-13-MND-7.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     23               C     23                    7.01            18                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with coarse sediment         NLN-13-MND-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     23               D     23                    7.01            18                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    shell rubble with coarse sediment         NLN-13-MND-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     28               A     28                    8.53            23                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    sand with rubble, shell                   NLN-13-MND-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     28               B     28                    8.53            23                   Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    sand with rubble, shell                   NLN-13-MND-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     28               C     28                    8.53            23                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    sand with rubble, shell                   NLN-13-MND-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     28               D     28                    8.53            23                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            White glue sponge; Brown red coralline alga                                                           sand with rubble, shell                   NLN-13-MND-8.5m-D     NLN-13-MND-8.5m-Di    NLN-13-MND-8.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     33               A     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rubble, some shell              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     33               B     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rubble, some shell              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     33               C     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rubble, some shell              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     33               D     33                    10.06           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rubble, some shell              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     38               A     38                    11.58           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand silt                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     38               B     38                    11.58           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand silt                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S13   MND     38               C     38                    11.58           40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand silt                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell covered in mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    Dirty orange firm sponge                  nd                                                                                                    shell covered in mud                      NLN-02-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sample mostly scrabbed from shell  
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    Dirty orange firm sponge                  nd                                                                                                    shell covered in mud                      NLN-02-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell covered in mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.7             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.7             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.7             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.7             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.3             9                    Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.3             9                    Fan Halimeda                              Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-4.0m-B     NLN-02-MRS-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.3             9                    Brown boring sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.3             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.7             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.7             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.7             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.7             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     23               A     nd                    7.5             14                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     23               B     nd                    7.5             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     23               C     nd                    7.5             14                   Purple colonial ascidian                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     23               D     nd                    7.5             14                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-02-MRS-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     28               A     nd                    8.7             18                   Dirty orange firm sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLN-02-MRS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     28               B     nd                    8.7             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     28               C     nd                    8.7             18                   Dirty orange firm sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLN-02-MRS-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     28               D     nd                    8.7             18                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLN-02-MRS-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     33               A     nd                    10.3            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     33               B     nd                    10.3            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     33               C     nd                    10.3            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150612     2015-06-12    S02   MRS     33               D     nd                    10.3            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.8             2                    Green paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.8             2                    Green paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.8             2                    Bright red large canaled encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.8             2                    Bright red large canaled encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.6             4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.6             4                    Bright red large canaled encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.6             4                    Black rubber pad sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.3             7                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      NLN-04-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.3             7                    Olive crumble encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      NLN-04-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.3             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.3             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shells covered in sand and mud            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shells covered in sand and mud            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shells covered in sand and mud            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.5             9                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    shells covered in sand and mud            NLN-04-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     23               A     nd                    7.4             16                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    shells covered in sand and mud            NLN-04-MRS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     23               B     nd                    7.4             16                   Brown red coralline alga                  Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             shells covered in sand and mud            NLN-04-MRS-7.0m-B     NLN-04-MRS-7.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     23               C     nd                    7.4             16                   Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    shells covered in sand and mud            NLN-04-MRS-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     23               D     nd                    7.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shells covered in sand and mud            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     28               A     nd                    8.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     28               B     nd                    8.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     28               C     nd                    8.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   MRS     28               D     nd                    8.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.7             2                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.7             2                    Lavender encrusting sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.7             2                    Blue tan Callyspongia sponge              Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock                                      NLN-06-MRS-1.0m-C     NLN-06-MRS-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.7             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-06-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.5             5                    Fan Halimeda                              Liverwort red alga                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    NLN-06-MRS-1.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sample not avaliable  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.5             5                    Fan Halimeda                              Liverwort red alga                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    NLN-06-MRS-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sample not avaliable  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.5             5                    Black rubber pad sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-06-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     13               A     nd                    3.5             7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-06-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     13               B     nd                    3.5             7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-06-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     13               C     nd                    3.5             7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-06-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     13               D     nd                    3.5             7                    Fan Halimeda                              Liverwort red alga; Green turf alga; Pink encrusting coralline alga; Septifer                         rock covered in mud                       nd                    NLN-06-MRS-4.0m-Di    NLN-06-MRS-4.0m-Dii   NLN-06-MRS-4.0m-Diii  NLN-06-MRS-4.0m-Div   nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sample not avaliable  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.5             10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-06-MRS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sample not avaliable  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.5             10                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-06-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.5             10                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sample not avaliable  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     23               A     nd                    7               13                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-06-MRS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     23               B     nd                    7               13                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-06-MRS-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     23               C     nd                    7               13                   Fan Halimeda                              Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             rock covered in mud                       nd                    NLN-06-MRS-7.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sample not avaliable  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     23               D     nd                    7               13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     28               A     nd                    8.4             18                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    shell covered in mud                      NLN-06-MRS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     28               B     nd                    8.4             18                   Fan Halimeda                              Orange fragile encrusting sponge                                                                      shell covered in mud                      nd                    NLN-06-MRS-8.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sample not avaliable  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     28               C     nd                    8.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell covered in mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     28               D     nd                    8.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell covered in mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     33               A     nd                    10              25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     33               B     nd                    10              25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     33               C     nd                    10              25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     33               D     nd                    10              25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     38               A     nd                    10.8            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     38               B     nd                    10.8            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     38               C     nd                    10.8            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   MRS     38               D     nd                    10.8            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             2                    Lavender encrusting sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             2                    Dirty orange firm sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     8                A     nd                    2               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     8                B     nd                    2               3                    Lavender encrusting sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     8                C     nd                    2               3                    Lavender encrusting sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     8                D     nd                    2               3                    Orange yellow Cliona                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     13               A     nd                    3.9             6                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     13               B     nd                    3.9             6                    Lavender encrusting sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     13               C     nd                    3.9             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     13               D     nd                    3.9             6                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.4             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.4             9                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.4             9                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.4             9                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     23               A     nd                    7.4             13                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     23               B     nd                    7.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     23               C     nd                    7.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     23               D     nd                    7.4             13                   Purple solitary ascidian                  Septifer                                                                                              rock covered in mud                       NLN-08-MRS-7.0m-D     NLN-08-MRS-7.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     28               A     nd                    8.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     28               B     nd                    8.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     28               C     nd                    8.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     28               D     nd                    8.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     33               A     nd                    10              28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     33               B     nd                    10              28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     33               C     nd                    10              28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   MRS     33               D     nd                    10              28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Blue tan Callyspongia sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Bright red large canaled encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.7             4                    Red plate alga                            Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock covered in sand                      NLN-10-MRS-2.5m-A     NLN-10-MRS-2.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.7             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.7             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.7             4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      NLN-10-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.2             8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      NLN-10-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.2             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.2             8                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      NLN-10-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.2             8                    Brown red coralline alga                  Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        sand                                      NLN-10-MRS-4.0m-D     NLN-10-MRS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.7             12                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-10-MRS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.7             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.7             12                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-10-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.7             12                   nd                                        Black rubber pad sponge                                                                               sand                                      nd                    NLN-10-MRS-5.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Main organism ( tube) not present- only sampled the tube, not the polyquete  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     23               A     nd                    7.4             16                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-10-MRS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     23               B     nd                    7.4             16                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-10-MRS-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     23               C     nd                    7.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     23               D     nd                    7.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     28               A     nd                    8.9             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     28               B     nd                    8.9             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     28               C     nd                    8.9             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     28               D     nd                    8.9             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     33               A     nd                    10.3            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     33               B     nd                    10.3            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     33               C     nd                    10.3            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     33               D     nd                    10.3            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     38               A     nd                    12.4            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     38               B     nd                    12.4            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     38               C     nd                    12.4            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   MRS     38               D     nd                    12.4            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Olive crumble encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Olive ringed oscule verongid sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.8             5                    Brown orange skin sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.8             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.8             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.8             5                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.4             8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      NLN-12-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.4             8                    Fan Halimeda                              Purple bush sponge; Mustard encrusting sponge                                                         rock covered in sand                      NLN-12-MRS-4.0m-C     NLN-12-MRS-4.0m-Ci    NLN-06-MRS-4.0m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.4             8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      NLN-12-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.7             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-MRS-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.7             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.7             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.7             11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-MRS-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     23               A     nd                    7.5             21                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-MRS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     23               B     nd                    7.5             21                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-MRS-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     23               C     nd                    7.5             21                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-12-MRS-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     23               D     nd                    7.5             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     28               A     nd                    8.9             27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     28               B     nd                    8.9             27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     28               C     nd                    8.9             27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     28               D     nd                    8.9             27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     33               A     nd                    10.3            nd                   Purple sticky finger sponge               nd                                                                                                    sand dunes                                NLN-12-MRS-10.0m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    second transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     33               B     nd                    10.3            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand dunes                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    second transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     33               C     nd                    10.3            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand dunes                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    second transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     33               D     nd                    10.3            nd                   Dirty orange firm sponge                  Purple sticky finger sponge                                                                           sand dunes                                NLN-12-MRS-10.0m-D    NLN-12-MRS-10.0m-Di   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    second transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     38               A     nd                    12              nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand dunes                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    second transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     38               B     nd                    12              nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand dunes                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    second transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     38               C     nd                    12              nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand dunes                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    second transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   MRS     3                D     nd                    12              nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand dunes                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    second transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Tan sucker studded sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.4             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.4             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Gold veined rusty felty sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     8                A     nd                    2.6             4                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     8                B     nd                    2.6             4                    Blue tan Callyspongia sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     8                C     nd                    2.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     8                D     nd                    2.6             4                    Gold trim inflated sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tube worms inside, but no animal  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.2             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.2             6                    Brown red coralline alga                  Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-4.0m-B     NLN-14-MRS-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.2             6                    Serpulid                                  Black thin soft encrusting sponge                                                                     rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-4.0m-C     NLN-14-MRS-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.2             6                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     18               A     nd                    5.3             7                    Fan Halimeda                              Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-5.5m-A     NLN-14-MRS-5.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     18               B     nd                    5.3             7                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     18               C     nd                    5.3             7                    Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-MRS-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     18               D     nd                    5.3             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     23               A     nd                    7.3             10                   Hermit crab                               nd                                                                                                    shells covered in mud                     NLN-14-MRS-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     23               B     nd                    7.3             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shells covered in mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     23               C     nd                    7.3             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shells covered in mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     23               D     nd                    7.3             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shells covered in mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     28               A     nd                    8.7             14                   Orange red thin felty encrusting sponge   nd                                                                                                    leaves and cyanobacteria                  NLN-14-MRS-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     28               B     nd                    8.7             14                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    leaves and cyanobacteria                  NLN-14-MRS-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     28               C     nd                    8.7             14                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    leaves and cyanobacteria                  NLN-14-MRS-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     28               D     nd                    8.7             14                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    leaves and cyanobacteria                  NLN-14-MRS-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     33               A     nd                    10.2            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     33               B     nd                    10.2            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     33               C     nd                    10.2            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     33               D     nd                    10.2            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     38               A     nd                    11.7            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     38               B     nd                    11.7            23                   Fan Halimeda                              Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             sand                                      NLN-14-MRS-11.5m-B    NLN-14-MRS-11.5m-Bi   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     38               C     nd                    11.7            23                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-14-MRS-11.5m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   MRS     38               D     nd                    11.7            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     3                A     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Might be Coralline alga  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     3                B     2                     0.61            0                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had tube worm that I was unable to remove from rock  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     3                C     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     3                D     2                     0.61            0                    Powder blue Dysidea sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-02-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     8                A     8                     2.44            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     8                B     8                     2.44            6                    Balloon animal green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     8                C     8                     2.44            6                    Septifer                                  Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-2.5m-C     NLN-02-SWK-2.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     8                D     8                     2.44            6                    Balloon animal green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     13               A     12                    3.66            10                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     13               B     12                    3.66            10                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     13               C     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     13               D     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     18               A     18                    5.49            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     18               B     18                    5.49            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     18               C     18                    5.49            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     18               D     18                    5.49            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-02-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     23               A     23                    7.01            17                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-02-SWK-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     23               B     23                    7.01            17                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-02-SWK-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     23               C     23                    7.01            17                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-02-SWK-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     23               D     23                    7.01            17                   Tumbleweed sponge                         Maroon slick encrusting sponge; Errant nereid                                                         sand                                      NLN-02-SWK-7.0m-D     NLN-02-SWK-7.0m-Di    NLN-02-SWK-7.0m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tumbleweed covered in sediment, Maroon slick encrusting sponge on the outside of the piece of Tumbleweed sponge, Nereid worm was inside the Tumbleweed sponge  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     28               A     28                    8.53            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     28               B     28                    8.53            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     28               C     28                    8.53            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     28               D     28                    8.53            22                   Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            NLN-02-SWK-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in sediment  
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     33               A     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     33               B     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     33               C     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S02   swk     33               D     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     3                A     2                     0.61            0                    Gold veined rusty felty sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     3                B     2                     0.61            0                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     3                C     2                     0.61            0                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     3                D     2                     0.61            0                    Gold veined rusty felty sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     8                A     8                     2.44            3                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-04-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     8                B     8                     2.44            3                    White chimney sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-04-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White tube growing out the top of the sponge  
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     8                C     8                     2.44            3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-04-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     8                D     8                     2.44            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     13               A     13                    3.96            5                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-04-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     13               B     13                    3.96            5                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-04-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     13               C     13                    3.96            5                    Red plate alga                            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-04-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     13               D     13                    3.96            5                    Tan sucker studded sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-04-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     18               A     18                    5.49            8                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     18               B     18                    5.49            8                    Orange red thin felty encrusting sponge   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-04-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     18               C     18                    5.49            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     18               D     18                    5.49            8                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-04-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on shell  
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     23               A     23                    7.01            16                   Orange red thin felty encrusting sponge   nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-04-SWK-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on Septifer shell  
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     23               B     23                    7.01            16                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-04-SWK-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on shell  
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     23               C     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     23               D     23                    7.01            16                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-04-SWK-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on shell  
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     28               A     26                    7.92            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     28               B     26                    7.92            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     28               C     26                    7.92            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S04   swk     28               D     26                    7.92            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-06-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under sediment, had to chisel from rock  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Liverwort red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-06-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under sediment, had to chisel from rock  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Olive ringed oscule verongid sponge       Turquoise tendril sponge                                                                              rock                                      NLN-06-SWK-1.0m-C     NLN-06-SWK-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Barcode; Turquoise tendril sponge small nub  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         Brown red coralline alga                                                                              rock                                      NLN-06-SWK-1.0m-D     NLN-06-SWK-1.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            5                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-06-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            5                    Olive ringed oscule verongid sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-06-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            5                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-06-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            5                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-06-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-06-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-06-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with leaf                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-06-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     18               A     18                    5.49            12                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand                                      NLN-06-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     18               B     18                    5.49            12                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-06-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     18               C     18                    5.49            12                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-06-SWK-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Septifer shell  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     18               D     18                    5.49            12                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-06-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     28               A     28                    8.53            19                   Bright orange tufty sponge                nd                                                                                                    sand wth shell                            NLN-06-SWK-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in sediment, had to clear the sediment to see the sponge  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     28               B     28                    8.53            19                   Bright orange tufty sponge                nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-06-SWK-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in sediment, had to clear the sediment to see the sponge  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     28               C     28                    8.53            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     28               D     28                    8.53            19                   Orangey gold big mass sponge              nd                                                                                                    sand wth shell                            NLN-06-SWK-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in sediment, had to clear the sediment to see the sponge, only small piece pulled off  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     33               A     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     33               B     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     33               C     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     33               D     33                    10.06           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     38               A     33                    10.06           Off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud sand                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  5 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     38               B     33                    10.06           Off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud sand                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  5 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     38               C     33                    10.06           Off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud sand                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  5 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150610     2015-06-10    S06   SWK     38               D     33                    10.06           Off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud sand                                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  5 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under layer of mud  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under layer of mud  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Black column Hyrtios sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Septifer                                  Pink frosted canaled sponge                                                                           rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-1.0m-D     NLN-08-SWK-1.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-08-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under layer of mud  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     13               A     15                    4.57            7                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-08-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Under thin layer if sediment, had to clear away and chisel from rock  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     13               B     15                    4.57            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     13               C     15                    4.57            7                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-08-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on Halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     13               D     15                    4.57            7                    Septifer                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     18               A     18                    5.49            10                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-08-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on halimeda but not sampled  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     18               B     18                    5.49            10                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in thin layer for sediemnt, had to clear awat and chisel from rock  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     18               C     18                    5.49            10                   Septifer                                  Orange red thin felty encrusting sponge                                                               rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-5.5m-C     NLN-08-SWK-5.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     18               D     18                    5.49            10                   Septifer                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            13                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-08-SWK-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in sediment, had to chisel from rock  
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-08-SWK-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in sediment   
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            13                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-08-SWK-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered in sediment   
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     28               A     29                    8.84            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     28               B     29                    8.84            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     28               C     29                    8.84            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     28               D     29                    8.84            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     33               A     32                    9.75            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     33               B     32                    9.75            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     33               C     32                    9.75            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150611     2015-06-11    S08   SWK     33               D     32                    9.75            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     3                A     2                     0.61            0                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Several sponges in the area but landed on a patch of Serrated Caulerpa  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     3                B     2                     0.61            0                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Several sponges in the area but landed on a patch of Serrated Caulerpa  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     3                C     2                     0.61            0                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Several sponges in the area but landed on a patch of Serrated Caulerpa  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     3                D     2                     0.61            0                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Several sponges in the area but landed on a patch of Serrated Caulerpa  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     8                A     7                     2.13            2                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     8                B     7                     2.13            2                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     8                C     7                     2.13            2                    Creamy yellow dendro sponge               Red dendro sponge                                                                                     rock                                      NLN-10-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sponges were different colors on both sides, appear to be different but was unable to seperate  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     8                D     7                     2.13            2                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-10-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     13               A     13                    3.96            4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock, had to chisel out  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     13               B     13                    3.96            4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock, had to chisel out  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     13               C     13                    3.96            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     13               D     13                    3.96            4                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-10-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     18               A     18                    5.49            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-10-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     18               B     18                    5.49            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-10-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     18               C     18                    5.49            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-10-SWK-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White with small amount of green   
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     18               D     18                    5.49            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-10-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     23               A     22                    6.71            9                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            NLN-10-SWK-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell with brown red hard ecrusting alga on it  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     23               B     22                    6.71            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     23               C     22                    6.71            9                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            NLN-10-SWK-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell with brown red hard ecrusting alga on it  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     23               D     22                    6.71            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     28               A     29                    8.84            16                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            NLN-10-SWK-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell with brown red hard ecrusting alga on it  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     28               B     29                    8.84            16                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            NLN-10-SWK-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell with brown red hard ecrusting alga on it  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     28               C     29                    8.84            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     28               D     29                    8.84            16                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            NLN-10-SWK-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell with Pink stain  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     33               A     34                    10.36           24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     33               B     34                    10.36           24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     33               C     34                    10.36           24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     33               D     34                    10.36           24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     38               A     40                    12.19           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  5 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     38               B     40                    12.19           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  5 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     38               C     40                    12.19           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  5 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150614     2015-06-14    S10   swk     38               D     40                    12.19           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  5 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On outside of small rock  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Grey Spongia sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-12-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell and sand                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     8                A     9                     2.74            6                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Barcode; Turquoise tendril sponge small nub  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     8                B     9                     2.74            6                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     8                C     9                     2.74            6                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sticking several things together  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     8                D     9                     2.74            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     13               A     13                    3.96            17                   Encrusting green alga                     nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     13               B     13                    3.96            17                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-12-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on halimeda but not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     13               C     13                    3.96            17                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-12-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on halimeda but not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     13               D     13                    3.96            17                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-12-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on halimeda but not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     18               A     18                    5.49            27                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-12-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     18               B     18                    5.49            27                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-12-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     18               C     18                    5.49            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     18               D     18                    5.49            27                   Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-12-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mostly white  like it was dying, also covered in cyanobacteria not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     23               A     23                    7.01            off                  Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  1 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     23               B     23                    7.01            off                  Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  1 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     23               C     23                    7.01            off                  Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  1 meters past the horizontal transect line  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     23               D     23                    7.01            off                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approximately  1 meters past the horizontal transect line; Brown red coralline alga chiseled from rock  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     28               A     28                    8.53            off                  Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-8.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for my transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     28               B     28                    8.53            off                  Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-8.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for my transect distance; Fan Halimeda had cyanobacteria not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     28               C     28                    8.53            off                  Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for my transect distance; Fan Halimeda had cyanobacteria not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     28               D     28                    8.53            off                  Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-12-SWK-8.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for my transect distance; Fan Halimeda had cyanobacteria not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     33               A     33                    10.06           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     33               B     33                    10.06           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     33               C     33                    10.06           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     33               D     33                    10.06           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     38               A     40                    12.19           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     38               B     40                    12.19           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     38               C     40                    12.19           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S12   swk     38               D     40                    12.19           off                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Off transect, see Laurens transect distance for transect distance  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     3                A     2                     0.61            1                    Creamy yellow dendro sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     3                B     2                     0.61            1                    Black thin soft encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     3                C     2                     0.61            1                    Blue and purple billowy slick encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     3                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLN-14-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     8                A     8                     2.44            4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-14-SWK-2.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     8                B     8                     2.44            4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-14-SWK-2.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     8                C     8                     2.44            4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-14-SWK-2.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     8                D     8                     2.44            4                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    halimeda sand                             NLN-14-SWK-2.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     13               A     12                    3.66            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     13               B     12                    3.66            6                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     13               C     12                    3.66            6                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     13               D     12                    3.66            6                    Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     18               A     18                    5.49            9                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-5.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     18               B     18                    5.49            9                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-5.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     18               C     18                    5.49            9                    Red plate alga                            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-5.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small white tubes on rock also, tried to collect but was unable to  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     18               D     18                    5.49            9                    Pelvis Halimeda                           nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-5.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     23               A     23                    7.01            11                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-7.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     23               B     23                    7.01            11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-7.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     23               C     23                    7.01            11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-7.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mostly white  like it was dying, also covered in cyanobacteria not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     23               D     23                    7.01            11                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-7.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     28               A     29                    8.84            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     28               B     29                    8.84            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     28               C     29                    8.84            14                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      NLN-14-SWK-8.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On Septifer shell  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     28               D     29                    8.84            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     33               A     33                    10.06           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     33               B     33                    10.06           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     33               C     33                    10.06           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     33               D     33                    10.06           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     38               A     39                    11.89           27                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-14-SWK-11.5m-A    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on halimeda but not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     38               B     39                    11.89           27                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-14-SWK-11.5m-B    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on halimeda but not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     38               C     39                    11.89           27                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-14-SWK-11.5m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on halimeda but not sampled  
150615     2015-06-15    S14   swk     38               D     39                    11.89           27                   Fan Halimeda                              nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           NLN-14-SWK-11.5m-D    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria on halimeda but not sampled  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
NLU      Ngel_Lake_Uluptagel                7.3114    134.4722   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Light pink ball sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Rust squishy leathery sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Orange fragile sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.25                 Bright orange soft holey encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.25                 Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.25                 Bright orange soft holey encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.25                 Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Olive yellow fine mesh sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Bright orange billowy disintegrating sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Black mucus sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; sample felt slimey with hard abrasive parts like a coral; I think this is a coral and Mike Dawson thinks this is a sponge  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Pink and white swirl encrusting sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; spong turns rust red when touches or cut  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; no sample  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Red tendril sponge                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf litter                      NLU-03-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-04-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-04-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Bright orange billowy disintegrating sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-04-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-04-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S04   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Orange tendril encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and leaves            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    White lace colonial ascidian              White lacey Clathrina                                                                                 rock with mud layer and leaves            NLU-06-LMS-0.5m-B     NLU-06-LMS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and leaves            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and leaves            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; Filamentous green alga in same tube as primary  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.5                  Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; dead flower coral covered in cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; dead flower coral covered in cyanobacteria  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    I though this was bivalve spat but after examining under the microscope it looks just like a rock or fragment of shell  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Brown skin yellow inners sponge           Filamentous mat green alga                                                                            rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-0.5m-D     NLU-08-LMS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; seems sponge can take different morphologies encrusting on rock or making long snake like pieces  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown skin yellow inners sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; seems sponge can take different morphologies encrusting on rock or making long snake like pieces  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown skin yellow inners sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; seems sponge can take different morphologies encrusting on rock or making long snake like pieces  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-08-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    point on transect line estimated; Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brown and orange dot coral                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-09-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue and orange  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung; lost sample  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Grey small soft sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated; white branching thing is probably nothing per MND  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0.5                  Smokey grey holey mound sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; point on transect line estimated  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Blue stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stain just in rock  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            0                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; sample very difficult to get off of rock because so thin; just felt like a film, but nothing really to chisel off; biofilm? Mustard encrusting?  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            0                    Dark brown rigid knobbed sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; sponge was a creamy color inside  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            0                    Olive yellow fine mesh sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-11-LMS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue and orange  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-11-LMS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turquoise  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-11-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    Brown mound white dot tiny coral          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-11-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     2                A     1.5                   0.46            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     2                B     1.5                   0.46            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     2                C     1.5                   0.46            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; sponge is same color inside  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     2                D     1.5                   0.46            1                    Bright orange soft holey encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-LMS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-LMS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            7.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tag was in the wrong place on the line, adjusted and then fixed; sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            7.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tag was in the wrong place on the line, adjusted and then fixed; sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            7.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tag was in the wrong place on the line, adjusted and then fixed; sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            7.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tag was in the wrong place on the line, adjusted and then fixed; sediment had quarter sized holes  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Pink and white swirl encrusting sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; sponge turns rust red when you touch it or cut it  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Encrusting red alga                       Fine branching green alga; Fine branching red alga                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-D     NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-Di    NLU-14-LMS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     7                A     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     7                B     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     7                C     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   LMS     7                D     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sediment had quarter sized holes and yellow mung  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.4             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.4             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Orange and yellow slippery encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-01-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-01-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-01-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    Orange and yellow spiderweb sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-01-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    turned water black, spongy  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             0.4                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     3                A     nd                    1               1                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     3                B     nd                    1               1                    Grey small soft sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     3                C     nd                    1               1                    Orange tendril encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     3                D     nd                    1               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-02-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     7                A     nd                    2.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     7                B     nd                    2.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     7                C     nd                    2.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   MRS     7                D     nd                    2.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-02-MRS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.55            1                    Pink and white swirl encrusting sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             2                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             2                    Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             3                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             3                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-03-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             3                    Dirty orange bush sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-04-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Black slick thin sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    Tumbleweed sponge                         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-05-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange and turquoise flower cheetah coral  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    Olive yellow large osculed encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-06-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-07-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.4             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-08-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.4             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-08-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.4             2                    Dark brown mucus tube sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-08-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.4             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-08-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Sediment green alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-09-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Sediment green alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-09-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Sediment green alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-09-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Sediment green alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-09-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Filamentous mat green alga                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-10-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Filamentous mat green alga                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-10-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Filamentous mat green alga                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-10-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Filamentous mat green alga                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-10-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     3                A     nd                    1.1             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     3                B     nd                    1.1             2                    Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     3                C     nd                    1.1             2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     3                D     nd                    1.1             2                    Very fine branching red alga              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.6             4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    did not stain water  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.6             4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.6             4                    Yellow paint sponge                       White tiny tube sponge                                                                                mud                                       NLU-10-MRS-1.5m-D     NLU-10-MRS-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Barcode Yellow paint sponge (Peach sprinkles sponge)  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     7                A     nd                    2.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     7                B     nd                    2.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     7                C     nd                    2.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   MRS     7                D     nd                    2.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-11-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-11-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-11-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     3                A     nd                    1               6                    Deep pitted flower faviid coral           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-11-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     3                B     nd                    1               6                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-11-MRS-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     3                C     nd                    1               6                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-11-MRS-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     3                D     nd                    1               6                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    mud                                       NLU-11-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    White translucent spotted encrusting sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             2                    Green and orange finger sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-12-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-13-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Tan fan fungus coral                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-13-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Tan fan fungus coral                      nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-13-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     3                A     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     3                B     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     3                C     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     3                D     nd                    1               3                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-13-MRS-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     7                A     nd                    2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     7                B     nd                    2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     7                C     nd                    2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   MRS     7                D     nd                    2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Dark brown rigid knobbed sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Dark brown rigid knobbed sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Orange giraffe print coral                nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     3                A     nd                    1               3                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       NLU-14-MRS-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     3                B     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     3                C     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     3                D     nd                    1               3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     7                A     nd                    1.9             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     7                B     nd                    1.9             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     7                C     nd                    1.9             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   MRS     7                D     nd                    1.9             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Black thin felty sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-01-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unknown  
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S01   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Red encrusting coralline alga             White tiny tube boring sponge                                                                         rock                                      NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-A     NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-02-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Grey iridescent dendro sponge             Brown disc banded arm brittle star                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-C     NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Grey small soft sponge                    Encrusting red alga                                                                                   rock with mud layer                       NLU-02-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unable to separate, both samples are in the same tube  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     5                A     6                     1.83            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     5                B     6                     1.83            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     5                C     6                     1.83            2                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   NLU-02-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     5                D     6                     1.83            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   NLU-02-SWK-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small piece loose on sediment, appeared to be a tree root  
150624     2015-06-24    S02   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-03-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange felty encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-03-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pink and white swirl encrusting sponge    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-03-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turned orange with touched or cut  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Side of boulder  
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-03-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S03   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-04-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S04   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Green and yellow spiculous sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  White translucent striated tube sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Ribbon red alga                           Brown red coralline alga                                                                              rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-B     NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-05-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S05   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    White tiny tube boring sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    White tiny tube boring sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    White tiny tube boring sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Orange fragile sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-06-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     7                A     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     7                B     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     7                C     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S06   SWK     7                D     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had Flower faviid coral shape but no color.  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock had blue stain, did not sample because I didn’t see it until reviewing photos  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-07-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting red alga was on a piece of dead Flower faviid coral.   
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S07   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown wuth blue circles  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Green and yellow spiculous sponge         Brown disc banded arm brittle star                                                                    nd                                        NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-C     NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Rusty ear coral                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        NLU-08-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pachyseris?  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hole in 07-C, unknown what was in the hole  
150625     2015-06-25    S08   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hole in 07-D, unknown what was in the hole  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Could not separate the two samples, collected in the same tube  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           Pink encrusting coralline alga                                                                        rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Could not separate the two samples, collected in the same tube  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Green and yellow warty coral              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green with bright green circles  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    Flower faviid coral                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown with light blie circles  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    Fine wiry green alga                      Tan yellow stain                                                                                      rock with mud layer                       NLU-09-SWK-1.0m-C     NLU-09-SWK-1.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            15                   Brown and white hairy clam                nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          NLU-09-SWK-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell was damaged during extraction of tissue  
150624     2015-06-24    S09   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf fragemtns          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with green alga cover                NLU-10-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On face of rock slope  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with green alga cover                NLU-10-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On face of rock slope  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with green alga cover                NLU-10-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On face of rock slope  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with green alga cover                NLU-10-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On face of rock slope  
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-10-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150624     2015-06-24    S10   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal was placed half way between 0 m mark and 1 m mark  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal was placed half way between 0 m mark and 1 m mark  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal was placed half way between 0 m mark and 1 m mark  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal was placed half way between 0 m mark and 1 m mark  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Fine wiry green alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-11-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S11   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Maroon thin felty sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    White lace colonial ascidian              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-12-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and wood fragments          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and wood fragments          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and wood fragments          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and wood fragments          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     7                A     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     7                B     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     7                C     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S12   SWK     7                D     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaves                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria layer on surface  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaves                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White cyanobacteria layer on surface  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      NLU-13-SWK-1.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pink encrusting coralline alga on piece of dead coral  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-SWK-1.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Looked like some kind of black sponge on the rock but I was unable to collect a sample  
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-13-SWK-1.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     7                A     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     7                B     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     7                C     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150626     2015-06-26    S13   SWK     7                D     6                     1.83            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with thin mung layer                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Blue stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       NLU-14-SWK-1.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue stain on rock  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Blue stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue stain on rock  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf fragments                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     7                A     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     7                B     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     7                C     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
150625     2015-06-25    S14   SWK     7                D     7                     2.13            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mung layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small holes all over, unknown what made them  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
OLO      Ongael_Lake_Ongael                 7.2574    134.3824   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-30             A     3                     0.91            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-30             B     3                     0.91            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-30             C     3                     0.91            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-30             D     3                     0.91            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-20             A     3                     0.91            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-20             B     3                     0.91            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-20             C     3                     0.91            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-20             D     3                     0.91            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-10             A     2                     0.61            19                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-10             B     2                     0.61            19                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-10             C     2                     0.61            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; rock  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T-10             D     2                     0.61            19                   Green turf alga                           Red turf alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shifted start of transect line slightly toward the edge of the lake so transect could run approx. parallel to Mike and Shawn in the inlet; depth estimated, not wearing dive computer; unsure of ID for red encrusting sponge; same tube, could not separate  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T0               A     2                     0.61            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; depth was estimated using horizontal line; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T0               B     2                     0.61            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; depth was estimated using horizontal line; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T0               C     2                     0.61            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; depth was estimated using horizontal line; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T0               D     2                     0.61            31                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; depth was estimated using horizontal line; Ctena under mud; tissue in tissue archive and dry voucher separate.  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     2                A     3                     0.91            33                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     2                B     3                     0.91            33                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     2                C     3                     0.91            33                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     2                D     3                     0.91            33                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T25              A     forgot to record      nd              48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T25              B     forgot to record      nd              48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T25              C     forgot to record      nd              48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T25              D     forgot to record      nd              48                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; same tube  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     9                A     8                     2.44            56                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     9                B     8                     2.44            56                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     9                C     8                     2.44            56                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     9                D     8                     2.44            56                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T45              A     11                    3.35            75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; transect distance approximate and estimated by Mike; mud  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T45              B     11                    3.35            75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; transect distance approximate and estimated by Mike; mud  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T45              C     11                    3.35            75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; transect distance approximate and estimated by Mike; mud  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   lms     T45              D     11                    3.35            75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 16 JUN; transect distance approximate and estimated by Mike; mud / leaf  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     12               A     13                    3.96            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance approximate and estimated by Mike; mud  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     12               B     13                    3.96            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance approximate and estimated by Mike; mud  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     12               C     13                    3.96            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance approximate and estimated by Mike; mud  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   lms     12               D     13                    3.96            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance approximate and estimated by Mike; mud  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     2                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     2                B     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     2                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     2                D     3                     0.91            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; something encrusting on the Brachidontes shell that looks like it could be dead encrusting coralline alga (1Di)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            18                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            18                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     12               A     12                    3.66            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     12               B     12                    3.66            27                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     12               C     12                    3.66            27                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S02   lms     12               D     12                    3.66            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    did not start transect line here, but at rocky edge of lake; this is approx. 5-6 meters from the end of the negative transect done on 18 JUN, so about 36m from 0; mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    did not start transect line here, but at rocky edge of lake; this is approx. 5-6 meters from the end of the negative transect done on 18 JUN, so about 36m from 0; rock  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Red tube alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    did not start transect line here, but at rocky edge of lake; this is approx. 5-6 meters from the end of the negative transect done on 18 JUN, so about 36m from 0; unsure of Red tube alga (1C); Green turf alga (1Ci) growing on lower stalk portion of Cliona (1Cii)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Red tube alga                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    did not start transect line here, but at rocky edge of lake; this is approx. 5-6 meters from the end of the negative transect done on 18 JUN, so about 36m from 0; unsure  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-27             A     2                     0.61            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-27             B     2                     0.61            9                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; Brachidontes (-30B), Green turf alga (-30Bi)  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-27             C     2                     0.61            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-27             D     2                     0.61            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-18             A     2                     0.61            18                   Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud /shell; brown encrusting sponge on dead mussel shell? Tube labeled with -20m  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-18             B     2                     0.61            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-18             C     2                     0.61            18                   Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud; Tube labeled with -20m  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-18             D     2                     0.61            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-9              A     2                     0.61            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-9              B     2                     0.61            27                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud / shell; Tube labeled with -10 m  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-9              C     2                     0.61            27                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud / shell; Tube labeled with -10 m  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T-9              D     2                     0.61            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T0               A     2                     0.61            36                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T0               B     2                     0.61            36                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T0               C     2                     0.61            36                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T0               D     2                     0.61            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out; shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T7               A     5                     1.52            43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T7               B     5                     1.52            43                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T7               C     5                     1.52            43                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Feather alga (7C), Cerithium and Filamentous green alga (7Ci)  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   lms     T7               D     5                     1.52            43                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Feather alga (7D), Cerithium and Filamentous green alga (7Di)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            49                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga (2Ai) on Cerithium (2Aii) in Feather alga (2A); separate tubes   
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            49                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            49                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            49                   Feather alga                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga (2Di) on dead Cerithium shell in Feather alga (2D)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            55                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (3A), Cerithium (3Ai)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            55                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga on Cerithium shell (same tube)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            55                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found Ctena (3Ci) under Brachidontes (3C) when I picked it up; opened back at lab and no animal inside  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            55                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; Filamentous green alga on Cerithium shell (same tube)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     12               A     12                    3.66            65                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     12               B     12                    3.66            65                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     12               C     12                    3.66            65                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S03   lms     12               D     12                    3.66            65                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock / stick  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock   
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock   
140618     2014-06-18    S04   lms     T6               A     3                     0.91            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Sampled at T9 from the 0; Halimeda sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S04   lms     T6               B     3                     0.91            9                    Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Sampled at T9 from the 0; Filamentous green alga on Cerithium (9mBi) in Feather alga (9mB)  
140618     2014-06-18    S04   lms     T6               C     3                     0.91            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Sampled at T9 from the 0;   
140618     2014-06-18    S04   lms     T6               D     3                     0.91            9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Sampled at T9 from the 0;   
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Green turf alga                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga (2Ai) on Cerithium (2Ai) in Feather alga (2A)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium (2Bi) in Feather alga (2B)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (2D), Cerithium (2Di)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            18                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 Cerithium in Feather alga; collected one individual but lost when transfering to tube  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            18                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ~4 Cerithium in O-ring; collected 1 Cerithium that had Filamentous green alga (3Bi) in Feather alga (3B)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            18                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            18                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ~4 Cerithium in O-ring; collected 1; Feather alga (3D), Cerithium (3Di)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     12               A     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud and bits of leaf  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     12               B     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud and bits of leaf  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     12               C     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud and bits of leaf  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   lms     12               D     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud and bits of leaf  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   lms     T8               A     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   lms     T8               B     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   lms     T8               C     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   lms     T8               D     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; depth approximate, less than 3m because dive computer cut out  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            14                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            14                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     12               A     12                    3.66            29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     12               B     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     12               C     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S05   lms     12               D     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    distance on transect line approximate; shifted to be on rocky area rather than sediment per Mike.  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    distance on transect line approximate; shifted to be on rocky area rather than sediment per Mike.  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    distance on transect line approximate; shifted to be on rocky area rather than sediment per Mike.  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   lms     T9               A     2                     0.61            8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate, dive computer cut out so less than 3 feet; starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Brachidontes primary (8A) and Cerithium secondary with Filamentous green alga (8Ai)  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   lms     T9               B     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              Filamentous green alga; Brachidontes                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate, dive computer cut out so less than 3 feet; starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Feather alga and Green filamentous green alga same tube (8B), Brachidontes (8Bi)  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   lms     T9               C     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate, dive computer cut out so less than 3 feet; starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Feather alga (8C), Brachidontes (8Ci)  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   lms     T9               D     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate, dive computer cut out so less than 3 feet; starting at approx. same location as the 0 mark on transect line from 17 JUN; Feather alga (8D), Brachidontes (8Di)  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            14                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga on Cerithium shell (same tube)  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            21                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     12               A     12                    3.66            29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     12               B     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     12               C     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   lms     12               D     12                    3.66            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate; at rocky edge of lake; DNA collected for Halimeda (1Ai), Green turf alga (1A)  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate; at rocky edge of lake  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate; at rocky edge of lake; shell / mud  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate; at rocky edge of lake; rock  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     T9               A     2                     0.61            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     T9               B     2                     0.61            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     T9               C     2                     0.61            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     T9               D     2                     0.61            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            18                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            18                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (2D), Cerithium (2Di)  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            25                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     12               A     11                    3.35            29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     12               B     11                    3.35            29                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     12               C     11                    3.35            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   lms     12               D     11                    3.35            29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    moved to right of transect line to move past fallen branches to do final horizontal on rock; depth approximate; rock  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    moved to right of transect line to move past fallen branches to do final horizontal on rock; depth approximate; rock  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    moved to right of transect line to move past fallen branches to do final horizontal on rock; depth approximate; mud  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    moved to right of transect line to move past fallen branches to do final horizontal on rock; depth approximate; mud  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     T9               A     3                     0.91            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     T9               B     3                     0.91            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     T9               C     3                     0.91            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     T9               D     3                     0.91            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            18                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (2A), Cerithium with Filamentous green alga (2Ai)  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            18                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    same tube  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            18                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (2C), Cerithium with Filamentous green alga (2Ci)  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            18                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            29                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            29                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; same tube  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            29                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    same tube  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            29                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Filamentous green alga                    Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga (1Ai), Brachidontes (1A)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Filamentous green alga                    Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga (1Bi), Brachidontes (1B)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Filamentous green alga                    Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga (1Di), Brachidontes (1D)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     T8               A     3                     0.91            10                   Filamentous green alga                    Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga (T10mAi), Brachidontes (T10mA)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     T8               B     3                     0.91            10                   Brachidontes                              Purple encrusting coralline alga; Ctena                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple encrusting coralline alga (unsure) (T10mBi) encrusting on Brachidontes (T10mB)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     T8               C     3                     0.91            10                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     T8               D     3                     0.91            10                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            20                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            20                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            20                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            30                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            30                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     12               A     13                    3.96            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     12               B     13                    3.96            38                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     12               C     13                    3.96            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mucus bubble from some worm, no tissue collected  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   lms     12               D     13                    3.96            38                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Mixed turf algae                          Red boring sponge                                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Turquoise stain sponge                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     T9               A     2.5                   0.76            10                   Feather alga                              Halimeda                                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate, but between 2 and 3 feet; Feather alga (T10mA), Halimeda (T10mAi)  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     T9               B     2.5                   0.76            10                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate, but between 2 and 3 feet  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     T9               C     2.5                   0.76            10                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate, but between 2 and 3 feet; dead filamentous green alga on shell? Was brown and looked dead  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     T9               D     2.5                   0.76            10                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth approximate, but between 2 and 3 feet  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     5                A     6                     1.83            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     5                B     6                     1.83            20                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     5                C     6                     1.83            20                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (2C), Cerithium with Filamentous green alga (2Ci)  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     5                D     6                     1.83            20                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            30                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            30                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            30                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (3C), Cerithium with Filamentous green alga (3Ci)  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            30                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     12               A     12                    3.66            40                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     12               B     12                    3.66            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     12               C     12                    3.66            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140701     2014-07-01    S10   lms     12               D     12                    3.66            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mucus bubble from some worm, no tissue collected  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     2                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stick / mud  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     2                B     1                     0.3             1                    Blue grey sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    looked like it had a single siphon, but also within the rock when I broke it apart  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     2                C     1                     0.3             1                    Encrusting coralline red alga             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed pink to red when transcribing notes  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     2                D     1                     0.3             1                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     T8               A     2                     0.61            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     T8               B     2                     0.61            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     T8               C     2                     0.61            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     T8               D     2                     0.61            9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            18                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (2A), Cerithium with Filamentous green alga (2Ai)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            18                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (2B), Cerithium (2Bi)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            18                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            18                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            23                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (3B), Cerithium with Filamentous green alga (3Bi)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            23                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            23                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     T31              A     11                    3.35            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     T31              B     11                    3.35            30                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     T31              C     11                    3.35            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     T31              D     11                    3.35            30                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed from DWC to Ctena when transcribing notes  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     12               A     12                    3.66            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     12               B     12                    3.66            40                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     12               C     12                    3.66            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140701     2014-07-01    S11   lms     12               D     12                    3.66            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     T1               A     1                     0.3             2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-12-LMS-T1m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     T1               B     1                     0.3             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-12-LMS-T1m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     T1               C     1                     0.3             2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-12-LMS-T1m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     T1               D     1                     0.3             2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-12-LMS-T1m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            6                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               OLO-12-LMS-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            6                    Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Ctena                                                                         shelly sand                               OLO-12-LMS-01m-B      OLO-12-LMS-01m-Bi     OLO-12-LMS-01m-Bii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            13                   Brachidontes                              Brittle star; Filamentous green alga                                                                  sand and shell                            OLO-12-LMS-02m-A      OLO-12-LMS-02m-Ai     OLO-12-LMS-02m-Aii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga on mussel  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    DWC shell only  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            22                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud and shell                             OLO-12-LMS-03m-C      OLO-12-LMS-03m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            22                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             OLO-12-LMS-03m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     12               A     11                    3.35            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     12               B     11                    3.35            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     12               C     11                    3.35            30                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud                                       OLO-12-LMS-04m-C      OLO-12-LMS-04m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   lms     12               D     11                    3.35            30                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Brachidontes                                                                               mud                                       OLO-12-LMS-04m-D      OLO-12-LMS-04m-Di     OLO-12-LMS-04m-Dii    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     T1               A     1                     0.3             1                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-13-LMS-T1m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     T1               B     1                     0.3             1                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-13-LMS-T1m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     T1               C     1                     0.3             1                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-13-LMS-T1m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     T1               D     1                     0.3             1                    Red turf alga                             Orange Cliona                                                                                         rock                                      OLO-13-LMS-T1m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; Red turf alga was on Cliona, I dropped it after I chiseled it out of the rock so I collected a nearby Cliona, but no Red turf alga.  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     2                A     2.5                   0.76            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-LMS-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     2                B     2.5                   0.76            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-LMS-01m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     2                C     2.5                   0.76            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-LMS-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     2                D     2.5                   0.76            7                    Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-LMS-01m-D      OLO-13-LMS-01m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            OLO-13-LMS-02m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            OLO-13-LMS-02m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            OLO-13-LMS-02m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    sand and shell                            OLO-13-LMS-02m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            18                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud and shell                             OLO-13-LMS-03m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            18                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             OLO-13-LMS-03m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            18                   Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      mud and shell                             OLO-13-LMS-03m-D      OLO-13-LMS-03m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     12               A     12                    3.66            28                   Feather alga                              Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud                                       OLO-13-LMS-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same tube  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     12               B     12                    3.66            28                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-13-LMS-04m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     12               C     12                    3.66            28                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-13-LMS-04m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   lms     12               D     12                    3.66            28                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-13-LMS-04m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     T1               A     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-LMS-T1m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     T1               B     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-LMS-T1m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     T1               C     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-LMS-T1m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     T1               D     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-LMS-T1m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     2                A     2.5                   0.76            6                    Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-14-LMS-1m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     2                B     2.5                   0.76            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     2                C     2.5                   0.76            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     2                D     2.5                   0.76            6                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-14-LMS-1m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-14-LMS-2m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-14-LMS-2m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-14-LMS-2m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-14-LMS-2m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     T16              A     7                     2.74            16                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud and shell                             OLO-14-LMS-T16m-A     OLO-14-LMS-T16m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     T16              B     7                     2.74            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     T16              C     7                     2.74            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     T16              D     7                     2.74            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     9                A     9                     3.35            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     9                B     9                     3.35            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     9                C     9                     3.35            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     9                D     9                     3.35            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     12               A     11                    3.35            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     12               B     11                    3.35            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   lms     12               C     11                    3.35            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-30             A     4                     1               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-30             B     4                     1               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-30             C     4                     1               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-30             D     4                     1               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-20             A     4                     1               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-20             B     4                     1               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-20             C     4                     1               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-20             D     4                     1               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-10             A     1.6                   0               20                   Green tree alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock pavement with sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-10             B     1.6                   0               20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock pavement with sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-10             C     1.6                   0               20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock pavement with sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T-10             D     1.6                   0               20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock pavement with sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T0               A     1                     0               31                   Beige sponge                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Stick.  Note that this site is at the mangrove tree near opening to fish-pond.  Negative values at SO1 extend out into the fishpond (T-30 being the far edge), while positive values extend into the main basin of OLO.  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T0               B     1                     0               31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T0               C     1                     0               31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T0               D     1                     0               31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     2                A     2                     1               37                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     2                B     2                     1               37                   Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Both samples in same tube; Mud & shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     2                C     2                     1               37                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     2                D     2                     1               37                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     5                A     5                     2               46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     5                B     5                     2               46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     5                C     5                     2               46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     5                D     5                     2               46                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T25              A     7                     2               54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T25              B     7                     2               54                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T25              C     7                     2               54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T25              D     7                     2               54                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     9                A     8                     2               65                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell); polychaete wriggled out of hand before realized what it was; ~5 m past end of line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     9                B     8                     2               65                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell);  ~5 m past end of line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     9                C     8                     2               65                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell);  ~5 m past end of line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     9                D     8                     2               65                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell);  ~5 m past end of line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T45              A     10                    3               75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; ~15 m past end of line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T45              B     10                    3               75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; ~15 m past end of line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T45              C     10                    3               75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; ~15 m past end of line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   mnd     T45              D     10                    3               75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; ~15 m past end of line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     12               A     12                    4               85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; 20-30 m past end of line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     12               B     12                    4               85                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     12               C     12                    4               85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S01   mnd     12               D     12                    4               85                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     2                A     2                     1               8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     2                B     2                     1               8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     2                C     2                     1               8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     2                D     2                     1               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     5                A     5                     2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell; noticeably firmer than at deeper depths.  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     5                B     5                     2               12                   Cerithium                                 Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell; noticeably firmer than at deeper depths.  Very fine green tinge to one side of shell - suggests green turf alga.  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     5                C     5                     2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell; noticeably firmer than at deeper depths.  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     5                D     5                     2               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & shell; noticeably firmer than at deeper depths.  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     9                A     9                     3               19                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     9                B     9                     3               19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     9                C     9                     3               19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     9                D     9                     3               19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     12               A     12                    4               27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     12               B     12                    4               27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     12               C     12                    4               27                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell); a few wispy strands of filamentous green alga on the Cerithium shell (in same tube as Cerithium)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   mnd     12               D     12                    4               27                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell); a few wispy strands of filamentous green alga on the Cerithium shell (in same tube as Cerithium)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     2                A     2                     1               0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    At rocky edge of southern halimeda flat.  Note, total distance for this transect is about 70 m: 40m across Halimeda flat plus 30m of transect from channel into lake basin.  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     2                B     2                     1               0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     2                C     2                     1               0.5                  Green turf alga                           Super crunchy green alga                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     2                D     2                     1               0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-27             A     2.7                   1               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-24  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-27             B     2.7                   1               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-24  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-27             C     2.7                   1               8                    Brachidontes                              Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-24  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-27             D     2.7                   1               8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-24  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-18             A     2.7                   1               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-16  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-18             B     2.7                   1               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-16  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-18             C     2.7                   1               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-16  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-18             D     2.7                   1               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-16  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-9              A     2.7                   1               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-8  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-9              B     2.7                   1               24                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-8  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-9              C     2.7                   1               24                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-8  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T-9              D     2.7                   1               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand; Note mnd sample at T-8  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T0               A     5.833333333           2               32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T0               B     5.833333333           2               32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T0               C     5.833333333           2               32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T0               D     5.833333333           2               32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T7               A     3.5                   1               39                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand and mud mix?  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T7               B     3.5                   1               39                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand and mud mix?  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T7               C     3.5                   1               39                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand and mud mix?  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   mnd     T7               D     3.5                   1               39                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand and mud mix?  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     5                A     5                     2               46                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     5                B     5                     2               46                   Feather alga                              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     5                C     5                     2               46                   Feather alga                              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     5                D     5                     2               46                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     9                A     9                     3               52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     9                B     9                     3               52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     9                C     9                     3               52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     9                D     9                     3               52                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Cerithium is found when digging under surface; it has filamentous green alga growing on it.  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     12               A     12                    4               61                   Filamentous green alga                    Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Cerithium is found when digging under surface; it has filamentous green alga growing on it.  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     12               B     12                    4               61                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Cerithium is found when digging under surface; it has filamentous green alga growing on it.  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     12               C     12                    4               61                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S03   mnd     12               D     12                    4               61                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     2                A     2                     1               1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     2                B     2                     1               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     2                C     2                     1               1                    Pink nubbin sponge                        Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Samples in same tube  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     2                D     2                     1               1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S04   mnd     T6               A     4                     1               9                    Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand and mud mix?  
140618     2014-06-18    S04   mnd     T6               B     4                     1               9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand and mud mix?  
140618     2014-06-18    S04   mnd     T6               C     4                     1               9                    Cerithium                                 Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand and mud mix?  Cerithium and turf are in same tube (turf is on snail shell).  
140618     2014-06-18    S04   mnd     T6               D     4                     1               9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand and mud mix? Snapping shrimp burrow underneath  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     5                A     5                     2               12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     5                B     5                     2               12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     5                C     5                     2               12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     5                D     5                     2               12                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     9                A     9                     3               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     9                B     9                     3               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     9                C     9                     3               18                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     9                D     9                     3               18                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud (& shell); Filamentous green is on shell in same tube  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     12               A     12                    4               25                   Cerithium                                 Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; in fact, this is almost certainly Cerithium faeces in bottom two meters of lake)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     12               B     12                    4               25                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     12               C     12                    4               25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   mnd     12               D     12                    4               25                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     2                A     2                     1               1                    Green encrusting sponge                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     2                B     2                     1               1                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     2                C     2                     1               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     2                D     2                     1               1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140618     2014-06-18    S05   mnd     T8               A     1.5                   0               8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand and mud mix? Note that mnd sampled at T-6  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   mnd     T8               B     1.5                   0               8                    Feather alga                              Orange lipped snail; Green encrusting sponge; Green turf alga                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand and mud mix? Note that mnd sampled at T-6  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   mnd     T8               C     1.5                   0               8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand and mud mix? Note that mnd sampled at T-6  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   mnd     T8               D     1.5                   0               8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand and mud mix? Note that mnd sampled at T-6  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     5                A     5                     2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     5                B     5                     2               16                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     5                C     5                     2               16                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     5                D     5                     2               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     9                A     9                     3               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; in fact, this is almost certainly Cerithium faeces in bottom two meters of lake, throughout the portions of the lake that we have surveyed so far.  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     9                B     9                     3               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     9                C     9                     3               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     9                D     9                     3               22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     12               A     12                    4               29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     12               B     12                    4               29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     12               C     12                    4               29                   Cerithium                                 Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S05   mnd     12               D     12                    4               29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; Specimen lost  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     2                A     1                     0               1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     2                B     1                     0               1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     2                C     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     2                D     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140618     2014-06-18    S06   mnd     T9               A     4                     1               9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand and mud mix?  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   mnd     T9               B     4                     1               9                    Brachidontes                              Feather alga; Ctena                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand and mud mix?  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   mnd     T9               C     4                     1               9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand and mud mix?  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   mnd     T9               D     4                     1               9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sand and mud mix?  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     5                A     5                     2               17                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     5                B     5                     2               17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     5                C     5                     2               17                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     5                D     5                     2               17                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     9                A     9                     3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; in fact, this is almost certainly Cerithium faeces in bottom two meters of lake, throughout the portions of the lake that we have surveyed so far.  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     9                B     9                     3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     9                C     9                     3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     9                D     9                     3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     12               A     11                    3               29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     12               B     11                    3               29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     12               C     11                    3               29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140617     2014-06-17    S06   mnd     12               D     11                    3               29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     2                A     1                     0               1                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     2                B     1                     0               1                    Orange crumbly red sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     2                C     1                     0               1                    Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     2                D     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     T9               A     2                     1               9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     T9               B     2                     1               9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     T9               C     2                     1               9                    Feather alga                              Cerithium; Green turf alga                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     T9               D     2                     1               9                    Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     5                A     5                     2               18                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Small amount of green filamenous alga on shell, in same tube, see also 2014-06-18 14.12.00.jpg  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     5                B     5                     2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     5                C     5                     2               18                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     5                D     5                     2               18                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     9                A     9                     3               24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     9                B     9                     3               24                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Brachidontes                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Stick substrate; Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     9                C     9                     3               24                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     9                D     9                     3               24                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This specimen appears to be bleaching & dying  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     12               A     11                    3               30                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & leaf substrate  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     12               B     11                    3               30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & leaf substrate  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     12               C     11                    3               30                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & leaf substrate; Four Cerithium total (tissue samples for only three)  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   mnd     12               D     11                    3               30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud & leaf substrate  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     2                A     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     2                B     1                     0               1                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock (samples in same tubes)  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     2                C     1                     0               1                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock (samples in same tubes)  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     2                D     1                     0               1                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock (samples in same tubes)  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     T9               A     2.3                   1               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     T9               B     2.3                   1               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     T9               C     2.3                   1               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     T9               D     2.3                   1               10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     5                A     5                     2               19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     5                B     5                     2               19                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     5                C     5                     2               19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     5                D     5                     2               19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     9                A     9                     3               26                   Cerithium                                 Feather alga; Filamentous green alga                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     9                B     9                     3               26                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Three Cerithium at position.  Tissue for only one taken; Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     9                C     9                     3               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     9                D     9                     3               26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     12               A     11                    3               31                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     12               B     11                    3               31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     12               C     11                    3               31                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140618     2014-06-18    S08   mnd     12               D     11                    3               31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     2                A     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Sediment on bare rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     2                B     1                     0               1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Sediment on bare rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     2                C     1                     0               1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Sediment on bare rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     2                D     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Sediment on bare rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     T8               A     2                     1               6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell coarse sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     T8               B     2                     1               6                    Halimeda                                  Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell coarse sediment;one tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     T8               C     2                     1               6                    Halimeda                                  Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell coarse sediment;one tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     T8               D     2                     1               6                    Halimeda                                  Filamentous green alga; Ctena                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell coarse sediment; The two algae are in one tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     T16              A     2                     1               13                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T16' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Mud halimeda shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     T16              B     2                     1               13                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T16' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Mud halimeda shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     T16              C     2                     1               13                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T16' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Mud halimeda shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     T16              D     2                     1               13                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T16' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Mud halimeda shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     5                A     5                     2               23                   Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell coarse sediment; missing sample  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     5                B     5                     2               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell coarse sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     5                C     5                     2               23                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell coarse sediment; single tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     5                D     5                     2               23                   Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell coarse sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     9                A     9                     3               32                   Dinky white clam                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     9                B     9                     3               32                   Brachidontes                              Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell; one tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     9                C     9                     3               32                   Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     9                D     9                     3               32                   Filamentous green alga                    Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell; D=fine branching alga, Dii=Brachidontes.  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     12               A     12                    4               40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     12               B     12                    4               40                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     12               C     12                    4               40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine organic sediment; This sampling circle is over the excurrent end of a worm burrow  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   mnd     12               D     12                    4               40                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine organic sediment; one tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     2                A     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     2                B     1                     0               1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     2                C     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Wood  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     2                D     1                     0               1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     T9               A     2                     1               9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T9' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Halimeda sand sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     T9               B     2                     1               9                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T9' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Halimeda sand sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     T9               C     2                     1               9                    Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T9' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Halimeda sand sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     T9               D     2                     1               9                    Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T9' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Halimeda sand sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     5                A     5                     2               18                   Polychaete eggcase                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf   
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     5                B     5                     2               18                   Tubeworm                                  Brachidontes; Dinky white clam                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     5                C     5                     2               18                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     5                D     5                     2               18                   Candy cane worm                           Dinky white clam                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     9                A     9                     3               28                   Filamentous green alga                    Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     9                B     9                     3               28                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     9                C     9                     3               28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     9                D     9                     3               28                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment; leaf; samples in one tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     12               A     12                    4               38                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     12               B     12                    4               38                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     12               C     12                    4               38                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   mnd     12               D     12                    4               38                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     2                A     1                     0               1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     2                B     1                     0               1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     2                C     1                     0               1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Rock; Dead mussel shells  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     2                D     1                     0               1                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  Yellow boring sponge; Sabellidae                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as 'T1', but changed to '02' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Rock; The YES could be Yellow boring sponge instead?  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T8               A     1                     0               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T8               B     1                     0               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T8               C     1                     0               7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T8               D     1                     0               7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda sand sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T14              A     2                     1               14                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T14' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Soft sediment some small shells and halimeda skeletons  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T14              B     2                     1               14                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T14' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Soft sediment some small shells and halimeda skeletons  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T14              C     2                     1               14                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T14' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Soft sediment some small shells and halimeda skeletons  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T14              D     2                     1               14                   Feather alga                              Filamentous green alga; Ctena                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Target Depth" originally labeled as '02', but changed to 'T14' to match LMS and SWK notation for consistency and appropriate analysis. Soft sediment some small shells and halimeda skeletons  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     5                A     5                     2               18                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell sand with some sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     5                B     5                     2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell sand with some sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     5                C     5                     2               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell sand with some sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     5                D     5                     2               18                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Halimeda shell sand with some sediment; \Specimens in single tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     9                A     9                     3               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     9                B     9                     3               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     9                C     9                     3               23                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Longstalk branching hydroid                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     9                D     9                     3               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T31              A     11                    3               32                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces);  Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T31              B     11                    3               32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T31              C     11                    3               32                   Filamentous green alga                    Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     T31              D     11                    3               32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     12               A     12                    4               38                   Green stain alga                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood   
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     12               B     12                    4               38                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     12               C     12                    4               38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf; Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   mnd     12               D     12                    4               38                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment (Cerithium faeces)  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     T1               A     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock and wood                             OLO-12-MND-T1m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     T1               B     1                     0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       rock and wood                             OLO-12-MND-T1m-B      OLO-12-MND-T1m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     T1               C     1                     0.3             1                    Grey black smooth Halisarca               nd                                                                                                    rock and wood                             OLO-12-MND-T1m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     T1               D     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock and wood                             OLO-12-MND-T1m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            7                    Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-12-MND-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-12-MND-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            14                   Feather alga                              Filamentous green alga                                                                                mixed coarse and fine sediment            OLO-12-MND-02m-A      OLO-12-MND-02m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            14                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    mixed coarse and fine sediment            OLO-12-MND-02m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mixed coarse and fine sediment            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            14                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mixed coarse and fine sediment            OLO-12-MND-02m-D      OLO-12-MND-02m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Big Cassiopea on transect line between 02-05  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            21                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       OLO-12-MND-03m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            21                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                very flocculent mud                       OLO-12-MND-03m-B      OLO-12-MND-03m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     12               A     11                    3.35            28                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Nereid tube worm                                                              very flocculent mud                       OLO-12-MND-04m-A      OLO-12-MND-04m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     12               B     11                    3.35            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     12               C     11                    3.35            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   mnd     12               D     11                    3.35            28                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Nereid tube worm                                                              very flocculent mud                       OLO-12-MND-04m-D      OLO-12-MND-04m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     T1               A     1                     0.3             1                    sample on top of rock, sponges on bottom of rock  Orange smooth skin sponge                                                                             Green turf alga                           rock                  OLO-13-MND-T1m-A      OLO-13-MND-T1m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    i      
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     T1               B     1                     0.3             1                    sample on top of rock, sponges on bottom of rock  Mixed turf algae                                                                                      Green turf alga                           rock                  OLO-13-MND-T1m-B      OLO-13-MND-T1m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    i      
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     T1               C     1                     0.3             1                    sample on top of rock, sponges on bottom of rock  Grey rough flat sponge                                                                                Green turf alga                           rock                  OLO-13-MND-T1m-C      OLO-13-MND-T1m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    i      
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     T1               D     1                     0.3             1                    sample on top of rock, sponges on bottom of rock  Orange smooth skin sponge                                                                             Beige rough tube sponge                   rock                  OLO-13-MND-T1m-D      OLO-13-MND-T1m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    i      
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-MND-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-MND-01m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-MND-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            7                    Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-MND-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-MND-02m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            12                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-MND-02m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            12                   Spirorbids                                nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-MND-02m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on dead leaf  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            12                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                Halimeda sand                             OLO-13-MND-02m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            18                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                OLO-13-MND-03m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            18                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                OLO-13-MND-03m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     12               A     12                    3.66            25                   Polychaete eggcase                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       OLO-13-MND-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     12               B     12                    3.66            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     12               C     12                    3.66            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   mnd     12               D     12                    3.66            25                   Cerithium                                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      very flocculent mud                       OLO-13-MND-04m-D      OLO-13-MND-04m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     T1               A     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-MND-T1m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     T1               B     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-MND-T1m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     T1               C     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-MND-T1m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     T1               D     1                     0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-MND-T1m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            6                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-14-MND-1m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            6                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-14-MND-1m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            6                    Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-14-MND-1m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            6                    Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    Halimeda sand                             OLO-14-MND-1m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mixed coarse and fine sediment            OLO-14-MND-2m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mixed coarse and fine sediment            OLO-14-MND-2m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mixed coarse and fine sediment            OLO-14-MND-2m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mixed coarse and fine sediment            OLO-14-MND-2m-D       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm tube but no worm  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     9                A     9                     3.66            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     9                B     9                     3.66            21                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                very flocculent mud                       OLO-14-MND-3m-B       OLO-14-MND-3m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     9                C     9                     3.66            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     9                D     9                     3.66            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm tube but no worm  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     12               A     12                    3.66            30                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                very flocculent mud                       OLO-14-MND-4m-A       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous green alga is on Cerithium shell, in same tube.  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     12               B     12                    3.66            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     12               C     12                    3.66            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very flocculent mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   mnd     12               D     12                    3.66            30                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                very flocculent mud                       OLO-14-MND-4m-D       OLO-14-MND-4m-Di      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-30             A     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulders; Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616; depth estimated using horizontal line stimated with using transect line, unable to get Green turf alga off boulder.   
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-30             B     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulders; Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616; depth estimated using horizontal line stimated with using transect line, unable to get Green turf alga off boulder.   
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-30             C     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulders; Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616; depth estimated using horizontal line stimated with using transect line, unable to get Green turf alga off boulder.   
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-30             D     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulders; Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616; depth estimated using horizontal line stimated with using transect line, unable to get Green turf alga off boulder.   
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-20             A     4                     1.22            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616; Sediment was very fine causing visibility to be reduced to nothing. I was unable to take pictures of transect. I also lost horizontal transect line in sediment. Was unable to finish transect.    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-20             B     4                     1.22            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616; Sediment was very fine causing visibility to be reduced to nothing. I was unable to take pictures of transect. I also lost horizontal transect line in sediment. Was unable to finish transect.    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-20             C     4                     1.22            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616; Sediment was very fine causing visibility to be reduced to nothing. I was unable to take pictures of transect. I also lost horizontal transect line in sediment. Was unable to finish transect.    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-20             D     4                     1.22            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616; Sediment was very fine causing visibility to be reduced to nothing. I was unable to take pictures of transect. I also lost horizontal transect line in sediment. Was unable to finish transect.    
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-10             A     4                     1.22            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-10             B     4                     1.22            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-10             C     4                     1.22            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T-10             D     4                     1.22            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done, 0m mark placed approximately 4 meters away from original transect done on 140616  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T0               A     1                     0.3             30                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulders; Additional horizontal line done; Depth estimated using horizontal line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T0               B     1                     0.3             30                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulders; Additional horizontal line done; Depth estimated using horizontal line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T0               C     1                     0.3             30                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulders; Additional horizontal line done; Depth estimated using horizontal line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T0               D     1                     0.3             30                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulders; Additional horizontal line done; Depth estimated using horizontal line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            46                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium under bed of Feather alga, directly under 2-B; Feather alga (1B) Cerithium (1Bi)  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            46                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            46                   Feather alga                              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes was located just under bed of Feather alga under 2-D; Feather alga (1D) Brachidontes (1Di)  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T25              A     4                     1.22            50                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T25              B     4                     1.22            50                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell; Additional horizontal line done  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T25              C     4                     1.22            50                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell; Additional horizontal line done  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T25              D     4                     1.22            50                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell; Additional horizontal line done  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            54                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            59                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            59                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            59                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Cerithium was located 1/2 imch under sediment  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            59                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T45              A     10                    3.05            75                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done approximately 15 meters off transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T45              B     10                    3.05            75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done approximately 15 meters off transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T45              C     10                    3.05            75                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done approximately 15 meters off transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S01   SWK     T45              D     10                    3.05            75                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done approximately 15 meters off transect line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     12               A     12                    3.66            85                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect was unable to reach to 12ft; Horizontal transect line was placed at random spont at depth of 12ft approximately 20 meters off transect line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     12               B     12                    3.66            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Stick; Transect was unable to reach to 12ft; Horizontal transect line was placed at random spont at depth of 12ft approximately 20 meters off transect line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     12               C     12                    3.66            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Transect was unable to reach to 12ft; Horizontal transect line was placed at random spont at depth of 12ft approximately 20 meters off transect line  
140616     2014-06-16    S01   SWK     12               D     12                    3.66            85                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect was unable to reach to 12ft; Horizontal transect line was placed at random spont at depth of 12ft approximately 20 meters off transect line  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium under bed of Feather alga, directly under 2-B; Feather alga (1A) Cerithium (1Ai)  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            20                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     12               A     11                    3.35            29                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     12               B     11                    3.35            29                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     12               C     11                    3.35            29                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140616     2014-06-16    S02   SWK     12               D     11                    3.35            29                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous alga was located around Cerithium. Cerithium (4D) Filamentous green alga (4Di)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect off vertical transect line at the rocky suthern edge of the lake  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Mixed turf algae                          Encrusting coralline red alga; Green turf alga                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect off vertical transect line at the rocky suthern edge of the lake  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect off vertical transect line at the rocky suthern edge of the lake  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect off vertical transect line at the rocky suthern edge of the lake  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-27             A     3                     0.91            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, transect approximately 4 meters awat from starting tansect; Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-27             B     3                     0.91            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Transect approximately 4 meters awat from starting tansect; Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-27             C     3                     0.91            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Transect approximately 4 meters awat from starting tansect; Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-27             D     3                     0.91            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Transect approximately 4 meters awat from starting tansect; Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-18             A     2                     0.61            16                   Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-18             B     2                     0.61            16                   Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-18             C     2                     0.61            16                   Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-18             D     2                     0.61            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-9              A     2                     0.61            24                   Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-9              B     2                     0.61            24                   Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-9              C     2                     0.61            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T-9              D     2                     0.61            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Additional horizontal line done running the transect line the oposite direction, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T0               A     2                     0.61            32                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T0               B     2                     0.61            32                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line; Fine branching green alga (0B), Branchidontes (0Bi)  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T0               C     2                     0.61            32                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line; Fine branching green alga (0C), Branchidontes (0Ci)  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T0               D     2                     0.61            32                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, Dive computer cut out, depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T7               A     4                     1.22            39                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done; Feather alga (7A), Cerithium (7Ai)  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T7               B     4                     1.22            39                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T7               C     4                     1.22            39                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, Cerithium had Filamentous green alga on shell, collected in same tube. Feather alga (7C); Cerithium and Filamentous green alga (7Ci)  
140618     2014-06-18    S03   SWK     T7               D     4                     1.22            39                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell; Additional horizontal line done  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            47                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            47                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            47                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            47                   Feather alga                              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes locate just under Feather alga bed. Feather alga (2D) Brachidontes (2Di)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            53                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium under bed of Feather alga, directly under 9-B; Feather alga (3A) Cerithium (3Ai)  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            53                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            53                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            53                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     12               A     12                    3.66            61                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     12               B     12                    3.66            61                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     12               C     12                    3.66            61                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S03   SWK     12               D     12                    3.66            61                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulder; Off transect line  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulder; Off transect line  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulder; Off transect line  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Mauve Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boulder; Off transect line  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     T6               A     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Transect was and extra one done at 7m marker in the sediment.   
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     T6               B     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Transect was and extra one done at 7m marker in the sediment.   
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     T6               C     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Transect was and extra one done at 7m marker in the sediment.   
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     T6               D     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Transect was and extra one done at 7m marker in the sediment.   
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            11                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            11                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga and small amount of Filamentous green alga collected in same tube (2B), Cerithium (2Bi)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            11                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            11                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            16                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     12               A     12                    3.66            23                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     12               B     12                    3.66            23                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     12               C     12                    3.66            23                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Brachidontes                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes was located on the side of the Cerithium; Feather alga (4C), Cerithium (4Ci), Brachidontes (4Cii)  
140617     2014-06-17    S04   SWK     12               D     12                    3.66            23                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium located just under bed of Feather alga, under 12-D; Feather alga (4D) Cerithium (4Di)  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga and Filamentous green alga inside same tube  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140618     2014-06-18    S05   SWK     T8               A     4                     1.22            8                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   SWK     T8               B     4                     1.22            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   SWK     T8               C     4                     1.22            8                    Feather alga                              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, Feather alga (8C); Branchidontes (8Ci)  
140618     2014-06-18    S05   SWK     T8               D     4                     1.22            8                    Feather alga                              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, Feather alga (8D); Branchidontes (8Di)  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            13                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            13                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            16                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            16                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     12               A     12                    3.66            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     12               B     12                    3.66            28                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     12               C     12                    3.66            28                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S05   SWK     12               D     12                    3.66            28                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Green turf alga on Brachidontes shell. Brachidontes (1B) Green turf alga/Brachidontes shell (1Bi)  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   SWK     T9               A     4                     1.22            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   SWK     T9               B     4                     1.22            8                    Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done, Cerithium had Filamentous green alga on shell, collected in same tube. Feather alga (8B); Cerithium and Filamentous alga (8Bi)  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   SWK     T9               C     4                     1.22            8                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done  
140618     2014-06-18    S06   SWK     T9               D     4                     1.22            8                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional horizontal line done  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            15                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium located just under bed of Feather alga, under 5-A; Feather alga (2A) Cerithium (2Ai)  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            15                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium located just under bed of Feather alga, under 5-B; Feather alga (2B) Cerithium (2Bi)  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            15                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium located just under bed of Feather alga, under 5-C; Feather alga (2C) Cerithium (2Ci)  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            15                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            21                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     12               A     11                    3.35            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     12               B     11                    3.35            28                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     12               C     11                    3.35            28                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140617     2014-06-17    S06   SWK     12               D     11                    3.35            28                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     T9               A     2                     0.61            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     T9               B     2                     0.61            10                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell; Feather alga (10B); Cerithium (10Bi)  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     T9               C     2                     0.61            10                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell; Filamentous green alga on it is shell, collected in the same tube  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     T9               D     2                     0.61            10                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            19                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     12               A     11                    3.35            29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     12               B     11                    3.35            29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     12               C     11                    3.35            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S07   SWK     12               D     11                    3.35            29                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     2                A     1                     0.3             0                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated using horizontal transect line; Green turf alga on shell of Brachidontes; Brachidontes (0A) Green turf alga and shell (0Ai)  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     2                B     1                     0.3             0                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated using horizontal transect line; Green turf alga on shell of Brachidontes; Brachidontes (0B) Green turf alga and shell (0Bi)  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     2                C     1                     0.3             0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     2                D     1                     0.3             0                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     T9               A     2                     0.61            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell; Depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     T9               B     2                     0.61            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell; Depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     T9               C     2                     0.61            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     T9               D     2                     0.61            7                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth estimated using horizontal transect line  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            14                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            14                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            23                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            23                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     12               A     11                    3.35            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     12               B     11                    3.35            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     12               C     11                    3.35            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140618     2014-06-18    S08   SWK     12               D     11                    3.35            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Turquoise stain sponge                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure; Turquoise stain sponge found on piece of broken Brachidontes shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Fine branching green alga                 Turquoise stain sponge                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure; Turquoise stain sponge found on rock; Fine branching green alga (1B); Turquoise stain sponge (1Bi)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Fine branching green alga                 Turquoise stain sponge; Brachidontes                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure; Turquoise stain sponge found on rock; Fine branching green alga (1C); Turquoise stain sponge (1Ci); Brachidontes (1Cii)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1D); Fine branching green alga (1Di)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     T8               A     2                     0.61            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     T8               B     2                     0.61            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     T8               C     2                     0.61            6                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     T8               D     2                     0.61            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment/Shell  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     T16              A     3                     0.91            16                   Cerithium                                 Feather alga                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium (16A); Feather alga (16Ai)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     T16              B     3                     0.91            16                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     T16              C     3                     0.91            16                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     T16              D     3                     0.91            16                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            26                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous alga was located around Cerithium; Cerithium (2A); Filamentous green alga (2Ai)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            26                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            36                   Brachidontes                              Feather alga                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3A); Feather alga (3Ai)  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            36                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     12               A     12                    3.66            46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     12               B     12                    3.66            46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     12               C     12                    3.66            46                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S09   SWK     12               D     12                    3.66            46                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown encrusting sponge found on rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mangrove root  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown encrusting sponge found on rock  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mangrove root  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     T9               A     2                     0.61            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     T9               B     2                     0.61            7                    Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     T9               C     2                     0.61            7                    Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Ctena located in sediment approximately 1 inch down  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     T9               D     2                     0.61            7                    Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Ctena located in sediment approximately 1 inch down  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            17                   Brachidontes                              Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Two Ctena located in sediment approximately 1 inch down; Brachidontes (2B); Ctena (2Bi, 2Bii)  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            17                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            17                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            27                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            27                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            27                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Filamentous alga was located around Cerithium; Collected in same tube  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     12               A     12                    3.66            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     12               B     12                    3.66            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     12               C     12                    3.66            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S10   SWK     12               D     12                    3.66            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1A); Green turf alga (1Ai)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     T8               A     2                     0.61            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     T8               B     2                     0.61            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     T8               C     2                     0.61            6                    Brachidontes                              Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Ctena located in sediment approximately 1 inch down; Brachidontes (6C); Ctena (6Ci)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     T8               D     2                     0.61            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            16                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            16                   Feather alga                              Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Feather alga (2B); Cerithium (2Bi)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            16                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            16                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            22                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            22                   Cerithium                                 Feather alga                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium (3B); Feather alga (3Bi)  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            22                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     T31              A     11                    3.35            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Cerithium collected was an empty shell. No sample taken  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     T31              B     11                    3.35            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     T31              C     11                    3.35            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     T31              D     11                    3.35            32                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Collection cup opened and Cerithium fell out  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     12               A     12                    3.66            42                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     12               B     12                    3.66            42                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     12               C     12                    3.66            42                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140701     2014-07-01    S11   SWK     12               D     12                    3.66            42                   Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment; Ctena located in sediment approximately 1 inch down  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Filamentous green alga                    Yellow boring sponge                                                                                  rock                                      OLO-12-HFS-01m-A      OLO-12-HFS-01m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    alga on topside of Brachidontes half shell; sponge fill underside and attaches to rock, holes boring into rock  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Brachidontes                              Filamentous green alga                                                                                rock                                      OLO-12-HFS-01m-B      OLO-12-HFS-01m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Brachidontes                              Filamentous green alga                                                                                rock                                      OLO-12-HFS-01m-C      OLO-12-HFS-01m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                rock                                      OLO-12-HFS-01m-D      OLO-12-HFS-01m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     T5               A     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     T5               B     2                     0.61            5                    Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    sand                                      OLO-12-HFS-T5m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     T5               C     2                     0.61            5                    Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    sand                                      OLO-12-HFS-T5m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     T5               D     2                     0.61            5                    Halimeda                                  nd                                                                                                    sand                                      OLO-12-HFS-T5m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     T11              A     3                     0.91            11                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Feather alga                                                                  sand                                      OLO-12-HFS-T11m-A     OLO-12-HFS-T11m-Ai    OLO-12-HFS-T11m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     T11              B     3                     0.91            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     T11              C     3                     0.91            11                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Feather alga                                                                  sand                                      OLO-12-HFS-T11m-C     OLO-12-HFS-T11m-Ci    OLO-12-HFS-T11m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     T11              D     3                     0.91            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     5                A     5                     1.52            21                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-12-HFS-02m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     5                B     5                     1.52            21                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-12-HFS-02m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     5                C     5                     1.52            21                   Feather alga                              Cerithium; Filamentous green alga; Cerithium; Filamentous green alga                                  mud                                       OLO-12-HFS-02m-C      OLO-12-HFS-02m-Ci     OLO-12-HFS-02m-Cii    OLO-12-HFS-02m-Ciii   OLO-12-HFS-02m-Civ    nd                    nd                    nd                    alga had 2 Cerithium on it; tube iv has little Filamentous green alga  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     5                D     5                     1.52            21                   Feather alga                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-12-HFS-02m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dying?  
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     9                A     9                     2.74            29                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud                                       OLO-12-HFS-03m-A      OLO-12-HFS-03m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     9                B     9                     2.74            29                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud                                       OLO-12-HFS-03m-B      OLO-12-HFS-03m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     9                C     9                     2.74            29                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud                                       OLO-12-HFS-03m-C      OLO-12-HFS-03m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S12   hfs     9                D     9                     2.74            29                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud                                       OLO-12-HFS-03m-D      OLO-12-HFS-03m-Di     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-13-HFS-01m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shells  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-13-HFS-01m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-13-HFS-01m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     T9               A     3                     0.91            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    crossed Halimeda ~T5-3m  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     T9               B     3                     0.91            9                    Feather green alga                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      OLO-13-HFS-T9m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     T9               C     3                     0.91            9                    Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                sand                                      OLO-13-HFS-T9m-C      OLO-13-HFS-T9m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     T9               D     3                     0.91            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     5                A     5                     1.52            16                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                sandy mud                                 OLO-13-HFS-02m-A      OLO-13-HFS-02m-Ai     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     5                B     5                     1.52            16                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                sandy mud                                 OLO-13-HFS-02m-B      OLO-13-HFS-02m-Bi     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     5                C     5                     1.52            16                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                sandy mud                                 OLO-13-HFS-02m-C      OLO-13-HFS-02m-Ci     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     5                D     5                     1.52            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     T19              A     7                     2.13            19                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                sandy mud                                 OLO-13-HFS-T19m-A     OLO-13-HFS-T19m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     T19              B     7                     2.13            19                   Feather green alga                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 OLO-13-HFS-T19m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     T19              C     7                     2.13            19                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                sandy mud                                 OLO-13-HFS-T19m-C     OLO-13-HFS-T19m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     T19              D     7                     2.13            19                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Cerithium; Filamentous green alga; Ctena                                      sandy mud                                 OLO-13-HFS-T19m-D     OLO-13-HFS-T19m-Di    OLO-13-HFS-T19m-Dii   OLO-13-HFS-T19m-Diii  OLO-13-HFS-T19m-Div   nd                    nd                    nd                    small Ctena; 2 Cerithium  
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     9                A     9                     2.74            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     9                B     9                     2.74            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     9                C     9                     2.74            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     9                D     9                     2.74            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     12               A     11                    3.35            31                   Feather green alga                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-13-HFS-04m-A      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     12               B     11                    3.35            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     12               C     11                    3.35            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S13   hfs     12               D     11                    3.35            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     T1               A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     T1               B     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-HFS-T1m-B      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     T1               C     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-HFS-T1m-C      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     T1               D     2                     0.61            1                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-HFS-T1m-D      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Brachidontes                              Filamentous green alga                                                                                rock                                      OLO-14-HFS-1m-A       OLO-14-HFS-1m-Ai      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-HFS-1m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OLO-14-HFS-1m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sample lost  
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     5                A     5                     1.52            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy shelly mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     5                B     5                     1.52            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy shelly mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     5                C     5                     1.52            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy shelly mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     5                D     5                     1.52            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy shelly mud                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     T19              A     7                     2.13            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     T19              B     7                     2.13            19                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga; Ctena                                                                         sandy mud                                 OLO-14-HFS-T19m-B     OLO-14-HFS-T19m-Bi    OLO-14-HFS-T19m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     T19              C     7                     2.13            19                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                sandy mud                                 OLO-14-HFS-T19m-C     OLO-14-HFS-T19m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     T19              D     7                     2.13            19                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                sandy mud                                 OLO-14-HFS-T19m-D     OLO-14-HFS-T19m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     9                A     9                     2.74            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     9                B     9                     2.74            27                   Cerithium                                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                mud                                       OLO-14-HFS-3m-B       OLO-14-HFS-3m-Bi      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     9                C     9                     2.74            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     9                D     9                     2.74            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     12               A     12                    3.66            45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     12               B     12                    3.66            45                   Feather green alga                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-14-HFS-4m-B       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     12               C     12                    3.66            45                   Feather green alga                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OLO-14-HFS-4m-C       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141110     2014-11-10    S14   hfs     12               D     12                    3.66            45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
OTM      Ongeiml_Tketau_Mecherchar          7.1610    134.3764   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     2                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     2                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     2                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     2                D     3                     0.91            2                    Yellow tendril sponge                     nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    Brachidontes                              Brittle star; Polycarpa; Yellow tufty sponge; Nereid tube worm                                        wood                                      OTM-01-HFS-2.0m-A     OTM-01-HFS-2.0m-Ai    OTM-01-HFS-2.0m-Aii   OTM-01-HFS-2.0m-Aiii  OTM-01-HFS-2.0m-Aiv   nd                    nd                    nd                    Ascidian ID?  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID?    
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-01-HFS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    Yellow tufty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           OTM-01-HFS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           OTM-01-HFS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           OTM-01-HFS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           OTM-01-HFS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     21               A     20                    6.1             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-01-HFS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    draped over log; corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     21               B     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    draped over log; cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     21               C     20                    6.1             13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    draped over log; logged as Entacmaea; no tissue in vial  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     21               D     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    draped over log  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-8.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-8.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-8.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-HFS-8.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     31               A     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     31               B     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     31               C     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     31               D     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Pink finger Haliclona                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-02-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Yellow tufty sponge                       Fine branching green alga                                                                             mangrove roots                            OTM-02-HFS-0.5m-B     OTM-02-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-02-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-02-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     7                A     7                     2.13            2                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-02-HFS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     7                B     7                     2.13            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-02-HFS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     7                C     7                     2.13            2                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-02-HFS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     7                D     7                     2.13            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             wood                                      OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-A     OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    protruding log from rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Filamentous green alga                    Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-B     OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    protruding log from rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-C     OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    protruding log from rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Brittle star                              Yellow fuzzy sponge; Cream Tethya                                                                     wood                                      OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-D     OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-Di    OTM-02-HFS-3.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    protruding log from rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     16               A     17                    5.18            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-02-HFS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     16               B     17                    5.18            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     16               C     17                    5.18            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     16               D     17                    5.18            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; not transferred  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; not transferred  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; not transferred  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; not transferred  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     31               A     31                    9.45            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     31               B     31                    9.45            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     31               C     31                    9.45            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     31               D     31                    9.45            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; not transferred  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     36               A     37                    11.28           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     36               B     37                    11.28           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     36               C     37                    11.28           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   HFS     36               D     37                    11.28           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    FOR WHOLE TRANSECT--tied off on rock ~ 1 ft below surface  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          mud                                       OTM-03-HFS-0.5m-B     OTM-03-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    empty Brachidontes shell - no transfer  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     7                A     7                     2.13            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    empty Brachidontes; rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     7                B     7                     2.13            2                    Golf ball sponge                          Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-03-HFS-2.0m-B     OTM-03-HFS-2.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga over, but not on it; rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     7                C     7                     2.13            2                    Polycarpa                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-HFS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     7                D     7                     2.13            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock in circle; rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     11               A     10                    3.05            3                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on empty Brachidontes shell; rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     11               B     10                    3.05            3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     11               C     10                    3.05            3                    Brachidontes                              Pink finger Haliclona; Fine branching green alga                                                      rock                                      OTM-03-HFS-3.5m-C     OTM-03-HFS-3.5m-Ci    OTM-03-HFS-3.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     11               D     10                    3.05            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock in circle; rock face  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     16               A     15                    4.57            5                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-03-HFS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on empty Brachidontes shell  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     16               B     15                    4.57            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-03-HFS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     16               C     15                    4.57            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-03-HFS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     16               D     15                    4.57            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-03-HFS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat, not collected; no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat, not collected; no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat, not collected; no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat, not collected; no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     31               A     32                    9.75            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     31               B     32                    9.75            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     31               C     32                    9.75            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     31               D     32                    9.75            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos - low battery; flat topography  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     36               A     37                    11.28           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    photos did not turn out  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     36               B     37                    11.28           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    photos did not turn out  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     36               C     37                    11.28           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    photos did not turn out  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   HFS     36               D     37                    11.28           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    photos did not turn out  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Fine branching green alga                                                                             mangrove roots                            OTM-04-HFS-0.5m-A     OTM-04-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Cream pink pimply sponge; Polycarpa                                                                   mangrove roots                            OTM-04-HFS-0.5m-B     OTM-04-HFS-0.5m-Bi    OTM-04-HFS-0.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-04-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-04-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     7                A     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     7                B     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     7                C     7                     2.13            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-04-HFS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     7                D     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-04-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock with mud                             OTM-04-HFS-3.5m-B     OTM-04-HFS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-04-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-04-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                OTM-04-HFS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           OTM-04-HFS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat; Fine branching green alga on protruding wood in area  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat; Fine branching green alga on protruding wood in area  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat; Fine branching green alga on protruding wood in area  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat; Fine branching green alga on protruding wood in area  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     31               A     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     31               B     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     31               C     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     31               D     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    too dark; no photos  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    too dark; no photos  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    too dark; no photos  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    too dark; no photos  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pink finger Haliclona                     nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    encrusting?  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    encrusting?  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     7                A     6                     1.83            3                    Aiptasia                                  Maroon Tethya; Brittle star                                                                           mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-2.0m-A     OTM-05-HFS-2.0m-Ai    OTM-05-HFS-2.0m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     7                B     6                     1.83            3                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     7                C     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     7                D     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on Brachidontes shell  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            8                    Pink finger Haliclona                     Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-5.0m-A     OTM-05-HFS-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    empty Brachidontes shells  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            8                    Aiptasia                                  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-05-HFS-5.0m-D     OTM-05-HFS-5.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-05-HFS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     31               A     31                    9.45            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     31               B     31                    9.45            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     31               C     31                    9.45            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     31               D     31                    9.45            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-06-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-06-HFS-0.5m-B     OTM-06-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    directly below suspended circle between roots  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Aiptasia                                  Brachidontes; Fine branching green alga                                                               mangrove roots                            OTM-06-HFS-0.5m-C     OTM-06-HFS-0.5m-Ci    OTM-06-HFS-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unclear once refrigerated what was Aiptasia; may have transferred incorrectly  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-06-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-06-HFS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud under wood  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-06-HFS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on Brachidontes shell; mud under wood  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Errant nereid                                                                                         mud                                       OTM-06-HFS-2.0m-C     OTM-06-HFS-2.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud under wood  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud under wood  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     11               A     12                    3.66            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-06-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud under wood; Microsnail (see photo), but escaped through hole in collection tray!; corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     11               B     12                    3.66            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-06-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud under wood  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     11               C     12                    3.66            7                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud                                       OTM-06-HFS-3.5m-C     OTM-06-HFS-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud under wood; corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     11               D     12                    3.66            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-06-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud under wood; corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     16               A     17                    5.18            12                   Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-06-HFS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance corrected from slate; nomber not visible on lanscape picture, but can interprolate based on it, memory and scenic shot  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     16               B     17                    5.18            12                   Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes; Fine branching green alga; Microsnail                                                   wood                                      OTM-06-HFS-5.0m-B     OTM-06-HFS-5.0m-Bi    OTM-06-HFS-5.0m-Bii   OTM-06-HFS-5.0m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance corrected from slate; nomber not visible on lanscape picture, but can interprolate based on it, memory and scenic shot  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     16               C     17                    5.18            12                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-06-HFS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance corrected from slate; nomber not visible on lanscape picture, but can interprolate based on it, memory and scenic shot  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     16               D     17                    5.18            12                   Entacmaea                                 Fine branching green alga                                                                             wood                                      OTM-06-HFS-5.0m-D     OTM-06-HFS-5.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distance corrected from slate; nomber not visible on lanscape picture, but can interprolate based on it, memory and scenic shot; mixture of Fine branching green alga and Pompom alga  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     31               A     31                    9.45            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     31               B     31                    9.45            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     31               C     31                    9.45            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead Mastigias on substrate  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     31               D     31                    9.45            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos; estimated 1 meter past spool  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos; estimated 1 meter past spool  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos; estimated 1 meter past spool  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos; estimated 1 meter past spool  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 Yellow fuzzy sponge; Polycarpa; Brittle star                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-A     OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-Ai    OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-Aii   OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-Aiii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Aiptasia                                  Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove roots                            OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-C     OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 Errant nereid; Aiptasia                                                                               mangrove roots                            OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-D     OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-Di    OTM-07-HFS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     7                A     6                     1.83            2                    Polycarpa                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-07-HFS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    underneath mangrove root overhang; rock face  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     7                B     6                     1.83            2                    White crumbly mound sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-07-HFS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    underneath mangrove root overhang; rock face  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     7                C     6                     1.83            2                    Pink Cliona                               Brittle star; Brachidontes                                                                            rock                                      OTM-07-HFS-2.0m-C     OTM-07-HFS-2.0m-Ci    OTM-07-HFS-2.0m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    underneath mangrove root overhang; rock face; sponge ID uncertain  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     7                D     6                     1.83            2                    Pink finger Haliclona                     nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-07-HFS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    underneath mangrove root overhang; rock face; ID uncertain  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            4                    Polycarpa                                 Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-07-HFS-3.5m-A     OTM-07-HFS-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall; back from line from overhangin roots  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            4                    Errant nereid                             Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-07-HFS-3.5m-B     OTM-07-HFS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall; back from line from overhangin roots  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            4                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-07-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall; back from line from overhangin roots  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall; back from line from overhanging roots  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-HFS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-HFS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall; ID uncertain from photo, 150914  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-HFS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-HFS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    rock wall  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     21               A     22                    6.71            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-HFS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     21               B     22                    6.71            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-HFS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     21               C     22                    6.71            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-HFS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     21               D     22                    6.71            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-HFS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain from photo, 150914  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     26               A     25                    7.62            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     26               B     25                    7.62            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     26               C     25                    7.62            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     26               D     25                    7.62            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     31               A     30                    9.14            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     31               B     30                    9.14            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     31               C     30                    9.14            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     31               D     30                    9.14            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells and leaf litter           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells and leaf litter           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells and leaf litter           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells and leaf litter           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  Yellow fuzzy sponge; Brittle star                                                                     mangrove roots                            OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-A     OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-Ai    OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    31ft & 36ft target depths were beyond the end of the spool line, so not recorded  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Pink finger Haliclona                     Pompom alga; Brittle star; Brachidontes                                                               mangrove roots                            OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-B     OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-Bi    OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-Bii   OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Lavender tendril Haliclona; Brittle star                                                              mangrove roots                            OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-C     OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-Ci    OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mixture of Fine branching green alga and Pompom alga  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Orange yellow fiberglass sponge           Brittle star                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-D     OTM-08-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     7                A     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     7                B     8                     2.44            5                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      OTM-08-HFS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     7                C     8                     2.44            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     7                D     8                     2.44            5                    Yellow pimply sponge                      nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      OTM-08-HFS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     11               A     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     11               B     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     11               C     12                    3.66            10                   Entacmaea                                 Pompom alga                                                                                           mud with shells                           OTM-08-HFS-3.5m-C     OTM-08-HFS-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Aiptasia on wood nearby; Entacmaea in mud; this one on stick; corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     11               D     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter and shells           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            15                   Entacmaea                                 Entacmaea                                                                                             mud with leaf litter and shells           OTM-08-HFS-5.0m-B     OTM-08-HFS-5.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on shell; second Entacmaea on shell also  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter and shells           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            15                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter and shells           OTM-08-HFS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on bark  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea scattered at this depth, none in horizontal transect points  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos; too dark  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos; too dark  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos; too dark  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos; too dark  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            3                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-HFS-0.5m-A     OTM-09-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    É-Ai = Mung  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            3                    Aiptasia                                  Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-09-HFS-0.5m-B     OTM-09-HFS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     7                A     6                     1.83            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shells                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     7                B     6                     1.83            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shells                  OTM-09-HFS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     7                C     6                     1.83            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shells                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     7                D     6                     1.83            5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and shells                  OTM-09-HFS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on stick  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mung   
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mung   
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-HFS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on stick  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shells and mud                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            10                   Ergalatax                                 Fine branching green alga; Brachidontes                                                               rock with shells and mud                  OTM-09-HFS-5.0m-B     OTM-09-HFS-5.0m-Bi    OTM-09-HFS-5.0m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with shells and mud                  OTM-09-HFS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on shell  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            10                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with shells and mud                  OTM-09-HFS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on shell  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     21               A     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     21               B     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     21               C     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     21               D     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     31               A     32                    9.75            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     31               B     32                    9.75            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     31               C     32                    9.75            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     31               D     32                    9.75            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    some Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    some Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    some Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    some Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Fine branching green alga; Brittle star                                                               wood                                      OTM-10-HFS-0.5m-A     OTM-10-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga inside sponge; not separated = also in tube A  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     7                A     6                     1.83            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     7                B     6                     1.83            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     7                C     6                     1.83            5                    Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-10-HFS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     7                D     6                     1.83            5                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud                             OTM-10-HFS-2.0m-D     OTM-10-HFS-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    corrected from FBGA, 150914; mixture of Fine branching green alga and Pompom alga  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     11               A     10                    3.05            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     11               B     10                    3.05            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-10-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     11               C     10                    3.05            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     11               D     10                    3.05            8                    Aiptasia                                  Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud                             OTM-10-HFS-3.5m-D     OTM-10-HFS-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            11                   Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            rock                                      OTM-10-HFS-5.0m-A     OTM-10-HFS-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mixture of Fine branching green alga and Pompom alga  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            11                   Bat star                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-10-HFS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            11                   Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-10-HFS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            11                   Orange yellow encrusting sponge           Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      OTM-10-HFS-5.0m-D     OTM-10-HFS-5.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     21               A     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     21               B     22                    6.71            14                   Microsnail                                Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-10-HFS-6.5m-B     OTM-10-HFS-6.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     21               C     22                    6.71            14                   Microsnail                                Fine branching green alga                                                                             wood                                      OTM-10-HFS-6.5m-C     OTM-10-HFS-6.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     21               D     22                    6.71            14                   Microsnail                                Fine branching green alga                                                                             wood                                      OTM-10-HFS-6.5m-D     OTM-10-HFS-6.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     31               A     30                    9.14            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This depth had faint taste of hydrogen sulfide; Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     31               B     30                    9.14            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     31               C     30                    9.14            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     31               D     30                    9.14            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Sparkly encrusting ascidian               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-A     OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes; Brittle star; Nereid tube worm; Sparkly encrusting ascidian                             mangrove roots                            OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-B     OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Bi    OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Bii   OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Biii  OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Biv   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Polycarpa                                 Orange yellow encrusting sponge; Polycarpa; Nereid tube worm                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-C     OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Ci    OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Cii   OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on Brachidontes shell  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Sparkly encrusting ascidian               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-D     OTM-11-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shells                           OTM-11-HFS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and shells                  OTM-11-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on Brachidontes shell  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and shells                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and shells                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and shells                  OTM-11-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on wood  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            15                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      OTM-11-HFS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on leaf  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    approximate transect distance  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     31               A     31                    9.45            45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    approximate transect distance  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     31               B     31                    9.45            45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    1 scenic photo at this depth  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     31               C     31                    9.45            45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    at the white layer in water  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     31               D     31                    9.45            45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           55                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    approximate transect distance  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           55                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    1 scenic photo at this depth  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           55                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   HFS     36               D     36                    10.97           55                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Ergalatax                                 Brachidontes; Aiptasia                                                                                mangrove roots                            OTM-12-HFS-0.5m-A     OTM-12-HFS-0.5m-Ai    OTM-12-HFS-0.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Polycarpa                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    LOST SAMPLE; on shell  
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Aiptasia                                  Brachidontes; Fine branching green alga                                                               mangrove roots                            OTM-12-HFS-0.5m-C     OTM-12-HFS-0.5m-Ci    OTM-12-HFS-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-12-HFS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    around stick  
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    Sparkly encrusting ascidian               Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-2.0m-A     OTM-12-HFS-2.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-2.0m-B     OTM-12-HFS-2.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    Maroon Tethya                             Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-2.0m-C     OTM-12-HFS-2.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-2.0m-D     OTM-12-HFS-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            8                    Bat star                                  Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-A     OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            8                    Aiptasia                                  Purple Dendrilla; Pink finger Haliclona; Brachidontes                                                 rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-B     OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-Bi    OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-Bii   OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-Biii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            8                    Linckia                                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            8                    Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-D     OTM-12-HFS-5.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     21               A     22                    6.71            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     21               B     22                    6.71            11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud                      OTM-12-HFS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on Brachidontes shell  
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     21               C     22                    6.71            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     21               D     22                    6.71            11                   Phaneropthalmus                           nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud                      OTM-12-HFS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            13                   Entacmaea                                 Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-12-HFS-8.0m-A     OTM-12-HFS-8.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     31               A     31                    9.45            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     31               B     31                    9.45            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     31               C     31                    9.45            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     31               D     31                    9.45            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     36               A     35                    10.67           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     36               B     35                    10.67           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     36               C     35                    10.67           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   HFS     36               D     35                    10.67           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              Polycarpa                                                                                             rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-0.5m-C     OTM-13-HFS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Fine branching green alga; Brittle star                                                               rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-0.5m-D     OTM-13-HFS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on Branchidontes shell; Fine branching green alga inside sponge, in primary tube  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  Pompom alga; Polycarpa                                                                                rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-2.0m-A     OTM-13-HFS-2.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga inside sponge; not separated = also in tube A; corrected from FBGA, 150914  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    Linckia                                   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-2.0m-D     OTM-13-HFS-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     11               A     12                    3.66            6                    Yellow tendril sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     11               B     12                    3.66            6                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     11               C     12                    3.66            6                    Aiptasia                                  Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-3.5m-C     OTM-13-HFS-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     11               D     12                    3.66            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-13-HFS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy mud with leaf litter                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     26               A     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     26               B     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     26               C     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     26               D     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     31               A     31                    9.45            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     31               B     31                    9.45            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     31               C     31                    9.45            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     31               D     31                    9.45            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     36               A     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     36               B     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   HFS     36               C     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no photos  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-01-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-01-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Brittle star                                                                                          wood                                      OTM-01-LMS-0.5m-D     OTM-01-LMS-0.5m-Di    OTM-01-LMS-0.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Collected 2 brittle stars in separate tubes  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-LMS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-01-LMS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-01-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-01-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-01-LMS-3.5m-B     OTM-01-LMS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    Aiptasia                                  Brittle star; Cream pink pimply sponge; Nereid tube worm                                              rock                                      OTM-01-LMS-3.5m-C     OTM-01-LMS-3.5m-Ci    OTM-01-LMS-3.5m-Cii   OTM-01-LMS-3.5m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-01-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; lost Microsnail when trying to place in container  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-01-LMS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-01-LMS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-01-LMS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     31               A     31                    9.45            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     31               B     31                    9.45            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     31               C     31                    9.45            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     31               D     31                    9.45            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-02-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-02-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-02-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-02-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     7                A     6                     1.83            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     7                B     6                     1.83            3                    Fine branching green alga                 Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-2.0m-B     OTM-02-LMS-2.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     7                C     6                     1.83            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     7                D     6                     1.83            3                    Orange yellow fiberglass sponge           Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-2.0m-D     OTM-02-LMS-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     11               A     12                    3.66            5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    check picture  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     11               B     12                    3.66            5                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-3.5m-B     OTM-02-LMS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     11               C     12                    3.66            5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-3.5m-C     OTM-02-LMS-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     11               D     12                    3.66            5                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-3.5m-D     OTM-02-LMS-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    Yellow textured sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     21               A     22                    6.71            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     21               B     22                    6.71            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     21               C     22                    6.71            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     21               D     22                    6.71            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-8.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-LMS-8.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     31               A     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     31               B     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     31               C     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     31               D     30                    9.14            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Errant nereid                                                                                         rock with mud layer                       OTM-03-LMS-0.5m-A     OTM-03-LMS-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-03-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-03-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-03-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     7                A     7                     2.13            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-LMS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     7                B     7                     2.13            6                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-03-LMS-2.0m-B     OTM-03-LMS-2.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     7                C     7                     2.13            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     7                D     7                     2.13            6                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-03-LMS-2.0m-D     OTM-03-LMS-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     11               A     12                    3.66            8                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-03-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     11               B     12                    3.66            8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-03-LMS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     11               C     12                    3.66            8                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-03-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     11               D     12                    3.66            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-03-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-LMS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-LMS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            10                   Phaneropthalmus                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-LMS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            10                   Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            rock                                      OTM-03-LMS-5.0m-D     OTM-03-LMS-5.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     21               A     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     21               B     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     21               C     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     21               D     22                    6.71            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     31               A     30                    9.14            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     31               B     30                    9.14            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     31               C     30                    9.14            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     31               D     30                    9.14            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     2                A     1.5                   0.46            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-04-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     2                B     1.5                   0.46            1                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             mangrove root                             OTM-04-LMS-0.5m-B     OTM-04-LMS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     2                C     1.5                   0.46            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-04-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     2                D     1.5                   0.46            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-04-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    Pillucina                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-04-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        OTM-04-LMS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     11               A     10                    3.05            7                    Cream Tethya                              Brittle star; Brachidontes; Nereid tube worm                                                          wood                                      OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-A     OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-Ai    OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-Aii   OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-Aiii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     11               B     10                    3.05            7                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-B     OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     11               C     10                    3.05            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     11               D     10                    3.05            7                    Egg mass                                  Sparkly encrusting ascidian; Nereid tube worm                                                         wood                                      OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-D     OTM-04-LMS-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-5.0m-A     OTM-04-LMS-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; 2 Microsnails in same tube  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-5.0m-C     OTM-04-LMS-5.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; 7 Microsnails in same tube  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-5.0m-D     OTM-04-LMS-5.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; Microsnail could not be found after photo  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     26               A     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     26               B     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     26               C     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     26               D     25                    7.62            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     31               A     31                    9.45            21                   nd                                        Microsnail                                                                                            mud                                       OTM-04-LMS-9.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    could not re-find specimen in mud  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     31               B     31                    9.45            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     31               C     31                    9.45            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     31               D     31                    9.45            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-0.5m-C     OTM-05-LMS-0.5m-Ci    OTM-05-LMS-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead Fine branching green alga (colorless); 2 Brittle stars in separate tubes  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             OTM-05-LMS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-05-LMS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    Aiptasia                                  Orange yellow fiberglass sponge                                                                       rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-2.0m-D     OTM-05-LMS-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-3.5m-C     OTM-05-LMS-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            8                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-5.0m-A     OTM-05-LMS-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            8                    Mixed turf                                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            8                    Orange yellow encrusting tiny digit sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-LMS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            8                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-05-LMS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-05-LMS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-05-LMS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; multiple snails in same tube  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-05-LMS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     31               A     31                    9.45            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     31               B     31                    9.45            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     31               C     31                    9.45            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     31               D     31                    9.45            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     36               A     37                    11.28           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     36               B     37                    11.28           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     36               C     37                    11.28           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   lms     36               D     37                    11.28           21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-06-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange yellow fiberglass sponge           Brittle star                                                                                          mangrove root                             OTM-06-LMS-0.5m-B     OTM-06-LMS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-06-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-06-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     7                A     7                     2.13            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    detritus wood leaf                        OTM-06-LMS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     7                B     7                     2.13            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    detritus wood leaf                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mung   
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     7                C     7                     2.13            6                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    detritus wood leaf                        OTM-06-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     7                D     7                     2.13            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    detritus wood leaf                        OTM-06-LMS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     11               A     11                    3.35            10                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus and wood detritus   OTM-06-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 individuals in same tube  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     11               B     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus and wood detritus   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     11               C     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus and wood detritus   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     11               D     11                    3.35            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus and wood detritus   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     16               A     17                    5.18            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     16               B     17                    5.18            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     16               C     17                    5.18            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     16               D     17                    5.18            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             20                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-06-LMS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             20                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                OTM-06-LMS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     31               A     31                    9.45            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     31               B     31                    9.45            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     31               C     31                    9.45            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     31               D     31                    9.45            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 1 meter past end of transect line  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 1 meter past end of transect line  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 1 meter past end of transect line  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 1 meter past end of transect line  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-07-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-07-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-07-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-07-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     7                A     6                     1.83            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     7                B     6                     1.83            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     7                C     6                     1.83            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     7                D     6                     1.83            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-07-LMS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     11               A     12                    3.66            6                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-07-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     11               B     12                    3.66            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-07-LMS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     11               C     12                    3.66            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud tubes, no worms  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     11               D     12                    3.66            6                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-07-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                OTM-07-LMS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    wood with mud                             OTM-07-LMS-8.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     31               A     31                    9.45            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     31               B     31                    9.45            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     31               C     31                    9.45            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     31               D     31                    9.45            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Polycarpa                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-08-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-08-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-08-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-08-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     7                A     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     7                B     8                     2.44            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-08-LMS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     7                C     8                     2.44            4                    Pillucina                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-08-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     7                D     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    Entacmaea                                 Ergalatax                                                                                             mud                                       OTM-08-LMS-3.5m-B     OTM-08-LMS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Entacmaea on Ergalatax  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     16               A     15                    4.57            11                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      OTM-08-LMS-5.0m-A     OTM-08-LMS-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     16               B     15                    4.57            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     16               C     15                    4.57            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     16               D     15                    4.57            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-08-LMS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf litter            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf litter            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    In picture, but not sampled  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf litter            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf litter            OTM-08-LMS-8.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     31               A     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     31               B     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     31               C     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     31               D     30                    9.14            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     2                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dead Nerita shell  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     2                B     3                     0.91            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-09-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     2                C     3                     0.91            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-09-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     2                D     3                     0.91            2                    Yellow tufty sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          rock with mud layer                       OTM-09-LMS-0.5m-D     OTM-09-LMS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     7                A     8                     2.44            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-09-LMS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     7                B     8                     2.44            6                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-09-LMS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     7                C     8                     2.44            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail; Nereid tube worm                                                                          rock with mud layer                       OTM-09-LMS-2.0m-C     OTM-09-LMS-2.0m-Ci    OTM-09-LMS-2.0m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     7                D     8                     2.44            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-09-LMS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     11               A     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     11               B     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     11               C     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     11               D     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and wood litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            25                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-09-LMS-8.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     31               A     31                    9.45            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     31               B     31                    9.45            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     31               C     31                    9.45            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     31               D     31                    9.45            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 3 meters past end of transect line  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 3 meters past end of transect line  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 3 meters past end of transect line  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 3 meters past end of transect line  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     2                A     1.5                   0.46            1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-10-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     2                B     1.5                   0.46            1                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-10-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     2                C     1.5                   0.46            1                    Brachidontes                              Spirorbid                                                                                             rock                                      OTM-10-LMS-0.5m-C     OTM-10-LMS-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     2                D     1.5                   0.46            1                    Brachidontes                              Spirorbid                                                                                             rock                                      OTM-10-LMS-0.5m-D     OTM-10-LMS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     7                A     7                     2.13            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     7                B     7                     2.13            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     7                C     7                     2.13            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     7                D     7                     2.13            5                    Aiptasia                                  Yellow tufty sponge                                                                                   rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-2.0m-D     OTM-10-LMS-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     11               A     11                    3.35            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     11               B     11                    3.35            8                    Filamentous green alga                    Nereid tube worm                                                                                      rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-3.5m-B     OTM-10-LMS-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     11               C     11                    3.35            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     11               D     11                    3.35            8                    Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     16               A     15                    4.57            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     16               B     15                    4.57            10                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     16               C     15                    4.57            10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     16               D     15                    4.57            10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-10-LMS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     21               A     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     21               B     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     21               C     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     21               D     20                    6.1             13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat; In picture, but not sampled  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     31               A     30                    9.14            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     31               B     30                    9.14            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     31               C     30                    9.14            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     31               D     30                    9.14            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Sparkly encrusting ascidian               Brachidontes; Polynoid scale worm                                                                     rock with mud layer                       OTM-11-LMS-0.5m-A     OTM-11-LMS-0.5m-Ai    OTM-11-LMS-0.5m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-11-LMS-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on mussel shell  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-11-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     7                A     7                     2.13            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     7                B     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-11-LMS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     7                C     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-11-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     7                D     7                     2.13            5                    Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-11-LMS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood detritus and shell          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood detritus and shell          OTM-11-LMS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on wood chip  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood detritus and shell          OTM-11-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on dead mussel shell  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood detritus and shell          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus and wood detritus   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus and wood detritus   OTM-11-LMS-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 individuals in same tube  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus and wood detritus   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus and wood detritus   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             32                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus                     OTM-11-LMS-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 2 meters past end of transect line; 2 individuals in same tube  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 2 meters past end of transect line  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             32                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus                     OTM-11-LMS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 2 meters past end of transect line  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    went about 2 meters past end of transect line  
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Cream Tethya                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-12-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow tendril sponge                     Fine branching green alga                                                                             mangrove root                             OTM-12-LMS-0.5m-B     OTM-12-LMS-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-12-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-12-LMS-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     7                A     6                     1.83            3                    Yellow tendril sponge                     Brittle star                                                                                          rock with mud layer                       OTM-12-LMS-2.0m-A     OTM-12-LMS-2.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     7                B     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     7                C     6                     1.83            3                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-12-LMS-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     7                D     6                     1.83            3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-12-LMS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-12-LMS-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-12-LMS-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-12-LMS-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-LMS-3.5m-D     OTM-12-LMS-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             OTM-12-LMS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             OTM-12-LMS-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             OTM-12-LMS-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             9                    Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            rock with mud layer                       OTM-12-LMS-6.5m-A     OTM-12-LMS-6.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-12-LMS-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-12-LMS-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-12-LMS-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                OTM-12-LMS-8.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     31               A     31                    9.45            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     31               B     31                    9.45            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     31               C     31                    9.45            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     31               D     31                    9.45            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf detritus           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf detritus           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf detritus           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   lms     36               D     36                    10.97           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell and leaf detritus           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-13-LMS-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             OTM-13-LMS-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Aiptasia                                  Fine branching green alga                                                                             mangrove root                             OTM-13-LMS-0.5m-D     OTM-13-LMS-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     7                A     6                     1.83            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-13-LMS-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     7                B     6                     1.83            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-13-LMS-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     7                C     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     7                D     6                     1.83            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       OTM-13-LMS-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer and shell             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with shelly mud                      OTM-13-LMS-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-13-LMS-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            mud                                       OTM-13-LMS-5.0m-B     OTM-13-LMS-5.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 individuals in same tube  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    cyanobacteria mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     31               A     31                    9.45            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     31               B     31                    9.45            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     31               C     31                    9.45            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     31               D     31                    9.45            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf detritus                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     36               A     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     36               B     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   lms     36               C     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brittle star                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-01-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brittle star is inside dead mussel  
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-01-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-01-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-01-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     7                A     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-01-MND-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     7                B     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock with layer of mud                    OTM-01-MND-2.0m-B     OTM-01-MND-2.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     7                C     7                     2.13            4                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-01-MND-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     7                D     7                     2.13            4                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-01-MND-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     11               A     11                    3.35            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-01-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     11               B     11                    3.35            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-01-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     11               C     11                    3.35            6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-01-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     11               D     11                    3.35            6                    Brachidontes                              Entacmaea; Polycarpa                                                                                  rock with layer of mud                    OTM-01-MND-3.5m-D     OTM-01-MND-3.5m-Di    OTM-01-MND-3.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     16               A     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     16               B     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     16               C     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     16               D     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     31               A     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     31               B     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     31               C     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     31               D     31                    9.45            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S01   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     2                A     1                     0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     2                B     1                     0.3             1                    Brachidontes                              Cream pink pimply sponge; Yellow nubby sponge                                                         rock                                      OTM-02-MND-0.5m-B     OTM-02-MND-0.5m-Bi    OTM-02-MND-0.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     2                C     1                     0.3             1                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-02-MND-0.5m-C     OTM-02-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     2                D     1                     0.3             1                    Yellow tendril sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     7                A     8                     2.44            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-02-MND-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     7                B     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     7                C     8                     2.44            4                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-02-MND-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     7                D     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     11               A     10                    3.05            5                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock                                      OTM-02-MND-3.5m-A     OTM-02-MND-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     11               B     10                    3.05            5                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-02-MND-3.5m-B     OTM-02-MND-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     11               C     10                    3.05            5                    Aiptasia                                  Yellow fuzzy sponge; Brittle star; Bat star                                                           rock                                      OTM-02-MND-3.5m-C     OTM-02-MND-3.5m-Ci    OTM-02-MND-3.5m-Cii   OTM-02-MND-3.5m-Ciii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     11               D     10                    3.05            5                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-02-MND-3.5m-D     OTM-02-MND-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaves in depression    OTM-02-MND-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaves in depression    OTM-02-MND-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaves in depression    OTM-02-MND-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaves in depression    OTM-02-MND-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   Pompom alga                               Entacmaea                                                                                             rock                                      OTM-02-MND-6.5m-A     OTM-02-MND-6.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-MND-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-MND-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-02-MND-6.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-02-MND-8.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-02-MND-8.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     31               A     30                    9.14            16                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with rock                             OTM-02-MND-9.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     31               B     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with rock                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     31               C     30                    9.14            16                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with rock                             OTM-02-MND-9.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     31               D     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with rock                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     36               A     35                    10.67           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     36               B     35                    10.67           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     36               C     35                    10.67           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S02   mnd     36               D     35                    10.67           19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             mangrove roots                            OTM-03-MND-0.5m-A     OTM-03-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-03-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  Brachidontes; Polycarpa                                                                               mangrove roots                            OTM-03-MND-0.5m-C     OTM-03-MND-0.5m-Ci    OTM-03-MND-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Primary sample lost  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     7                A     7                     2.13            3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-03-MND-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     7                B     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     7                C     7                     2.13            3                    Fine branching green alga                 Golf ball sponge                                                                                      rock                                      OTM-03-MND-2.0m-C     OTM-03-MND-2.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     7                D     7                     2.13            3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes; Errant nereid                                                                           rock                                      OTM-03-MND-2.0m-D     OTM-03-MND-2.0m-Di    OTM-03-MND-2.0m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     11               A     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of shelly mud             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     11               B     12                    3.66            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of shelly mud             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     11               C     12                    3.66            5                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock with layer of shelly mud             OTM-03-MND-3.5m-C     OTM-03-MND-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     11               D     12                    3.66            5                    Entacmaea                                 Fine branching green alga; Yellow tendril sponge                                                      rock with layer of shelly mud             OTM-03-MND-3.5m-D     OTM-03-MND-3.5m-Di    OTM-03-MND-3.5m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood                   OTM-03-MND-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             10                   Errant nereid                             Mastigias polyp                                                                                       mud with wood and leaf and shell          OTM-03-MND-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mastigias polyps photographed and sampled, but lost.  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf and shell          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             10                   Ergalatax                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf and shell          OTM-03-MND-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mussels (but to side) and shell was covered in cyanobacteria (so not obvious on photo)  
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and leaf and shell          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     31               A     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     31               B     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     31               C     30                    9.14            16                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-03-MND-9.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     31               D     30                    9.14            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           20                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             OTM-03-MND-11.0m-B    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141104     2014-11-04    S03   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-04-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-04-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            5                    White crumbly mound sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-04-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Polycarpa                                                                                             rock with mud                             OTM-04-MND-0.5m-D     OTM-04-MND-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     7                A     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     7                B     8                     2.44            8                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               OTM-04-MND-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     7                C     8                     2.44            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud on rock                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     7                D     8                     2.44            8                    Fine branching green alga                 Errant nereid                                                                                         mud on rock                               OTM-04-MND-2.0m-D     OTM-04-MND-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     11               A     12                    3.66            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and wood on rock               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     11               B     12                    3.66            11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and wood on rock               OTM-04-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     11               C     12                    3.66            11                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and wood on rock               OTM-04-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     11               D     12                    3.66            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud and wood on rock               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     16               A     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud with shell                            OTM-04-MND-5.0m-A     OTM-04-MND-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     16               B     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud with shell                            OTM-04-MND-5.0m-B     OTM-04-MND-5.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     16               C     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               Microsnail                                                                                            mud with shell                            OTM-04-MND-5.0m-C     OTM-04-MND-5.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     16               D     17                    5.18            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-04-MND-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   OTM-04-MND-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            21                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           OTM-04-MND-8.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     31               A     31                    9.45            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     31               B     31                    9.45            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     31               C     31                    9.45            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     31               D     31                    9.45            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S04   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            3                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Pink finger Haliclona                                                                                 rock                                      OTM-05-MND-0.5m-D     OTM-05-MND-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     7                A     7                     2.13            5                    Aiptasia                                  Golf ball sponge                                                                                      rock                                      OTM-05-MND-2.0m-A     OTM-05-MND-2.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     7                B     7                     2.13            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     7                C     7                     2.13            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-MND-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     7                D     7                     2.13            5                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-MND-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    Pompom alga                               Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-05-MND-3.5m-A     OTM-05-MND-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    Filamentous green alga                    Polynoid scale worm; Brachidontes                                                                     rock                                      OTM-05-MND-3.5m-B     OTM-05-MND-3.5m-Bi    OTM-05-MND-3.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-05-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                OTM-05-MND-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Pillucina                                 nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                OTM-05-MND-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                OTM-05-MND-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     31               A     31                    9.45            18                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             OTM-05-MND-11.0m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     31               B     31                    9.45            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     31               C     31                    9.45            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     31               D     31                    9.45            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     36               A     37                    11.28           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     36               B     37                    11.28           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     36               C     37                    11.28           22                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             OTM-05-MND-11.0m-C    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S05   mnd     36               D     37                    11.28           22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-06-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    wood                                      OTM-06-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               Brittle star; Errant nereid                                                                           wood                                      OTM-06-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    OTM-06-MND-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brittle star sample lost  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Aiptasia                                                                                              wood                                      OTM-06-MND-0.5m-D     OTM-06-MND-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     7                A     6                     1.83            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     7                B     6                     1.83            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     7                C     6                     1.83            5                    Yellow tufty sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          wood and mud                              OTM-06-MND-2.0m-C     OTM-06-MND-2.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     7                D     6                     1.83            5                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Fine branching green alga                                                                             wood and mud                              OTM-06-MND-2.0m-D     OTM-06-MND-2.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     11               A     11                    3.35            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              OTM-06-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     11               B     11                    3.35            9                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              OTM-06-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     11               C     11                    3.35            9                    Bat star                                  Ergalatax                                                                                             wood and mud                              OTM-06-MND-3.5m-C     OTM-06-MND-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     11               D     11                    3.35            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood and mud with shell                   OTM-06-MND-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            14                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood and mud with shell                   OTM-06-MND-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            14                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood and mud with shell                   OTM-06-MND-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            14                   Yellow encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    wood and mud with shell                   OTM-06-MND-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            23                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-06-MND-8.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     31               A     30                    9.14            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microsnails in area  
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     31               B     30                    9.14            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     31               C     30                    9.14            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     31               D     30                    9.14            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     36               A     34                    10.36           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     36               B     34                    10.36           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     36               C     34                    10.36           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S06   mnd     36               D     34                    10.36           30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Cream pink pimply sponge; Brachidontes; Polycarpa; Nereid tube worm                                   mangrove roots                            OTM-07-MND-0.5m-A     OTM-07-MND-0.5m-Ai    OTM-07-MND-0.5m-Aii   OTM-07-MND-0.5m-Aiii  OTM-07-MND-0.5m-Aiv   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-07-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-07-MND-0.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     7                A     7                     2.13            3                    Pink finger Haliclona                     Brittle star; Aiptasia                                                                                rock with mud                             OTM-07-MND-2.0m-A     OTM-07-MND-2.0m-Ai    OTM-07-MND-2.0m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     7                B     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     7                C     7                     2.13            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             OTM-07-MND-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     7                D     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     11               A     11                    3.35            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock and wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     11               B     11                    3.35            5                    Polycarpa                                 Aiptasia                                                                                              rock and wood                             OTM-07-MND-3.5m-B     OTM-07-MND-3.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     11               C     11                    3.35            5                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    rock and wood                             OTM-07-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     11               D     11                    3.35            5                    Polycarpa                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock and wood                             OTM-07-MND-3.5m-D     OTM-07-MND-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            7                    Microsnail                                Nondescript sponge                                                                                    Shelly mud                                OTM-07-MND-5.0m-A     OTM-07-MND-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                OTM-07-MND-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud                                OTM-07-MND-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud and wood                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud and wood                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud and wood                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    Shelly mud and wood                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     26               A     27                    8.23            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     26               B     27                    8.23            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     26               C     27                    8.23            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   OTM-07-MND-8.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     26               D     27                    8.23            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     31               A     31                    9.45            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     31               B     31                    9.45            15                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell                   OTM-07-MND-9.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     31               C     31                    9.45            15                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell                   OTM-07-MND-9.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     31               D     31                    9.45            15                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell                   OTM-07-MND-9.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     36               A     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     36               B     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     36               C     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141105     2014-11-05    S07   mnd     36               D     36                    10.97           18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     2                A     2                     0.5             1                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-08-MND-0.5m-A     OTM-08-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     2                B     2                     0.5             1                    Aiptasia                                  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-08-MND-0.5m-B     OTM-08-MND-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     2                C     2                     0.5             1                    Ergalatax                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-08-MND-0.5m-C     OTM-08-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     2                D     2                     0.5             1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-08-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     7                A     7                     2.1             3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-08-MND-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     7                B     7                     2.1             3                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-08-MND-2.0m-B     OTM-08-MND-2.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     7                C     7                     2.1             3                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-08-MND-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     7                D     7                     2.1             3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-08-MND-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     11               A     12                    3.7             6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-08-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     11               B     12                    3.7             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     11               C     12                    3.7             6                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-08-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     11               D     12                    3.7             6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-08-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     16               A     17                    5.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     16               B     17                    5.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     16               C     17                    5.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     16               D     17                    5.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             OTM-08-MND-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     26               A     26                    8               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     26               B     26                    8               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     26               C     26                    8               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     26               D     26                    8               18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     31               A     31                    9.5             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     31               B     31                    9.5             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     31               C     31                    9.5             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     31               D     31                    9.5             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     36               A     36                    11              27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     36               B     36                    11              27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     36               C     36                    11              27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S08   mnd     36               D     36                    11              27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     2                A     2                     0.5             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment at this site is generally very firm.  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     2                B     2                     0.5             2                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     2                C     2                     0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     2                D     2                     0.5             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     7                A     8                     2.3             6                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    rock with mud in deep depression          OTM-09-MND-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     7                B     8                     2.3             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud in deep depression          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     7                C     8                     2.3             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud in deep depression          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     7                D     8                     2.3             6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with mud in deep depression          OTM-09-MND-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     11               A     10                    3.2             9                    Pink finger Haliclona                     Brittle star                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-09-MND-3.5m-A     OTM-09-MND-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    A big rock in middle of sediment.  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     11               B     10                    3.2             9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm tubes  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     11               C     10                    3.2             9                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-09-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     11               D     10                    3.2             9                    Bat star                                  Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-09-MND-3.5m-D     OTM-09-MND-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     16               A     16                    5               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     16               B     16                    5               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     16               C     16                    5               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     16               D     16                    5               14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     21               A     21                    6.5             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     21               B     21                    6.5             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     21               C     21                    6.5             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     21               D     21                    6.5             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     26               A     26                    8               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     26               B     26                    8               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     26               C     26                    8               23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     26               D     26                    8               23                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             OTM-09-MND-8.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     31               A     30                    9.2             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     31               B     30                    9.2             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     31               C     30                    9.2             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     31               D     30                    9.2             26                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             OTM-09-MND-9.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     36               A     35                    10.8            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     36               B     35                    10.8            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     36               C     35                    10.8            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S09   mnd     36               D     35                    10.8            32                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             OTM-09-MND-11.0m-D    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Is this microsnail alive?  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     2                A     2                     0.5             1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-10-MND-0.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no notes on cyanobacteria at this site  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     2                B     2                     0.5             1                    Polycarpa                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-10-MND-0.5m-B     OTM-10-MND-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     2                C     2                     0.5             1                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Spirorbid                                                                                             mangrove roots                            OTM-10-MND-0.5m-C     OTM-10-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     2                D     2                     0.5             1                    Cream Tethya                              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-10-MND-0.5m-D     OTM-10-MND-0.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     7                A     7                     2               4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-10-MND-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     7                B     7                     2               4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-10-MND-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     7                C     7                     2               4                    Fine branching green alga                 Aiptasia                                                                                              rock                                      OTM-10-MND-2.0m-C     OTM-10-MND-2.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     7                D     7                     2               4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-10-MND-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     11               A     12                    3.6             7                    Pink finger Haliclona                     Brittle star                                                                                          rock with layer of mud                    OTM-10-MND-3.5m-A     OTM-10-MND-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     11               B     12                    3.6             7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-10-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     11               C     12                    3.6             7                    Pompom alga                               Pink finger Haliclona                                                                                 rock with layer of mud                    OTM-10-MND-3.5m-C     OTM-10-MND-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     11               D     12                    3.6             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     16               A     16                    5               10                   Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of shelly mud             OTM-10-MND-5.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     16               B     16                    5               10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of shelly mud             OTM-10-MND-5.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     16               C     16                    5               10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of shelly mud             OTM-10-MND-5.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     16               D     16                    5               10                   Bat star                                  nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of shelly mud             OTM-10-MND-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     21               A     21                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     21               B     21                    6.5             13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   OTM-10-MND-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     21               C     21                    6.5             13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   OTM-10-MND-6.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     21               D     21                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     26               A     26                    8               16                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-10-MND-8.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     26               B     26                    8               16                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-10-MND-8.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     26               C     26                    8               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     26               D     26                    8               16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     31               A     31                    9.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment; no microsnails in vicinity  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     31               B     31                    9.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment; no microsnails in vicinity  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     31               C     31                    9.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment; no microsnails in vicinity  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     31               D     31                    9.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment; no microsnails in vicinity  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     36               A     36                    11              23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment; no microsnails in vicinity  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     36               B     36                    11              23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment; no microsnails in vicinity  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     36               C     36                    11              23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment; no microsnails in vicinity  
141107     2014-11-07    S10   mnd     36               D     36                    11              23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent sediment; no microsnails in vicinity  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            3                    Yellow tufty sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          mud with shell                            OTM-11-MND-0.5m-A     OTM-11-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            3                    Yellow fuzzy sponge                       Brittle star                                                                                          mud with shell                            OTM-11-MND-0.5m-B     OTM-11-MND-0.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            3                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                Yellow tufty sponge; Brittle star                                                                     mud with shell                            OTM-11-MND-0.5m-C     OTM-11-MND-0.5m-Ci    OTM-11-MND-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     7                A     7                     2.13            7                    Lavender tendril Haliclona                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-11-MND-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     7                B     7                     2.13            7                    Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-11-MND-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     7                C     7                     2.13            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-11-MND-2.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     7                D     7                     2.13            7                    Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-11-MND-2.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     11               A     11                    3.35            11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              OTM-11-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     11               B     11                    3.35            11                   Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              OTM-11-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     11               C     11                    3.35            11                   Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mud and wood                              OTM-11-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     11               D     11                    3.35            11                   Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          mud and wood                              OTM-11-MND-3.5m-D     OTM-11-MND-3.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Seems to be one worm in one tube; family is a guess based on other worms found; Also two microscopic crustaceans in here (but not counted, as this size-level not counted previously)  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leag                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leag                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leag                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            21                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leag                   OTM-11-MND-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     21               A     20                    6.1             32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     21               B     20                    6.1             32                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       OTM-11-MND-6.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     21               C     20                    6.1             32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S11   mnd     21               D     20                    6.1             32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat  
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Aiptasia                                  Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            OTM-12-MND-0.5m-A     OTM-12-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Suberites                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-12-MND-0.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Aiptasia                                  Fine branching green alga;  Brachidontes                                                              mangrove roots                            OTM-12-MND-0.5m-C     OTM-12-MND-0.5m-Ci    OTM-12-MND-0.5m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Avrainvillea                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            OTM-12-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     7                A     6                     1.83            3                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             rock with mud, deep in depression         OTM-12-MND-2.0m-A     OTM-12-MND-2.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     7                B     6                     1.83            3                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with mud, deep in depression         OTM-12-MND-2.0m-B     OTM-12-MND-2.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     7                C     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud, deep in depression         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in muddy depression  
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     7                D     6                     1.83            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud, deep in depression         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in muddy depression  
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     11               A     10                    3.05            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-MND-3.5m-A     OTM-12-MND-3.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     11               B     10                    3.05            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-12-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     11               C     10                    3.05            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-12-MND-3.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     11               D     10                    3.05            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-12-MND-3.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     16               A     15                    4.57            7                    Stephanoscyphus                           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-MND-5.0m-A     OTM-12-MND-5.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     16               B     15                    4.57            7                    Purple Dendrilla                          Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-MND-5.0m-B     OTM-12-MND-5.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     16               C     15                    4.57            7                    Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-12-MND-5.0m-C     OTM-12-MND-5.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     16               D     15                    4.57            7                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-12-MND-5.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     21               A     20                    6.1             9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            OTM-12-MND-6.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This site under an overhang  
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     21               B     20                    6.1             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     21               C     20                    6.1             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     21               D     20                    6.1             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     26               A     27                    8.23            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     26               B     27                    8.23            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     26               C     27                    8.23            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     26               D     27                    8.23            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     31               A     31                    9.45            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     31               B     31                    9.45            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     31               C     31                    9.45            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     31               D     31                    9.45            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with wood                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     36               A     37                    11.28           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     36               B     37                    11.28           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     36               C     37                    11.28           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S12   mnd     36               D     37                    11.28           17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Cream pink pimply sponge                  Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      OTM-13-MND-0.5m-A     OTM-13-MND-0.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Errant nereid; Pink Cliona                                                                            rock                                      OTM-13-MND-0.5m-B     OTM-13-MND-0.5m-Bi    OTM-13-MND-0.5m-Bii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Lavender tendril Haliclona                                                                            rock                                      OTM-13-MND-0.5m-C     OTM-13-MND-0.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      OTM-13-MND-0.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     7                A     7                     2.13            5                    Aiptasia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-13-MND-2.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     7                B     7                     2.13            5                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-13-MND-2.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     7                C     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          rock with layer of mud                    OTM-13-MND-2.0m-C     OTM-13-MND-2.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     7                D     7                     2.13            5                    Brittle star                              Fine branching green alga; Aiptasia                                                                   rock with layer of mud                    OTM-13-MND-2.0m-D     OTM-13-MND-2.0m-Di    OTM-13-MND-2.0m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     11               A     11                    3.35            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-13-MND-3.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     11               B     11                    3.35            7                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    OTM-13-MND-3.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     11               C     11                    3.35            7                    Pompom alga                               Bat star                                                                                              rock with layer of mud                    OTM-13-MND-3.5m-C     OTM-13-MND-3.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     11               D     11                    3.35            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with layer of mud                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     16               A     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Firm sediment with some chunks of limestone  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     16               B     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Firm sediment with some chunks of limestone  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     16               C     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Firm sediment with some chunks of limestone  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     16               D     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and leaf                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Firm sediment with some chunks of limestone  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Firm sediment with rock pieces  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Firm sediment with rock pieces  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Firm sediment with rock pieces  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Firm sediment with rock pieces  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Firm sediment  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Firm sediment  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Firm sediment  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Firm sediment  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     31               A     31                    9.45            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Flocculent sediment  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     31               B     31                    9.45            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Flocculent sediment  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     31               C     31                    9.45            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Flocculent sediment  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     31               D     31                    9.45            23                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             OTM-13-MND-9.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Flocculent sediment  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     36               A     37                    11.28           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Flocculent sediment; Some microsnails in vicinity on leaves but none in transect  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     36               B     37                    11.28           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Flocculent sediment; Some microsnails in vicinity on leaves but none in transect  
141109     2014-11-09    S13   mnd     36               C     37                    11.28           29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacterial mat; Flocculent sediment; Some microsnails in vicinity on leaves but none in transect  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
SLM      Spooky_Lake_Mecherchar             7.1528    134.3635   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distances measured from the surface  
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.3m-B     SLM-02-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.3m-C     SLM-02-HFS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    undercut of rock  
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-02-HFS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-03-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-03-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-03-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-03-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-03-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-03-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-A     SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Orange red inferno Suberites              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-B     SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Orange red inferno Suberites              Fine branching green alga; Brachidontes                                                               mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-C     SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-Ci    SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-D     SLM-04-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under cyanobacteria  
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under cyanobacteria  
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    under cyanobacteria  
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.7                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.6m-D     SLM-04-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-04-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect distances adjustment for water line estimated; 20 cm up on slope, then 30 cm vertical  
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud and leaf litter layer       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mudh and shell layer            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-06-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-06-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-06-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud with shell and leaf litter layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    80 cm initially, then transect shifted up so that original 10 cm became new 90 cm distance, making original 80 cm not 1.6 m  
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud with shell and leaf litter layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud with shell and leaf litter layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud with shell and leaf litter layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-07-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-07-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.7                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-07-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.6m-A     SLM-10-HFS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-10-HFS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-14-HFS-0.3m-A     SLM-14-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-14-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-14-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-14-HFS-0.3m-D     SLM-14-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-14-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Orange red inferno Suberites              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-14-HFS-0.6m-C     SLM-14-HFS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mangrove root                             SLM-14-HFS-0.6m-D     SLM-14-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-14-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes; Maroon dendro sponge                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-A     SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-Ai    SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-B     SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-C     SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-D     SLM-01-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.4                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud and shell                             SLM-01-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.3                  Microsnail                                Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      SLM-01-LMS-0.9m-C     SLM-01-LMS-0.9m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-05-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      SLM-05-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-05-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.1                  Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      SLM-05-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.1                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-05-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.1                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-05-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-05-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.4                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.4                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.4                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.4                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    fine mangrove root and mud                SLM-09-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove roots were fine shoots with mangrove detritus  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mangrove root and mud                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove roots were fine shoots with mangrove detritus  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mangrove root and mud                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove roots were fine shoots with mangrove detritus  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine mangrove root and mud                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove roots were fine shoots with mangrove detritus  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.4                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.3m-A     SLM-11-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.4                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.4                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.4                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Microsnail                                Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.9m-A     SLM-11-LMS-0.9m-Ai    SLM-11-LMS-0.9m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove roots were fine shoots with mangrove detritus; two Microsnails A and Ai, Brachidontes in Aii  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove roots were fine shoots with mangrove detritus  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove roots were fine shoots with mangrove detritus  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-LMS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mangrove roots were fine shoots with mangrove detritus  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLM-12-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Green turf alga                           Microsnail                                                                                            mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.7                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.7                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.7                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-13-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   SLM-02-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   SLM-02-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   SLM-02-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLM-03-MAF-0.3m-C     SLM-03-MAF-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLM-03-MAF-0.3m-D     SLM-03-MAF-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-03-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-03-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-03-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge                                                                                  mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.3m-B     SLM-04-MAF-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Gold thin felty encrusting sponge                                                                     mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.3m-D     SLM-04-MAF-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.6m-A     SLM-04-MAF-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.9m-A     SLM-04-MAF-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.3m-A     SLM-06-MAF-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.3m-C     SLM-06-MAF-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Yellow boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Orange boring sponge? barcode  
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.6m-B     SLM-06-MAF-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.6m-C     SLM-06-MAF-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.9m-A     SLM-06-MAF-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       rock                                      SLM-06-MAF-0.9m-D     SLM-06-MAF-0.9m-DI    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLM-07-MAF-0.3m-B     SLM-07-MAF-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-07-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-07-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.6m-A     SLM-10-MAF-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-10-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.6                  Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.3m-A     SLM-14-MAF-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.6                  Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.3m-B     SLM-14-MAF-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.6                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.6m-A     SLM-14-MAF-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1.4                  Brachidontes                              Entacmaea                                                                                             mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.9m-A     SLM-14-MAF-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             1.4                  Green turf alga                           Entacmaea                                                                                             mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.9m-B     SLM-14-MAF-0.9m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1.4                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1.4                  Pompom alga                               Entacmaea                                                                                             mangrove roots                            SLM-14-MAF-0.9m-D     SLM-14-MAF-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf wood mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf wood mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf wood mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf wood mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            2.6                  Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Specimen lost  
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3.5                  Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-02-MND-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S02   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly mud                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              Brachidontes; Maroon dendro sponge                                                                    wood                                      SLM-03-MND-0.3m-A     SLM-03-MND-0.3m-Ai    SLM-03-MND-0.3m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-03-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Malformed and relatively strong shell, has it reinforced itself after damage? Is this a possibility in general in lake mussels?  
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-03-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes; Maroon dendro sponge                                                                    wood                                      SLM-03-MND-0.3m-D     SLM-03-MND-0.3m-Di    SLM-03-MND-0.3m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1.2                  Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-03-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1.2                  Brachidontes                              Scyphopolyp                                                                                           wood                                      nd                    SLM-03-MND-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Missing Nrachidontes sample  
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1.2                  Brachidontes                              Pompom alga                                                                                           wood                                      SLM-03-MND-0.6m-C     SLM-03-MND-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-03-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S03   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-03-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Yellow encrusting pin cushion sponge      nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge                                                                                  mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.3m-B     SLM-04-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.3m-D     SLM-04-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.6m-B     SLM-04-MND-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    open water under mangroves                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S04   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1.2                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-04-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.4                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              Yellow boring sponge                                                                                  rock                                      SLM-06-MND-0.3m-A     SLM-06-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.4                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Yellow boring sponge                                                                                  rock                                      SLM-06-MND-0.3m-B     SLM-06-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.4                  Brachidontes                              Yellow boring sponge                                                                                  rock                                      SLM-06-MND-0.3m-C     SLM-06-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.4                  Brachidontes                              Yellow boring sponge                                                                                  rock                                      SLM-06-MND-0.3m-D     SLM-06-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-06-MND-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S06   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-07-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-07-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-07-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-07-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-07-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S07   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-07-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.4                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-10-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.4                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-10-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.4                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-10-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.4                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-10-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.7                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-10-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.7                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-10-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-10-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S10   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            0.9                  Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    mangrove root mat                         SLM-10-MND-0.9m-D     SLM-10-MND-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Additional microsnail in tube i.  
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge                                                                                  wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.3m-C     SLM-14-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.3m-D     SLM-14-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S14   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1.9                  Brachidontes                              Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       wood                                      SLM-14-MND-0.9m-D     SLM-14-MND-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-01-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-01-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-01-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLM-01-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-01-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-01-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLM-01-MRS-0.6m-C     SLM-01-MRS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-01-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-01-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-01-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-01-MRS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-01-MRS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-05-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-05-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLM-05-MRS-0.3m-D     SLM-05-MRS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Maroon dendro sponge                      Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLM-05-MRS-0.6m-A     SLM-05-MRS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLM-05-MRS-0.6m-B     SLM-05-MRS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Entacmaea                                 Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLM-05-MRS-0.6m-C     SLM-05-MRS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             log                                       SLM-05-MRS-0.6m-D     SLM-05-MRS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Entacmaea                                 nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            SLM-05-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S05   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Orange red inferno Suberites              Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLM-08-MRS-0.3m-A     SLM-08-MRS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLM-08-MRS-0.3m-D     SLM-08-MRS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S08   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-09-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLM-09-MRS-0.3m-B     SLM-09-MRS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-09-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-09-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-09-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Errant nereid                                                                                         log                                       SLM-09-MRS-0.6m-D     SLM-09-MRS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S09   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and mud                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-11-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S11   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.6m-C     SLM-12-MRS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-12-MRS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S12   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-13-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-13-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.2                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-13-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-13-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-13-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-13-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-13-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             0.9                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLM-13-MRS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S13   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             0.9                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.8                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-01-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.8                  Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-01-SWK-0.3m-B     SLM-01-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.8                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-01-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.8                  Beige soft tubular Haliclona              nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-01-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            2.1                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branch                        SLM-01-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            2.1                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          fallen tree branch                        SLM-01-SWK-0.6m-B     SLM-01-SWK-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            2.1                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          fallen tree branch                        SLM-01-SWK-0.6m-C     SLM-01-SWK-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            2.1                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          fallen tree branch                        SLM-01-SWK-0.6m-D     SLM-01-SWK-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-01-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-01-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-01-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S01   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-01-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.1                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-05-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.1                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-05-SWK-0.3m-C     SLM-05-SWK-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.1                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-05-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-05-SWK-0.6m-B     SLM-05-SWK-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-05-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1.7                  Green turf alga                           Microsnail                                                                                            mangrove root                             SLM-05-SWK-0.9m-A     SLM-05-SWK-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1.7                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-05-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S05   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.45                 Orange red inferno Suberites              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.45                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.45                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.45                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.85                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.85                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.85                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.85                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-08-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S08   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1.1                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.2                  Maroon dendro sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-09-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-09-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.2                  Brachidontes                              Maroon dendro sponge                                                                                  rock                                      SLM-09-SWK-0.3m-C     SLM-09-SWK-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.2                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLM-09-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S09   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.4                  Maroon dendro sponge                      Cream grey Dendrilla; Green turf alga; Errant nereid; Brachidontes                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-A     SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-Ai    SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-Aii   SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-Aiii  SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-Aiv   nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.4                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-B     SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.4                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.4                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.8                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-11-SWK-0.6m-A     SLM-11-SWK-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.8                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-11-SWK-0.6m-B     SLM-11-SWK-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.8                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-11-SWK-0.6m-C     SLM-11-SWK-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-11-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-11-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-11-SWK-0.9m-C     SLM-11-SWK-0.9m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S11   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         SLM-11-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.25                 Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.25                 Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.25                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.25                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLM-12-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLM-12-SWK-0.6m-A     SLM-12-SWK-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150713     2015-07-13    S12   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with leaf and shell fragments         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150714     2015-07-14    S13   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.45                 Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150715     2015-07-15    S13   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.45                 Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150716     2015-07-16    S13   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.45                 Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150717     2015-07-17    S13   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.45                 Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150718     2015-07-18    S13   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.6m-A     SLM-13-SWK-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150719     2015-07-19    S13   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150720     2015-07-20    S13   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150721     2015-07-21    S13   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150722     2015-07-22    S13   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150723     2015-07-23    S13   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150724     2015-07-24    S13   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
150725     2015-07-25    S13   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        SLM-13-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect distance measured using PVC transect, 0 is at the surface of the water  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
SLN      Shrimp_Lake_Ngeruktabl             7.2562    134.4458   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            5.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on branch, ran from 5.3 up to 05 on transect line  
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            5.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            5.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            5.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-HFS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in cave/tunnel; Ai tube empty  
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Green grey slippery sponge                                                                            rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-B     SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green grey slippery sponge                Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-C     SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-A     SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in cave/tunnel  
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-B     SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    transect hangs straight from 0m to 0.75 m  
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-04-HFS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.6                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tied in at 0 m, but about 4 inches below surface of water  
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.6                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-B     SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-C     SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.6                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-D     SLN-06-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     4                A     4                     1.22            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-1.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     4                B     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     4                C     4                     1.22            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   HFS     4                D     4                     1.22            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-HFS-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-A     SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-B     SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian; Brachidontes                                                         mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-C     SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Ci    SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-D     SLN-07-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    White rosette colonial ascidian           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-B     SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-C     SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-D     SLN-07-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            2.5                  Scyphopolyp                               Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      SLN-07-HFS-0.9m-A     SLN-07-HFS-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga seen below surface, but none at time of transfer  
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-07-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            2.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-07-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            2.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       rock                                      SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-A     SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    in overhang/tunnel  
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Burnt sienna thick soft sponge; Purple tube sponge                                                    rock                                      SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-C     SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-Ci    SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Orange thick soft sponge potentially a dead/dying Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona, based on Loris database - found some with translucent rose color and unsure if dead/dying or just that color. Purple tube sponge may be a Haliclona given oscules; nothing like it in database  
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       rock                                      SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-D     SLN-08-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2ft + a couple inches  
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     3                A     2.75                  0.84            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    just out of chemocline  
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     3                B     2.75                  0.84            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     3                C     2.75                  0.84            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   HFS     3                D     2.75                  0.84            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-A     SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-C     SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-D     SLN-12-HFS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Scyphopolyp                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-A     SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    4 polyps  
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-B     SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               Scyphopolyp                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-C     SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 polyps  
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Scyphopolyp                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-D     SLN-12-HFS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    2 polyps  
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.6                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.6                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    dissolved in tube  
150704     2015-07-04    S12   HFS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.6                  Brachidontes                              Scyphopolyp                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-D     SLN-12-HFS-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    4 polyps  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Microsnail                                                                                            mangrove root                             SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-A     SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; forgot to take close up pictures  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; forgot to take close up pictures  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; forgot to take close up pictures  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; forgot to take close up pictures  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     4                A     4                     1.22            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     4                B     4                     1.22            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     4                C     4                     1.22            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   LMS     4                D     4                     1.22            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf litter                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, it seemed turfy but could be something else; transect line bent here so I cold get horizontal to stick to wall  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, it seemed turfy but could be something else; transect line bent here so I cold get horizontal to stick to wall  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; transect line bent here so I cold get horizontal to stick to wall  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, it seemed turfy but could be something else; transect line bent here so I cold get horizontal to stick to wall  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            5                    Hydrozoan feather polyp                   nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       SLN-05-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; collected polyps with leaf  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            8                    Green turf alga                           Nongammarid amphipod                                                                                  wood                                      SLN-05-LMS-0.9m-D     SLN-05-LMS-0.9m-Di    SLN-05-LMS-0.9m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; found amphipod after digging through alga back in lab; does not appear to be the common gammarid we see; one amphipod per tube  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.3m-B     SLN-09-LMS-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-B     SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-C     SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-D     SLN-09-LMS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            5                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-09-LMS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-D     SLN-11-LMS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          wood                                      SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-A     SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-11-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S11   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, barcode  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; ID uncertain, barcode  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-13-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S13   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf litter and mud                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             0.333333333          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             0.333333333          nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             0.333333333          Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             0.333333333          Glass shrimp                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     2                A     2                     0.61            0.666666667          Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     2                B     2                     0.61            0.666666667          Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     2                C     2                     0.61            0.666666667          Green turf alga                           Speedy mesosnail                                                                                      wood                                      SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-C     SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated; might be equivalent to OTM058 Tiny speedy gastropod  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     2                D     2                     0.61            0.666666667          Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-14-LMS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-LMS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   LMS     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    depth estimated  
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             6                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             6                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-02-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with mangorves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with mangroves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Brachidontes                              Burnt sienna thick soft sponge                                                                        mud with mangroves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.3m-C     SLN-04-MAF-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangroves                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with mangroves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           Burnt sienna thick soft sponge                                                                        mud with mangroves                        SLN-04-MAF-0.6m-B     SLN-04-MAF-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with mangroves                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.8                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             1                    Green turf alga                           Yellow ostia sponge                                                                                   mud                                       SLN-04-MAF-0.9m-A     SLN-04-MAF-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-D     SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Di    SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Dii   SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Diii  SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Div   SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Dv    SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Dvi   SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Dvii  nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mud                                       SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-D     SLN-06-MAF-0.9m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.3                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    empty tube  
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.3                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             3.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             3.5                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-B     SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             3.5                  Green grey slippery sponge                Scyphopolyp; Brachidontes; Yellow knobbly encrusting sponge                                           mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-C     SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-Ci    SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-Cii   SLN-06-MAF-0.3m-Diii  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             3.5                  Green grey slippery sponge                nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-07-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             7.5                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mud                                       SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-A     SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             7.5                  Brachidontes                              Green turf alga                                                                                       mud                                       SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-B     SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             7.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             7.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-08-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             5                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             5                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-10-MAF-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.7                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.7                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.7                  Green turf alga                           Beige grey encrusting Halisarca                                                                       mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.3m-C     SLN-12-MAF-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.7                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     2                A     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     2                B     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     2                C     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     2                D     nd                    0.6             0.8                  Green turf alga                           Brown red alga worm                                                                                   mud                                       SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-D     SLN-12-MAF-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     3                A     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     3                B     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     3                C     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MAF     3                D     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mangrove root                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mangrove root                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mangrove root                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mangrove root                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf and mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf and mud                     SLN-02-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf and mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood and leaf and mud                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf  and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf  and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf  and mud                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S02   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            6                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    wood                                      SLN-02-MND-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No sample of green stain  
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-04-MND-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S04   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.3m-A     SLN-06-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Or is this filamentous?  
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     4                A     4                     1.22            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     4                B     4                     1.22            2                    Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-1.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     4                C     4                     1.22            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S06   MND     4                D     4                     1.22            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-06-MND-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.3m-A     SLN-07-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.3m-C     SLN-07-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.3m-D     SLN-07-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1.75                 Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1.75                 Orange yellow encrusting sponge           Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.6m-B     SLN-07-MND-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1.75                 Yellow knobbly encrusting sponge          Pompom alga                                                                                           mangrove root                             SLN-07-MND-0.6m-C     SLN-07-MND-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1.75                 nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S07   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  White rosette colonial ascidian           Orange boring sponge; Brachidontes                                                                    rock                                      SLN-08-MND-0.3m-A     SLN-08-MND-0.3m-Ai    SLN-08-MND-0.3m-Aii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Brachidontes                              Orange boring sponge                                                                                  rock                                      SLN-08-MND-0.3m-B     SLN-08-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green grey slippery sponge                Black brown encrusting sponge                                                                         rock                                      SLN-08-MND-0.3m-C     SLN-08-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Orange boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-08-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S08   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and leaf                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     1                A     0                     0               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     1                B     0                     0               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     1                C     0                     0               0                    Beige grey encrusting Halisarca           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-10-MND-0.3m-C     SLN-10-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     1                D     0                     0               0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     2                A     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     2                B     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     2                C     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     2                D     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     3                A     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     3                B     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     3                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S10   MND     3                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    SLN-12-MND-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S12   MND     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root and leaf                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove roots                            SLN-01-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-01-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-01-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-01-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     4                A     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     4                B     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     4                C     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   MRS     4                D     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             0.5                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-03-MRS-0.3m-A     SLN-03-MRS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             0.5                  White rosette colonial ascidian           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             0.5                  White rosette colonial ascidian           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Scyphopolyp                               Orange yellow encrusting sponge                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-B     SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Orange yellow encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-03-MRS-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-05-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-05-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-05-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-05-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-05-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-05-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-05-MRS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-05-MRS-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-09-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-09-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-09-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-09-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-09-MRS-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-09-MRS-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-09-MRS-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-11-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-11-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-11-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-11-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.5             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Green turf alga                                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-C     SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-13-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             3                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             3                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-D     SLN-13-MRS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             5                    Brachidontes                              Yellow knobbly encrusting sponge                                                                      log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-A     SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             5                    Brachidontes                              Yellow knobbly encrusting sponge; Pompom alga                                                         log                                       SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-C     SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-Ci    SLN-13-MRS-0.9m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    log                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove roots                            SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             1                    Green turf alga                           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove roots                            SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-D     SLN-14-MRS-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     2                A     nd                    0.6             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-A     SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     2                B     nd                    0.6             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-B     SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     2                C     nd                    0.6             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-C     SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     2                D     nd                    0.6             2                    Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          log                                       SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-D     SLN-14-MRS-0.6m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     3                A     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     3                B     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     3                C     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   MRS     3                D     nd                    0.9             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mangrove root  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1.25                 Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1.25                 Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1.25                 Green turf alga                           Super fine branching green alga                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-C     SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mangrove root  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1.25                 Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     4                A     4                     1.22            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     4                B     4                     1.22            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     4                C     4                     1.22            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-1.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mangrove root  
150704     2015-07-04    S01   SWK     4                D     4                     1.22            1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-01-SWK-1.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On mangrove root  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with mud layer                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-03-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On rock  
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S03   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             Off                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes                                                                                          rock                                      SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-A     SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Transect done under overhang and vertical transect line would not stay Tan thin patchy encrusting sponge encrusting on Brachidontes, Brachidontes collected as secondary   
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             Off                  Brachidontes                              Green stain                                                                                           rock                                      SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-B     SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green stain on rock, collected as secondary Bi  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             Off                  Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           Brachidontes; Green stain                                                                             rock                                      SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-C     SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Ci    SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Cii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tan thin patchy encrusting sponge encrusting on Brachidontes, Brachidontes collected as secondary Ci; Green stain collected as Cii  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             Off                  Brachidontes                              Green stain                                                                                           rock                                      SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-D     SLN-05-SWK-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green stain on rock, collected as secondary Di  
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S05   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            7                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         SLN-05-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Collected on decaying wood, unsure if green turf  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             1.5                  Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-B     SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             1.5                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             1.5                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            Off                  Pompom alga                               Brachidontes                                                                                          mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-A     SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            Off                  Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            Off                  Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            Off                  Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            2                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            2                    Scyphopolyp                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Several Scyphopolyps on piece of mangrove  
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S09   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-09-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            3                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            3                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            3                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            3                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            5                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.9m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            5                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.9m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            5                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.9m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150704     2015-07-04    S11   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            5                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-11-SWK-0.9m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Alga collected on fallen tree branches   
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.25                 Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.25                 Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.25                 Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.25                 Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      SLN-13-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-13-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    fallen tree branches                      SLN-13-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S13   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with decaying leaves and wood         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0.5                  Super fine branching green alga           Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-A     SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Super fine branching green alga was on the front of the mangrove root, the Tan thorny encrusting Haliclona was located on the oposite side of the root.  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0.5                  Super fine branching green alga           White rosette colonial ascidian                                                                       mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-B     SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Super fine branching green alga was on the front of the mangrove root, the White rosette colonial ascidian was located on the oposite side of the root.  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0.5                  Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Hydrozoan feather polyp                   nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Several Hydrozoan feather polyp on  leaf  
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Super fine branching green alga           nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pompom alga                               nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             SLN-14-SWK-0.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     3                A     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mangrove root                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     3                B     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and decaying mangrove roots           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     3                C     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and decaying mangrove roots           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150705     2015-07-05    S14   SWK     3                D     3                     0.91            1.5                  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud and decaying mangrove roots           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
TLN      T-Lake_Ngeruktabl                  7.3078    134.4420   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    White Tethya                              Brittle star                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White Tethya (1A), Brittle star (1Ai)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1B), Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Brachidontes                              Bright yellow mesh sponge                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed from "Yellow holey sponge" to "Yellow translucent tubular sponge" when transcribing after looking at photo and then to "Bright yellow mesh sponge" after discussion with Mike; Brachidontes (1Ci), Yellow translucent tubular sponge (1C)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Orange lobed mound sponge                 Orange lip gastropod                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Orange lumpy spongy sponge (1D) changed name to Orange lobed mound sponge after discussion with Mike and Shawn, Orange lip gastropod (1Di)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     5                A     7                     2.13            3                    Brachidontes                              Yellow felty sponge; Inverted hershey kiss eggcase                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Originally had Nereid tube worm in notes but no tissue found in tubes; Brachidontes (2A), Yellow felty sponge (2Ai), changed "Mollusc egg case" (2Aii) to "Inverted hershey kiss eggcase" after discussion with Mike  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     5                B     7                     2.13            3                    Brachidontes                              Yellow felty sponge; Nereid tube worm; Brittle star                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (2B), Yellow felty sponge (2Bi), Brittle star (2Bii), Nereid tube worm (2Biii)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     5                C     7                     2.13            3                    Mustard encrusting hairy sponge           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No brachidontes tissue  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     5                D     7                     2.13            3                    Brachidontes                              Yellow felty sponge                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Originally had Nereid tube worm in notes but no tissue found in tubes; Brachidontes (2D), Yellow felty sponge (2Di)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     9                A     10                    3.05            4                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3A), Nereid tube worm (3Ai)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     9                B     10                    3.05            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf   
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     9                C     10                    3.05            4                    Brachidontes                              Long armed star; Nereid tube worm; Orange smooth encrusting sponge                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3Ci) primary organism with all others on it; Long armed star (3C); Nereid tube worm (3Cii); Orange smooth encrusting sponge (3Ciii)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     9                D     10                    3.05            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Lost specimen, lid popped open  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm (4Ai), Brachidontes (4A)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell; no tissue sample collected, did not see Nereid tube worm tubes until reviewing photo  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     23               A     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     23               B     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     23               C     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     23               D     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell / leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf; forgot to take close photo  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf; forgot to take close photo  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf; forgot to take close photo  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf; forgot to take close photo  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stick / mud  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud /stick  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     5                A     7                     2.13            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     5                B     7                     2.13            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; changed notes from Fine Pompom alga to Fine branching green alga  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     5                C     7                     2.13            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; changed notes from Fine Pompom alga to Fine branching green alga; the other part of the picture with small circular parts could be a green boring sponge, alga, or possibly an anemone.  Did not collect tissue, did not see it until I looked back at the photo.  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     5                D     7                     2.13            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     9                A     10                    3.05            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes; Nereid tube worm                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure; changed notes from Fine Pompom alga to Fine branching green alga; changed notes from Fine Pompom alga to Fine branching green alga; Fine branching green alga (3Ai), Brachidontes (3A), Nereid tube worm (3Aii)  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     9                B     10                    3.05            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    unsure; changed notes from Fine Pompom alga to Fine branching green alga  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     9                C     10                    3.05            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     9                D     10                    3.05            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed notes from Fine Pompom alga to Fine branching green alga  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; no polychaetes in mud tubes when searched when processing sampels  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (4Bi), Nereid tube worm (4B)  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf / shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     23               A     23                    7.01            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     23               B     23                    7.01            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     23               C     23                    7.01            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   lms     23               D     23                    7.01            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Peach encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Also an orange-ish sponge with a fuzzy looking siphon; tissue in same tube with Yellow paint sponge, could not separate; IDs unsure; changed 'translucent white sponge' to ' Yellow paint sponge' when transcribing notes  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Orange red felty encrusting sponge        Brachidontes; Yellow felty sponge; Nereid tube worm; Brittle star                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock; Orange red felty encrusting sponge (1Ciii - slimy) and Yellow felty sponge (1Cii) on Brachidontes (1Civ) with Nereid tube worm (1Ci) and Brittle star (1C) underneath  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1Di), Nereid tube worm (1D)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Brachidontes                              Yellow felty sponge; Nereid tube worm                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    4-5 feet deep because line ran from top and down the side of a large log. Dirty yellow encrusting sponge (2Aii) changed to 'Yellow felty sponge' on Brachidontes (2A) with Nereid tube worm (2Ai)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Brachidontes                              Yellow felty sponge                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    4-5 feet deep because line ran from top and down the side of a large log. Dirty yellow encrusting sponge (2Bi) changed to 'Yellow felty sponge' on Brachidontes (2B)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    4-5 feet deep because line ran from top and down the side of a large log.  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Brachidontes                              Yellow patch sponge                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    4-5 feet deep because line ran from top and down the side of a large log.  Brachidontes (2D), Yellow patch sponge (2Di)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Filamentous green alga                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3A), Filamentous green alga (3Ai)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3C), Nereid tube worm (3Ci)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Grey scaleworm; Nereid tube worm                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3D), Grey scaleworm (3Di), Nereid tube worm (3Dii)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4A), Microsnail (4Ai) (2)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm; Microsnail                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4B), Nereid tube worm (4Bii, ID unsure), Microsnails (4Bi) (7)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No microsnail present when transfer to tube; no Nereid tube worm in tubes  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm; Microsnail; Brachidontes                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4D), Nereid tube worm (4Di, ID unsure), Microsnails (4Dii) (2), no tissue for Brachidontes  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     16               A     17                    5.18            12                   Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed tiny grey snail with white tip to Microsnail when transcribing notes; Fine branching green alga (5A), Microsnail (5Ai)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     16               B     17                    5.18            12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     16               C     17                    5.18            12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Lost specimen, lid popped open  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     16               D     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     23               A     23                    7.01            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     23               B     23                    7.01            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     23               C     23                    7.01            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140620     2014-06-20    S03   lms     23               D     23                    7.01            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow felty sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow felty sponge (1A) on Brachidontes (1Ai)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           Red wiry alga                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga with Red wiry alga mixed in?  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed encrusting green alga to Green turf alga when transcribing notes  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Cerithium                                 Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cerithium with Green turf alga in same tube  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Yellow felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on shell under mud; Dirty yellow mustard sponge changed to Yellow felty sponge  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Yellow felty sponge                       Inverted hershey kiss eggcase                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dirty yellow mustard sponge (2D) changed to Yellow felty sponge on mussel shell with mollusc egg case (2Di) (2) changed to Inverted hershey kiss eggcase after discussion with Mike  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp; Nereid tube worm                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3A); Tiny shrimp (3Ai); Nereid tube worm (3Aii)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf   
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp; Nereid tube worm                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3C); Tiny shrimp (3Ci); Nereid tube worm (3Cii)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3C); Nereid tube worm (3Di); Brachidontes (3Dii)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     23               A     24                    7.32            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     23               B     24                    7.32            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     23               C     24                    7.32            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   lms     23               D     24                    7.32            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unsure.  Perhaps this tissue is the portion of the Yellow spaghetti sponge under the sediment?  Originally listed as Brown dirt fall apart sponge in field notes.  Can see spicules.  Probably same individual in B-D  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Probably same individual in B-D  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Probably same individual in B-D  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Brown grey squishy mud sponge                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3A), Brown grey squishy mud sponge (3Ai) encrusting on twig  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp; Brachidontes; Nereid tube worm; White patch sponge                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3Ci) (changed from Filamentous green alga when transcribing), Tiny shrimp (3Cii)(3); Brachidontes (3C); Nereid tube worm (3Ciii); White patch sponge (3Civ)  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3D), Nereid tube worm (3Di)  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf / mud  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    stick / mud  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf   
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes; Nereid tube worm                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2B); Nereid tube worm (2Bii); Brachidontes (2Bi)  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2C); Brachidontes (2Ci)  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm tubes, no tissue  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on log  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on log  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Yellow felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sponge encrusting on underside of log; Dirty yellow mustard sponge changed to Yellow felty sponge  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail; Cerithium                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell Fine branching green alga (4B), Microsnails (4Bi) (4), Cerithium (4Bii)  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            14                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     23               A     23                    7.01            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     23               B     23                    7.01            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     23               C     23                    7.01            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   lms     23               D     23                    7.01            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm tubes, no tissue  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1B), Fine branching green alga (1Bi), no worm in Sandcastle tubes  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Orange boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Looked different from orange Cliona.  Smaller and a different shade of orange and no open siphon  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Brachidontes                              White tubular sponge; Inverted hershey kiss eggcase                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1D), White tubular sponge (1Di); Mollusc egg case (1Dii) (2) changed to Inverted hershey kiss eggcase after discussion with Mike  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            12                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud /shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            12                   Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This Green stain seemed different from the turf alga, it could not be scraped off and it was just a green color in the wood  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            22                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            22                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     20               A     19                    5.79            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     20               B     19                    5.79            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     20               C     19                    5.79            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S07   lms     20               D     19                    5.79            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Brown grey squishy mud sponge             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed name when transcribing notes, was 'dirty brown sponge'; the sponge was inside an empty mussel shell; can see spicules and comes apart easily  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    Brachidontes                              Microsnail; Nereid tube worm                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; Brachidontes (2A); Microsnail (2Ai); Nereid tube worm (2Aii)  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            11                   Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm (3Ci), Brachidontes (3C)  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            18                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            18                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     16               A     17                    5.18            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     16               B     17                    5.18            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     16               C     17                    5.18            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   lms     16               D     17                    5.18            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (2A), Nereid tube worm (2Ai)  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    microsnail shell and mud tubes.  No live snails or worms.  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            13                   Brachidontes                              Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3A), Microsnail (3Ai)  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            20                   Microsnail                                Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microsnail (4A), Brachidontes (4Ai)  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            20                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     T27              A     16                    4.88            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     T27              B     16                    4.88            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     T27              C     16                    4.88            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     T27              D     16                    4.88            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S09   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            34                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           Mixed turf algae                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Less than 2 feet depth; possibly Green turf alga and Fine branching green alga? Same tube  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           Mixed turf algae                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Less than 2 feet depth; possibly Green turf alga and Fine branching green alga? Same tube  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           Mixed turf algae                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Less than 2 feet depth; possibly Green turf alga and Fine branching green alga? Same tube  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Green turf alga                           Brown film sponge                                                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Less than 2 feet depth; Green turf alga (1D), Brown film sponge (1Di) 2014-06-30 12.46.56.jpg and see extra picture of nearby sponge  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     5                A     7                     2.13            12                   Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     5                B     7                     2.13            12                   Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2B); Nereid tube worm (2Bi)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     5                C     7                     2.13            12                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     5                D     7                     2.13            12                   Fine branching green alga                 Candy cane worm; Microsnail                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2D), Candy cane worm (2Di), Microsnail (2Dii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     9                A     10                    3.05            22                   Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp; Nereid tube worm                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3A), Tiny shrimp (3Ai), Nereid tube worm (3Aii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     9                B     10                    3.05            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     9                C     10                    3.05            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud and shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     9                D     10                    3.05            22                   Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp; Nereid tube worm                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3D), Tiny shrimp (3Di), Nereid tube worm (3Dii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     T28              A     12                    3.66            32                   Filamentous green alga                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T30m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     T28              B     12                    3.66            32                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T30m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     T28              C     12                    3.66            32                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T30m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     T28              D     12                    3.66            32                   Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp; Microsnail                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T30m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Fine branching green alga (T32D), Tiny shrimp (T32Di), Microsnail (T32Dii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     T38              A     11                    3.35            42                   Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp; Candy cane worm                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T40m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Fine branching green alga (T42mA), Tiny shrimp (T42mAi), Candy cane worm (worm-like appendages only) (T42mAii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     T38              B     11                    3.35            42                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T40m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Fine branching green alga (T42mB); Brachidontes (T42mBi)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     T38              C     11                    3.35            42                   Fine branching green alga                 Pseudo Cerithium; Fast red polychaete; Microsnail                                                     nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T40m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Fine branching alga (T42mC), Pseudo Cerithium (T42mCi), Fast red polychaete (T42mCii); Microsnail (T42mCiii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     T38              D     11                    3.35            42                   Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp                                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T40m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Fine branching green alga (T42mD), Tiny shrimp (T42mDi)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            52                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4A); Brachidontes (4Ai)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            52                   Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp; Brachidontes; Microsnail                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4B), Tiny shrimp (4Bi), Brachidontes (4Bii), Microsnail (4Biii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            52                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            52                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4D); Brachidontes (4Di)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     16               A     15                    4.57            56                   Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (5A), Nereid tube worm (5Ai), Brachidontes (5Aii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     16               B     15                    4.57            56                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     16               C     15                    4.57            56                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes; Nereid tube worm                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (5C), Brachidontes (5Ci), Nereid tube worm (5Cii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     16               D     15                    4.57            56                   Microsnail                                Tiny shrimp                                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microsnail (5D), Tiny shrimp (5Di)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             71                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 15m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             71                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 15m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             71                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 15m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             71                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 15m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     23               A     23                    7.01            79                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 23m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     23               B     23                    7.01            79                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 23m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     23               C     23                    7.01            79                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 23m); mud / leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     23               D     23                    7.01            79                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 23m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 29m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 29m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 29m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            85                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Approx. transect distance, restarted transect line at end of 16 foot depth and then added to end of previous line (56m + 29m); mud  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm; Dinky orange ascidian                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dinky orange ascidian (1A), Nereid tube worm (1Ai), Brachidontes (1Aii); rock  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Brown grey smooth sponge; Nereid tube worm                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown grey smooth sponge (1B) (2014-06-30 15.53.32.jpg), Nereid tube worm (1Bi), Brachidontes (1Bii); rock  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Dirty white sponge                        Candy cane worm                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dirty white sponge (1C), Candy cane worm (1Ci); rock  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Dirty white sponge                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on rock  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     5                A     6                     1.83            3                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     5                B     6                     1.83            3                    Bright yellow mesh sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     5                C     6                     1.83            3                    Yellow felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     5                D     6                     1.83            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (2D), Nereid tube worm (2Di), Brachidontes (2Dii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Brachidontes                              Candy cane worm; Brittle star                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3B), Candy cane worm (3Bi), Brittle star (3Bii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Brachidontes                              Flat polychaete                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3C); Flat polychaete (3Ci)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Brittle star                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on dead Ctena; Brittle star (3D, 3Di, 3Dii), Nereid tube worm (3Diii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     13               A     14                    4.27            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     13               B     14                    4.27            9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     13               C     14                    4.27            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     13               D     14                    4.27            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     16               A     17                    5.18            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     16               B     17                    5.18            11                   Pseudo Cerithium                          Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     16               C     17                    5.18            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     16               D     17                    5.18            11                   Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     23               A     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     23               B     23                    7.01            17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    leaf   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     23               C     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud; no live microsnails  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     23               D     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1B), Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Dinky orange ascidian                     Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dinky orange ascidian (1C), Brachidontes (1Ci)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Dinky orange ascidian                     Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dinky orange ascidian (1D), Brachidontes (1Di)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Yellow felty sponge                       White hydroid; Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White hydroid (2Ai), Nereid tube worm (2Aii) and Yellow felty sponge (2Aiii) on Brachidontes (2A)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              Candy cane worm                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Candy cane worm (2Bi) in brachidontes (2B) byssal threads  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Orange felty sponge                       Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Orange felty sponge (2C) on Brachidontes (2Ci).  Sponge was gooey when I tried to scrape off mussel.  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Nereid tube worm                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3B), Yellow spaghetti sponge (3Bi), Nereid tube worm (3Bii)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3Ci), Nereid tube worm (3C)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (4Ai), Nereid tube worm (4A)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (4Bi), Nereid tube worm (4B)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    Nereid tube worm                          Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm (5A), Microsnail (5Ai)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    Long armed star                           Turban snail                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Snail possibly dead or almost dead, worst smelling snail ever, and end of whorl was broken; Long armed star (5C), Turban snail (5Ci)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud tubes, but no Nereids  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     23               A     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     23               B     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     23               C     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     23               D     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    shell / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     26               A     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     26               B     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     26               C     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S12   lms     26               D     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     2                A     2.5                   0.76            1                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth greater than 2 but less than 3 feet; leaf / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     2                B     2.5                   0.76            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth greater than 2 but less than 3 feet; leaf / mud / rock  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     2                C     2.5                   0.76            1                    Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth greater than 2 but less than 3 feet; leaf / mud  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     2                D     2.5                   0.76            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Depth greater than 2 but less than 3 feet; leaf / mud / shell  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Golf ball sponge                          Long armed star                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Golf ball sponge (2A), Long armed star (2Ai)  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (2B), Brachidontes (2Bi)  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Yellow felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed name when transcribing notes from "dirty yellow sponge"  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Yellow felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Changed name when transcribing notes from "dirty yellow sponge"  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Tiny shrimp                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / shell; microsnail shells  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     13               A     13                    3.96            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     13               B     13                    3.96            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     13               C     13                    3.96            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     13               D     13                    3.96            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     16               A     17                    5.18            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     16               B     17                    5.18            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     16               C     17                    5.18            24                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     16               D     17                    5.18            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     20               A     20                    6.1             34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     20               B     20                    6.1             34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     20               C     20                    6.1             34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   lms     20               D     20                    6.1             34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    mud / leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     2                A     3                     0.91            1                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     2                B     3                     0.91            1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     2                C     3                     0.91            1                    Orange red felty encrusting sponge        Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     2                D     3                     0.91            1                    Golf ball sponge                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Hard rough yellow sponge (Golf ball?)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     5                A     8                     2.44            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Long armed star; Brachidontes                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     5                B     8                     2.44            4                    Brachidontes                              Long armed star                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     5                C     8                     2.44            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     5                D     8                     2.44            4                    Brachidontes                              Brittle star; Long armed star                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     9                A     10                    3.05            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     9                B     10                    3.05            6                    Long armed star                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     9                C     10                    3.05            6                    Yellow spiculey dot sponge                Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     9                D     10                    3.05            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    If dig into sediment, there are,zero live  organisms.  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            10                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very shelly bottom  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            10                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very shelly bottom  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            10                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very shelly bottom  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            10                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very shelly bottom  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead mussel shells among mud  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead mussel shells among mud  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead mussel shells among mud (sample taken)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead mussel shells among mud (sample taken)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     2                A     3                     0.91            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tertiary specimen just visible in photo "2014-06-19 12.53.17.jpg" but not obvious and could be a piece of junk (e.g. wood in sample).  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     2                B     3                     0.91            2                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     2                C     3                     0.91            2                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     2                D     3                     0.91            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     5                A     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Also Ctena at this depth.  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     5                B     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Also Ctena at this depth.  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     5                C     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     5                D     7                     2.13            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Also Ctena at this depth.  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     9                A     10                    3.05            8                    Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     9                B     10                    3.05            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     9                C     10                    3.05            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     9                D     10                    3.05            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    wood on bottom  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Dead shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine organic mud, leaves, sticks, mixed in with some shells  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine organic mud, leaves, sticks, mixed in with some shells  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine organic mud, leaves, sticks, mixed in with some shells  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine organic mud, leaves, sticks, mixed in with some shells  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very fine organic mud, leaves, sticks  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel bed, sediment, at foot of rock wall  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel bed, sediment, at foot of rock wall  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Green turf alga; Brachidontes                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel bed, sediment, at foot of rock wall  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Herpetopoma snail; Ctena                                                                              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mussel bed, sediment, at foot of rock wall  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment, mussel patches, slope; Think this sponge is Yellow spaghetti sponge  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment, mussel patches, slope  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment, mussel patches, slope  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment, mussel patches, slope  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     9                A     10                    3.05            7                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes; Inverted hershey kiss eggcase                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     9                B     10                    3.05            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     9                C     10                    3.05            7                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     9                D     10                    3.05            7                    Fine branching green alga                 Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            13                   Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            13                   Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            13                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Narrow shelf on rock wall  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Turquoise encrusting sponge               Brachidontes; Brittle star                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Narrow shelf on rock wall  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Orange Cliona                             Orange red felty encrusting sponge                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Narrow shelf on rock wall  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Narrow shelf on rock wall  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment, shell, mussel patches, slope  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Mixed turf algae                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment, shell, mussel patches, slope  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment, shell, mussel patches, slope  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment, shell, mussel patches, slope  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     2                A     3                     0.91            3                    Yellow felty sponge                       Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     2                B     3                     0.91            3                    Bright yellow mesh sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     2                C     3                     0.91            3                    Brown chimney sponge                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     2                D     3                     0.91            3                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    White spaghetti sponge                    nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Grey spire sponge                         Yellow spaghetti sponge                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock; Yellow spaghetti growing on outside of Grey spire  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment on rock  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     9                A     10                    3.05            10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     9                B     10                    3.05            10                   Brachidontes                              Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     9                C     10                    3.05            10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     9                D     10                    3.05            10                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes; Ctena                                                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            3                    Fine branching green alga                 Cerithium                                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            3                    Orange Cliona                             Fine branching green alga; Brachidontes                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Stick  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood   
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood   
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            9                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment; Leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            13                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            17                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and wood and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and wood and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            3                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and wood and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            3                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and wood and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     20               A     19                    5.79            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     20               B     19                    5.79            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     20               C     19                    5.79            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   mnd     20               D     19                    5.79            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment shell leaf and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            4                    Green turf alga                           Brachidontes; Cerithium                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment shell leaf and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment shell leaf and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment shell leaf and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and shell and mussel patches  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment; Leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment; Leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment; Leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment; Leaf  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            28                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment and microbial mat and leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Tan Spirastrella                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and leaf on bare rock  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and leaf on bare rock  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Firm substrate for mussels  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Tan Spirastrella                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            11                   Green turf alga                           Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Submerged tree (with bark)  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Submerged tree (with bark)  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     13               A     12                    3.66            21                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     13               B     12                    3.66            21                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     13               C     12                    3.66            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     13               D     12                    3.66            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment; position not sampled  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           White didemnid ascidian                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wood   
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange Cliona                             Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment and leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment wood leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    Cerithium                                 Fine branching green alga; Brachidontes                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaf.  Also a sample tube of 'OtherScumPresumablyFromCerithium'  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment (no specimen)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            16                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            16                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            16                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            16                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     T28              A     11                    3.35            26                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T26m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     T28              B     11                    3.35            26                   Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T26m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses. Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     T28              C     11                    3.35            26                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T26m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses. Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     T28              D     11                    3.35            26                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T26m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses. Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     T38              A     11                    3.35            36                   Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T36m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses. Organic sediment and some shell.  No tissue for Microsnail.  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     T38              B     11                    3.35            36                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T36m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses. Organic sediment and some shell; fbga is on a stick  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     T38              C     11                    3.35            36                   Fine branching green alga                 Ctena                                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T36m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses. Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     T38              D     11                    3.35            36                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T36m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses. Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            46                   Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            46                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            46                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            46                   Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            52                   Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            52                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            52                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            52                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             69                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             69                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             69                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             69                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            76                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            76                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            76                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            76                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat (white) on organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            83                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            83                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            83                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            83                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Bright yellow mesh sponge                 Dinky orange ascidian; Cream grey Dendrilla; Brachidontes; White Tethya; Nereid tube worm; Orange Cliona  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Orange encrusting sponge; Bright yellow mesh sponge; Cream grey Dendrilla; Nereid tube worm; Dinky orange ascidian; Orange Cliona  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brittle star                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Cream grey Dendrilla; Nereid tube worm; Dinky orange ascidian; Brachidontes  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Brittle star                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    White boring sponge                       Green turf alga                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock; specimens in same tube  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            3                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            3                    Yellow encrusting sponge                  Phoronid; Brachidontes                                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            3                    Brachidontes                              Orange lip gastropod; Nereid tube worm                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            3                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            8                    Microsnail                                Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            8                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom; Stick  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     23               A     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaf and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     23               B     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaf and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     23               C     23                    7.01            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaf and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     23               D     23                    7.01            14                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment and leaf and some shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment with microbial mat  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment with microbial mat  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Purple Dendrilla; Nereid tube worm                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Nereid tube worm                          Cream grey Dendrilla; Dinky orange ascidian; Brachidontes                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Golf ball sponge                          Orange felty encrusting sponge; Cream grey Dendrilla; Dinky orange ascidian; Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Orange felty encrusting sponge; Cream grey Dendrilla; Dinky orange ascidian                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Brittle star                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell and sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              White Tethya; Little yellow fancy sea anemone; Yellow spaghetti sponge; Nereid tube worm              nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock   
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Horizontal to left as looks like disturbance to right of transect  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Yellow felty sponge                       Long armed star; Brachidontes                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom and mussel reefs  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom and mussel reefs  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom and mussel reefs  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shelly bottom and mussel reefs  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very shelly bottom  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Thin layer of fine organic sediment on shelly layer  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             19                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     23               A     22                    6.71            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent organic sediment covering quite shelly layer  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     23               B     22                    6.71            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent organic sediment covering quite shelly layer  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     23               C     22                    6.71            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent organic sediment covering quite shelly layer  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     23               D     22                    6.71            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent organic sediment covering quite shelly layer  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     26               A     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     26               B     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     26               C     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S12   mnd     26               D     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very flocculent organic sediment  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   mnd     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky bottom with thin layer of organic sediment and tunnel nearby  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    White spaghetti sponge                    Orange lobed mound sponge                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky bottom with thin layer of organic sediment and tunnel nearby  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow lavender pimply sponge             Blue yellow Suberites                                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky bottom with thin layer of organic sediment and tunnel nearby; sponges are on wood (pimply) and/or dead shell (Suberites)  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky bottom with thin layer of organic sediment and tunnel nearby  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Orange boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky bottom with thin layer of organic sediment and tunnel nearby  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Mixed turf algae; Brachidontes                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky bottom with thin layer of organic sediment and tunnel nearby; I think the mustard encrusting sponge may be yellow spaghetti (similar colour, same feel)  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Ctena                                     nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky bottom with thin layer of organic sediment and tunnel nearby  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rocky bottom with thin layer of organic sediment and tunnel nearby  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     9                A     9                     2.74            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment on shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     9                B     9                     2.74            9                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment on shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     9                C     9                     2.74            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment on shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     9                D     9                     2.74            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Organic sediment on shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     13               A     13                    3.96            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     13               B     13                    3.96            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     13               C     13                    3.96            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     13               D     13                    3.96            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Microbial mat on flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     16               A     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     16               B     16                    4.88            22                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment with leaf  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     16               C     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     16               D     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     20               A     20                    6.1             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     20               B     20                    6.1             30                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     20               C     20                    6.1             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment  
140630     2014-06-30    S13   mnd     20               D     20                    6.1             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Flocculent organic sediment  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Brittle star; Nereid tube worm; Microsnail                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow spaghetti sponge; Brittle star; Nereid tube worm located on Brachidontesshell; Brachidontes(1A) Yellow spaghetti sponge (1Ai) Brittle star (1Aii) Nereid tube worm (1Aiii) Microsnail (1Aiv); the lower part of the picture with white tubular strangs may be an Anemone, no sample was collected  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm; White translucent sponge                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm; White translucent sponge located on Brachidontes; Brachidontes(1B); Nereid tube worm (1Bi); White translucent sponge (1Bii)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Nereid tube worm                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow spaghetti sponge; Nereid tube worm located on Brachidontes; Brachidontes(1C); Yellow spechetti sponge (1Ci); Nereid tube worm (1Cii)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Fuzzy fluffy white sponge; Yellow spaghetti sponge                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fluffy white sponge; Yellow spaghetti sponge located on Brachidontes; Brachidontes(1D); Fluffy white sponge (1Di); Yellow spaghetti sponge (1Dii)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     5                A     7                     2.13            3                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm on Brachidontes; Brachidontes(2A); Nereid tube worm (2Ai)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     5                B     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     5                C     7                     2.13            3                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm on Brachidontes; Brachidontes(2C); Nereid tube worm (2Ci)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     5                D     7                     2.13            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     9                A     10                    3.05            6                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm; Yellow spaghetti sponge                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm and Yellow spaghetti sponge located on Brachidontes; Brachitontes (3A) Nereid tube worm (3Ai) Yellow spaghetti sponge (3Aii)  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     9                B     10                    3.05            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     9                C     10                    3.05            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     9                D     10                    3.05            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf/Mud/Shell under leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     20               A     20                    6.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell; Layer of white bacteria  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     20               B     20                    6.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell; Layer of white bacteria  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     20               C     20                    6.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell; Layer of white bacteria  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     20               D     20                    6.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell; Layer of white bacteria  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     26               A     26                    7.92            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     26               B     26                    7.92            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     26               C     26                    7.92            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S01   SWK     26               D     26                    7.92            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm located on Brachidontesshell; Brachidontes(1A) Nereid tube worm (1Ai)  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on Brachidontesshell; Brachidontes(1B) Cream grey Dendrilla (1Bi)  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla; Nereid tube worm                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm located on Brachidontesshell; Brachidontes(1C) Cream grey Dendrilla (1Ci) Nereid tube worm (1Cii)  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Candy cane worm                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure; long worm like strands may be from a Candy cane worm, they were sticking out of Mud, when I tried to grab them the dispersed into the water.  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     5                A     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     5                B     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     5                C     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     5                D     7                     2.13            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     9                A     10                    3.05            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga found on broken Brachidontesshell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     9                B     10                    3.05            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     9                C     10                    3.05            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     9                D     10                    3.05            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm tube disintegrated upon trying to transfer tube to collection cup.  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            11                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Leaf/Mud/Shell; Brachidontesunder leaf  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     20               A     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud with thin layer of bacteria over it  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     20               B     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud with thin layer of bacteria over it  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     20               C     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud with thin layer of bacteria over it  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     20               D     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud with thin layer of bacteria over it  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140619     2014-06-19    S02   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Candy cane worm                                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unsure; long worm like strands may be from a Candy cane worm, they were sticking out of Mud, when I tried to grab them the dispersed into the water.  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (2A) Brachidontes(2Ai)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow spaghetti sponge (2C) Nereid tube worm (2Ci)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Fine branching green alga                 Mixed turf algae                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3D); Brachidontes(3Di)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4A); Nereid tube worm (4Ai)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4B); Nereid tube worm (4Bi)  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm mud was collected in came tube as Fine branching green alga.  No worm.  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            11                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            15                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga locatated under dead leaf  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     20               A     19                    5.79            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     20               B     19                    5.79            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     20               C     19                    5.79            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S03   SWK     20               D     19                    5.79            27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; White tubular sponge                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow spaghetti sponge White tubular sponge and located on the Brachidontes; Brachidontes(1A); Yellow spaghetti sponge (1Ai); White tubular sponge (1Aii)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Purple Dendrilla; Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple Dendrilla and Cream grey Dendrilla located on the Brachidontes; Brachidontes(1B); Purple Dendrilla (1Bi); Cream grey Dendrilla (1Bii)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes; Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla located on Brachidontesshell; Nereid tube worm (1C); Brachidontes(1Ci) Cream grey Dendrilla (1Cii)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Orange red encrusting sponge              Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Orange red encrusting sponge  (1D); Brachidontes(1Di)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm; Grey scaleworm                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(2A); Nereid tube worm (2Ai) Grey scaleworm (2Aii);   
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(2C); Yellow spaghetti sponge (2Ci)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; tree root  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            3                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            3                    Brachidontes                              Turban snail                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidonte (3C); Turban snail (3Ci)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm was no longer in cup when I was transfering samples.  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4C); Microsnail (4Ci)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(4D); Nereid tube worm (4Di)  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/ Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/ Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/ Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/ Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     20               A     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves/Shell/thin layer of white bacteria  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     20               B     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves/Shell/thin layer of white bacteria  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     20               C     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves/Shell/thin layer of white bacteria  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     20               D     20                    6.1             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves/Shell/thin layer of white bacteria  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S04   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Black branching finger sponge             nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Orange lobed mound sponge                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            10                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            10                   Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm was the shell remains of a Brachidontes  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     20               A     19                    5.79            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     20               B     19                    5.79            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     20               C     19                    5.79            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140620     2014-06-20    S05   SWK     20               D     19                    5.79            26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    White tube alga                           Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    White tube alga (1B); Brachidontes(1Bi)  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green turf alga located on a piece of wood  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3D); Brachidontes(3Di)  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Four Microsnails collected from leaf. All collected in same tube  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            12                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     20               A     20                    6.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     20               B     20                    6.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     20               C     20                    6.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     20               D     20                    6.1             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves, Had a small branch with berries from a tree. Did not collect  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     23               A     22                    6.71            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     23               B     22                    6.71            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     23               C     22                    6.71            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S06   SWK     23               D     22                    6.71            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (1A); Brachidontes(1Ai)  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes; Nereid tube worm                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (1D); Brachidontes(1Di); Nereid tube worm (1Dii)  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2B); Brachidontes(2Bi)  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2A); Brachidontes(2Ai)  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            10                   Nereid tube worm                          Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Nereid tube worm located on broken Brachidontesshell; Nereid tube worm (3B); Brachidontes(3Bi)  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            16                   Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green stain was located on a piece of wood. The Green alga was not like the Green turf alga, it was encrusting in the wood causing the wood to appear green.   
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     20               A     18                    5.49            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     20               B     18                    5.49            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     20               C     18                    5.49            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S07   SWK     20               D     18                    5.49            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (1B); Nereid tube worm (1Bi)  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga; Nereid tube worm                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(1D); Fine branching green alga (1Di); Nereid tube worm (1Dii)  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140621     2014-06-21    S08   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(2A); Fine branching green alga (2Ai)  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(2B); Yellow spaghetti sponge (2Bi)  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Green turf alga                           Yellow spaghetti sponge                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on a branch; Green turf alga (2C); Yellow spaghetti sponge (2Ci)  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S09   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Sticks  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            11                   Cerithium                                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            11                   Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2B); Brachidontes(2Bi)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            11                   Brachidontes                              Fine red alga; Nereid tube worm                                                                       nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(2C); Fine red alga (2Ci); Nereid tube worm (2Cii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T18              A     8                     2.44            18                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No equivalent horizontal sample from MND and LMS.  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T18              B     8                     2.44            18                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No equivalent horizontal sample from MND and LMS.  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T18              C     8                     2.44            18                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No equivalent horizontal sample from MND and LMS.  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T18              D     8                     2.44            18                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No equivalent horizontal sample from MND and LMS.  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T28              A     9                     2.74            28                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T30m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T28              B     9                     2.74            28                   Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T30m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Fine branching green alga (28B); Nereid tube worm (28Bi)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T28              C     9                     2.74            28                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T30m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T28              D     9                     2.74            28                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T30m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T38              A     9                     2.74            38                   Fine branching green alga                 Brittle star                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T40m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Fine branching green alga (38A); Brittle star (38Ai)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T38              B     9                     2.74            38                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T40m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T38              C     9                     2.74            38                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T40m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     T38              D     9                     2.74            38                   Fine branching green alga                 Brittle star                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Tube and Target depth column orginally labeled with T40m, but adjusted to be ~mid-point between MND, LMS, and SWK transect lengths for consistency in analyses.  Fine branching green alga (38D); Brittle star (38Di)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            48                   Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga; Nereid tube worm                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(3A); Fine branching green alga (3Ai); Nereid tube worm (3Aii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            48                   Brachidontes                              Fine branching green alga                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(3B); Fine branching green alga (3Bi)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            48                   Brachidontes                              Fine red alga; Fine branching green alga; Nereid tube worm                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(3C) Fine red alga (3Ci); Fine branching green alga (3Cii); Nereid tube worm (3Ciii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            48                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            56                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            56                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            56                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            56                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            60                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            60                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            60                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            60                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     20               A     20                    6.1             73                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S10  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     20               B     20                    6.1             73                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S11  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     20               C     20                    6.1             73                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S12  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     20               D     20                    6.1             73                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S13  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            81                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S14  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            81                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S15  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            81                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S16  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            81                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S17  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     26               A     26                    7.92            86                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S10  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     26               B     26                    7.92            86                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S11  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     26               C     26                    7.92            86                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S12  
140630     2014-06-30    S10   SWK     26               D     26                    7.92            86                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves; The start of the transect line was placed in the approximate location of the 60m transect marker of S13  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Nereid tube worm                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(1A); Yellow spaghetti sponge (1Ai); Nereid tube worm (1Aii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Nereid tube worm                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(1B); Yellow spaghetti sponge (1Bi); Nereid tube worm (1Bii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Nereid tube worm                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(1D); Yellow spaghetti sponge (1Di); Nereid tube worm (1Dii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Cream grey Dendrilla                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes(2C); Yellow spaghetti sponge (2Ci); Cream grey Dendrilla (2Cii)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidonte (2D); Nereid tube worm (2Di)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              Nereid tube worm                                                                                      nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell; Brachidontes(3B); Nereid tube worm (3Bi)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            8                    Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            8                    Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            8                    Fast red polychaete                       Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fast red polychaete (5D), Microsnail (5Di)  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     20               A     19                    5.79            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Shell  
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     20               B     19                    5.79            11                   Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     20               C     19                    5.79            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     20               D     19                    5.79            11                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            16                   Microsnail                                nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     26               A     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     26               B     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     26               C     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140630     2014-06-30    S11   SWK     26               D     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            0                    Brachidontes                              Cream grey Dendrilla                                                                                  nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (1A); Cream grey Dendrilla (1Ai)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            0                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow spaghetti sponge (1B); Brachidontes (1Bi)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            0                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes; Orange felty sponge                                                   nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1C); Nereid tube worm (1Ci); Brachidontes (1Cii); Orange felty sponge (1Ciii)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            0                    Cream grey Dendrilla                      Yellow spaghetti sponge; Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cream grey Dendrilla (1D); Yellow spaghetti sponge (1Di); Nereid tube worm (1Dii); Brachidontes (1Diii)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Fine branching green alga                 Yellow spaghetti sponge                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2C); Yellow spaghetti sponge (2Ci)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Yellow spaghetti sponge                   Fine branching green alga                                                                             nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Yellow spaghetti sponge (2D); Fine branching green alga (2Di)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            4                    Fine branching green alga                 Yellow spaghetti sponge; Brachidontes                                                                 nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3A); Yellow spaghetti sponge (3Ai); Brachidontes (3Aii)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3B); Yellow spaghetti sponge (3Bi)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            4                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            4                    Brachidontes                              Yellow spaghetti sponge; Fine branching green alga                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brachidontes (3D); Yellow spaghetti sponge (3Di); Fine branching green alga (3Dii)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Tiny shrimp                                                                                           nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4A); Tiny shrimp (4Ai)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail; Tiny shrimp                                                                               nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (4B); Microsnail (4Bi); Tiny shrimp (4Bii)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Microsnail                                                                                            nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (5A); Microsnail (5Ai)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            9                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (5D); Brachidontes (5Di)  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     20               A     20                    6.1             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     20               B     20                    6.1             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     20               C     20                    6.1             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     20               D     20                    6.1             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     23               A     23                    7.01            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     23               B     23                    7.01            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     23               C     23                    7.01            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S12   SWK     23               D     23                    7.01            28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     2                A     2                     0.61            3                    Mixed turf algae                          Orange Cliona                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mixed turf algae (1A); Orange Cliona (1Ai)  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     2                B     2                     0.61            3                    Mixed turf algae                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     2                C     2                     0.61            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     2                D     2                     0.61            3                    Fine branching green alga                 Orange Cliona                                                                                         nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (1D); Orange Cliona (1Di)  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    Fine branching green alga                 Brachidontes                                                                                          nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (2D); Brachidontes (2Di)  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            10                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            10                   Fine branching green alga                 Nereid tube worm; Brachidontes                                                                        nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Fine branching green alga (3B); Nereid tube worm (3Bi); Brachidontes (3Bii)  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud    
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            10                   Fine branching green alga                 nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            15                   Brachidontes                              nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            15                   Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Shell  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            15                   Nereid tube worm                          nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     16               A     16                    4.88            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     16               B     16                    4.88            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     16               C     16                    4.88            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     16               D     16                    4.88            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     20               A     20                    6.1             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     20               B     20                    6.1             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
140704     2014-07-04    S13   SWK     20               C     20                    6.1             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    nd                                        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mud/Leaves  
Lake_id  lake_name                          lat       lon        
ULN      Ngchas_Lake_Ngeruktabl             7.2532    134.3447   
Date_orig  Date_ISO      Site  Person  depth_target_ft  Cell  depth_actual_meas_ft  depth_actual_m  Transect_distance_m  Main_org_DNA                              Other_orgs_DNA_ring                                                                                   Substrate                                 Primary_tube          Tube_i                Tube_ii               Tube_iii              Tube_iv               Tube_v                Tube_vi               Tube_vii              Notes  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    Orange encrusting sponge                  Grey purple yellow spiculous firm sponge                                                              rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-0.3m-A     ULN-01-HFS-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Rosy pink felty canaled sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    orange inside  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Rosy pink felty canaled sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    orange inside  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Rosy pink felty canaled sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    orange inside  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     9                A     10                    3.05            7                    Ribbon red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     9                B     10                    3.05            7                    Blue crunchy tendril sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     9                C     10                    3.05            7                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     9                D     10                    3.05            7                    Orange massive Haliclona                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    Beige spiculous encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sample lost  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Orange tan skin coarse felty sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            11                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            11                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            11                   Orange delicate conulose sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-01-HFS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy mud layer                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy mud layer                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             14                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy mud layer                 ULN-01-HFS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             14                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            Yellow fiber sponge                                                                                   rock with sandy mud layer                 ULN-01-HFS-6.4m-D     ULN-01-HFS-6.4m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand with rock                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            17                   Purple bush sponge                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand with rock                      ULN-01-HFS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            17                   Purple bush sponge                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand with rock                      ULN-01-HFS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand with rock                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     29               A     29                    8.84            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand over large rock rubble         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     29               B     29                    8.84            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand over large rock rubble         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     29               C     29                    8.84            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand over large rock rubble         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   HFS     29               D     29                    8.84            23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand over large rock rubble         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             3                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple blue ring  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             3                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple blue ring  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             3                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             3                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    Brown coralline alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    Ribbon red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    Ribbon red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            12                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered large round oysters (?) at this depth only  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            12                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered large round oysters (?) at this depth only  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            12                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered large round oysters (?) at this depth only  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            12                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-03-HFS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    scattered large round oysters (?) at this depth only  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            16                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  Olive stalk sponge                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-03-HFS-4.0m-A     ULN-03-HFS-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            16                   Orange encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-03-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            22                   Brown coralline alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                ULN-03-HFS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            22                   Orange encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                ULN-03-HFS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             28                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                ULN-03-HFS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             28                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                ULN-03-HFS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            33                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                ULN-03-HFS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     29               A     29                    8.84            43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     29               B     29                    8.84            43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sepulid tubes on shell; no worm present  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     29               C     29                    8.84            43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   HFS     29               D     29                    8.84            43                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    1 m drop from water level to flat - high tide and in notch  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain; check tomorrow; tan & soft pink with translucent chimneys; re-named as white tiny tube sponge once saw the base of the tiny tube sponge the next day  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    tendril, like in NLN  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Black billowy encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     9                A     10                    3.05            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     9                B     10                    3.05            7                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  Brown crumbly ball sponge                                                                             rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-2.7m-B     ULN-05-HFS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown crumbly ball sponge same as photo MND_161  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     9                C     10                    3.05            7                    Sabellid                                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    small tube; collabsable; unsure if worm inside  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     9                D     10                    3.05            7                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand with shell layer           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand with shell layer           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand with shell layer           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand with shell layer           ULN-05-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    low visibility layer end ca. 14 ft  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            12                   Red tendril sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-05-HFS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     25               A     26                    7.92            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    low visibility, < 5 m  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     25               B     26                    7.92            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    low visibility, < 5 m  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     25               C     26                    7.92            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    low visibility, < 5 m  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   HFS     29               D     26                    7.92            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no appreciable drop past end of the spool, so did not do last target depth  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Brown tan mottled inflated felty sponge   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Brown tan mottled inflated felty sponge   nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Yellow crepe sponge                       Maroon slick encrusting sponge                                                                        rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-1.5m-A     ULN-07-HFS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Bright orange spiculous spire sponge      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     9                A     8                     2.44            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     9                B     8                     2.44            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  Beige spiculous encrusting sponge                                                                     rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-2.7m-B     ULN-07-HFS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID of secondary uncertain  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     9                C     8                     2.44            6                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     9                D     8                     2.44            6                    Orange red soft fuzzy sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  Brown red coralline alga                                                                              rock                                      ULN-07-HFS-4.0m-C     ULN-07-HFS-4.0m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Turquoise tendril was broken and half of it bleached  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            13                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                ULN-07-HFS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            13                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                ULN-07-HFS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes; no worms inside  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silty sand layer                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             16                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            Blue yellow meaty sponge                                                                              shell with silty sand                     ULN-07-HFS-6.4m-A     ULN-07-HFS-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Blue yellow meaty sponge looks similar to mustard encrusting, but very dense  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             16                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    shell with silty sand                     ULN-07-HFS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             16                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    shell with silty sand                     ULN-07-HFS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with silty sand                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    small Sabellid tube; collabsable; no worm inside  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with silty sand                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with silty sand                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with silty sand                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shell with silty sand                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes; no worms inside  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     29               A     29                    8.84            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     29               B     29                    8.84            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     29               C     29                    8.84            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   HFS     29               D     29                    8.84            31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             2                    Black billowy encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             2                    Black billowy encrusting sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain; barcode  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             2                    Black thin felty encrusting sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          Orange encrusting sponge                                                                              rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-1.5m-A     ULN-09-HFS-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and white  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          Orange encrusting sponge                                                                              rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-1.5m-B     ULN-09-HFS-1.5m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and white  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Ribbon red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    over orange encrusting sponge? Not sampled  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Red turf alga                             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Balloon animal green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    wood                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red and yellow  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple and white  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red and yellow  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Red and yellow  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            15                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            15                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            15                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-09-HFS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple and white  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             18                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-09-HFS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             18                   Fine thread green alga                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-09-HFS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             18                   Orange encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-09-HFS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     25               A     24                    7.32            29                   Orange encrusting sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with muddy sand layer                ULN-09-HFS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     25               B     24                    7.32            29                   Brown coralline alga                      Purple aperture gastropod                                                                             rock with muddy sand layer                ULN-09-HFS-7.6m-B     ULN-09-HFS-7.6m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     25               C     24                    7.32            29                   Brown coralline alga                      Yellow encrusting sponge                                                                              rock with muddy sand layer                ULN-09-HFS-7.6m-C     ULN-09-HFS-7.6m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     25               D     24                    7.32            29                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with muddy sand layer                ULN-09-HFS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     29               A     29                    8.84            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     29               B     29                    8.84            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     29               C     29                    8.84            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   HFS     29               D     29                    8.84            40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    muddy sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     1                A     3                     0.91            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble and shell                ULN-11-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     1                B     3                     0.91            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble and shell                ULN-11-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     1                C     3                     0.91            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble and shell                ULN-11-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     1                D     3                     0.91            1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble and shell                ULN-11-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-HFS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble                                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Beige spiculous encrusting sponge         Orange encrusting sponge                                                                              rubble                                    ULN-11-HFS-1.5m-C     ULN-11-HFS-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Bright orange spiculous spire sponge      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-HFS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     9                A     8                     2.44            4                    Brown coralline alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     9                B     8                     2.44            4                    Orange delicate conulose sponge           Brown coralline alga                                                                                  rock                                      ULN-11-HFS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Possibly the Orange delicate conulose sponge; Brown coralline alga not sampled  
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     9                C     8                     2.44            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-HFS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     9                D     8                     2.44            4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-HFS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     13               A     14                    4.27            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    large shell with mud and leaf litter layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     13               B     14                    4.27            7                    Brown stain                               nd                                                                                                    large shell with mud and leaf litter layer  ULN-11-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     13               C     14                    4.27            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    large shell with mud and leaf litter layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     13               D     14                    4.27            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    large shell with mud and leaf litter layer  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood and leaf litter   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood and leaf litter   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood and leaf litter   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes; no worms inside  
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell and wood and leaf litter   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud with sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    White crevice solitary ascidian           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    hanging from top of notch; 1 m was still ~3 inches from benthos  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Boring bivalve                            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    not collected; too deep in rock  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Orange red soft boring cover sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Boring bivalve                            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    not collected; too deep in rock  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     13               A     12                    3.66            10                   Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     13               B     12                    3.66            10                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green flourescent sparkle  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     13               C     12                    3.66            10                   Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     13               D     12                    3.66            10                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     17               A     17                    5.18            13                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     17               B     17                    5.18            13                   Orange paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     17               C     17                    5.18            13                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-13-HFS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     17               D     17                    5.18            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes; no worms inside  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     21               A     21                    6.4             18                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 Pink stain                                                                                            rocky sand                                ULN-13-HFS-6.4m-A     ULN-13-HFS-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    copepods and ctetognaths at 18 ft  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     21               B     21                    6.4             18                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rocky sand                                ULN-13-HFS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     21               C     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rocky sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     21               D     21                    6.4             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rocky sand                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     25               A     25                    7.62            22                   Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               ULN-13-HFS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    worm present  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     25               B     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     25               C     25                    7.62            22                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               ULN-13-HFS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes; no worms inside  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     25               D     25                    7.62            22                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    shelly sand                               ULN-13-HFS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Serpulid tubes; no worms inside  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     29               A     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     29               B     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     29               C     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   HFS     29               D     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with leaf litter               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             2                    Blue yellow meaty sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    just a layer on the rock, not in the rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             2                    Blue yellow meaty sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    skin like, teal looking patch  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             2                    Blue yellow meaty sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    just a layer on the rock, not in the rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaf                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    red cyanobacteria  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and shell and rock rubble            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    red cyanobacteria  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and shell and rock rubble            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    red cyanobacteria  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and shell and rock rubble            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    red cyanobacteria  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            12                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            12                   Blue crunchy tendril sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            12                   Blue crunchy tendril sponge               Green turf alga                                                                                       rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-2.7m-C     ULN-02-LMS-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            12                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            17                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No tissue collected  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            17                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            24                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rocky rubble                    ULN-02-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rocky rubble                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rocky rubble                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            24                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    sand with rocky rubble                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No tissue collected  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             30                   Orange tendril encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-02-LMS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rocky rubble and shell          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rocky rubble and shell          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rocky rubble and shell          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with rocky rubble and shell          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     29               A     29                    8.84            48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     29               B     29                    8.84            48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     29               C     29                    8.84            48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   LMS     29               D     29                    8.84            48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-04-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-04-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-04-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-04-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-04-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Brown grey encrusting sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-04-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Red veiny thin encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-04-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Red veiny thin encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-04-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    White crevice solitary ascidian           nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-04-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Red encrusting coralline alga             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-04-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Red veiny thin encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-04-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-04-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             rock with silt layer                      ULN-04-LMS-4.0m-B     ULN-04-LMS-4.0m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-04-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Orange cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-04-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with rocky rubble                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with rocky rubble                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with rocky rubble                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     ULN-04-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            21                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     ULN-04-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     29               A     29                    8.84            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     29               B     29                    8.84            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     29               C     29                    8.84            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   LMS     29               D     29                    8.84            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Balloon animal green alga                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Blue crunchy tendril sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown and green zoanthid  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            9                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            9                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            9                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            13                   Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            21                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    with Cyanobacteria  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            21                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            21                   Blue crunchy tendril sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            21                   Ribbon red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             26                   Straight filament green alga              nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             26                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             26                   Zoanthus mantoni                          Blue crunchy tendril sponge                                                                           rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-6.4m-C     ULN-06-LMS-6.4m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    barcode Blue crunchy tendril sponge; Green and orange zoanthid  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             26                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            30                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-06-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     29               A     29                    8.84            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     29               B     29                    8.84            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     29               C     29                    8.84            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   LMS     29               D     29                    8.84            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain.  See picture.  Looks like a white sponge tube with a pom pom on end.  Reproductive structure?  
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    White barred siphon dinky ascidian        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     9                A     10                    3.05            7                    White crevice solitary ascidian           nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     9                B     10                    3.05            7                    Black and white banded long worm          Golf ball sponge                                                                                      rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-2.7m-B     ULN-08-LMS-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Only feeding structures visible so collected those which were long black and white bands  
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     9                C     10                    3.05            7                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     9                D     10                    3.05            7                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-08-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   Stinky red sparkly sponge on log          nd                                                                                                    wood                                      ULN-08-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and leave litter           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and leave litter           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    no worm in calcareous tube  
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   Grey soft mesh sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with sand and leave litter           ULN-08-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     29               A     29                    8.84            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     29               B     29                    8.84            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     29               C     29                    8.84            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   LMS     29               D     29                    8.84            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaf litter                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     1                A     1                     0.3             2                    Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian          nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     1                B     1                     0.3             2                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     1                C     1                     0.3             2                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     1                D     1                     0.3             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Dark red thin soft encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Looked kind of green black under water, but more red in the photo.  It was hard to see. Barcode  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    Yellow translucent branching sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock with silty layer                     ULN-10-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Looks like Yellow spaghetti squash sponge in Loris database  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            13                   Green stain                               nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rocky rubble          ULN-10-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rocky rubble          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rocky rubble          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rocky rubble          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     17               A     17                    5.18            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rocky rubble          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     17               B     17                    5.18            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rocky rubble          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     17               C     17                    5.18            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rocky rubble          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     17               D     17                    5.18            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rocky rubble          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell and silt                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell and silt                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             32                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    sand and shell and silt                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No tissue collected  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             32                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    sand and shell and silt                   ULN-10-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            42                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and silt                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            42                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and silt                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            42                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and silt                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            42                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and silt                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     29               A     29                    8.84            56                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     29               B     29                    8.84            56                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     29               C     29                    8.84            56                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   LMS     29               D     29                    8.84            56                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    Brown grey encrusting sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-12-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    White lacey Clathrina                     nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Lost sample  
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Boring bivalve                            Rust thin felty encrusting sponge                                                                     rock                                      nd                    ULN-12-LMS-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    Brown grey encrusting sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-12-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID uncertain.  See picture.  Looks like a white pom pom like ULN-08-LMS-1.5m-A.  Reproductive structure?  
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Orange tendril encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-12-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-12-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-12-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-12-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            10                   Black and white banded long worm          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Could not collect the worm in photo, but collected one just outside circle that looked the same  
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            10                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            10                   Grey purple yellow spiculous firm sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    This sponge was just loose, attached to a shell, not the rock  
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            10                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            Ribbon red alga                                                                                       rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-4.0m-D     ULN-12-LMS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     17               A     18                    5.49            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     17               B     18                    5.49            12                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     17               C     18                    5.49            12                   Boring bivalve                            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    could not collect animal, too deep  
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     17               D     18                    5.49            12                   Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-12-LMS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rocky rubble                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and leaf litter under sediment       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and leaf litter under sediment       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and leaf litter under sediment       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and leaf litter under sediment       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     29               A     29                    8.84            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     29               B     29                    8.84            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     29               C     29                    8.84            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   LMS     29               D     29                    8.84            34                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    There was a hole, but I did not collect any animal after trying to dig deep into the sediment  
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     1                A     3                     0.91            1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-LMS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     1                B     3                     0.91            1                    Army green thin encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-LMS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     1                C     3                     0.91            1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-LMS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     1                D     3                     0.91            1                    Red white translucent oscule sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-LMS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     5                A     6                     1.83            3                    Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     5                B     6                     1.83            3                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     5                C     6                     1.83            3                    Mottled tan inflated collagenous sponge   nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    this sponge was just siting on the sediment, not attached to anything  
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     5                D     6                     1.83            3                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple and white zoanthid  
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple and white zoanthid  
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Purple and white zoanthid  
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Ribbon red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Spirorbid tube present, but no worm inside  
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     17               A     18                    5.49            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     17               B     18                    5.49            11                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     17               C     18                    5.49            11                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     17               D     18                    5.49            11                   Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     21               A     21                    6.4             14                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     21               B     21                    6.4             14                   Dark red thin soft encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     21               C     21                    6.4             14                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     21               D     21                    6.4             14                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-14-LMS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     25               A     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rock and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     25               B     25                    7.62            19                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    silt and rock and shell                   ULN-14-LMS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     25               C     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and rock and shell                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     25               D     25                    7.62            19                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    silt and rock and shell                   ULN-14-LMS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     29               A     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     29               B     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   LMS     29               C     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.4             3                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.4             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.4             3                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.4             3                    Black boring sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.7             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.7             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.7             5                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.7             5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     13               A     nd                    3.8             7                    Blue yellow meaty sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     13               B     nd                    3.8             7                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     13               C     nd                    3.8             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     13               D     nd                    3.8             7                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     17               A     nd                    5               9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     17               B     nd                    5               9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    brown tube  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     17               C     nd                    5               9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     17               D     nd                    5               9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.6             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.6             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.6             12                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-01-MAF-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.6             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.6             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.6             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.6             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.6             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     29               A     nd                    8.9             27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     29               B     nd                    8.9             27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     29               C     nd                    8.9             27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MAF     29               D     nd                    8.9             27                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.5             1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-03-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.5             1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-03-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.5             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-03-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.5             1                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-03-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             4                    Fine branching red alga                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-03-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             4                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-03-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.8             9                    Zoanthus mantoni                          Fine branching red alga                                                                               rock with organic layer                   ULN-03-MAF-2.7m-A     ULN-03-MAF-2.7m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.8             9                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-03-MAF-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.8             9                    Boring bivalve                            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    not able to sample  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.1             14                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                ULN-03-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.1             14                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.1             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.1             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.1             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.1             17                   Green turf alga                           nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                ULN-03-MAF-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.5             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.5             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.5             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.5             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     29               A     nd                    9.1             38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     29               B     nd                    9.1             38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     29               C     nd                    9.1             38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MAF     29               D     nd                    9.1             38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-05-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-05-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-05-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-05-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.4             4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-05-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.4             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.4             4                    Orange brown skin encrusting sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-05-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy siilt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy siilt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.9             7                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         Orange Haliclona                                                                                      rock with sandy siilt layer               ULN-05-MAF-2.7m-C     ULN-05-MAF-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.9             7                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy siilt layer               ULN-05-MAF-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.2             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand y silt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.2             10                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand y silt layer               ULN-05-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.2             10                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand y silt layer               ULN-05-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.2             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand y silt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.3             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand y silt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.3             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand y silt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.3             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand y silt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.3             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand y silt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.5             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.8             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.8             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.8             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.8             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     29               A     nd                    8.4             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     29               B     nd                    8.4             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     29               C     nd                    8.4             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MAF     29               D     nd                    8.4             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.6             1                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-07-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.6             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-07-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Tiny vase sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-07-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.3             3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-07-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.5             5                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-07-MAF-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.5             5                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-07-MAF-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.5             5                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-07-MAF-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     13               A     nd                    4.1             8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             ULN-07-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     13               B     nd                    4.1             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     13               C     nd                    4.1             8                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             ULN-07-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     13               D     nd                    4.1             8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    sample missing  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.1             10                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             ULN-07-MAF-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.1             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with organic layer             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.3             13                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                ULN-07-MAF-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.3             13                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                ULN-07-MAF-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.3             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.3             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.7             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.7             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.7             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.7             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     29               A     nd                    9               25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     29               B     nd                    9               25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     29               C     nd                    9               25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MAF     29               D     nd                    9               25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.3             3                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                ULN-09-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.3             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.6             7                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-09-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.6             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.6             7                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-09-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.6             7                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-09-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.5             10                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-09-MAF-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.5             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     13               A     nd                    3.9             13                   Purple bush sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rocik with sandy silt layer               ULN-09-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     13               B     nd                    3.9             13                   Purple bush sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rocik with sandy silt layer               ULN-09-MAF-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     13               C     nd                    3.9             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rocik with sandy silt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     13               D     nd                    3.9             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rocik with sandy silt layer               nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.2             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.2             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.2             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.2             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.3             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.3             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.3             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.3             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.6             33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.6             33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.6             33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.6             33                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     29               A     nd                    8.8             40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     29               B     nd                    8.8             40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     29               C     nd                    8.8             40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MAF     29               D     nd                    8.8             40                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.8             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.8             1                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-11-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.8             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.8             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-11-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.5             3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-11-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria   
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.5             3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-11-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.5             3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-11-MAF-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.7             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria  
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.7             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.7             5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-11-MAF-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.7             5                    Orange fragile encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-11-MAF-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     13               A     nd                    3.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     13               B     nd                    3.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     13               C     nd                    3.9             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    empty tube  
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     13               D     nd                    3.9             7                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-11-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.3             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.3             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.3             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.3             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.6             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     1                A     nd                    0.8             1                    Brown encrusting sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     1                B     nd                    0.8             1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     1                C     nd                    0.8             1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     1                D     nd                    0.8             1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     5                A     nd                    1.8             2                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     5                B     nd                    1.8             2                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     5                C     nd                    1.8             2                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     5                D     nd                    1.8             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    iii                   iv                    v                     vi                    vii                   nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     9                A     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     9                B     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     9                C     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     9                D     nd                    2.5             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     13               A     nd                    3.8             5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     13               B     nd                    3.8             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     13               C     nd                    3.8             5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     13               D     nd                    3.8             5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     17               A     nd                    5.3             8                    Pink frosted canaled sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     17               B     nd                    5.3             8                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     17               C     nd                    5.3             8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     17               D     nd                    5.3             8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with organic layer                   ULN-13-MAF-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     21               A     nd                    6.2             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy layer                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     21               B     nd                    6.2             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy layer                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     21               C     nd                    6.2             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy layer                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     21               D     nd                    6.2             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy layer                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     25               A     nd                    7.6             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     25               B     nd                    7.6             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     25               C     nd                    7.6             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     25               D     nd                    7.6             16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     29               A     nd                    9.1             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     29               B     nd                    9.1             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     29               C     nd                    9.1             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MAF     29               D     nd                    9.1             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    Orange Haliclona                          Tumbleweed sponge                                                                                     rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-0.3m-B     ULN-01-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    Orange paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Yellow boring sponge                      nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Covered with whilte layer of sponge?  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Brown velvet encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    BVES is rough to the touch.  
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Orange delicate conulose sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  Orange Haliclona                                                                                      rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-2.7m-B     ULN-01-MND-2.7m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Brown tan soft ball sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Golf ball sponge                          White tiny tube sponge; Tan billowy sponge                                                            rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-2.7m-D     ULN-01-MND-2.7m-Di    ULN-01-MND-2.7m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            7                    Orange delicate conulose sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            7                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            7                    Purple bush sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            7                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     17               A     15                    4.57            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     17               B     15                    4.57            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     17               C     15                    4.57            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     17               D     15                    4.57            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock slope with patches of fine silty sediment  ULN-01-MND-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             12                   Brown paint sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble and thin layer of fine silt mud  ULN-01-MND-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble and thin layer of fine silt mud  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble and thin layer of fine silt mud  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble and thin layer of fine silt mud  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    thick layer of fine silt mud on rock      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    thick layer of fine silt mud on rock      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    thick layer of fine silt mud on rock      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    thick layer of fine silt mud on rock      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     29               A     28                    8.53            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt some rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     29               B     28                    8.53            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt some rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     29               C     28                    8.53            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt some rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S01   MND     29               D     28                    8.53            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt some rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     1                A     1.5                   0.46            2                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-03-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     1                B     1.5                   0.46            2                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-03-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     1                C     1.5                   0.46            2                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-03-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     1                D     1.5                   0.46            2                    Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-03-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    Brown stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-03-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    Brown stain                               nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-03-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    Serrated Caulerpa                         Zoanthus mantoni                                                                                      rock with silt                            ULN-03-MND-1.5m-C     ULN-03-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Rock slope, silt layer  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            11                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-03-MND-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            11                   Serrated Caulerpa                         Zoanthus mantoni                                                                                      rock with silt layer                      ULN-03-MND-2.7m-C     ULN-03-MND-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            11                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-03-MND-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            15                   Red tendril sponge                        Serrated Caulerpa                                                                                     silt                                      ULN-03-MND-4.0m-A     ULN-03-MND-4.0m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Crevice in the rock slope that is full of silt  
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            20                   Orange cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-03-MND-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            20                   Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-03-MND-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             21                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-03-MND-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             21                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     29               A     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     29               B     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     29               C     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S03   MND     29               D     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     1                A     2                     0.61            3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sediment                        ULN-05-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    #51 in LJBLEM dataset  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     1                B     2                     0.61            3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sediment                        ULN-05-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     1                C     2                     0.61            3                    Red veiny thin encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with sediment                        ULN-05-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    #78 in LJBLEM dataset  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     1                D     2                     0.61            3                    Red veiny thin encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with sediment                        ULN-05-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            6                    White spiculous finger sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with silt mud layer and leaf and wood  ULN-05-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            6                    Orange cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt mud layer and leaf and wood  ULN-05-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Or "Mustard encrusting sponge"?  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt mud layer and leaf and wood  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            6                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt mud layer and leaf and wood  ULN-05-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            9                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt mud layer                  ULN-05-MND-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            9                    White lacey Clathrina                     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt mud layer                  ULN-05-MND-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            9                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silt mud layer                  ULN-05-MND-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            9                    Red paint sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt mud layer                  ULN-05-MND-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     13               A     14                    4.27            13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt mud layer on rock                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     13               B     14                    4.27            13                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt mud layer on rock                    ULN-05-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     13               C     14                    4.27            13                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt mud layer on rock                    ULN-05-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     13               D     14                    4.27            13                   Brown grey encrusting sponge              nd                                                                                                    silt mud layer on rock                    ULN-05-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt with some rubble           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt with some rubble           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt with some rubble           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            16                   Serpulid                                  Purple boring sponge                                                                                  very fine silt with some rubble           ULN-05-MND-5.2m-D     ULN-05-MND-5.2m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Or is the Purple boring sponge just internal coloration of the shell?  Seemed like a sample at the lake, as I could scrape off the tiniest film.  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             23                   Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    very fine silt with some rubble           ULN-05-MND-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Same as rusty felty sponge in NLN  
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt with some rubble           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt with some rubble           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             23                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt with some rubble           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     25               A     26                    7.92            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     25               B     26                    7.92            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     25               C     26                    7.92            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S05   MND     25               D     26                    7.92            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    very fine silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    Orange Cliona                             Grey nubbin sponge                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-MND-0.3m-A     ULN-07-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sampled the big ostium at bottom of picture ULN_150621_mnd_093.jpg as could not get the small red oscules in center of photo, so am assuming they are the same thing.  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Very tough to tear  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-07-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sparse silt and some leaf       ULN-07-MND-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sparse silt and some leaf       ULN-07-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sparse silt and some leaf       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sparse silt and some leaf       ULN-07-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sparse silt and some leaf       ULN-07-MND-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Landscape cleared before closeup photo  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Orange Haliclona                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sparse silt and some leaf       ULN-07-MND-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Landscape cleared before closeup photo  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sparse silt and some leaf       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Landscape cleared before closeup photo  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    White tiny tube sponge                    Long spined brittle star; Aggregate tubeworm                                                          rock with sparse silt and some leaf       ULN-07-MND-2.7m-D     ULN-07-MND-2.7m-Di    ULN-07-MND-2.7m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Landscape cleared before closeup photo.  Cannot distinguish ID of tubeworm.  
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with some silt mud                   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with some silt mud                   ULN-07-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with some silt mud                   ULN-07-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Blue yellow meaty sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with some silt mud                   ULN-07-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            12                   Yellow fibrous sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-07-MND-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            12                   Blue yellow meaty sponge                  Microsnail                                                                                            rock with silt layer                      ULN-07-MND-5.2m-B     ULN-07-MND-5.2m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            12                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      ULN-07-MND-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with silt                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with silt                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with silt                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with silt                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     25               A     26                    7.92            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with silt                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     25               B     26                    7.92            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with silt                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     25               C     26                    7.92            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with silt                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     25               D     26                    7.92            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble with silt                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     29               A     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     29               B     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     29               C     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S07   MND     29               D     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     1                A     1.5                   0.46            3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     1                B     1.5                   0.46            3                    Red tendril sponge                        Black thin felty encrusting sponge                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-0.3m-B     ULN-09-MND-0.3m-Bi    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     1                C     1.5                   0.46            3                    Black thin felty encrusting sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     1                D     1.5                   0.46            3                    Fine branching red alga                   Black epiphytic encrusting sponge                                                                     rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-0.3m-D     ULN-09-MND-0.3m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            7                    Zoanthus mantoni                          Yellow boring sponge                                                                                  rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-1.5m-A     ULN-09-MND-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            7                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            7                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            7                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     9                A     8.5                   2.59            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     9                B     8.5                   2.59            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     9                C     8.5                   2.59            9                    Ribbon red alga                           nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     9                D     8.5                   2.59            9                    Balloon animal green alga                 Orange Cliona; Black thin felty encrusting sponge                                                     rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-2.7m-D     ULN-09-MND-2.7m-Di    ULN-09-MND-2.7m-Dii   nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            12                   Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            12                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            12                   Black thin felty encrusting sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            15                   Black brown encrusting sponge             nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            15                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            ULN-09-MND-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Mustard Orange cracked silt encrusting sponge?  
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with silt                            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    fine sand                                 nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse sand with silt                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse sand with silt                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse sand with silt                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse sand with silt                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     29               A     30                    9.14            44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     29               B     30                    9.14            44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     29               C     30                    9.14            44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S09   MND     29               D     30                    9.14            44                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     1                A     2                     0.61            nd                   Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-MND-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     1                B     2                     0.61            nd                   Red paint sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     1                C     2                     0.61            nd                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-MND-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     1                D     2                     0.61            nd                   Red veiny thin encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-11-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     5                A     5                     1.52            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with some fine sediment              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     5                B     5                     1.52            nd                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with some fine sediment              ULN-11-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     5                C     5                     1.52            nd                   Black billowy encrusting sponge           Yellow encrusting boring sponge                                                                       rock with some fine sediment              ULN-11-MND-1.5m-C     ULN-11-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Billowy sponge felt rubbery  
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     5                D     5                     1.52            nd                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with some fine sediment              ULN-11-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     9                A     9                     2.74            nd                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediment and leaf          ULN-11-MND-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     9                B     9                     2.74            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediment and leaf          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     9                C     9                     2.74            nd                   White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediment and leaf          ULN-11-MND-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     9                D     9                     2.74            nd                   Turquoise soft carpet sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediment and leaf          ULN-11-MND-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     13               A     13                    3.96            nd                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediment and leaf          ULN-11-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     13               B     13                    3.96            nd                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediment and leaf          ULN-11-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     13               C     13                    3.96            nd                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediment and leaf          ULN-11-MND-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     13               D     13                    3.96            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with fine sediment and leaf          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            At foot of rock slope wall.  nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    mud                                       nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt mud coarse sand rubble mix           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt mud coarse sand rubble mix           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt mud coarse sand rubble mix           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             nd                   White spiculous finger sponge             nd                                                                                                    silt mud coarse sand rubble mix           ULN-11-MND-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     25               A     24                    7.32            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     25               B     24                    7.32            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     25               C     24                    7.32            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S11   MND     25               D     24                    7.32            nd                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and mud                              nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     1                A     2                     0.61            1                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   White barred siphon dinky ascidian                                                                    rock slope                                ULN-13-MND-0.3m-A     ULN-13-MND-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     1                B     2                     0.61            1                    Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock slope                                ULN-13-MND-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     1                C     2                     0.61            1                    Red paint sponge                          Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian                                                                      rock slope                                ULN-13-MND-0.3m-C     ULN-13-MND-0.3m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     1                D     2                     0.61            1                    Orange crispy fuzzy encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock slope                                ULN-13-MND-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     5                A     4                     1.22            2                    Purple slippery mucus sponge              Banded brittle star                                                                                   rock slope with thin layer of fine sediment  ULN-13-MND-1.5m-A     ULN-13-MND-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Lots of clear mucus at surface.  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     5                B     4                     1.22            2                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock slope with thin layer of fine sediment  ULN-13-MND-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     5                C     4                     1.22            2                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            Barbatia                                                                                              rock slope with thin layer of fine sediment  ULN-13-MND-1.5m-C     ULN-13-MND-1.5m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     5                D     4                     1.22            2                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock slope with thin layer of fine sediment  ULN-13-MND-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     9                A     8                     2.44            4                    Turquoise carpet sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble                          ULN-13-MND-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     9                B     8                     2.44            4                    Brown crumbly ball sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble                          ULN-13-MND-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     9                C     8                     2.44            4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble                          nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     9                D     8                     2.44            4                    Yellow fibrous spiculous sponge           nd                                                                                                    rock with rubble                          ULN-13-MND-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     13               A     14                    4.27            7                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock rubble sediment just below rock slope  ULN-13-MND-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     13               B     14                    4.27            7                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock rubble sediment just below rock slope  ULN-13-MND-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     13               C     14                    4.27            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock rubble sediment just below rock slope  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     13               D     14                    4.27            7                    Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock rubble sediment just below rock slope  ULN-13-MND-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     17               A     17                    5.18            11                   Purple encrusting coralline alga          nd                                                                                                    rubble and coarse sand                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    No primary sample  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     17               B     17                    5.18            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble and coarse sand                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     17               C     17                    5.18            11                   Serpulid                                  nd                                                                                                    rubble and coarse sand                    ULN-13-MND-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     17               D     17                    5.18            11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rubble and coarse sand                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     21               A     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse sand and rubble                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     21               B     21                    6.4             15                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    coarse sand and rubble                    ULN-13-MND-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     21               C     21                    6.4             15                   Black thin felty encrusting sponge        nd                                                                                                    coarse sand and rubble                    ULN-13-MND-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Photograph  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     21               D     21                    6.4             15                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    coarse sand and rubble                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     25               A     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with coarse shell fragments and rubble, some leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     25               B     25                    7.62            20                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    sand with coarse shell fragments and rubble, some leaves  ULN-13-MND-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange zoanthid  
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     25               C     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with coarse shell fragments and rubble, some leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     25               D     25                    7.62            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with coarse shell fragments and rubble, some leaves  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     29               A     29                    8.84            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments and rubble      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     29               B     29                    8.84            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments and rubble      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S13   MND     29               C     29                    8.84            25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell fragments and rubble      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             2                    Grey soft mesh sponge                     nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             ULN-02-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.2             5                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             ULN-02-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.2             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.2             5                    Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             ULN-02-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    on leave  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.2             5                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             ULN-02-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             9                    Barbatia                                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand and silt             ULN-02-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             9                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     13               A     nd                    3.8             13                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     13               B     nd                    3.8             13                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     13               C     nd                    3.8             13                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     13               D     nd                    3.8             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.2             18                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.2             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.2             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.2             18                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             25                   Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             25                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-6.4m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             25                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-02-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             31                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-02-MRS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             31                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-02-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     29               A     nd                    9               45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     29               B     nd                    9               45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     29               C     nd                    9               45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   MRS     29               D     nd                    9               45                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Turquoise soft carpet sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.8             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.8             2                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.8             2                    Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.8             2                    Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.6             3                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.6             3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.1             6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.1             6                    Orange paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.1             6                    Orange paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.1             6                    Purple bush sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.2             8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.2             8                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-04-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.2             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.2             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     29               A     nd                    8.9             31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     29               B     nd                    8.9             31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     29               C     nd                    8.9             31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   MRS     29               D     nd                    8.9             31                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.6             1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-06-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.6             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.6             1                    Black and white banded long worm          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-06-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.5             5                    Blue crunchy tendril sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      ULN-06-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.5             5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      ULN-06-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green and orange  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.5             5                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      ULN-06-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Brown and green  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.5             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.6             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.6             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.6             8                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      ULN-06-MRS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.6             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     13               A     nd                    3.9             12                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-06-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     13               B     nd                    3.9             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     13               C     nd                    3.9             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     13               D     nd                    3.9             12                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-06-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.2             18                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-06-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.2             18                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-06-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.2             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.2             18                   Purple bush sponge                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-06-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    it stains the finger in dark purple  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             24                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-06-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             24                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-06-MRS-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             29                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-06-MRS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             29                   Orange beehive coral                      nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-06-MRS-7.6m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             29                   Orange beehive coral                      nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-06-MRS-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     29               A     nd                    8.7             35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     29               B     nd                    8.7             35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     29               C     nd                    8.7             35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   MRS     29               D     nd                    8.7             35                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-08-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-08-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Small branching colonial hydrozoan        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-08-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-08-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             3                    Orange red encrusting Axinellid sponge    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-08-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-08-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             3                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-08-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             3                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-08-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             5                    Dark grey spikey sponge                   nd                                                                                                    leaves and shells covered in sand         ULN-08-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             5                    Purple slippery mucus sponge              nd                                                                                                    leaves and shells covered in sand         ULN-08-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             5                    Purple slippery mucus sponge              nd                                                                                                    leaves and shells covered in sand         ULN-08-MRS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             5                    Blue yellow meaty sponge                  nd                                                                                                    leaves and shells covered in sand         ULN-08-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     13               A     nd                    3.8             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    leaves and shells covered in sand         nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     13               B     nd                    3.8             8                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    leaves and shells covered in sand         ULN-08-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     13               C     nd                    3.8             8                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    leaves and shells covered in sand         ULN-08-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     13               D     nd                    3.8             8                    Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    leaves and shells covered in sand         ULN-08-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.3             12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.3             12                   Grey soft mesh sponge                     nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-08-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.3             12                   Purple aperture gastropod                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-08-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.7             18                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             silt and sand                             ULN-08-MRS-6.4m-A     ULN-08-MRS-6.4m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.7             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.7             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.7             18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.7             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.7             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.7             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.7             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     29               A     nd                    8.7             26                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-08-MRS-8.8m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     29               B     nd                    8.7             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     29               C     nd                    8.7             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   MRS     29               D     nd                    8.7             26                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.3             2                    Orange paint sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-10-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.3             2                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.3             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-10-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.6             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.6             7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.6             7                    Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-10-MRS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.6             7                    Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-10-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     13               A     nd                    4               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     13               B     nd                    4               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     13               C     nd                    4               12                   Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-10-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     13               D     nd                    4               12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.3             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.3             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.3             22                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-10-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.3             22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.3             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.3             29                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-10-MRS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             37                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             37                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             37                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             37                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     29               A     nd                    8.9             52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     29               B     nd                    8.9             52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     29               C     nd                    8.9             52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   MRS     29               D     nd                    8.9             52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.4             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.4             1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.4             1                    Boring bivalve                            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.4             1                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.3             4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.3             4                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.3             4                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.8             7                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.8             7                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.8             7                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.8             7                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.3             9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.3             9                    Red white translucent oscule sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.3             9                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.3             9                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  Maroon slick encrusting sponge                                                                        rock covered in silt                      ULN-12-MRS-4.0m-D     ULN-12-MRS-4.0m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.2             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.2             10                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-12-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.2             10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.2             10                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-12-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.4             13                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt                                      ULN-12-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.6             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.6             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.6             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.6             19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     29               A     nd                    8.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     29               B     nd                    8.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     29               C     nd                    8.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   MRS     29               D     nd                    8.8             29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     1                A     nd                    0.8             1                    Orange red soft boring cover sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-MRS-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     1                B     nd                    0.8             1                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-MRS-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     1                C     nd                    0.8             1                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-MRS-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     1                D     nd                    0.8             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     5                A     nd                    1.4             2                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-MRS-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     5                B     nd                    1.4             2                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-MRS-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     5                C     nd                    1.4             2                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-MRS-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     5                D     nd                    1.4             2                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-MRS-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     9                A     nd                    2.6             5                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      ULN-14-MRS-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     9                B     nd                    2.6             5                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      ULN-14-MRS-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     9                C     nd                    2.6             5                    Stinky red sparkly sponge on log          White tiny tube sponge                                                                                rock covered in sand                      ULN-14-MRS-2.7m-C     ULN-14-MRS-2.7m-Ci    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     9                D     nd                    2.6             5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock covered in sand                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     13               A     nd                    4.3             8                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     13               B     nd                    4.3             8                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     13               C     nd                    4.3             8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     13               D     nd                    4.3             8                    Stinky red sparkly sponge on log          nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     17               A     nd                    5.4             11                   Stinky red sparkly sponge on log          nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     17               B     nd                    5.4             11                   Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     17               C     nd                    5.4             11                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     17               D     nd                    5.4             11                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     21               A     nd                    6.5             13                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     21               B     nd                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     21               C     nd                    6.5             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     21               D     nd                    6.5             13                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     25               A     nd                    7.7             17                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     25               B     nd                    7.7             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     25               C     nd                    7.7             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     25               D     nd                    7.7             17                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    silt and sand                             ULN-14-MRS-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     29               A     nd                    8.7             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     29               B     nd                    8.7             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   MRS     29               C     nd                    8.7             28                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        ULN-02-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        ULN-02-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        ULN-02-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            5                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            5                    Brown coralline alga                      nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        ULN-02-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            10                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        ULN-02-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            10                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and rock fragments        ULN-02-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     13               A     14                    4.27            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     13               B     14                    4.27            18                   Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-02-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     13               C     14                    4.27            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-02-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     13               D     14                    4.27            18                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            24                   Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-02-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            24                   Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-02-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            24                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            24                   Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-02-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green outer with white inner circle  
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             30                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      ULN-02-SWK-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             30                   Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    sand                                      ULN-02-SWK-6.4m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     25               A     26                    7.92            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     25               B     26                    7.92            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     25               C     26                    7.92            36                   Orange red soft fuzzy sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-02-SWK-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     25               D     26                    7.92            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     29               A     29                    8.84            48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     29               B     29                    8.84            48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     29               C     29                    8.84            48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S02   SWK     29               D     29                    8.84            48                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     1                A     2                     0.61            0                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    ID unknown  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     1                B     2                     0.61            0                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     1                C     2                     0.61            0                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     1                D     2                     0.61            0                    Orange Cliona                             nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     5                A     4                     1.22            1                    White tiny tube sponge                    Grey purple yellow spiculous firm sponge                                                              rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-1.5m-A     ULN-04-SWK-1.5m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     5                B     4                     1.22            1                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     5                C     4                     1.22            1                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     5                D     4                     1.22            1                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     9                A     8                     2.44            3                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     9                B     8                     2.44            3                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     9                C     8                     2.44            3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     9                D     8                     2.44            3                    Grey purple yellow spiculous firm sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     13               A     14                    4.27            6                    Orange felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     13               B     14                    4.27            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     13               C     14                    4.27            6                    Orange felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     13               D     14                    4.27            6                    Pink Cliona                               nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-04-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            8                    Grey spikey tree sponge                   nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell and rock fragments  ULN-04-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Was under sediment not attached to anything  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell and rock fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell and rock fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell and rock fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell and rock fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell and rock fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             13                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell and rock fragments  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             13                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell and rock fragments  ULN-04-SWK-6.4m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Pink stain on small rock  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            19                   Grey thin spikey sponge                   nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                ULN-04-SWK-7.6m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment was very find which caused poor visibility  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment was very find which caused poor visibility  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment was very find which caused poor visibility  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment was very find which caused poor visibility  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     29               A     28                    8.53            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment was very find which caused poor visibility  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     29               B     28                    8.53            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment was very find which caused poor visibility  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     29               C     28                    8.53            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment was very find which caused poor visibility  
150622     2015-06-22    S04   SWK     29               D     28                    8.53            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Sediment was very find which caused poor visibility  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-06-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-06-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             0                    Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-06-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             0                    Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-06-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Encrusting on rock  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            8                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            8                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            8                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boring bivalve in rock, tried to get out but was unable to  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            8                    Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boring bivalve in rock, tried to get out but was unable to  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            12                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            12                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            12                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Unknown translucent object in center of photo, were gone when I looked to collect them. Unknown what they were  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            12                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            18                   Serrated Caulerpa                         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            18                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            18                   Encrusting red alga                       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            18                   Brown coralline alga                      nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-06-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Boring bivalve in rock, tried to get out but was unable to  
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             25                   Olive stalk sponge                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           ULN-06-SWK-6.4m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             25                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            30                   Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    sand with shell                           ULN-06-SWK-7.6m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     29               A     29                    8.84            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     29               B     29                    8.84            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     29               C     29                    8.84            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150621     2015-06-21    S06   SWK     29               D     29                    8.84            38                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand, shell fragments, and leaf layer  ULN-08-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Black and white banded long worm          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand, shell fragments, and leaf layer  ULN-08-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Only able to get pieces f worm, not while speciman   
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Brown honey comb sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with sand, shell fragments, and leaf layer  ULN-08-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Was in a hole inside the rock  
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Orange sticky paint sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock with sand, shell fragments, and leaf layer  ULN-08-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     5                A     4                     1.22            3                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     5                B     4                     1.22            3                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     5                C     4                     1.22            3                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     5                D     4                     1.22            3                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            5                    White tiny tube sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            5                    Red white translucent oscule sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            5                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            5                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            8                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            8                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            8                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            8                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-08-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and leaf fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and leaf fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and leaf fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            12                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand with shell and leaf fragments        nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             17                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and shell fragments                  nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            22                   Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    sand and leaves                           ULN-08-SWK-7.6m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            22                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand and leaves                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     29               A     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     29               B     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     29               C     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S08   SWK     29               D     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     1                A     1                     0.3             1                    Thin wiry red alga                        Mustard encrusting sponge                                                                             rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-0.3m-A     ULN-10-SWK-0.3m-Ai    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Wiry alga growing on top of mustard encrusting sponge; mustard encrusting sponge ID unknown  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     1                B     1                     0.3             1                    Grey purple yellow spiculous firm sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     1                C     1                     0.3             1                    Orange red soft fuzzy sponge              nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     1                D     1                     0.3             1                    Black thin felty encrusting sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            4                    Tan billowy sponge                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            4                    Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            4                    Brown tiny stalked disc ascidian          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On edge of leaf at the center of circle  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            4                    Grey spikey tree sponge                   nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            7                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green outer with an orange inner circle; Closed up when the horizontal line was placed down on them  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            7                    Zoanthus mantoni                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Green outer with an orange inner circle  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            7                    Thin wiry red alga                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            7                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     13               A     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     13               B     12                    3.66            10                   Orange felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-10-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     13               C     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     13               D     12                    3.66            10                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            19                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           ULN-10-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On piece of dead Oyster shell  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            19                   Pink encrusting coralline alga            nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           ULN-10-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    On piece of dead Oyster shell  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            19                   Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           ULN-10-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Found on piece of rock under sediment  
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             30                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell fragmentss                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell fragmentss                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell fragmentss                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            36                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell fragmentss                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     29               A     29                    8.84            52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     29               B     29                    8.84            52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     29               C     29                    8.84            52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S10   SWK     29               D     29                    8.84            52                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     1                A     2                     0.61            0                    Black thin felty encrusting sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     1                B     2                     0.61            0                    Golf ball sponge                          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     1                C     2                     0.61            0                    Black thin felty encrusting sponge        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-0.3m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     1                D     2                     0.61            0                    Orange cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-0.3m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            2                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-1.5m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            2                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            2                    Grey purple yellow spiculous firm sponge  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            2                    Orange tendril encrusting sponge          nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-1.5m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     9                A     8                     2.44            4                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     9                B     8                     2.44            4                    Dark red thin soft encrusting sponge      nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     9                C     8                     2.44            4                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-2.7m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     9                D     8                     2.44            4                    Orange felty sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            6                    Brown red coralline alga                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Had to chip piece off with rock  
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            6                    Turquoise tendril sponge                  nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            6                    Yellow cracked silt encrusting sponge     nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-4.0m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            6                    Orange sticky paint sponge                nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-12-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy layer                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy layer                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            8                    Grey and white marbled coralline alga     nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy layer                     ULN-12-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Looked softer than it felt, had to chip a piece of rock off   
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            8                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sandy layer                     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     21               A     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     21               B     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     21               C     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     21               D     21                    6.4             11                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt with shell fragments           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     25               A     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     25               B     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     25               C     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     25               D     25                    7.62            19                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sandy silt                                nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     29               A     29                    8.84            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     29               B     29                    8.84            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     29               C     29                    8.84            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150622     2015-06-22    S12   SWK     29               D     29                    8.84            32                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     1                A     3                     0.91            1                    Yellow crepe sponge                       nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-SWK-0.3m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     1                B     3                     0.91            1                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock                                      ULN-14-SWK-0.3m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     1                C     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf layer            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     1                D     3                     0.91            1                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with shell and leaf layer            nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     5                A     5                     1.52            3                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     5                B     5                     1.52            3                    Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-1.5m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     5                C     5                     1.52            3                    Red white translucent oscule sponge       nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-1.5m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     5                D     5                     1.52            3                    Tan billowy sponge                        Black and white banded long worm                                                                      rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-1.5m-D     ULN-14-SWK-1.5m-Di    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     9                A     9                     2.74            6                    Army green thin encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-2.7m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     9                B     9                     2.74            6                    Rust thin felty encrusting sponge         nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-2.7m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     9                C     9                     2.74            6                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     9                D     9                     2.74            6                    Pink stain                                nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-2.7m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     13               A     13                    3.96            9                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-4.0m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     13               B     13                    3.96            9                    Mustard encrusting sponge                 nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-4.0m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     13               C     13                    3.96            9                    nd                                        nd                                                                                                    sand                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     13               D     13                    3.96            9                    Lavender crispy sponge                    nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-4.0m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     17               A     17                    5.18            12                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-5.2m-A     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     17               B     17                    5.18            12                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-5.2m-B     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     17               C     17                    5.18            12                   Black chimney boring sponge               nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-5.2m-C     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     17               D     17                    5.18            12                   Maroon slick encrusting sponge            nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      ULN-14-SWK-5.2m-D     nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     21               A     22                    6.71            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    Cyanobacteria not collected  
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     21               B     22                    6.71            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     21               C     22                    6.71            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     21               D     22                    6.71            16                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    rock with sand layer                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     25               A     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     25               B     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     25               C     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     25               D     26                    7.92            20                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt with shell                           nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     29               A     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     29               B     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     29               C     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd     
150620     2015-06-20    S14   SWK     29               D     29                    8.84            29                   nd                                        nd                                                                                                    silt                                      nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd                    nd